," village, and whether the hatch: cover on the boat had been ! Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, Mai' 8, 1952 r tuur' rout, "I'- Many ; Stock! Today tograph wiiers a full foii-annn bottle was found by him. On the bottle were dark brown stains in which were embedded several strands of hah' and visible 'Rupert. -White said he locked the cabin of the Westerly. He. 'had examined the inferior brief-! ly at Port Simpson. " "It was in a very disarrayed Vnndltion. There were Hood locked. The boat may have pitched a little; the hatch cover had not been loc ked. throughout the ni$ht. session into ft trial within a con- cerning admission of vvidenee formerly not submitted by the crown. RCMP Sgt: L. A. -N. Poiterton said Ryan was arrested at his home at about 4 a.m. December King (fmirtftT S. It. J..1inM.iu Mil i RELUCTANT WITNESSES (Continued from pae li "Yes." . I "Did you see lights on the omnpics oi nair trom th heads of accused and the victim as w.'U as accused fingerprints along with the bottle had been submitted for analyses said Const. White. Mr. Justice Woods said hr-would like to see all evidrwo t this. Can't you tell us any more?" Lawson said hi had towed one of two boats adrift back to the whart. It was the Eileen S, owned by Robert Sankey. Const. White said he had j found no money in the Ryan , home, which he had searched, j and had found no money in the dead woman's purse, besides one I five-cent piece ir. the change I compartment. Mr. Brown asked the witness ! to show the jury how the inside; of the purse was torn. Const.) VAXrOVVER American Standard Bralome B R X Cariboo Quartz Congress Croni l Babine Giant Mascot Indian. Mines Pioneer s Premier Border Privateer i Westerly?" j After a considerable Wells said he had seen pause, lights. 6 00 .04 1.35 .06 ... .42 ... , .96 ... .17 2.30 ... .27 09 24. A police boat deported from Prince Rupert for Part Simpson ; following a midnight telephone i rail from thj Indian village. It landed with five police of-i fleers, BgV Potterton in charge. After some convei:sation with ; persons on the wharf, the police ; contingent headed for the Ryan : home. Accused was sleeping, said Sgt. Potterton, who instructed ; a constable to handcuff him while in bed. the case presented today, so the 5S stains on the walls, on the floor : ! and around the engine." Wit- I ness said no articles were touch-, ed before' photographs had bee 1 taken in Prince Rupert. "Are you sure the articles on i 'the boat were in exactly the: same porition in Prince Rupert! as they were in Port Simpson?"' I asked defence attorney Mr. ! Brown beginning his lengthy j land thorough cross-examina tion. j ' "I think the articles Iwere in the same position," said th'-1 witness. . Mr. Brown asked if the West Lawson said he had not towed : before seeing Ryan, in the Westerly, Ryan's gillnet-! Mr. Brown referred to the ter, which was alaJ adrift. , i script of last year's trial, read Why not? ' asked the judge. . where Wells stated he had seen But after Lawson answered he lights "go1 on and off 'after he thought perhaps the owner was had seen Ryan swimming. , aboard. He said no more. He , "I was mistaken." said Wells, raid he "couldn't remember" if "Well, why did you s.qy that he heard Ryan or any other then?" insisted Mr. Brawn. ju'j uc ttuuirsseu in the morning and in the afternoon be able to retire to consider the verdict. "The jury should not be tired out when it is' called upon to make such an important decision in a murder trial," said the judge. The public section of the White also said there had been ; what appealed to be blood stains on the inside of the purse. There were bills paid-up store bills in the purse, show- i ing December 23 shopping total- i ling $45.28. II AIR ON 1SOT1MC Witness pointed out on a pho "I Reeves MacDonald 4 00 Reno ... . 06 Sheep Creek 1.55 Silbak Premier 55 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold .03 4 Spud Valley 07 2 Silver Standard 2.40 Western Uranium 4.45 Oils AukIo Canadian 8.10 was scared," "'hispered j HANGOVER ' The sergeant s..id Rvan was erly may have pitched or rolled , during its tow from the Indian Wells. ' Scared of me?" No answer. "It if obvious he is now Mr. Hogg quickly. not drunk when taken into cus-; tody "but may have had a little said bit of a hangover." ' Const. Jack White identified "Were a lot of people drunk at a long Hat ot exhibits which jn- 62 1.76 A P Con Calmont asked ,eludt:u men's underwear, u worn- Port Simpson that night? Mr. Brown. "Yes.' 'answered Wells. TRIAL WITHIN TRIAL ; an s green purse, a soft-drink bottle, a man's wristwatch and ; shoes. He told the court .Ryan's boat, began i the Westerly, had been towed Central Leduc 3.65 Mercury 30 Okaka 4.50 Pacific Pete 13.75 Royal Canadian 23 TORONTO Police evidence, which late ii the afternoon, continued by the police launch to Prince sour.ds on the Westerly. "I'm not quite sure,"' he replied to steady questioning by both Mf. Justice Woods and Mr. 1 Hogg. Two teen-age girls. Ruth Wesley and Ruby Dudoward. said they had been on the wharf between 10:30 and 11 p.m. They saw the two boats adrift in the harbor. From the Westerly they heard screams, "and "pots and! pans being thrown around." Both girls said they saw Ryan 1 cp. the Westerly. i CREAMING 1VO.M iN Ruby Dudoward si.id she heard r. woman screaming: "Leave me alone!'' Screams were accompanied by the crash of dishes. The girls sa,d ncc-'sed's bro- '.he.', Larry Ryan, ha.i been with them on the whrf. j.arry had shouted ..o Ryan on the Westerly: " 'Tie up j Ji.r boat'." " 'Shut up, or vou'll to next!'" But this had not worried the girls, they said. They left the boat and spent the next hour- FLY,,, ' .12 .21 .57 1.20 .30 -34.25 3.90 , .49 .23 7 95 9.75 .52 13 .12 .10j .89 , 1 .- - wo bo 0 - Barrel m t victim long! riaht-tolord Platticl '-'i iu-srip ffrmg.' 1 CUths whmn it ihoottt - ( kaiy to rmloodl LISTEN 10 Tom Corbet)- j UhJ Space Cadel"l See local news- fm paperj for time ond station. I 'tP EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Athona Aumaque Beattie DttQtiesne .. Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian . Consol. Smelters . . . Con west Donalda Eldona East Sullivan '. , Giant Yellowknife .. God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Duvex Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac : Lynx Madsen Red Lake .. McKenzie Red Luke McLeod Cockshuit ... Monet a Negus Notancia : Louvicourt Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas Senator Rouyr: Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Silver Millar- Upper Canada Golden Manitou ...... .47' 2 visiting their friends in another 70 boat, they told Mr. Brown, in J FREEJ 38 space CAOEr crens-examination. J When they returned again to 1 I the wharf, the two boats wv;re I still adrift. Ruth Wesley told Mr. Brown . SOS I Mail to Kcllagg't SMOKE RAY GUN DAILY SERVICE O tockhill frodutliont l.V ('mi; 'V V ' Box 1500, Toronto, Ont. I J I No build your OrVn space squadron: t I'll hm' M ini .... Slimki- (, , TV) , ''ls' 2-1r in tuiii mill ii.ii.. dun T'. d-i Tom Cofbort OfMl hil ffionds .... fti' 1 P '"""' 0" J NAME TO .15 1.90 43 2 95 ' .44 .60 8.00 .29 1.73 1.26 .1934 4 30 7.00 . 1,85 183 600 7il KITIMAT KILDALA ADDHISS CITY. ... 1 MOVINC1 Offer fim,rt 10 rtWrnfi 0 CanciJu of ffC( in r)'i(fnrnl PiiKAiiI. Onrt ri AND IV V I I CI O IL. I.UI. UULOCU Ull r-CMWyLj tuin I WM-i W" w m mmmm she heard a splash near the Westerly. She saw the body of a woman In the water. "She tried to pull herself on the boat, she Was grabbing for the side. She screamed when she couldn't make it." Ruby Dudoward said she also heard the splash, saw the body. Attempt was being made to swim. ! She didn't see attempts to ; ' clamber aboard the boat. I Ambrose Wells gave little more ' than "yes" and '"no" answers in his testimony. Mr. Hogg asked j the questions. Wells confirmed he sad wen Ryan swimming in i the bay underneath a bridge on which he was standing "about ! midnight." Then Ryan got ashore, walked I up to the village and to his home. ! "Was Ryan staggering?" asked .' Mr. Brown. Daring Robbery From Restaurant V the tire that earned the name LIFE-SA KEMANO BAY ,F.or information and reservations . Phone 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. ". i 1 i " ': I"' 4 E l .1 .(-. . W- ' - ..4. M . . .it " u' ' i r ' . ,: ; M ' " 1 "' i i; " . ... . " ' "'j ,. - ..-'t 'f t ' i r " . - r S ... S nil,- 1 , ; t ? ., " it - .jiH I -i I . 4 1M ' J -,. 51 l .O. Box 280 BARRIE. Ont After having donned an apron and flourished ' a mop, a thief stole $1000 from a local grill. The man, after closing hours, entered through a small sicfe window and moved about in plain view of passersby as he cleaned out, the till. PRINCE Rl PERT Phone 47li To) Wo Wo(&m j sue SIM- FRASER t PAYNI Harold Thorn, general manager of Canadian Fishing Co. here, left on today's plane for a business trip to Vancouver. lJZ-- SALE 7 1 Gift Nylons for Mother's Day A Gift That'f Sure 14 Pleose Threa paU packed in attractive clear plastic jewel case, TV x 5" of. IV deen. 51 gauge, 15 denier. Two r.?w sliades onl, KNCIIANTtD APPLE and TEMPTATION. m fQ " Special Sale Price TJirec pair ,in Case, fo.- T!t0 n 4 . "-"'i. !, J t ' y - imiitrinun ni ifninin iajirfwa,iMnj i Ladies' Slacks Wool,, blend, gabardine slacks. Well cut and tailored, with tell-belt, zip fastening. Browns. Blues, Fawns, Greys. $ J fl C -Sizes 12 to1 20 PAIR JLLatt) Ladies' Slips . ,UT.F.O.TUBlT(0SA1.J TIRE WITH INNER TUBE BLOWS OUT iUDOFNI V ... tfcwl f .' I CHANGES BL0W0UTST0 SLOWOUTS PROVEN ON THE ROAD Beautiful crepe slipj, deep lace trimmed, well tyled. ,ft, the inch. Ih road like a iw'l ,reJ' hfr, thcir flexible action safe, sure traction . . , . smooth graceful lines. White only. $ 2.98 Sizes 32 to 40 SPUC.IAL SAI.E PRICE NYLON TRICOT SLIPS Luce trimmed. White only. Assorted styles. This is outstand- C fVQ ing value for first quality nylon tricot. Sizes 32 to 40 00 The B.F. u" , your present r,, Gloves Most blowouts start when you don't know it. A curlj or a hole bruises the cords inside your tire. As the tire flexes, a break occurs at t he weak spot and the inner tube is forced into the ftap. Here it is pinched and rubbed until suddenly, miles or perhaps days later, when you don't expect it, the tire blows out. But with the B.F.G. Tubeless Tire there is no tube to blow out. The air-retaininft lining is actually a part of the tire itself. If damajjedoes occur, it can only cause pinhole leaks ip the lining, that lose air so slowly you. have miles in which to make a safe, . easy stop. 1 Developed, tested and perfected by B.F. Goodrich, the Tubeless Tire has been . used in the U.S.A. for over four years by thousands of motorists. Their reports of phenomenal, trouble-free mileage are your best guarantee that this is the finest tire you can buy today. PROTECTS AGAINST PUNCTURES A layer of special sealant rubber under the tread sticks to any puncturing object and prevents loss of air. When the object Is removed, the puncture seals itself Ifi sttmtly and perniantmtly. PROTECTS AGAINST DANGEROUS SKIDS The B.F. Goodrich Tubeless" Tire has an amazing new tread with thousands of tire beau ' . kll(Sajnsi' air-tlghtpressurelock. can't come on... .ANDl)AV.tRHl f dealer Has the lu Al! Nylon Gloves. Black and white, plain and frilled cuffs $4 mr $-4 A Cf Per Pair and im l viS. 1" l'x :; v. 4 Nylon Brief Panties KM Sit THE REVOLUTIONARY TUBtltSS TIRE WHERE YOU SEE WIS 5GrV, ' irregulars. Assorted colors. $- "4 W-'h-fht'" " size sma" and medium PAIR XUU 654 0?4 ' B. F. GOODRICH Tire Dealers in Prince Rupert: Rupert Motors Limited PHASER and PAYN tktt dvtrtilmnl tf not publ'thcd Of d,iplytd krf UM Control lnJ o by k GomiMal Second Ave. at 1st Street