10 Prince Rupert Daily News" Thursday, May 8. 1952 T (Continued from paee t) RAY REELECTS JHf JNTFJATiri Francois Gory Killing Story Lakei I , hulls, and now known as steers.' made by Ryan to him that fatal 'ure sniPP'd from where they i Wind cleared the ice on Fran evening . LONDON Cl The National ; i.s clue to the growing number of Canine Defence League says a pets receiving special training to ' -ccnt drop in number of ani- make them more traffic-con- ! piais Killed in highway accidents scious. I i m m m m m :m m a n 1 1 ..... . . 7. .7 I ' tZJJZ?. Jfp JlMfl coh. Lake this week and the iiir. Christmas is lop-sided I'iiw,,: 'ti, I,',! ,.k . '....Ki ferry is now crossing several Retrial of Harold Ryan at Asmzcs ' Four witnesses yesterday morn- , ing recalled the story of a gory killing at Port Simpson the night j before Christmas Eve, 1950, as' !- i UmcS a but is not on -'hed- oin io straighten it out.' Ryan van!..f of xniir. spur, hut but rrnrtum reaction was slug ule yet. told me. recounted Lawson. 1 tti.sh. They were turning philo- i2i'..AUC8BHMR. Knott thowed his anger at the ! sophical, as well as a bit beefy. A few people have their VENDER HIU- Mc CECIL PJBvtft iiiu.in-i ic-ujjj ui iiuiuiu: -'a3-pxainin-; l v. ,,1C, , r gardens planted and land work , is come ahead. l3i';.,f"Ve "MU,man- gl;' VUUmel W- Self was a Shade portly! (CIULTRNi1WJDREDs) . :l,,lt nor)e of Rupert's seasoned! ; u-df,. u-. i ii j Lt.w , V- ' 10 travr led; "A white man gave me the cattlemen was happier. None M?- and Mrs. Charles Millar ! with Ryan and his common law ' lini.nr ho w . . . .:rnv Mi- Mnim.-. ,...u. ..... n, rHpr vi, . , u t',lecalIf"eci Pr'"ce Rupert." answered Knott j round-up with more cheer and ; lnB with them from North Bat-fCcow'Bav &J?2"E i J". soail, spiriU. Incidental.y hejUcford. TOTEM A FAMOl S fLAVEKSTHEATRE ' MAvj mlHthPstnmnf,h,i.ririnnn T . ' T6" "gainst tne ! woie ins iriona nai at not too ,,1 party L ?0Ia'naILdrlng;H'w' the small nls ""PP1 of 'iquor which! great a slant, and was content On Tuesday there was much from attempting ! activity at the corner when j j there was a community clean- to refrain fancy riding. up of the hall and the church. "Sure," muttered sourdoughs j The Interior of the church was who'd trapped beaver, honked ! oiled. HOSIERY LINGERIE GOWNS SLIPS PANTIES GLOVES SWEATERS SCARVES MILLINERY UMBRELLAS DRESSES COATS TOWELS TABLECLOTHS BEDSPREADS SHOW STARTS 8:30 P.M . Doors on gas fishing : Nott said totalled three bottles , i of rye and three of wine Larry Lawson, another Port K'lott also said he had been Simpson resident, told the court charged after the Tiit ?,-Z.r he had helped to bring the body j night with pLsesio of "louo of Miss Tan from the harbor , and had been fined after prZ-' after it had been towed to thejeutton by Const. George Red-beach cUIBe ma by three men in a small ! head ' rowboat, Again, in his evidence, he re- I LIED TO POLICE plated a statement allegedly' Witness admitted having Uid open i. halibut, snared salmon and shot I it out with Siinsheans away in I er-dust ascended, folks murine shadows of the Shawatlans. ; mured "O give me a home where Swell show." , ; the buffalo roam" and for the . . time bcinK no one had a rare And it was that way with 'on earth. Prince Rupert never everyone. Nimble young punch-; had a stampede before and for ers and cowgirls rode around all anyone knew, there m'luht and around, steers panted, heif- never be another iu puiice Dut only because I ! was afraid about the liquor if Ilirt'iMt , ! You Know It's Right- j When It's from Wallace's I Wallace's Dept. Store j M 1! pin ..mi mmm i, ? f . , AND EXPERT FURRIER CARE BLACKWOOD on how often have you been : convicted on liquor charges last year?" suddenly shot out Mr. Brown. Witness was unwilling to wer. "I didn't keep track," he said sullenly. "Now, tell me was It closer to five or ten times?" Insisted Mr Brown. "Twice. I think." "Is that all? Why were you drinking? Did you have a bad conscience about that night of December 23, about something which happened to Lorraine Tait?" By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Ills Squeeze Can End in Opponent's Slam Gordon & Anderson For Mother's Day Presents When von nn ti'vino- fv t.,,no ; "No - - -te a ouueue 111 t(J MJUS t : tad "r101 eacn 01 tnose PUlts 18 guarded by a separate op-son -between 7 and 8 (p.m " ! P011ent. success will not be yours. Even where the 1, of the essential suits is so divided, how- docking. Knott said he left the ever, it is sometimes possible to play your cards in Kr'whnowa h5l such a manner that entire bU1-den of defense will four and a half bottles and went j rest Oil one Opponent. j " 10TIJie.J . In today's deal Mr. Dale nur-I North dealer OFFERS OUTSTANDING FUR SERVICES IXSl'ECTIOV x MOTH PltOOI ING CLEANING v . REPAIRING it Bedspreads lAr Lamps Hassocks Small Tables it Bedroom Chairs thP I VkJ mT P'n, .Fosely underbid his hand But! Both sides vulnerable it Nttnli night? he sa d." He !Miss Brash- aft" FRIDAY ad SATURDAY drinking at his home, and wa. T Mr Mr rl CnamP,on Bfana. had s,.am no an'way; ot awakened by the le ponce police at at about about , 4 am knowing that the lead of the The trial is expected to last a"? f. C,IubS W0,uld make the minimum of three days Justice C'Til Un'- opened H. S. Woods asked both counsel . . a u TOTE RESTYLING v FOR THIS COMPLETE 4 SERVICE . . . Phone 974 BILL SCUBY FURS 302 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. EVENING 7:00-9 P.M. (Mr. IH.Ie) 8--J 10 8 7 H-9 3 D--A 10 4 3 CA J 9 (Mr. ( lmiiiiloii) (Mri Ki-nii ' S 8 H J 10 4 H Q 8 7 5 2 D-K Q 9 5 2 I-J 8 8 C K Q 4 2 C10 7 8 3 HlMKll (Ml- llnil, ) 8--A K Q 6 4 3 2 H A K 8 MAI lEfc SAT Z:W P.M. A HMOIS I'L.HHid to ensure none nf thD aummy s ace won. And many others at Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 Miss Brash saw that she had TODAY to SATURDAY had been members of the jury at the former trial at which Ryan had been convicted. Gilbert Hogg, qc, is prot-ecut-. ing counsel, assisted by Mrs , W'illa Ray. j 12 tricks seven spades, two j hearts, a heart ruff and the 'minor suit aces. If the thir-i teenth trick could be realized at I all, H would have to come from A mastftrDiece of bold and rtinllenninn nw( D 7 C 8 The blUtllllK: ! a squeeze. Of course, the squeeze North Wrst Knit Pan , would be successful if Mr. Pass South 2 S 4 NT 7 S Pass Pnss j All pam 4 -1 Pu ss 5 1 1 Pb Champion had king, queen, jack of diamonds and the king, queen of clubs. In that case, he alone would have the job of stopping SHOP OVERWAITEA WHERE PRICES ' rTT TSTSM CONTINiifc I CHEWTON, Mendip. England ( Chewton Priorty. the family ! me minor suits. I CARTOON As you see, Mr. Champion did i iU ln ,Son 10 rwt of Earl Walde- j not have all of these cards. Mrs. ' raye' wiI1 be demolished. The , Cim NEWS r-an. wno sav tin hn ii-i.wi LEAD dispose of the 90-year-uld building several times livv. in a rm.ii Keen had the jack of diamonds so that . Mr. Champion could safely throw away all of' his cards in that suit. Eveningr Show 7 - !:dl Salurrtay Malinets ! ! house in the village. MAT 10 IN ADDITION TO OUR BIG APPRECIATION SALE WE OFFER THESE SPECIALS mil Miss urasn was able to transfer the responsibility for crrcv.1 ire mat Vth to MAY 14th the diamonds to Mr. Champion At trick two she led a small dia mond from dummy and ruffed "MARGARINE ALSWEET, Lb. I C PICNIC HAMS It hiKh. She took out the oddos ing trumps in one lead, cashed READY TO EAT, Lb. her two top hearts and ruffed 55c 35c her last heart. lc Buy 1 OXYDOL or DUZ, Large Size at regular Price. Get 1 CAMAY Faciol Soap Then she led another small SIDE BACON SI.it i:n2-i.h. diamond from the board and f- ruffed it. On this trick Mrs Keen's jack fell. On the run of FACIAL SOAP A bars O Cr woodbi ry s t oars X. J MACARONI in,. CATELLI, 8-oz the balance of the spades Mr Champion found it impossible to DRESS UP FOR SUMMER IN A CO! BARE MIDRIFF PUMP hold two high clubs and a diamond to beat dummy's ten CREAM CORN NATURE'S BEST, C hoice, 15-oi. SOUP MIX BEL.MAK 3 I'kgs V Thus, through good play and 2 for 37c 10c 31c 36c LARD IHRNSI RINSO LARGE SIZE Lb. Carton GRY SUEDE BLACK SUEDE BLUE CALF $3.95 very good luck, the speculative slam was made. "Zc?5 Vegas Story" Here Starring Jane Russell, Victor Mature and Vincent Price, "The Las Vegas Story," coming Friday SPECIAL Rcgulor Price $11.50 Just drop into our store any time and sign your name to iill PHILCO RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION Our Appreciation Gift to some lucky person a contest slip. Drop he b"x. and Saturday to Totem Theatre,! You may be he lucky one! ANOTHER HIGH FASHION DRESS SANDAL SIDE SHOW VAMP DRAW TO TAIrC HI A r-r . Is an action-packed story played against a background of Nevada's glittering sporting centre. Miss Russell portrays a cafe singer who marries Price for money when she thinks she has lost the man she loves, depicted by Mature. Later, Fate brings the three together ln a Las Vegas gambling palace under dramatic circum I - Rcgulor Price $11.95 .GRAPELADE oq- WELCH'S, 21-. Jar m jf m CORN POPS .2 fa. 35c RM-LOOO'S stances "when Price is accused of Westminster Tissue 1 a diamond theft and a murder. When Mature, as a local police 10c TOMATOES n n K. MOUNTAIN, ZO-oi JtmjLmQ ROLLED OATS A KOI5IN HOOD, 5 Lb. "fr & Q 2).95 BLACK OR DROWN SUEDE officer, takes up lire task of clearing him, complications and sensational disclosures develop. $49 A snectacular surDrise. denoue ment, with a helicopter chasing a station wagon, brings the film to a climax. Miss Russell features some BROKEN LINES OF SANDALS AND DRESS SHOES Not all sizes in this group 2.95 and 53.95 stunning costumes and wears a $150,000 diamond nicklace from Cartier, Inc. FOR THE GREATEST SAVINGS CHECK OVERWAITEA AND COMPiBti" Hoagy Carmichael. as a piano- playing philosopher, and Brad Dexter as a criminal adventurer OV 15 C WASTE A LTF head the supporting cast. LTD: VOG Musical features include songs by Miss Russell and Carmichael. SHOES UE si Thnv are "I Get Aloncr Without PHONE 843 FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OF $1Q.Q0 qr MORE PHONE B43 ! You Very Well" and "The Monkey Box 638 : Song," aNo "My Resistance is J Low," j