Prince Rupert Daily hlei TMesday. F'ebruary J, 1953 Army Operation 'Justified' am UlfU ItaWatsorfs PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD - TAKER CimrMiniK r'KAPLINf TOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4 38 pm. , r FOR BETER BUYS CARS FOR fiALfc FOR RALE ISA ) H"P "in- VI. i rad1"' '""'"-cr.1 n.. Heal invpn. un vkuir snow tire ri4'j;,. Terms available. Cull 4H 12'ipi SALE '51 Mercurv plck- up. Phone Oreen 205. 3(lp I FOR SAI.r ' . :v- fiassined Kates ,,, to p-.iBllraUon. rent per word per .'n; mtniMum cjarge 50 oH-en, M wu; Cards , jhsnk.". Death Notices, rttri Notice. ".'''' nd 'ikfr"t: AramutnuiMsnU, ''" Dl'T.l r dcuHe prlr INNOtNCrJIENM iU-d church W A. Vulentliw r.'i !';. , Kfli 13. ,wll Women AiiXlllniy, v;:::i::a t::i::. ; !)... K' i' IS- pm, to 2 110 . fcU.iid School b'a 'ft plunl sulv. Man-It 12. FOR SALE Slromberg-Carlson 3 -speed radio-grainophme Beautiful walnut finish. Box 604. Daily News. m FOR SAI.KAutomntlc Rockgas wuti r tank anil Kockgas heater with permit. Used very little. Black 3'jfl (28i H R 8AI.B Swedl- h rnmderii f - v , ( i-lM-kterlield a u 1 1 e, bedroom Mine, fringe, mixcciiarieoii .chairs, radio-phonograph, new kingle apruiKlilleJ mattress, client of drawer a. etc. Plume liiue IfKI. i8i Iwnitlew) ertal Phllra.U, Ertlt & C fun kl VT rt l. 8 p in . C apiuil 1 lie- tYKTHltiA ,..pri ions "f I9'" I phone 601. irr, chiiiTh tea. Fib 21 Co. Ltd FOR BALK-All enamel kitchen raiive wilh two-wwk oil btrrn- er; Maxwell witIilni? macliine, used ltir years; double bed and dpritin; cine -ulre bed-Kteart. baliv rrib Phone Blue 8M 61V &lh Fnxt. I2'jpl Vim PFVT Sleeping room, nenr M'-Hrlde, for men onlr. 212 1th Ave. F.aU Hlack 164 FOR RENT One -room furnished rabin for working man onlv Apply alter 6 pm.. 740 Fulton St. (281 THE KNEE-PAD LEAGUE Arr you a member of the Knee-pad League? You may not bo roriM-inus of H, but If you ride out on your right knee, or if yon find the right knee trouser U black and dirty after a game, you can nuaiify easily for membership In thU organization. The Knee-pad League is strictly a "pusher's" organization. The knee paid is worn to protect wear and punishment inflicted on that much-abused jotnt. Too many young curlers push out from the hack, ride on the right knee, then deliver the roek from a temi-sitting position on the Ice. No, It it not their fault, ci. tin iy. beeaxie they are copying Uncle Bill or an Inclination U. wek'tlw safety of a Kit-down position before they deliver the .t'ir c - 1hi; delivery is orthodox in many communities, and It has been copied, too, by would-be sliders who give themselves a violent thrust tut of the hack, then, rather than risk the precarious pose of a natural slide delivery, they slump to the lee, ustr.g the riRht knee as a ski, then administer a second push to s'-nd the stone on Its way. This type of stone propulsion Is not a thing of beau.y to watch, but It gives the party concerned a sense of sec urlly. and, I suppose, a certain feeling of satisfaction th:it he too Is sliding with the best of them. It b a cryirg shame to see young men all over the country putting thri Individual Interpretations on the sliding delivery. If In nr.y ay. I have been guilty of these many contortions that art taking the name of sliding in vain, I hope that these articles will bring more clarification to any disillusioned minds. Next . . . "Draw Weight Remove Mitts" FOR KKNT-Hnum and break- - . . . ' " mi niiiii siiriTiiii; ur sin- n ,le. 1428 6th Fast. Phone u Green 781. I2S 11 FOR RFNT Uuht housekeep-i A In rtiom Phone Oreen H91 T after i pm. 32p ; 7 I ROOM FOR RFNT Hoard If desired T Girl preferred. Red 50 i i3np, I- X s - --'V ' BINOMt KLW1NC1 C'FNTRK renti portable machines. Phone; R6I. (cl BLACKWOOD, on Rt KT-Sleepina room 5J0 , 8lh wil, Oreen 73 (28pi : , I FOR P FNT Com f ort afile room jipnrie Oreen 438 30) ! - i Says Statement ; SEOUL U.8. headquarters have defended "Operation Smack" as fully justified, well planned but imperfectly execut-'. ed. Last Sunday's 150-man raid on the western front, witnessed by ! field commanders and newspap-i ermen, "was in no way designed , as a demonstration for spectator I benefit," said a three-' page ! statement from headquarters of , retiring commander Gen. James A. Van Fleet. ; In Washington, the chairman ; of the Congressional Armed Ser- ! vices "Committee agreed after . reading secret military reports ! that the operation "was neces- j sarv for tactical reasons." j Headquarters said three U.S. 7th Division men were killedand : 61 wounded while attacking ; "enemy Installation which j threatened our forces." War correspondents had been j carefully briefed and handed detailed time-tables bound in three-color covers prior to an j air-artillery-tank - Infantry as- j sault on a feature known as Spud Hill. ' Appliance Firm May be Sold VANCOUVER 0.. A muIUi-milllon-dollar deal is being negotiated here under which an Edmonton firm would take over the hardware equipment and appliance firm of Mackenzie, White and Dunsmuir, Limited. Representatives of Taylor, I Pearson Limited of Edmonton are expected to arrive here to complete the transaction. The Vancouver company, with 14 branches In B.C., has been in business since 1922. The MacKerizie River In the Northwest Territories with the Slave River U navigable for ' 1.200 miles. C m V r 11 ; E t aiainwnia m mi aiiliiaaa 4aWir4 v km Uvm Cml laaW W 0 ahACW-- ' i I IT'S BITTER. TO SET RENT J : FROM HARD WORK. THAN TOJ '. ET CROOKED TRYING TOf ' AVOID IT !t - jtm&yt ! n iii j' f:''T' ' ! tl. Everybody beat! a jtroight ond narrow path to our door for new Dominion Royal Tiret. DAN'S SERVICE STATION Phone Green 60S I si ( VAKliv.-, MOliRE 1H6 SWteTEST, THcl PCrrritST WIFE IN ALL THE VANCOCVER via Waypolnts SUNDAY SS. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Chilcotin, 8 p m. , ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QCEF.! CMARI.OTTB ISLANDS Jan. 28. Feb. II SS Chilcotin, Midnight FOR SOCTIT Qt.'FF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS Chilcotin, Midnight Jan. 21, Feb 4 FRAXK J. SKINXFR Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Plwne 5C3 J3u5ine5A & DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicoting Circular Letters - Monthly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lers than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv us your mailing list We do the rest. GREER t BRIDDEN LTD. Builders and Contractors New Construction, Repairs, Foundations and Re-roofing 215-lst Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened 213 1st Ave. W. Phone M4 PRINCE RUPERT UPHOLSTERY Custom Tailored Furniture REPAIRING - REMODELLING REBUILDING Ph. Blue 818 330 2nd Ave. W. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Chinese 2)isteS Chop Suey - Chow Me in Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 133 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 127 Train Schedule STANDARD TIME . For the Fast . Dally except Sunday. 8 p m. From the Eist Daily except Monday 9:50 p m IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE r WAsrrn tii rent WANTED Three- or four-room , " II apartment or house by March . 1. phone Oreen 338 (28pl t3 Jy EASLEY BLACKWOOD day PREVIOUS WANTED WANTED A mfcn to start his own business. Almml no money required. Sewing mi-ehine experience helpful; but not essential. Reply to Box 5C. Daily News 4ll WANTr:lHou or nulte. Feb. 11. Phone Red tl, morninKi. l33P' SWAP Oil stove. Rood condition, for kiU-hen table and ehaim. Phone Oreen 338 i2!ji BATTFKY SI KVK E RtJPFRT Itnltery 8hop. Z'M Fast 3rd Ave. Phone Jllue JXfl He-' ualrn, r"-hariri and rebutid-Ing. V'r'i cuaranted fei PUM1.IU A:(.)UNI ANT. Irieome Tax upeeiahxt. H. t. Furk ! Ktone BiilUiiiK?. H'dfffl. C'Omi; .Subieet t Chance) RAI;TO PIAL ! CFPR 1240 Kliocyelen Tt'F'ilJAT 1 4 S-tflrl QiuiUitKilM i 0f lnt Cittnmfmurr t Oft- H,, Bacn ,( y,.r, 4 M-luiron OOJunitir Cbmler of ciiini-rc liipfir fWrnade 7 flo - H- Hewn 7 IS - HC N RiuiMliip ; 7 W IuIit (iiiire t Unudiray i rtttiifin itiiMtiriw l TitlH by IkIh. Hotwrts X A (lii)i a Oal una 00'Bte (VmtlnntJil ff Vi Mr Hltriwtiulneimi 10 00 -CHC N'WI la l he He 10 16 -H.,illh He ( . ' ' " ii nruuin 'I I ' I wnthi-r KTil tMir.ia rm Muiuif ht xi -aitn-orT M - C FKhermen-l Bdet. IV-Miuaea! Chirk :)-- 1W New.. Wiutlier Irnirt 3A M't'tral Clor 1IU-1 BC KrTI Kl rWe hill fliRMl II l? - M .nili.n rvu.K i Hi M.i:iir. Im vtl'ifai 4- l.lttle tk.ftl a m- an.' Hi-ws unt Comrm-ntanr 14- ktukai Vrn-ti ,, r;T..,t 0 l- Miami Prram to an This weea. ArtM In it U Kiubra 'I --Klwrt-n the Air 1 1 I - Hnunauii time ii3o - weam rpi II 11 - Urwiavr fin.) OT He iiil 4fr--tkiwttliiiiit!An Vi-H! M1-lriT Mtiliil II IS KC Ni I'J 3 - ITiat'iitn Iteatooe !I90B C Farm UtLdcajil II S He InU I 0O-Th I oticxtt ltcir - a C" Hrto.l hir1ral 2 -lo Uj(T laatenlnjt 3 00-Hrcorl tor Vuil S m -laiMHati:i1 Matinee 4 IS Yauni Man Wtin a 4 SO-Miifaoe MokkOik Today's Stocks (fonro-i) , II. J.iloilin '. ltd.) V 4.MOI U K American Standard 0H': Bralorne 4 75 B R X 03 Cariboo Quart. 138 Congress . 0G Cronin Babine .. 16 Giant Mascot ... ,. 47 Indian Mnes .. 0'J Pioneer ... 1 !iQ Premier Border 14 Privateer 06 Reeves Macdonald . 2.!)0 Sheep Creek .!S Sllbak Premier .31 Taku River ... 08 Vananda 35 Sulrnon Gold 0J Spud Valley 01 Silver Standard - 130 Western Uranium . 4 00 Sli-Van S5 Doreen 2 Estella f8 Oils A P Con 35 Calmont 176 Central Leduc 360 Home Oil 1175 Mercury 20 Okalta 2 85 Pacific Pete ...'12 00 Royal Canadian 16' 2 Royalite 1525 TORONTO Athonti . 18 Aumnque 19 Bevcoui't 90 Buffalo Canadian 25 C M 8 31 20 Conwest 5.05 Donalda .60 Eldona 45 East Sullivan 6 90 Giant Yellowknlfc 1050 God's l4ke .84 Hard rock H' Harricana .14 Heva .09 Duvex 43 Joliet Quebec .36 Little Long Lac 80 Lynx .13 Madsen Red Lake 1 60 McLeod Cockshutt 2 58 Moneta .43 Negus .10 Noranda 7S0O Iouvleourt .20 Pickle Crow 1 44 Petrol Oil Ons .56 Senator Rouyn .23 Siars on Gamble Rut Thinks His Way Through USED CARS ::' See Superior Au!o SERVICE LIMITED Jrd Ave. W. , Phone Green 117 professional , JOHN H. BULGER Opto$nelt!si A John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue . John F L. Hughes, D C. CHIROPRACTOR -; Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5;00 Eves.: by appointment only' 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 ., H. G.'HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black S09 LING THE TAtLOR Tailoring - Alterations and Clothes Made-to-Measore S20 Sixth St. Phrme 649 SCCTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, EC Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS ; Commodore Cafe Prince George Luxury Steamer SAILS FOR. , VANCOUVER and Intermediate Furls Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m.! For KETCHIKAN It WEDNESDAY foiilnight Comfort and Service For reservations write or -all CUy t Krpnt OBii, Prince Riux-rt. BC. Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST Kopra 10, SioTit Building .' , Phor.e Blue 593. By CHIC YOUNG '?'ANCE THEPe - ) . g ) l 4M v- zz: Mr. Dale gambled a trump i n j , as you see, he -. J si- . ... VV.f.. -.' -vfc ' i - ii r... '-l X Xt ch.' -4- '. ;,-t t '- ':-' ' ; j moml suit. He made up for this deficiency by a clever lay which would have worked against a far mors itc ;nd Brownie tea, C alarm fkhool. Feb H int.. I rtuxi.wry Valentine I - in s .'ii"l..y. Feb 14, Mrs M.h il-.ii ml. 3:'7 alii Ave i ma)iwrade. Fete. 20 ,n Auxiliary Tea and i Sim. March 18 a,r, Auxiliary PprniK Sale, I'-IA While tle- , March 28 t,r T and Sale April 2, ,tt Auxiliary Card partli-n 4 and U Andrew! Cathedral barjiar d.v, Ajirl! 9. B A. ta.i.u. May 6. T 'pr;ni: ale. May 20 a t',i, June 4 IIIRTII VOTK K ,.!)! iJ.7r7tV"ur i K K Harris in the Prince 1 General II.Kpll.1 on Bat. Jrr Jan 31. 1S53, a non. lbs . Fram-U Norman Both ;! iltpi .... MATH NOTICE I. SHOE Francis J Dunroe, it Clements, passed away i t: Charlotte City Ilov- a December I. 16i2. after tttpl 'SITTER ar,U to babv-i28pt NOTICE that from this " I mill nut be resNinsibb any an-nunls Incurred In nunc other than bv mi- - K Tv'. (hit,t Rivfr.j i .up ;i mmss i itsov i.h ST EI) TiP MSRKKT VH PAID for scrap iron, i. lir.Lvi, copiM-r. lead, etc. crailms Prompt pav-H iiuilr Atlas Iron Ai ' l 1 Id . J Prior St . Van- f vt-r. BC. Phone PAcif,r r . ..'."j "NAI. Machinery Co, Mm- i. Uitribntors for: Mining. Jtmili. I,KKmg and Con- tors LqiiipiuenV f.nnulr- f llcd. C.rsnvllls Island iluver 1, B C. (tfl ', , 'r Canadian Liquid 1 " l td for oxygen, acety-" aid ail welding supplies. ''-ay Cartage At Storste i nunc 60 (el FfTKlNS FOR ELKCTRrv now niatle nt l'rim-e u 1 hlly Co., Third Ave. v. ' iwrts, s.ika. service, phone n tc) v , A '''mi'lctc selention valentine cBrds and cu-at the VARIETY O-FCTRICIAN D. Guvatt. ' Wiring and Electrical J th Ave Wctt. w Red 165 C27I mpt coal deliveries nnd "iieer service fhn "It 433. (S3p t!-niH rewound and Itf) .Z T 8tand "ovcliiec. Eddie's (e Xhirvborty uses pa. (0) "ST AND FOl'ND i rod- " n 838 Eraser St. Reward. 28p) ton sale" Srt edan, 0 and heater. Ne Plates. "hit. HUoni Bluck 8!. - (31) SAI.E.In4ft'-n- 'r 2'tn mi. I oi-sv -10 8th , Ave. West. Red Jmx - iW7 Ch(.vrolPt 30t RAI.P TT- ln Ave. Ea,T t 307 tltpi little when he bid three no: was wide open in the dia- Mr. New. South dealer Fast-West vulnerable irt : (Mint BraHi i 8-IO S 4 H A K 9 D 6 C J 10 S S 1 n e4 Kat Olr. e) (Mr. tsrler) 8K 171)1 H 7 h j io a s 4 a . r -A i a 4 D K 10 I 3 ' , C IC i O 7' ' Sou I h . (Mr. IMIet - . 8 A Q S iH-O 3 t J 7 C A QMS Tne bidding: South Wwrt North ( i c is ac S NT All paaa trey of hearts to dummy's king and returned the Jack of clubs, letting It ride. Mr. New won with the king and Jubilantly led another small spade. His jaw dropped when Mr. Masters played a heart and Mr. Dale won with the queen and rattled off a total of nine tricks. Mr. New expressed the opinion that he didn't think it was right for Mr. Dale to win the first spade trick with the ace. This, of course, was an absurdity. True, he had been flim- flammed out of the correct defence, but it was all perfectly legal. As Mr. Masters pointed out. declarer has the right to play any card he chooses at any time. Miss Brash added that if Mr. New would spend more time cn improving his game and less on questioning the opponents' ethics, he would win more often. BLONDIE OACWUOP . KAT ( Fivt COLLARS AND r.r ,? v i'- ?-x IIFAI. rSTATE J PRINCE RUPERT ! REALTY CO. l I Real Estate ond Insurance Now Located at 345 THIRD AVE. W. Next to Style Il.irber Shopi PHONE 301 Aie You Fully Covered AKSlnst Fire? (Cl TWO SPECIALS rive-room bungalow with two extra rooms in attic Hardwood floors In hvtngroom. dln-Innroom and one bedroom I.anc briRht kitchen wired for electric ram:c. Two-room cottage at rear renU-d at jMO.OO t'lofj- to McBnoe. Price $7,000. Terms arranged. Wartime four-on 7th Ave. nenr McHrlde Two extra rooms In f attic Price $1,500. Terms ar-l ranged. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197, cvenlncs 2!t rOR SAI.E-Klx-room fully furnished house with three-room basement suite Hot water heating Plume Red 129. I33p FOR SAI.E-F.lKht-rormi nous, cement basement. 336 flth West 32p " TAXIS Anil TR ANS! ERS Stort tho Now Year Right Chongc to BLACK ond WHI1E For a Clean, Dependable Taxi Service, Call 65. 'IN'pnlnnlly . , . Why not nof" CITY TRANSFER Long Distance Furniture Movers CRATINO nnd PACKING FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point ln B C. Phone 950 ' First Ave. and McBride (e) 1II I P WANTED, MALE FEMALE LOCAL Industrial plant require first aid attendant with In dustrial H ticket. Box 606, Dully News. 12U i experienced player than The opi ning lead was the six of spades The four went onj from dummy and Mr. Masters played his lone Jack. The queen would have won the trick, but Mr. Dale promptly played his Tl'a' apparently silly play was based on the following considerations It was clear that the club suit Wad to be brought In If nine tricks were to be taken Tlwt meant the lead would have to b lost to the enemy as Mr. New, hit vine overcalled. probably had tlie king of clubs. What would Mr. New return after winning his supposed club trick? A diamond was the most likely klnft IF lie thought a spade cntinmtion was hopeless. And if Mr. Dale won the first trick with the queen of spades, then he would be marked with the ace, too, and in that a shift by Mr. New would be clearlv indicated. ' i However, when the ace of i spades' won the first trick, Mr New naturally placed the queen with Me. Masters. At trick two Mr. Dale led the rv I ia 1we 'LA DR. BROCK ( IIISIIOLM, 56. of (nikvillo, Ont., has announced his resignation from the post of director-general of the World Health Organization,; to take effect when his contract expires July 21, 1953. Dr. Canadian army. In 1944 he Chtsholrn, one of Canada's leartms: psychiatrists, took over the worlds top health Job in 19-18. 3 !- .4 I I , '. -I v r , f 1 I J XXJI?e SO S-Ett ABOUT IT. (I'M GOING TO KEEP THE CH.4P CMS J?t Will i - ' iPi r rxxt As-which r vjoploanp voli restvvt the i 1 anuschj iHt tKt.v-.-ivc V BtSr-kEEP THE EXPENSIVE i-ff'r-iV BACk A, : L-L 3'VnLLlLl I I OMt AS4t S?tLlNU IMC t.ncni- 1 I 1 ' - S: Vl( ONE BACK r J.-Acf i r. -t v-i " . I '' ' .. $r " t ... . . . i l ' ii. ' ' , t$ '. ?