1 m.wj J "' 1 ' j i'i wi win i n.imii 1 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 30, 1U53 Federal-Provincial Conference x !' '". V Is ,:V... " - 1 ?. ' ' ' ?"f Be tic On Housing Demanded by PC Top British Operatic Team To Appear in Calgary Show ownership loan fund to $500.- OTTAWA (CP) A federal-pro- , opposition benches. first . 000.000 from $300,000,000 and the inri:.l ton fere nee to plan! The Commons, in the means to beat Canada's housing major debate on housing since shortage estimated at 500,000 Parliament opened last Novem-units has been demanded by fcer. heard a series of suggestions spokesmen from Parliament's h tne nousing problem stand in Calgary. Calgarians can thank a longstanding friendship between the British couple and Harold Ram By Ml'RIEL NARRAWAY Canadiu PrtM SUff Writer LONDON (CP) Webster Booth and Anne Ziegler, Britain's top man-and-wife operatic team, will ditch a well-earned holiday to fly 8,800 miles to a one-night rental housing loan fund to $250,000,000 from $150,000,000. It also widens slum-clearance provisions. Mr. Winters said the total funds already out on loan or committed for home-building are such that without the in-there would not be say, former uruisn uroaacas'.- WALLACES 5 ing Corporation organist wno founded the CaSgury Choral Society under the sponsorship of the Calgary Kiwanls Club. might be tackled. They included a federal-provincial meeting, smaller down payments, cheaper Interest rates and longer payment periods. The federal-provincial conference idea came from Donald DEPT. Ramsay said wistfully In a letter describing a musical play Eisenhower Favors Full Employment he is producing: "I only wish you and Anne were free." The couple immediately gave up plans for a three-week holiday In France and will appear in the nnenine Derformance Mav (API Presl- a nf "Merrie England." a Tudor WASHINGTON lent Eisenhower has assailed I nrnrturtion well suited to the the stunidltv of mass unem TOTEMS Coronation or tne second Elizabeth. They will be the only pro-iessionals in an otherwise all- plnvment" and pledged "every useful measure, private and APPOINTMENT of James H Black as vice-president of Canadian Chemical and Cellulose Company, Ltd., has beei; announced by M. W. MacKer-zie, executive vice-president. Mr. Black will continue as treasurer of the company, a position he has held since its formation a year ago. Prior to joining Canadian Chemical and Cellulose Company, Limited, he was associated with the Celanese Corporation of America. enough money for 1953 operations. Housing starts so far this year, he said, are running ahead of those for the same period of 1952. Mr. Fleming said a federal-provincial conference is necessary to work out an understanding on tax sources. Some municipalities now were so hard-pressed that they were discour-aginb house-building projects because they couldn't finance necessary services like sewers, sidewalks and electricity. Mr. Johnston suggested that the federal government provide a $500,000,000 revolving fund from which loans could be made to municipalities at not more than two-per-cent interest to prepare land for house-building. The municipalities then would oversee housing standards. Fleming (PC Toronto Eglinton) and got support from spokesmen for other parties In opposition. C. E. Johnston (SC Bow Riven said the government should rid itself of the "white elephant" financing agency, Central Mortage & Housing Corporation, and get the down payments on housing loans reduced to the $500 level so low-income men could build a home. The debate was precipitated by a government resolution preparatory to a bill making a number of changes in the National Housing Act. The bill eventually was introduced and given first reading. Rpsnnrrps Minister Winters sPrin9 Avfi : And Summer fjOj iYARD IM GOODS sl$M Sum s $vM I public." to avoid it in the fu- Canadian cast. . FAMOl'S PLAY EUS THEATItfc Matinee Salurih, . ...... Ill ni siRUins Calgarians will be the more appreciative of Ramsay's success because the Booths have In a letter to CIO president I Walter Reuther, the President .said he firmly" subscribes to the Employment Act of 1918, whirh established the Council ! (if Economic Advisers and made it public policy to "promote" full employment. V" leading roles in this country's Coronation summer entertainment plans. The Calgary appearance will Valuable Services DUNGENESS, England (CP) mm . . ...... .t- f no one in a series ui ivn-mt: Isaid that the measure will in crease the total of the home- f3i rf J A.if.) ! tiold badges have been presented, The letter, made public uy uie ; performances The to two of Britain's few remaining, CIO. was hailed in the CIO News th,'UnlU.l Kingdom Is women lifeboHt launchers Madr as "a clear outline for a "h- U) ,n June l at Tart. 63. and her sister-in-law. eral economic philosophy for s , W!llr8. one of the big- i 4. S J'. y, Mrs. Ellen Tart, 09. They have America the sort or economic , t'wi bc at the colintry home had nearly 50 years' service with philosophy which has proven so,f of Sir Harold Har(jW Wernhcr Wernncr at at Luton Luton j Hoo. Bedfordshire. the tmngeness llleboat. ; uenenuiui nu . jits people during the past 0 years." Familiar Sight ' Eisenhowers letter was in an- ANNOUNCEMENT Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists will be in Prince Rupert from May 4 to 9 inclusive. Appointments should be made through your family doctor. , Prince Rupert Medical Association V CRAWLEY, England iff- Lon-l,wer to one Reuther sent him to this Anril Reuther asked- the Bulldozers have processed three acres for a vast open-air stage that will hold a cast of 1.000, of whom ' 300 will be on horseback. Forty-one microphones have been installed to accommodate audiences of about 21.000 expected every day in a week-long festival starting on June 8. new town in Sussex missed the president to summon a "broad- "hurrnu- 'barrow hnvs boys," " T London's nnfinn's famed famprf l.. ,nnfnrnllua representative rnnfpppncc conference nt at ly merchants on wheels. Council the earliest possible date to now plans to build an open i draft a work sheet for lull pro- duction and full employment." ; market with street stalls. 1 Jv. J r ' j l It will be Miss Ziegler's first trip to Canada. Booth last visited the country In the '20s when the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company toured North America. 1 I STRIKE 1-2-3 Kmky! Lucky! Congratulations So,. ' ' "lut - o 9 Hi 4 Lucky! tl I J to illiam's Grocery f r w Battalions Leave Korea (FORMERLY YOU CAN BE THE LUCKY ONE Lowes Siieda which Is now a member of the Independent Food Stores and Is now able to offer its customers No, you're not out . . . you're in on some of the best buys in town. YOU WIN THREE WAYS ir Buy one Save a little ir Buy tw Save a lot Buy three HIT THE JACKPOT the low prices which the custo- PUSAN, Korea (CP) The Lit Battalions of the Royal 22nd Regiment and the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery have embarked for Japan on the first lap of their Journey home. They will spend a few days in Japan undergoing final mentation and medical examinations before sailing for Canada aboard the USS General Hauser. " Each of our stores have a lucky product on sale. The first customer to purchase the produce receives Free $2.00 worth of merchandise. BE LUCKY - BUY HERE rk mcrsof the Independent Food Stores receive. MIDWAY - LYONS - SKEENA Rl PERT BLTCHKRS wish their new associate member success. Also Casper Cartoon Capitol News -i Specials Good May 1 2 and 4 .ii ... I 2 t .1' Htr, Si," it,, jr ; 1 J . v. j(. '. " 1 0 - ' $ -r 4t. : , " ' ' i. , : - i" r . .,x .- - i ,i 3, .1 J 23c Apricots r 44c 1 fo for 2 fo 3 fo for 64c Royal City, Choice, 15-oz. RAISINS A4n Market Day. 2's A Pears v.in Malkin's, Fancy, i j-oi I 3 for 67c 25c SWEET MILK Fraser Valley, 16-oz.. MARMALADE Malkin's Orange, 24-oz 39c Peaches Done T1 ,or 16c r CClj 2 for 31c Malkin's, No. 4, Choice l3 for 45c Tomatoes irj; Royal City, Choice, 20 oz. I 3 for 65c Tomato Juice ; s Libby's, Fancy, 20-oz 3 for 47c Jello Powders ilt Seven flavors to choose from I 3 for 29c Pork & Beans a Malkin's, 15-oz 3 for 39c Malkin's, Choice, Vt, 15-oz 3 for 58c MAZOLA OIL 45c M MiMii win - FaL m'ciarvj all the ) Q 'i U 3 - There's more cooking convwence fSCtllffiJ I than you've ever known in Ihs new I, , i ! MfClary eleclnc nrt gas ranees. O'fil ruM auloalic and with every i MtLicj modern Icature. they combine JVV Ij J beauty with pleasure in use,' j economy ot operation and lull iflltt j dependability, ror satisfaction now flUI" j T" a.id in the years to come . . . Buy f" ' I Model 25-53 Dalux Elxlric j '".',T'i , 1 ; On of a wide vorirty of Wr-s- ;? i I 1 1 i i i ' ' !"'.. J Ir A I T . intf I I , , r,c, . coo and wood and ' I 1-, H III MWRTJ Pints CATSUP 25c Apple juice 1 z is Libby's, 14-oz. 5un-Rype, 20-or N Tor hjc 45c SYRUP Waffle, 35-oz. BLEACH - Corn 'zili 65c Perfex, 64-oz Royal City, Crea .fl Style, Fancy, 15-o; 3 for 48c HONEY QOo Bee Cee, Creamed, Vs.. AO Green Beans Purex Tissue : combination mngn. ' I lCjJ 'mm- I ITN ! "T '11 ! Model SDR V f I'-l'HiitiTi ijVww2f22i2i-. I i . r i- i . ..., fAiii'T" 1 for 19c 2 for 37c 29c OXO CUBES Coronation Tins ... 3 for 39c 3 for 55c Malkin's, Cut, Fancy, 15-oz. COOKIES Weston's Coronation Pkg, l's 65c CEREALS l omnw Frffrri rvj Robin Hood COOKIES Chocolate Fingers Weston's, Cello, 10'j-oz. 39c CORN FLAKES Kellogg's, 8-oz. . RICE KRISPIES Kellogg's, 9-Oi. , a?--- .-! RtnBu Cake Mixes White 2 25c 17c 28c 17c 32c 45c FIG BARS Weston's, l's SHREDDED WHEAT Nabisco Ginger Bread 26C Chocolate 27C I II --" . Jan ROLLED OATS Quaker (Non-Premium) 3's Or All 3 For 75c COOKIES Vanilla Wafer, Weston's, Pkg. See them NOW at your nearest McClary 29c MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 I I RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 Red 465 WILLIAMS GROCERY Phone 656 I PENDENT: FOOD STU 311 Phone Corner Third Avenue and MiUride Street. THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE 5- i t - . ...