Prince Rupert Duiiy tfc wj"'- inursaay, April 30 ISM '1 Vr!Vr-'-c ' , f??: tst -.J ;:v-.: Wicks Blames Opposition For Fall of Government Firemen Battle A") ;. A Nearly 7 Hours, MONTREAL (CP) Firemen battled 6V3 hours Tuesday night to brinR a spectacular fire under control in a $3,000,000 oil plant Sppcinl to Tho r;i!ly New SMITHERS. Lyle Wicks, Socred Labor Minister, opened the provincial election' campaigning here in an air of goodwill and humor before an audience of mixed political adherents. Among those present was i " in Montreal' East End. For four hours flames thieat-l ened nearby tanks containing I Frank Howard, CCF candidate 119-7 N NAV? EVK , 1 1 for Skeena riding. C. Shelford, member for Omi-neca in the last Legislature, also spoke. K. O. McAmmond. defeated qnrial Credit candidate in the plosive naptha gas. At the height of the blaze, flames shot within 80 feet of the tanks. Firemen today continued to pour a steady stream on the white stone, three-storey plant of the Canadian Oil Company, built a year ago. .,'.( p in tho rk'ht direction. He i-xplained that no municipality would get less and many would have pntten more than under the existing system. MISLEADING REPORTING Mr. Wicks made reference to misleading renorting by the Vi, i hi i ii "1 m LT.-COL. C. C. I. MERRITT, VC last election, was chairman. Mr. j McAmmond is Smithers' canrii-1ate for nomination at the Divisional Fire Chief Loucllette said the fire would be under ir ryt n I forthcoming Socred convention "A ttautich old friwid" nress on what hud been accomplished by his government. mi later questioning he opined that this w,as .probably due to opptsition attacks on the control "when it burned itself out" I M Believed to have started in I the plant's laboratory, the fire fpread rapidly to grease and oil Thin lutvertiwimt ..overnment as being possuuy ieon-iiderod pre sensationally I new: wort'.. . 1 harm done ii,. ,l.nioied : it Haelton. Mr. Wick's spoke of growing support of the defeated government's Roiston bill. He placed the full blame for lack of accomplished legislation on the shoulders of the opposition parties. Action on the liquor question was forestalled by de-ieat forced by them, he tie I storage sections :n uic icar ui 1 hoard nr hv n.n , HrlUKli ColumUa. '""'!! the plant. i i t but claimed th U ,v si l ikes -omeiimes they cannot w .voided. He Placed th'.r responsibility tor the present, grain s -.nrilers" strike in Vancouver on l He federal government and those parties directly concerned. red. SweGfc ani Simple I ..: iV 11 M 1 . ' r Til ?f '3fT slv si da CONOMY Kpito of the short session. DAINTY t w Mr wieks maintained: tnai no 11 f . SPICE CAKES government had accomplished more in such a short time. His policy of pay-as-you- econ- P - . k .! i , .' . T ';. . :. -1 H'rTrLi.''L .: Vh'm trr V i m iwvprnme..i was sound had ' wt - ' ST " C"'4il. AZ' 1 ollice i . - - . -"ir-y nmv and while in For the fanners in the di-riet he stated there was a define move being made bv the overnment and the B.C. Power ommi.ssiun to relieve the rural lectrification situation. I Question of establishment or 1 , r.i'rieultural school, perhaps hi the vicinitv of Armstrong, was being considered. ion by W.,t-, 8ji-fcil- M ' t fM ( . rVv" J.ff-7irVrf jf -12 saved the people $10 mill ill 1.:5 ' - . kl'ltX i iffc'kWA ..?K,flL74 ft -A rV.fSI nrow-r methods of tender ing. In aimed 1 J - -."'.A- rf. w-'r 1 fJ V.V iV wanting of tenders he cl shown f . , . iL'n 4 '4v S t A W 1 V ' WVAt? preference had been - k i" ' f'l. - . ' ; i -'Jl.f -IS -tJf , . Vin.l5iT3 RC business and labor. largest ,.V V r.B! , I' . r'.1 r iY, lf-- -t -irw i At Ihe same timo the on the matter of daylight 11 the f. fcli - KJ jT. r ' VS lf ' J O'ifl Droeram of public works in rnvince's histctv had been OJEfl5 I. I luud LT.-COL. PU L'TUIQI ET, VC BOTH THE COMMANDING officer and second-ln-oom-mand'of Canada's reserve army Coronation c o n 1 1 n e n t arc wearers of tho Victoria Cross. Lt.-Col. C. C. I. Merrttt. VC, 44, of Vancouvei the CO, won the Empire's highest award for valor at Dieppe, and Lt.-Col. Paul Trlquet, VC, earned his VC during the battle for Or-tona in 1944. uving tune being voted against bv a imiortty of constituencies Mr Wicks eountered with th? fact that the majority of the people of the province wanted it. There is no patronage in this uovernnn nt." declared Mr. IIIHW'V HtKI t l.n.. HM- fw t uupoi aw; I li Mr mUr; I pMm aU; HtumrM launched. ' In speaking on the Rolsturt formula lie claimed it a meari to relieve the burden of education borne by the municipalities. While perfection was not reached at once, he felt it a Wicks in answer to intimaiion it political patronage being reintroduced by the Socreds. Crfarn liom-nln mid tufit. AJJ btat wtll. Aikl Ri;H5' (itll.DKN SVRl I and ipkn. Sill ti.ur; lar I add uut ,!i t which KjJi ll Ix-cn iklrJ. Crf mull oivcilr lim; put hlanrhfd almond in Ir.liom of rich nd till iut l, loll i cU miittw. Bakr in awdrralc :t'0 K ovn 3 nimw. Fur frft Rriipe ll'rUr The B.C. Swar KrAnineCn. I.iJ.. P.O. ll..i ''.M. V4nr.1gwt.BC Ol'EKN ELIZABETH tlvs June will be the fifth attended by Canada's Spain's great empire in the Americas was mostly oxplor.d and colonized by the enu of Hie f 4 THE CORONATION Ol Victory's in 1837. Top picture snows mc Legion Sending VC Winner To Coronation' Remember When Jack Blackburn, the great ooYinu manager and trainer. famed "Mounties," starting with Queen fore-runner of the KuMr, ior yueeu vu- selected from the old North West Mounted Police, ! l'ith century. J ; '.ir oiouo of Royal North West Mounted tni-in's nhimonri Jubilee in lt!li7. Bottom picture shows a Police chosen for the coronation procession in 1911 of King George V, lined up for inspection. Commissioner A. Bowen Perry, carrying sword, es:orts Lord Kitchener on his right and the Duke of Connaught on hk left. Mounted is Inspector G. L. Jennings. I Come and efc your sham of TORONTO 9 Maj. Hand--; ley Geary, VC, and his wife i was buried 11 years ago today. I He developed Joe Louis from an 1 iwkward .Kiv.iteur into world's heavyweight champion in less-than' three years. Louis, who j held the title from 1937 to 1949,1 w; s in the uniform of a private in the United - States Army at (5 are going to the Coronation ; because Mrs. Mary Cox had a dream.' Wayne-Shuster Show 'Packs" 'em In M Theatre Hear Korean War Front u y hi 1 1 1 1 the funeral of his mentor. arms in the Ontario legiatute Ci ; Both he. and Mr. pox. reside V V itilhe P.y BILL BOSS Canadian Tress Staff Writer "is that the biggest enemy of t ' the men here apart from Com- j ; munist shells is boredom, the t I lack of things to do. - ! i "All the teilows tell us that. ' new Qpick-M&c JSVuLSnc gojitest Biys John Wayne: "Wo give 'em a l'u-hour Wiow. We .could give 'em ,2'? hours but it's long' enough- V.s 4tis. Those aren't theatre seats the FOOTBALL FRIDAY, 7 p.m. General Motors ' vs Battery at nearby Woodbridge. Mrs. Cox says -she fen asleep V in a chain "When t ;woke uj jj rememberpri' dreaming Major Geary was at the Cnronattn 1 Then I thought IS, would be an ' good idea if the Gearys -went to the Coronation and told my j husband about it." ,. j the re 're ; They get a kick out of just talk- ( boys are sitting on immo boxes." : Inor with new Canadian laces WIN VAIUAHI PRIZES IT CHOOSING J THI JEWELS TOU THINK IEST EXPRESS THI PERSONALITIES OF THESE 11 STARS! IN KOREA (CP) A couple of theatres hereabouts are "parking 'em in" these days with the most ambitious all-Canadian ihow to hit Korea. It's the John Wayne-Frank Shuster show, streamlined and adapted for soldiers 1 at wtr. With men perched on the ratters, theatres built for 300 are The show glitters- with wit- Bo we've had lots of plain 01a : ticisms based on the local at- bull sessions." 1 i mosphere. , ; ' ; VALERIE H0BS0N itaning in flofll Cnvtrd'l 'Mltl Ml tONIGMt ' J. Arthur Rank riodHdioa ZSA 7SA GAB0R The Cox's suggested the Idea to the Woodbridge branch of, the Canadian Legion, of which Maj. Geary is a past-presment. The Legion agreed to finance the trip. 1 "Get those cameras, says 1 Wayne, noting tnat almost every soldier over here acquires a fine holding 650 these days. i camera inexpensively eitncr in ppearinf m lotto Huston's "HrlOUUN K0UGC ' Wayne and Shuster. together LINDSAY, Ont. (CPk Provincial officials say one. of the biggest ; .urs of pickerel ever seen in the Kwaitha district :an be expected wnen the season oepns May 15.' One man was. fined $25 and had his rod and reel confiscated a j few days ago when caught fish Cotttiir t)T lK(tMICOl MM Ihroiiin Unf4 Attr.t Japan or through army oin" I'lcilitirs. with seven ether entertainers and a staff of technicians, ar nr. PETUIA CtARK itarrini m UEOHGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84a and Red HI rived as the 2bl!i Canadian In- j "You can't hear the mortars fantry Brigade returned to the for the shutU rs clicking." front after more than two , Ay AT Kl RY LANE.. months in reserve. ! They live at rear headquar- K(NMU -II sil.nlfOHr.ilM 1 1. tilku ttm" RITA MAYWORTH stimne in -SI01" Coior.1 nr Ttrkw CulIM rVUl PHYUIS CAtVERT silfrmt in "iHimr' 1 1 Aith.' r"1" llltl PALMER toitimM int (tw? Ms" 1 CaM'ti" Ptctnr ClAUMTTECOtET sljin.i, n miirosi !;'' f""" a j. nk.i ,. RHONDA Flf Ml 'i . 5lfl'H StHI-tNl Of IHt IH Ciiloul k I.-!"""1 I C" f"" ing for pickerel at tne uouocon dam. - IN PRIZES! UOU rKOM hills tors. of thp division, a duty 30-' That's how it happens that minute jeep drive from "Drury : the show is playing in the two Lane," a pre-fab theatre on the , theatres instead of touring the . "sharp side" of the Imjin River. 1 units as the visitor.; would have , They give matinees there every '. liked.. Units send men down I pftcrftoon vening shows are in Mm m nrwri I. Aimm Dink ProdurtHM KATHARINE HEPBURN slarrtni 11 lohn Huslun'l miss H(Hivis" tli-,l Ikmulh Umlrt Artitll EVA BARTOK apfjinn in ''VtN(!lH BID" f. AHkur On Pmtnoi " PAUIETTE C00DARD CO slitfing in "AB(S IN BC0AD" Prurlucod Dr HM 0.niM "!.. ra4(asl lkmui Umim ml $1,000.00 700.00 500.00 FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE FOURTH PRIZE 'fttftm .the hills and up from .thvjhe. thegf.e t.Jth'f WsrxUxisiplvfc I rarvain didly q'iiol5t ntL '"Whaft we didn't r expect to - orvrrfTrrrnri (V7?mMTYy T2 1 Und. ' find in .this war," says Wayne, - -i i. , . 200.00 1 00.00 iotiy II ... ' .1. ... imauinatiua FIFTH PRIZE win valunble prizea for your taste and ! k Catholic Church May Change Use of Latin in Ceremonies you do it tfudy eats ttor re,UM' ' ..(,,: appearance, her voice, her Pc'M,ni,"'V ""k J LJ l,,l in Rule I. chooae the Jewel r ber. Use each Jewel only once. Send your completed list, r" "'rjl : Marl. The Jewel one Jewel carton lop, to: m-nfrmi 1 1 iM . nrrermvtn 100 PRIZES OF SWIFT HAMPERS! 100 PRIZES OF BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETSI By PATRICK CROSSE 1 wmnixnjuij&j muu H6M. Toronto, Ontario, tmer . ;i p cnclote one carton top 1" I,,io,Lil- ShorteninK with eathemry. swin . - Read these rules to win: other sacraments and particularly to confirmation. Cue argument expected to be advanced against the change is that the use of Latin Inspires among Catholics a sense of universality siace they can hear the familiar rites recited in the same languge in any part of the 1 1 Tnnlr writp nnrmOt lh namff of h of thf twelve Stirs VATICAN CITY iReutersi The Roman Catholic church is considering allowing the use of the modern languages of everyday speech at ceremonies which for. at least 16 centuries have been conducted in Latin or other languages now dead. After 30 months' study by a the Jewel iou think best erotesses Iter oersonht. Dm otlicul world. The Jewel $ler CenMat, Boat 131, TaranM, OnMrie. Her. or the Jewel. I twin. trains ' entry lorm, or sheet ot paper. Using each lewel oniy once, make t your selection from: diamond, ruby, pearl, emerald, sapphnf, topai. amethyst, onyx, iquaraaiine. (arnet. opal, moonstone. Send with your name and addtess and one Jewel carton lop, to; lh 1 Jewel Slar Contest, Box lbb8, toronto, Ontario. I 2. This contest it open to everyone In Canada encept employees of Swilt Canadian Co., Limited. Columbia Pictures. United Artists, 1 nd the J. Arthur Rank Ocf.amration, thejr edveitismi aienues or members of their families. ' 3 Send as many entries at you like, but enclose one Jewel carton toe with each. All antries become our property. , 1 Entries must be postmarked not later than midnight. June 19bi Entries with insufficient postage will not be accepted. S. Entries will be judged for imagination, originality, and aptness ot thought. Birthstonet are not taken into account. Decision of the judges is linal. You accept these rules whan you enter Ibis wi1'""' jwe... I em Klaiin en Jewel You'll enjoy using Milady Paper Napkins. They're so luxurious in quality, so handsome in 1 appearance, so easy on the V -r-acy a XjA&w" ys I aundry yet so surprisingly low (ontesi. special commission of experts, ' the sacred congregation of rites has already, as an experiment, allowed Italian priests to administer the sacrament of baptism in Italian. If the experiment shows good results in Italy, it may be extended to other countries. The commission was established toward the end of the 1950 Holy Year following a request by the Fope for a comprehensive study of the whole problem of the languages used In the ceremonies of the Catholic church. For the vast majority of the world's 400,000,000 Catholics, the language used at most ceremonies and particularly for the sacraments is Latin. But 11 other languages are used among small in price. Get an economical package of Milady Paper Napkins from your grocer today. WHITE, HANDSOMELY EMBOSSED I I , Ipa ttMrtMlm pewer 1 .A V 2, U the evateei el ) I " V...H. H.b... .... " ... H-y bebwk rrataCM.. W"" UlliW-" K..hI..H..bum """ . cl.:l Ivai hand. '"""" Fl'l", P.uum Mi4 , " Main " " "" - yry- , ifi r ,"' ''" 4 A', SSd!2- VANCOUVER 7ia Waypuints SUNDAY SS Chilcotii;, Z p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STKWART Friday, Chilcotin, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CIIAKLOTTE ISLANDS April 8 and 22 SS Coquitlam. Midnight . FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Coquitlam, Midnight April 15 and 29 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent MAN SIZED ft USjl4fa4?,,-'M Catholic communities which do .,Pr.l"rt '-' not belong to the Latin rite. CHy . a product of PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED VANCOUVER, B.C. 1 it4?ri ALL Jewel I-L( June If- the experiment with bap C.nMtt atoaw 1el,', now on aale everywhere COLOURFUL tism is successful, the new prac- it Quick-Mix Jewel! Third Avenue Phone 668 tic may next he extonded to 1 ' I' - no