Ray Reflects and Reminisces - v n .:;-; r 4 I- ' .-. " - e- , ? .Should you want months to-though there is no certainty A tmxi. ir0 irpear shorter and years to they might have been flKhtftis Ma I, with gr,4l r . a ..t ... ..!t u ljuith with With thai the l j . ' f V a Prince Rupert Daily News Tyduy. Feoruary 3. 1953 " M-fwf.Ur.'.i Oo! v i,- rT ct'vouo to u opu!C.lnJt of Prism ftupen Vr.i rxt Or.trmi Bmtvn ei.umO!. U-tctjrr o CmiMnn Ht- Auuit fc iru of Oreulatlcti lieiin M!i H'-rsfe AseoTUoe. eVfV-j "he frir.. Rupm Du- Hew- UmtUtt J F UMiOR. P-Ket,i H. G. PKRST. Vk-Prln wsi ioner. win paying ioj nan -r.- , tj " '"uuii! House, say l QO no ih irut.t mrnt rarming lui irum As i See It 1 t I J-It if poll plan muiiy plan applying uu " '"" m ini? can,.,) , weU-rn Canada, and Ottawa Is WtrwUm Churchill ' aid to be thinking favorably. . PtVSIBIUTV German were willing mere? ine cionmt tii. - 4' 4 1 A r-jat dtritist i rfprtrted to .i . - rw ... ThuwiMMd I. . ! - f l carter y-t . IV. p month t! 9s. per . ! IUJ - P iroe.ui. '!--: le-r v WsfO. more man m i.rm.uij ..5 hit earth u nvr ririv. ... - rir.iltiir hnniM .1 to be W ..,. " orce becauie hu w;fe would not -V ,". fnr r .! n manicurist uKimrio job inh A!- Ai- enu-ii .... give up her jUjr-.-! u or.il r..:i fcr P t Of. Department. Oiun Fresh Action Welcome ad.i ovrrsea There could be with the little chsr. r'. s ir inuwn . . ! ing 8uu,v r A truKaJhe Uiry unfolds Its fiKTTEJl--r for worse, there is gome; to be wsiKiH (cm , ; THE ETTERBOX rop. ifl n I rri" frf-sh J (a-n in the Korean conflict. That n flrivina tr-it h... vmiuni;aii ...... - cJ. j fv re-ei:Iei in President hisen- much was length. Incidentally, a rattle-1 unabie to a;;:,!.- r address on the state of the nake kills a schoolboy, l-oain- mu-r an interpret t. howt-r"s far-r: rattlera. a clergyman man- fd man ' hit lllg Our Prime .Ministers IT WAS pure chance that ; two of the finest books ever w ritten about Canadian politics should appear almost at the same. , time. ! I have airrariy written about t Br-re Hj!eh:vTi'i ' Ir.ne'.iibie CirAdUa." No departed state1?- , man has tver tK-en so viv;d:y "br erst ;..ive ' as wai Mae sen- lie King by the almost eouaify 1 incredirv; i t. a bwr- i phy the book is open to criticism. A CflALLCCC TO ALL Editor. The rai!y Newa: The people of Britii Columbia have txUxt thrm at tni- moment an ofcjcrt lewm. A chal- ag s to destroy about tlmu-, , and hy 1921 Come on to Ru- LATKT (Ort Afk perl Wi t. but aufer Tlirre are five ruMier ttrma In NEXT JI XE S REG AL CEREMONIES in London UI be the aecond terfe by the fWilri eompamrK Coruiiatioo .tUriiucJ ly taa bar.isc" the Rt' 1?vhI TUm- i n rmh the fwOvrrmen but U la a:i-Ukr:i. f" . it. I nKiltln ri ll.rf. ilaCTI (rut f Sarnvarxl i(K ruwU nf I nraim U ( HIHIH llUil rio, both .lbe. .it, played , U C.,, b .W , . 1 Allhtiuyh there is always the fear that any new action mav j-prtrwl the conflagration, prohably mo.-t ;f the wi-!? wvi'J will secretly or openly welcome a change. As it is now, the kittle feejns to .rwc settler! itself into a test of endurance with a Nicci-ir.n no cl'-r 10 years hence than it is at present. - In eontemplatine the possibilities, one draws pa-sutance from the attitude of Eisenhower himself. "Although a soldier for most of his adult life, he has durtr.e the Coronation of Kine George VI They aail rveat week aomeonc K1 ruk a bit tit a atreU h. . to join Canada's North Atlantic Treaty OrgaruUon torrnalion in Germany and to participate in the Coronation eeremoriie ot ) we now learn mere a nun . meal famine in B C. and in order to supply the demand for X ih : meal tie dealcra are forced to ' ttrtport lha' cnmmtilj from Vrrit Fnrfn a lwa broadcaM we Bruce doe not attempt to docu-. Qjeen Elizabeth It veins that when the old-f;ihlin d wood.slwd ent out. Juvenile delinquency, ranie in. merit me most serious rhariee ! that t- made in the boot r.atr.e- !y. that Mr. King swiir.? Mr. 8t VJtXIsr Report From . . . learn that a eanro of fih mew! Ivts see! What was. the inot allowed his training to carry him to a point jLaurer.t over to acee-ire ex, 'WV V ,J! weatlr yesterday? This is -coueer while our fvhrmen a!k '. .... . the ,' etr!lct .. acriptioa bv hit amenta U Parliament Hill ruary and mill part ; CAWIH BUUOQ the streets In klieneu and in nrie rates in want Ujnhilc. proeottuvf pianta owned and the cra!e-t sw:r.d evr pu!W in Canadian poStics. But ai a jourr.atic picture ol One can t be too sure or anything around the Valentine and groundhog sea in. By Edward T. Applewhoite. M P., Skeetxi r where he believes that man reaches his most noble ".tchi-venrent on the field of battle. Z On the contrary, the new President is obviously "a friendly man who h more concerned with his a man. and the nation he heatf To me, One of the most noticeable thing? about. companies remain Inrked against ed. the lnr red :ble Canidian" is.i i 11 . .t r i. . t . .i;fir tLlvrnvn bvk out ImncK. err I M I I C J rallies than with hU enemie Vowher in his nwh isuoert. A-5ove an. the ceader is-lRe lonK tieoate on me lurne repon n wen tm- milt,lilIkm H,iikrim. his foreitm w1icv better summarized than in I b.fr.i the fan tht Mac-! ineffectual speeches made by members of the Op- bine commonly referred to as J" I I VI VJ tm I aJ . free enterprise. ' ' i npni.e R-ir.g acea a pan a.i , I V y. .a.m...b ln.,1 1 , . . . t , t. of t I , nlmtntflMtmn : ihM...H t. . . - ' . f - V 1 ) )S 1 1 1 0 11 m. r i.t,.-1 i k. fVeauae of this aDoallim aiUi- ... . .... ltrf dtrf h r.f! the ,. f.( fart thr .v,.fK he Whn when I I think think of of Ihr the stronz stronz vmaoiiiiy ...k. - i ... .... :'. ... AUTOA.AATIC -will lit to avom oreaKintr laitn 'vtiin our irienus. : waji for a ouarter century a nrac. atUcki they made on such ub- eeorwmi. conditM. of the f tsh- j " ' ' WASHERS And DRYEf S ' I" this respect. ' Secrttar' Of States Dulle5 Would juclng spu-ttuat. He ai!ht he.iU as the late Comilaes in- J2S Tili; economic life of the' province U , . , . . , I forftren that, reaiBir.g what the vcsUfation report: the foot- i to recommending it -ouw aooear ;be well adviser! to take a few tips from the master, 'opposition pimcai pr.y wouid .and-moum d-eae and reuU thm detned to render assist-tu ltu?triirr INGLIS AUTOMATIC WASHER U'J (With Sudsmiwrl INGLIS AUTOMATIC DRYER $W have done :h it on the hustings price maintenance. I find il w mausiry eomparao ' """ " " Zndwmitn'. . Horses on the payroli-and hard to .nder.tand hy they to the legation already enacted " combine u ainieo ,t at txcrcLsmg n.vw in the have been so weak and inef- to provide " atan e for agri-! spoons in tne .trie attic I ,mw wra m itu un uin ; authority over or oniy the fish- i wnat is fcarter for the Can- ; fective m thin ca. culture. f Jf .for Mr. Dulles apparently favera using a rough "hand without too much regard for traditional lines -of alliance. In hi? brief term in office he has al- jaaian peop.e to late is me sug-1 in the International rue- X"1 .rmi.( TTie newj Item repnr.tng th ; ready warned Europe that the U.S. will start to : gei:on teat Mr. K-r-t ce.ioer- erics Commission competed iti - o-.uar-. nau maur uie .iwu I importatl.in of fish meal from -os cc.ji -.- year 01 rniuiKW Ol ice - . . Ir. w. MentmneH ont. nrw ASK AIMItT EA1f f AVMl.VT fUN At- RUPERT RADIO AND Em with such im.T.enae clouds ofihaHbsit fishery and carried for- piacea certain sraiemenui - - " verbiage that tite people on:y;ard the .ateikal and biol- on Hansard which, in Btaart s r ''P 'JX , TZL rare:y saw clearly to the hard'ka! tnveatipaUons which form opinion, did not in any way ' ' f tTeiTe the the Une ul l-h s.ewhere ' a.o,.g core of what as at atake , m ba f ,r the lejuiataw to the criticism that he had j , Daring that year cocferencea p aced before the hou GEORGE B CASEY. Phone 644 Box !l ""rrthink" it, policy unless the countries there prove nvre ajrreeahle among themselves. While his desire on this score is understand-;;l.le, his tone is too belligerent. It appears that XIr. ; Dulles intends to dictate first and eo-operate after- BHLCE seems to roe to fau down ere hid with representative i on one of his main the. given ; Canadian and Urrtted States " Wards. The CfK)peration part is fine but history 1 in hi preface. We dKS net ander-; wholeta halibut dealifs. with "retfjrds that no one has ever dictated to Europe u:iu iviiiis, iie - t -v.en:erence ooara composed do not ccderstarwl Jwrselve of reprcien'.a'.ives from the fut-' Mr. King proceeded as he did. ' ersnen't ar.d vessel owners' or-because Car.ocks are such a, jar.iiat.orj ki the maj-r haiibut quf-er kri. t;.ttt he conkl not do ports and with a representative otherw-w j of the Alaafca sal men trolira. The best antr io that I'lf- r.FVIFtMIl EVIDENCE eetioti is that the three treatest, dead Canadian Prime. Ministers i At ft'r.g with the and the great one s'i1! !itit i mentioned repre-ientaavea of the -with any degree of success. If all of Mr. Dulles et . foreign policy is similar to his theory that the ; French and the Germans will fall into each other's .arms. at his bidding, his future is about as bright "; the first syllable of his name. s ' -er tsa ,,i f,,x'--1 Miibui indu-strif. the Cooinii&iajn EOTTAWA diary 'different. Hardly anrridy ad- "vl accumulated evidence mired Mr. K.ng. eac'evt a a! lich dicd that the iric- twhnirisr. r,ri rrf' rfi.t-'t'on of fishing in Aia 2 to the Dunne the pre-Chrhtwias ses-jthis seconC Drew attempt , to man. Bjt aimost everrrT who' Uv WTln& resulting !n ;he ton of the Commons. Proeres- muzzle the press. And nothing ever saw Laurier atfrird him onder-utillzation of some see- I ! iijg. fell) i V live Conservative kacr Geore-? going to happen. toveo,tioni of tne s;wlu anJ tit)r fmmensefy. Many literaKv ;urew uy vo!i.t oouon to Even Prime Minister Bt. Laur him Hardly anybody would have in the over-u-.iiization of other sertionj!. . , I Terms of the current treaty' . -nne m "'f'7'-.ent had to be cool towards the gar. e out to fight and die for j . "I"! ""! rarna-.pc Wader', latest erusadc. Pre Mackenzie King. But. if ne had . irftt j'jff t.-. t t-rt ir.si nev . . ... . allowed oniy one fUhing period uTk. I iumaoiy ne was a good enoagn ; asked them to. a tool many area each t Wr.5w.rtte,;! WJwr to "ali2 that " Canadians of both races would 'n "f?, " frofn -tbatint any of argument about Parliament be- hav done Sn for ro,,rir Tnat4"" It seemed likely t red hat tome j " ?.-.r . ot'pati miht expioti-j vlVrir 'mfS eourt ln respect 10 "to", would have applied to Macdon- I 'oution rotation cf of opening opening dat dates r;.r:-..:ve rtr-!tny eriucism consututes eon-' ir U)Q bring bring about about a a more more evei even or rle' or to a . t' r. tie eMM.e. nitu 9mt . n .,orv0forhthen!'P,JbaC ! "'terfihed sect tons were open- l'iht1.to dlSfT I rOUNT) Donald CrhtonV try ior tnem in?s c Parliament freely and . ,,.ed experimentally " ' on later dates.' -book on John A Macdnnaid au . ; t id.-n-.ify tn- mdiv-.dttaiJ! -.divditais frnrn from , rlticize .i.: .1 them freely is the very The Committee on Defence, the more fascinating because of the Hutchison work on Mr. Kins , Expenditures has started its sit ur T urj eaiiij vu m-, essence of democracy. '? rrst:ri. parliamentarv observer! ree tings. I am bo that committee 'If ever politicians were as dif- on its sub-eommittee on . The mrn.fkarit thin about , ogniae the Drew performances:;' iZjZ i and lfT"1 fb" that mr .as the entb-ias exceptional. Its not unknowt h'h"n? lhe5'.we, arjJ eKiii.. 11m ejviva Hht; iir un- i.m w'h w'fiu h the I jheral i fnr 0ftwmittfiiti Ln nrntet fir.oh QJumN i'i Firit Disliftry Siw J Found. J tn l bv Wiilnw B- J Founder wiftii EresIqiM K ra i. piij ui i ft iir.Viuii. n ' uiiij mVr'jtf- Miristr underw rote the i aeainst unfair newsDaner critic- Kin?- have we the Currie Report to go The only politician of our own ici'vj si P,t Hon Mr St Laurent; ism. But for an - opposition r r , Into 11. . J but uu v ax also urwii details wi f the vf le oe- m , 'Wdn t ha-.e sppliuded more leader, whose entire life is spent 1 um .... remmoed , , . . m m part(ffnee " burtretwmf ' t, Wtlu mthusiast aliy if he had been , in criticism, to criticize a news-i of Sir John A. wa the tote Pre-1 on. 1 mier Hepburn, who was alo a One of the most dramatic , r''lvsn; the news that the j writer for cr Korein War was over or that j precedented. ; eer.iiw in conviviality, once i moments here was at five tnin- . while high in the public life of -i Canada. Macdcnaid went off; . .. X All CCTslK I CC r,rrhrira"nt. Vnn. enteral !nr When the Prime MlnlffUr " Marshal gfaim had eaued a hait to the eoid war on the terms of thfl Wertcrrj rxraers. Nothing actually happpned. for the reason that the Drew v proposal was fwrrmlftely im- I VULLJ I UMLJer on a two man show to' l" hw 1 ' Frwm the File r The Dairy . JfrirJH T'sdvLwd a wildly cheerlri; Hoa.se ' up in a bearskin and did tricks. i . ... (l, practical. But the episode was I W TtOf Ago I Oday Tne rather of Canadiar i-, ! federation was. the bearma-ter. , . K, , di-sturbing to the peace of mindj The Prince Rupert harbor was 11' ' " ..... . ,Kt Ihl. ..1. of more than the newspaper- alive with hemng, in promising sometimes drink heanjr that here. ; ,,urwlf merlin he would be unable to otter more In the itav when Briit'h QV''mhia cities were brine hewn out of Vi.int forest statiJs few men frcw the tr-mrmlou future in store ( ( iii.dVs 1'j ifk I'rrtitive. )i,c m.m wlio di x WiHum Br-ul. In V, lie founjed the IVivinre's firt ilti!t-ry TIk- l!ntih Columbia )iti!!cry Company l.imitrJ in New Witminter. At s lime when thst city's population was a mere nine thruanl, ilh.im Braid ml laying the firm frmmJation- , , . fetting the policy .f quality . . . for aft inuVtry that h played an increasingly important pirt in li.C.'s economic development. Since lOflf, the Company has ntcadily e-panded its facilities to w'-ct tlic grow ing lirmanj for lis quality products at home and in the mark-is of the world. 'Ilay, the mfnlcTn I!fitih Columbia Distillery on Nrw WVsi minslrr's Itraid Street stands s tangible evidence of the foresight of ili founder William Braid. j m-n on parliament inn. Liberal-minded MPs they're 2 to be found in all party groups in the House were a bit shock- rd to find the leaders on both Z sides of the House, whose busi- ne.ss it is to be at daggers drawn on tnost Iss'jes. of one mind on Tear Ago I Oday J n,r speecr! -me whole ctmntry The Board of Trade and the knew 0f f,Li drunks. Yet all the Northern B.C. Timbermen s As j while he was helping to guide sociation entertained a large I the scattered colonies of British personality. i ONE BCBJECT Wednesday, January 28. 195J was one of the few days In (act I think the only day I have known when the House discussed fisheries all day; this was on number of visiting lumbermen ! North America to the federal at a smoker. wnion which Is one of the greatest feats of statesmanship in history. the motion of Wes Btuart (Lib- George Wilson, business man a proposal that came pretty cloie to involvine censorship of thp press of Canada. There was an unpleasant flavor of vI absolutism and dietatorshln about the whole incident. Charlotte, MBi "that, m the ager of the Dairy News gave a Tne main thing that' Laurier and Kin had in opinion of this house, the government should consider the ad- talk on "The Making of a News- paper" to the Tvaia boys at their iCOmmon was that their main monthly supper. problem arose from the fart that The United Btstes paid Ru ta 17.200.000 for Alaska tn 1867. equivalent to two tents an acre. Canada is a two-race, two-re 20 Years Ago Today - DREW AND THE PRESS presumably the memory of - the Prime Minie.pproba- tin encouraged 'rnV PC leader ' in .his latest "Ufriijii f" fetter - the parliamentary correspond- Under the baton of H. N.'lig10" country. British Columbia's First Distillery Founded in l'JOf by William Braid Brocklesby, conductor, the Philharmonic Society gave its second concert before a large audi 2 enU. This time, hiiffirument is m lhat Parliament is V court and that the parliamentary eommit- ence. SOLDIER RECEIVES SWEATER DONATED BY HIS MOTHER 10 Year Ago Today THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. .. tees also are courts and that Customs revenue for the any reporter who writes ln critl Z cal vein of what goes Jon in their exalted precincts is guilty of month of January was reported as $8(1,753.85, almost double the amount collected last January. MEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. B.C EXPORT B.C. RESERVE B.C. STERLING LONDON DRY GIN B.C. SPECIAL -nr,temDt of COUTH 8. C. DOUBLE DISTILLED lr As a starter yne PC leader ""wanted action taken aeainst a NORWICH, NY. (API When Mrs. Harold Moore knitted sweaters for the Red Cross during the war she felt certain that some day one would bring a touch of home to some soldier. At Fort Dix, NJ., a young aoldier walked Into the quarter master exchange recently and asked for a eevete- sweater He received one with a tag inscribed: "Donated by Mrs. Harold Moore, Norwich, N T." . The soldier was Pte. Harold Moore, her son. Ira DU wort rC CBC, a seared the Chamber of Commerce In a letter that the CBC Is proceeding u member of the prs gaBery who " had broadcast over CBC. during with arrsneemenU to connect i Z the wpek-end on -Jhe Currie re ' txirt. ment nf B'i" h Tbts advertisement Is not pnnilsheo or CKytaye 1 the I.iqom Control Hoard r bv tli (iovern CTPR vrtth the national network t with a direct line to Jasper. " Again nothing happened from Z .- '"IMS