Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, January 4, 1952 i Paris World I f',m "' v a U'"t ' ' m I' fwmt m-n"' ' " ' ' ul i. an.: gin ii ii ii s ........... j .. . ,; Suez Fighting Starts Anew tumes pass by with armfuls of documents, there b vast opportunity for practice on a minor scale of tlie forbidden delighU of secret diplomacy. j Little talks, innocent seeming leading questions, apparently I r.cglinent admissions let fall by Communists vs -1 Crossroads IbMAlLIA, E-ypt (CPl-.Ctd I ..,lli.w. 1Ixl- i-iilta flf tllft nillH. t.tll'Pil firht.inr fl'liwirt .... .. , ' Diplomatic Centre of Day Swirls in Myriad Dialects em conference atmosphere that Suez City. Gangs of terror, reigns in the modern building by roamed the streets and sin'. TARIS Paris today Is a whirl- pool of visitors, a modem tower the banks of the Seine, there are at BritLsh troops. The But of Bibel or a living example of all the symptoms of a hotbed oi had soa.ed the city at the soul how to speak French with some secret diplomacy that the most em end of Suez Canal after L hundred different accents. It is, zealous young attaches heart nicht's outbreak in wluc, l( In short, the diplomatic cross- could desire! British officers had been kill roads, of a world that seems to " i, have become more and more - voluble as it becomes smaller and Roman Church By FRANK BRUTTO ROME (APi The Communists have opened their major 1952 campaign to block creation of a European army by charging that European federation is a plot of the Roman Catholic Church to dominate the continent. Italy's Communists, In their part of the campaign, have dropped their kid-gloves attitude toward the Catholic church aiui have begun an open anti-c.crical attack. First hint of the new strategy was given recently by Paimiro Togliatti, Italian Communist chief, in an interview in the Paris Communist newspaper, The Hip-swinging, Hot-singing Jamlxre "vjari ,ii & tHat shows the v -S-' - . abiazuig::: i if! m ?it1!i!J!' smaller. Diplomacy, defined by Webster's aS the "art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations," can be sevn here in all its multiple forms. They seem to run from the traditional "Congress of Vienna" atmosphere of oeautifully dressed women, much decorated men, all solemnly tak- i lng r"r'. In the worldly minuet of receptions and dinners, gala ball, official luncheons, and even occasional tea parties, to the more modern, if less graceful, procession of press conferences, mimeographed propaganda, and long but not very gracious speeches. Typical of the functional mod- , cm approach to relations be-; twecn nations is the General As- j semblv of the United Nations at i t ..ilUrfEtsQliE SETTING The Department of l'.un poils northern supply ship, the C. D. Howe, is shown off Craig Harbor, Ellesmere Island, the most northerly of the 22 ports of call made dining her 10,000-mile Arctic trip last summer. The photogiaph, by W'ilf Doucette of the National Film Board, was taken from the ship s helicopter. (CP PHOTOi ifi.-ta, TONY MARTIN -JANET HIGH J$ ClORiA CHAVf N-IDDIE BKACKEN ur ANN MIIUR ' W1? wilhitbt tiwtmct .101 COSIT.tlnCHlHij ' V'Otfw C'Mr(ll b SIO 5llVt5HALKNrtltclrMMlJy KR L'Humanitc. A sharper statement along the same lines was contained in his New Year's greetings to Italians printed today in the Italian Communist newspaper, L'Unita. "Let us tighten In a constantly broader front all citizens who no longer want to have any- thing to do with the factiousness i and corruption of clerical gov-1 crnment,'' said Togliatti. I Tne Communist attack already I has drawn reports from L'Os- j servatore Romano, Vatican City ! Power Crisis Comes to End Ketchikan Pulp Mill To Start March 15 : fj AND SAGS to'To Compliment Your New Outfit! m Colors, styles and prices -that Invite the most ex- citing customers. WALLACE'S ,; Deportment Store Evenings 7 - 9:05 p.m. fO T E Mofincc Saturday 2 p.m. a famous I'LAYUKs tiieatb PORTLAND Heavy and pro- tne Trocadero. Here delegations longed fall rains apparently from 60 naUons (Cach with 10 WILMS KETCHIKAN. "We are hoping, if everything ;Scwes , esi works out, to begin work there between March 15 although unusually cold winter naU,s) mcct vcry much in lhe; and April 1; President Larson Turcotte of Ketchi-j ZfZ ZZ?e .r speeches are intended in-! SKELTON Hottatrf newspaper, and Alclde de Gas-pcri, Christian Democrat (Catholic) premier. De Gasperi re-tui.icU ihiz week from the Paris meeting of six foreign ministers who set up a European federation as their ultimate goal, toward which a one-uniform army is step. Kan i-uip ana t'aper company :-ia ine nronicie hvir' The -"ion's stand-bv ., h steam t , evitabiy for the public ear-and go "tit to He world in a series ; i plants will operate through tne telephone from Bellingham. ' Turcotte, president of the of widening ripples starting with , winter months to supplement hy i the four-language simultaneous droelectric energy from th; company which plans to build non and assistants on the dams translation earphones provided i 1 wo o r i g h t news posters ! a $40,000,000 cellulose grade mill and site clearance will be avail- The steam generation will be .plashed on Rome's walls also Cartoon Newt sembiy s nrectins; place and swirl- nece.ssary to insure a continuous at Wacker, said logs from Al- able. aska which are to be used in Turcotte said the company's test runs at the Bellingham financing and reorganization nlant of Pueei. Sound Pnln and also is under wav and that, lhe flow of power to such essential ! "w ! many more than sixty different industrial plants as en- Evening Shows 7 9:00- Saturday Mats. 2 - 4:25 lauuagvu anu iiuiiuiciio ui uim Timber Co., are not due there company will use the name of ; a!fd aluminum production. until January. Ketchikan Pulp Company in! lul;" u' energy guppneu such plants is purchased on an Here is the headquaiters w. r finrtina matini. fnr th fiittiro. rirnm,in ,h nH of ; underlined the developing battle. One, put up by anti-Communists, showed a grinning ktalm preferring in his clenched list a oeoragieu and strangled dove of peace. The other attacked the civic committees of Italy's Catholic Action Organization which played a decisive role in the defeat of the Communist-ruled Popular Front in the 1948 national c.ections. Togliatti in his L'Humanite the Alaska plant very, very Paper" from the present nam.-, "interruptible" basis whlchlpubllc diplomacy, of open tight," Turcotte said. 'However, He confirmed what The anS that il can be ofI "n ! stra ght-from-the-shou dr dec- j they tell us the situation should Chronicle published earlier this a drP ln steam-flow in the Co- , laratlons Opponents of the Con- ; be somewliat better in the sec- week, that the magnesium oxide lumbia River reduces generatcr Bress of Vienna method of sec- i ond quarter of 1952." He said process will be used in manu- Production. The Columbia nor-1 ret personal talks, of agreements there has not been much trouble in the matter of priorities, but it is difficult to set a defi- facturing pulp here It lessens 1,la"y is ai a reianveiy low iev-;i hum o oi uimrcuvtiinn pollution and eliminates the durlng the winter months when by Talleyrand and sometimes , need to build a large hydro- Pwpr demand is at its highest. naive acceptance by Czar Alex- I plectrie nlant I.inunra from thn It had earlier been felt that ti e ander, should rejoice at the mod- ; VANCOUVER VICTOKIA Chilcotin 8 p.m. January S and 20 Chilcotin midnight Januaiy 13 and 27 Camosun Tuesday, 12 Noon Ai.ICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON I Sunday. Camosun. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH Ol'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS January 4 and 18 s.. Chilcotin midnight FOR SOUTH (JUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin January 11 and 25 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 inlerview charged that the nite delivery date. Catholic church was scheming ' CONT LU'r,A(-T .rT YI. 1LT T to dominate western Europe. through "clericalism perched on' No general contract has been pumping process are burned to region might have to reduce dras- cm UN style o! diplomatic con-provide power. tic-ally its nonessential uses of ference. where the. public, for the While some water permits and Pwer In order to ensure ample price of half an hour's queueing, other arransnmcntu u,ith thB supplies for defence industries ; can see and hear the diplomatic ...,e...iow. s shoulders" 1 1 ll" -unanucuon oi me new Alaska mill, he said, but sev- II a Fnrsnt Sr.rui. ,omni in h and emcrgenrv uses, such as in leaders of their world at work. ELSY SEASON cral contractors are interested negotiated, mast of the agree-' hospitals. The federal govern- i Unfortunately, the atmcohere MiNTREAL (CP) Now that ?"n hXe been ln the ield tllU ments witn USFS are completed, i ment established a power czar ln js ,l0t always by any means as no bin rush is over local olfi- 7 '""'. luicuuue sum. ne loresees no -- '"."-. u.n conuui or as constructive as one cr.iK win-rii thn m,.,i,a.,i ". .Vau. Ior Dias coula He issued trouble on that front. The only! Dlul'Prinl Ior Progressive ration- would like. In the spate of in Oregon and offico handled more than 4,046,- 1 in' T'Li ' , p?ss 016 .cauSc delay foreseen s " , ' " ""t"" ciim- ai inis nine is in materials', lie, """"!"". 37 letters or parcels daily j&uAn : ncti iug iirpui is ui winiam Bhan- indicated the Christmas peak. A office official' saici some outof-t .wn mail was delayed by snowstorms but "we gave better service this year trnn ever before." ... MXW Far East Air Chief Says Raids Smash Red Build-up speeches arising from various ; frictions around the world, there ! I is something of the souriy hostile ' ! attitude of a pseudo-friend who j i Insists on telling us a few home ! truths, strictly for our own good, 1 ; naturally. ; ! DIPLOMATIC I ISII HOWL This modern congress, how- i ever, corresponds to the modern I j western concept of control of ! dlplomaitc action by people and ; press, and incidentally provides 1 ut Seagram : 83 to r vi.- w che water lest Water, Va."l"Z t Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. j The "brown-out" threat still , has not been dismissed: but j the federal and local officials i agreed that the greatest danger ! has passed. Dr. Paul J. Raver, I administrator of the Bonne-j viile Power Association which ; ma.kets all ot the energy produced by government dams in the Nortnwest, told an audience ' recently that barring unforeseen and unexpected develop-1 merits, all power loads could be maintained through the ' winter. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1952 wam Mcwraioe, is aue in port TOKYO The Far East Air at 7:30 this evening from Van- Forces states that relentless Al-couvcr via Kemano Bay and lied aerial attacks of the past 41, other coastal points and will sail months Drevented t.hP cmm..n. plain or sparkling, reveals a w hisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagram's "83" later for Masset Inlet points. ists from a remarkable chance for diplo- massing for a new the tactical situation or ceasefire agreements dictate a change." The operation was mapped by the Army. Navy, Air Force, jind Marine Corps and approved by Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, the matic agents of 60 countries to ollcnsivc. meet each other, appraise each Li. Gen. O. P. Weyland, Far East Air Forces commander, said i other's work and ideals, methods Hainfall throughout October j and prejudices. in a special communique that the aerial bombardment. haH ehat. United Nations supreme com- and November was heavy; And in the maze of corridor tcred the rail system in North ' mander- throughout the Columbia basin. I in the delegates' restaurant, in Korea. The Navy concentrated on the Reluctance of those responsible j the lobby where secretaries clad ; He also said the campaign enemy's east-coast rail system. for tne Powcr supply to write ain saris or other national cos-' known as "Operation Strangle "i The Fifth Air Force was assign- confident and categorical "finis"! . . This advertuement it not published or displayed by thi Liquc ' Control Board or by tli Government of British Columbia. As Always WELDING, (.ov iiniKiil fortified Operators High Pr-ssure Tanks Itcfriseratiun Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. '.:!.V-I: K. I'honc (Jrten Xk' r PLACE ORDERS NOW probably had destroyed or dam- ' the western rail system run- 10 tne ' possibility of a power aged 40,000 trucks which the I nig south to the front from shortage is a commentary on the Communists pressed into service ' Pyongyang, the North Korean lack ot watcr storage facilities in to take some of the load from capital. i the Columbia project. Grand their battered rail network. j B-29 ' Superforts of the W ScfnT of THEY PAY OFF Dibb Printing Co. i.iv hits EAST COAST : T"",u ' water. and the chief purpose of IT'S EASY IT'S PROFITABLE r.onf.roi viTnnA ,i,i i . iiawu on Rcy nui unue, railway nM'ivoir is for irrigation, not1 campaign wV.d cone "untU ! "TfI"111?5 To U fnm up power production. se v.u..v w. v...v.? ,,..,,, .,,. will he M.- and in close support of ground ; Nary Dam now lindcr constrUc- ; forces. tion. is a low-level mainstream DAILY NEWS-CLASSIFIED ADS General Weyland, said the sue- dam. Any surplus rain watcr cess of the operation forced the merely spills, over the top oi Communist to increase antiair- ; Bonnevine, and canno', be stored ' craft .guns along their supply for future use. routes These, he added, took "a j In lhe Tnece .system, a considerable toll of fighter- i snriP nt rh.m nn ii-,h,,inri,. Write Them Yourself on this Handy form bombers. impound water which can be run MQTiCE TAXI RIDES FREE SIX-TO-ONK RATIO "The recent s)ee,lacular buildup of MIG activity can be taken as a direct refl.-ctlon of the de through the power plants as de-, sin-d. The oullding of such a chain of upriver storage lakes in the Columbia system is still,1 lor the most part, in the plan gree to which the enemy is being ning stage; although a nmjor hurt, by Operation Strangle," he feature of the Hungry Horse under construction ..,r,r,.,i 1 ltaux, now (from Mondoy, January 7th to Friday, January 1 Uh inc.) To show our appreciation to our many Customers ni Montana, is Its reservoir The air force commander , ' racily. maintained that "we have firs- , rt,,,)l0u4h the plant will be dc-trojvd six MIGs for every fighter .,niM lu geneiate oniy of ours thev have shot down." , 2do,000 kilowatts, it will aJ .t Th.i biuld-up, however, njade -iiiu.-juj kilowatts to the firm daylight, attacks by Supei jmts power capacity of the Columbia "somewhat more costly," ,a:id .y irm o-xause of the increased these flights now arc. made by ' control over stream now. who have helped build our service over the years we have decided to return to them 10'i of our qross income on city service. , Every tenth trip taken over our phones will be absolutely free to the caller. 99 TAXI CO.. LTD. Number of Times Enclosed Picnsc hud '3c per word per insertion- e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if box number required n'Khl" ' I ' IJ of the present lack of I These attacks have prevehtcd reservoir capacity, a few week;; I the Communists from putting In-' of freezing weather, enough to j to operation new jet airfields at lock moisture in high reaches 01 Namsi, Taechon and Saameham, the Rockies and other mour - ' some 90 miles south of the Valu tains hemming in the Columoia j Hive:, boundary between Korea urainagc basin, would bring a) and Manchuria, he said. s, return of the powcr crisis. But, , General Weyland said the barring such an unusual freeze, i Communist build-up was unable the Columbia will carry enough 1 "to deny us use of the air north water during the winter montns . of the Chongch'on River, which to keep the generators turning, j flows about 40 miles north of ' i Pyongyang. South of the river, 1 LINCOLN, England Mem- 1 j "we still completely control the hers of a women's Institute here ; ', air," he continued. ; debated what frightens women ! General Weyland said the op- most. Their conclusions: mice,!' erction would continue "until the . spiders, thundersto rms and tactical situation or cease-fire worms in that order. Ghosts arrangements dictate a change were not mentioned. Name Due to motor carrier regulations we, regret we arc not. permitted to extend this offer beyond city limits. Address Phone No.,