i Prince Rupert Daily News , Thursoay, May 8 1952 Legion Card Party Enjoyed prince Bup-'rt ' ! Gyro Speeds up Spring Fiesta Loca , Daivc E. L. Master- , Carol Nelson Allan Ritchie 80 . 80 mis. m. uw. Godkin. ImvilH'. D. Lowrle I a n d ...', , Pianofortr ender 15 years j Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at a H i;. Black, W. K. Festival Winners PERSONAL ;ril?r:n - 84:Special business luncheon yes-i vx r,,, 82 . . J K Ten tables wtre In play at an enjoyable Canadian Lesion card party In the Legion Hall last night. Whist winners were Mrs."Crox-ford and O. Kolfer; bridge winners, Mrs. Silversides and Mr Julie Prockter 'Mr. ami MS- J- zim- j Mr. -and Mrs. R. G. Guud have Norman Bcllis returned to the 82 81 forthe forthcoming spring fiesta ; invitation dance to be held May i Roy Sieber Pianoforte under 16 years ! uu,uru LO city irum a trip city on the Prince Rupert yes- I terday from a business trip to .Vancouver. Olassey (playing as a mam:' Stanley Green nf vnP i l A. Part'iu, uuawa, Raniloops; K. Mac-hrtGeoi-BP; Constable Uthers; F. W. Pen-Lon; J. A. Bradley, tt I DS ES l Y A FTKRNOON iiras'f 2 Junior Chorus: Annunciation Sc'h)l 85-81. King Ed'A-ard School 83-82. Bcroen Street School 83-80. Borden Street School 81-81. Conrad Street School 80-80. Pianfurte under 13 years Delia Haig ciibbage Mrs. Judge and Mrs. International representative of 1 Olof Hanson arrived in the Astoria Sr. (playing as a man), the Pulp and Sulphite Workers city on the Prince Rupert yes-In the kitchen were Mrs. V. Union, is paying a visit to the ttrday from Vancouver, beim; Ml. and Mrs. r. n. art. uuncan, Mrs. carpenter and Mrs Cllv on union business. Pat Anderson. i The next card party to be held ,M,',SS Ma,ry kcAfee' daughter will be the final one for tht of Mr and Mrs- W' R McAfee, on his way to the interior on one of his periodical business trips. Reu' T. Rose. pxerntivA secre biajne Chnstenscn 80 1 16 ViAHnDlTitrHUnnnT rVI" I A crowd f 240 or more persons Alan Laird and Bill Herein 82 ' - . . , Vialin Duet under 15 years i Is exPected Club members are Donald McLeod and ! busy "ow receiving requests for Richard Forward 83 ' '"u 0n?- Pianoforte under 17 years i C ub businesS came be- Scna Pavlikis n- 'ore tne luncheon yesterday over " which Vice-President A. W. , , : Large was In the chair in the nl left by train on absence 01 President Marc m Monday night on a trip to Fin- Gormely mor, Norway Enroute he willj Guests were J. F. Magor and stop over at New York to visit' John Kuypers, both of Prince with an aunt. , Rupert. . 83 Beverley Barwick Gail Redpath 82 ider! season. ... Prizes will then be clven arr!ved home on the Prince Ru- Hurl UQttnn,, 1, Andrea Witch 82 Lorraine Gilbert - 79 tary of to to the the winners winners of of tHe trie serl?s series. " j.ciuaj num Vancouver i "'J " the l"c Vancouver. vamuura.Duaiu Board ui of says Mrs. A. J, Anderson w spena the summer holiday I iraae, arrived in the city by air season here. I today from Vancouver. He will be here for the next couple of F.. M. Dockrill of Telkwa ar- days conferring with the Prince rived in the city on the Prince i Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Rupert yesterday after a trip to ! , ,, Vancouver and elsewhere in th-M Keron, who was a mem- south, beine on his wav I ber of the '1 Post Office staff rtist and dance, Frl-j l He) j meeting May 8. U09c t !arv Chapter I.O.D.E. Here For Ordination Of Son As Priest ORDER YOUR MOTHER'S DAY CAKE EARLY! Pianoforte under 14 years Myrna Knutsen -. 84 Sonja Hansen 83 Ellen Roper 82 Anita Rogerson 82 Eloise Lahti 82 Elizabeth Jones 81 How"Skinny"Girls Get Lovely Curves formerly the interior " years ago and is now a postal Mrs. M. A. Turaeon of this city and now resldinir In . sai(. Will UC iRIU OUt- Jjc Royal Bank, f 110c I whist drive, Friday, Mrs. Ole Phillipson arrived in the prlnce Rupert yesterday1 Toronto, arrived in th Htv nn the Princo Rnnrrt witnri.,, the Citv on the PrincM Runri iium Vancouver, Deing nere on fb ft. T .Mil lil. li O She will be here for the next yesterday from Vancouver to j of ficial business ( f I- i ltd 10:00-2. 00. month, having come to attend Jln her husband who is man- Mrs L w Kprin 13 saiiin the ordination at the Church of , ager of the cannery at North 1 ' :,.Keri'n aUln? : Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep il Brett over CFPR In George Hills, CCF Fridav. 7 30-7:45 p.m. i ltd Phone 696 i t 1 jr 'f for I , Give us Aylmer tomato Oavor true SAY BARRY I j the. Annunciation of her son 'Pacific on the Skeena Hiver. j for ' Vancouver where she will ! XTVe HiTw : W. D. Lanibie returned to the ' ? convocation ! : completing his studies for the city on the Prince Rupert yes- :hlty , f . Br Ush .?olun2bia tionshml wh' wvf r . .it.l tf.,in wt-tifUv Im-'. ii,. kn. m. wiijr ImlNxm. I l v ib..ii .wn-. II i.mi ni-n on tvxr knmv iifrmif IiIimmI l:ir'ni troll I'pim u nrt. l, Itnirt iim ai,,ftiip. ,lii;pi,,,t, r-xnl it'iiinslK u tni f-r I ton i tfu KeidriE n.t f r Kimii wiwii vil i:i,r:i IK'ure r,ii n t-h. Irir.Hl.u lor.T lir " ift-ni.qiwlniifl Ku.r r,,hj iAt Tr, I i,u T :it It-i k nt w pMiiiKt,.. lycl kutca. ucw yeu. Uxlky Ai .ilruula. ' ,i.v,j :. : terrtnv finm uunn ,. "ere ner aaugnter, miss Dor L.hcr League that was E tonight at St. Paul's othy Kergin, will receive her . .w..UUl. a, own.imj in tlic - ' v ' East. Mrs. Turgeon Is the guest ne went to attend sessions last ; Bachelor of Nursing degree. of Mrs. Joseph Garon. Second weel of tne British Columbia Church is cancelled Thursday night, (ltc) i Progressive Conservative Asso- Avenue, while here. elation. f Legion meeting DANCE Saturday Night at Juneau Mayor City Visitor j Miss Luella MacDonald arrived in the city on the Princ.c Rupert yesterday afternoon : from Vancouver, where she has ;bcen attending University of , British Columbia, to SDend thi Gladden Mother's heart with delicious Roses-in-Snow Cake tonight. All Moose invite,d. (ltp ie Unionists are ln-ar provincial candi-Trades and Labor 5etm Carpenters' sday. May 8, 8 p.m. (109c) ;ng of the Interna- , Walno Hendrickson, mayor summer vacation with her par-i Juneau, and Mrs. Hendrickson, ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mac-; wiio have b-aen on a trip to the Donald. Lfegion Auditorium 9 to 12 p.m. Everybody Welcome Gents SI .00 Ladies 50c Modern and Old Time Dancing MUSIC BY THE WESTERN AIRES id Carriers' HuildiiTj - ' I wortnwest States and southern j British Columbia, were in the i city aboard the Prince Rupert i yesterday returning to the Alas-! ka capital. Mr. Hendrickson is a candidate for territorial repre-I sentallva Tt the current e'ections : in Alaska, having made a strong !howinj in recent primaries, j Mrs. Hendrickson Is a sister of , Mrs. J. R. McWilliams of Dead , Tree Point. Queen Charlotte Islands. ;:jn Laborers' Union, will be held at the tHall on Friday, May 1 109c l ATTENTION TEEN-AGERS Don't Forger ... Civic Centre TEEN CLUB DANCE I l more AyWr. 1 RONNIE AN meeting Fishermen's ted Fishermen's and kcrs' Union, Sunday " 30 p.m.. Metropolo t'.on of officers prin- bss. illlc) 1 Thrill mother on Mother's Day with a beautiful, delicious heart-shaped Roses-in-Snow cake. Sho'U love the tender, moist texture and shell know that the sentimental heart-shape expresses your true feelings for her. OrdJr Roses-in-Snow cake for YOUR mother today! It's oven-fresh ust waiting for you! CO-OP BAKERY PHONE 696 I o ail members of the Legion. B.E.S.L. If Friday, May 9th Dancing from 9 to til in the Small Gym at your Civic Centre . Doors close at 10:30 Admission 25c Non-Members 50c REFRESHMENTS :'n a member for '25 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Santur-bane and Mrs. D. Clccone returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a trip to Bridgeport, Connectl-cutt, where Capt. Ernest San- 1 turbane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Santurbane, is located In the United States Army service. f send name and Serietary-Manager. ': otner members of i'lsement. (114c Packed in B. C." i 1 t..S , t "9 i ' ' " - il : . r;t "'."iti I :i i." - r fa? .1 - t' I I, -.0 . 1 ' !' 1, 11 ' 'U. n r i 1" i - '"''if 1 f t !L' -J . ' " . j1 1.. 1st"'' .-is, ft- " '. '. lit tt- .- , 1 . s, 4. ' 11 . I 1 V , W - 'Ml'. ' ,,!! ' ,.t : . : , , ' X 4 A 1 (A OU SAVE WHEN YOU PURCHASE r SPFCIALS GOOD FROM FRIDAY, MAY 9th to WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th YOUR FOOD SUPPLIES FROM SUPER-VALU Sle Juice, 20-oz . 2 tins 25c Jed Juice, 20-oz 2 tins 27c 5& Carrots ,15-oz. ......... 15c a Beans, 15-oz 2 tins 29c Nabob Coffee pund 95c Granulated Sugar 5 b 52c AAargarene Mar9ene brand, colored 29c Robin Hood Oats N" -p remium 27c Pork and Beans Brimfu" 15 - tin 10c 24 tins to cose Per Case $2.25 Liptons chicken Nod!e s"p 2pk9s l9c 450 Doz. - WHILE THEY LAST jwick Sardines . 3 1 tins 25c FY'S to Chips, large bag 25c FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUIT KEPT UNDER REFRIGERATION on the boat, in the warehouse, and on display GREEN ONIONS and RADISH 2 bunches BUNCH CARROTS 2 bunches 23c ORANGES, 344s, for juice 3 dor. 72C POTATOES, Alberta Netted Gem JQ lbs. fQ 3 FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARE HERE Fresh Frozen Peas Pkt. 28c Frozen Strawberries Pkt. 49c Chopluey 7 . . . ...Pkt. 29c Fi MilLT" .7. Quart 28c Whipping Cream ...... Vi Pint 38c Coltage Cheese . 1 Lb. Pkt. 28c ConcentratetTMilk 75c ..: Makes 3 quorts of Fresh Milk FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS Cello wrapped for your protection Pork Bull Roasts Lb. 55c . Side Bacon, cello.. . 'Hb.Pkg. 30c Pork Riblels Lb. 29c :jWT FRESH FOWL, CHICKEN, Cello wrapped Pad, super-size 49c P TENDER KING fancy quality, 15-oz 21c rade A Medium boos 42c fATE'S ujy Soap, bath size.. 2 bars 19c Gil ey Powders, Any Flavor 3 'or f CLE WHIP f Dressing, 8-oz. .......... 31c s'arilb.. ........... ; 11c T JEMIMA SALT & PEPPER SETS FOR 35c Butter, ut Grade 61c Jewel Shortening ,b 22c . WIN A FAMOUS BILL SCUBY FUR COAT VALUED AT $500.00 A!! you hcv? to do is guess the number of Red Beans in o jar on display ot SUPER-VALU. You con , hove o guess eYery time you shop in the store. u buy a package of Aunt Jemima Coke "41c. h HE LUXE N.125's,pkl 1-25 J