Prince Rupert Dolly iseww Thursday, April 30, 19!3 bed For Export Trade essed by Visitor iritain's urgent need to export even though it! , depriving her people of much-needed com-' . . . ' i .:u.i i ,i tics was iiL'hfuueu ium iwgnt dv tne new British Commissioner to Canada, Sir Archibald Nye,1 iiddress sponsored by the Women's Canadian'1 MM3wPflS II Im I feB-ryri IWrrrn :ins in an nuuienee export, nmf the figure is about the same for every other item. A further difficulty which fm- th Canadian region A nun, Mr Aieinuuiu re- i trie circumstances nai-the last war which ,t Hrilain In a tight r posit ion. Ho pointed i in shipping alone, the lust tonnace at sea ill tu that of the whole ..t fleet in 1939. It was iiiiielled to sell all its lowen tne war, sir Archibald1 observed, was the need for rearmament aRainst the Commu-nist threat. He said that today ; Britain has b80.300 men under; arms in all parts of the world and 'remarked that the British armored force in Europe is greater than that of nny other1 country, Including the U.S. Recalling that Britons were accused recently of being un Ml U MMmL & k llive.suiiriiwi tu tiiu ex it four and a naif billion Kir race, me high commis kI by hook or by crook ip inir exports whatever J lii-iiilies," the speaker I the post-war-problems. (1 in try to re-house our In re-train our men, to iji i our lactones, to pro- 22 YOU'LL FIND A TRIP DOWN THE AISLE AT SHEARDOWN'S SUPER-VALIJ BOTH PLEASING AND PROFITABLE i l uods. to recapture the. which we had lost and, ile. to develop new mar- At least 85 per cent of primarily to these conns that the whole of nomy has been directed, r to achieve these ob-wc had to deny our own CUT GREEN P CUTTER sioner said that while it was i true that the rise of trade unionism has raused a reduction In the lenKtn of working i hours, production nas increased ; .10 per cent since before the war. He, also pointed out that the average working time per man In British industry In 1951 was 45 6 hours per week, compared ' to 42 hours per week in Canada, i iind 40 5 hours per week In the U.S.A. for the previous year. i Sir Archibald emphasi-ied that ! Britain cannot buy more Cana- j rllnn goods until it has more dollars from saies to this coun- j try, lie said the recent large order to buy B.C. salmon was made as a friendly gesture and there were no strings attached. He added, however, that if Canada needed tinplate to can the salmon, Britons hoped this country would buy it from them, i He refuted charges that his i BEANS CORN LYNN VALLEY KERNEL Tin the products of our fae- SWEET ifflLlC,6o'T,n 23s Strarjb e'rries 2Si m' " , - - --- , ,! i a ! I, ( n i i f- FIRST GRADE Pound Columbia 15-oz. Tin i order to fell our prod- oail" iv of illustration, Sir iri .said it is customary in'd-he car buyer in the have his name On the list for a British car for six years and still have 5 2s 1 ranee ... mat mat he nc is is urai near .,,. r ... -' 14f Put of cars has gone lor j deposed " " ! " , I , ... Sun-Rype, 20-oz. tin . ea wur iieaa is nign and our i position improving," he said. "In i general the prospect is becoming brighter but we arc under no illusions. We do not stand with a beggar's bowl nKkintr inn of Job's Daughters, May 1. 8 p.m. Mother's i nt her nonni. t i ... .v.. . Bring Your Coupon To Us A FREE 7-inch BOWL with each sack of 49-lb. Flour Brentwood, 20-oz: Tin vice, Cakewalk and so- me nave asked for .trade, not aid. and we must continue to (102) VITAMIN-ENRICHED FLOUR mage Sale Business , . '.. .. iunal Women's Clut-! . '.r rcmoaia was Introduced THIS '.WEEKS' RECORD: WESTERN HIT PARADE Volume 3 Selections On Oneil g 6. Record-Only fiVC v. May 2. Old Liquor ! D? F- E' Anfeld. president Third Ave. and Second 2,fthf Women' Canadian Club. (1021 !Tnanks wel-e expressed from (the audience by Bill Smith. S POWER WITHIN" ! Sir Archibald, his wife and iwing at Cathedral Hall i party left immediately after-Thursday. wrdB hT traln fOT April 3&. D, V8"d?rnoof: TOMATO SAUCE i this great film. Admis- i ' NABOB TEA : Lb PURE EXTRACTS Z-oz. Bottle GAINES DOG MEAL S-Lb. Sack : , c i ion : ntion S.O.N, whist and Friday, May 1. Whist 8 Hunts ' Tin H PORKS, LIPTON'S 1 APPLE , RECKITT's" BEANS SOUPS ' JUICE ; BLUE Brimful : Concentrated i, f 4 . I5-o. ' Tin ' 10c 10 c 10c 10c DOG FOOD Sur-Gain 15-ox. 10c mce 10-2 Good prizes. , :r,ents. Music by Mike I '. (102) FOR COOKING- DELUXE TEA BAGS 125 s Lb KLEENEX I l forcet the Sea Food 9 Pkts - SPECIALS GOOD TILL WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th HEAVY WAX PAPER REFILLS too-ft n Thursday, 5:30 p.m. prn.. sponsored by th3 Hod Church Men's Club, nd bring your family. tor yourself that men best cooks. Come to the 'i Dinner sponsored by 1 's Club at First United Thursday, 5:30 to 7:30 (101) "d meetincr Pi-lnee Pn- BLACK PEPPER Nabob, Pure Tin KOTEX or MODESS Yellow Sugar 2 Lb. Pkt. ETINID I m I 'y vuum PAr j :t cvaoat- m 1 I 23c :59c Pkts v hfrmen's Loral UFA Perfex Bleach '2-Gollon w... to .Sunday, May 3, Met-'ll Homer Stevens, will be present. Busi- SHOESTRING POTATOES Nalley's Any Flavor Tin .... RHUMBA COFFEE Lb. .... PABLUM ' No. 1 t-KANKFURTS Cello wrapped Lb.' CACON ' Security or Jubilee-' be proposals for sal- i 'c conferenpi'Afl'mem-' ' ; V.'" - ' 'II ' attend "' 1 103) i,h. 43c Aspirin. IOC in Bottle -"'Large :::::T.;t....zz...l Small r uiadnian nutt-lct a HAMBURGER Advocate, will hp tn H UUPl-t WirtnoiH.r REMEMBER "MILK" either Pacific or Carnotion always sells for $7 1(1 or less i oe available for in- GROUND ROUND STEAK fie Milk ddi cxtr flavor tnd nouriihtncnt to rccipci. BUY B.C. PRODUCTS U' J'ICUIUUW II " pension matters. In-' veterans are asked to "iretarv Manncer run. SUPER-VALU EGGS are specially selected for their QUALITY and FRESHNESS No. 1 Lb. No. 1 Lb. No. 1 Lb. No. 1 Lh. BONELESS ROUND STEAK M C" on :n,n.rt,tlt..1.. if ' i.iuu.riv II 1 (1 in tnnlnn rMt , ... ... .iiiB Mr jiaa- BONELESS ROUND ROASTS J'lsion affairs only. (102) I r 65c Oxydol Giant Size Pkt. MAY OPENING FEATURE DELICATED STEAKS No. 1 ?ADDED GOODS Lb -KARO SYRUP For infant feeiliiiR- 49c 25 49c 75c' 75c 75c 79c 35c 21c 77 c 28c 50c 15c 19c 15c -Lb. Tin Prune Plums Nabob, Choice, 15-oz. 2tin25c www oidev 0 (.J. t c . nc. 1.25 2.25 Irian PU . p j. i on J 7. I uui ; i.g? bunches Vnb Bumper Pads 3.50 varriaae PnAc t til 13c Choice Peas Columbia Size 5 lbs at- 21c 19c 27c 25c 29c MOLASSES Sugar House Tin CRAB LEGS Queen Charlotte 'i-Lb FRESH MILK Quart Carton WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 7-lb. Has M.D. TOILET TISSUE Roll GUM HE STORK SH0PPE BUNCH CARROTS Large Imported FIELD RHUBARB FRESH ASPARAGUS Lb. : SPANISH ONIONS No. 1 COOKING ONIONS CELERY Imported Lb. ., McBRIDE POTATOES 100-lb. Sack .-. Phone Blue 810 lbs 2 3 HEY KIDS!! A Genuine Roy Rogers' Leather COWBOY BELT 1 Pkt. CORN FLAKES ff Qo Both" For We only have a hundred ... SO HURRY! lbs Pkts 15c OLD DUTCH Tin n You'll always find only Nj. 1 Quality on our produce displays w pv r"" Sliced Pi Choice, Hawaiian, 20-oz. KM&Sffi II () ICE CREAM Arctic, Quart Cartons 49c TEA u U u DON'T BE FOOLED Just check SUPER-VALU'S prices against others and you'll find how "expensive" a "free delivery" can be. You'll find our 25c charge on a 'delivery order very very reasonable indeed.