- CANCER FUND DONATIONS - Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. Mav 8. 1.52 1 for .diseases like rust. Above all f it should be remembered that a healthlv. well-cultivated, well- Mrs viktal a.OCT Mrs. W. Webster 2 00 i fertilized eardvm is the first and Mry Fitzgerald t 200 main riefnne Tf nlants are left fk', 40 .00 m.-c A RllsslUIICll O.UU M, M. fKlcuil Urtitl Rncurir .. . 1 ti 6 Gale ". 2 00; ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces . . . . . . t. " .., v mi ir.: v jviiik ....... . 2.00 . untntnned and surrouncieci wnn Dr D. Black 5 ..... n wku.ii a.o. a. Daiwii '""Or,, weeds, if the soil is poor and j. m. Eby 2 00 j a mucuiw a-oo Mrs. a. MneDonaid a.oo I irru-th growth spindly eninrtlw mrl and U'enk weaK we we L J North v fui ' i Trim 2 0 Mrs Hudson 2.00 i M a Mrs E Hartw Br "i,u I .so Mrs. m vierec 2001 b have an ideal spot for pests to li0is .,, f." v, ,,,tt,Mid 200 t J. oienn a.oo Cjarcli emna . LONDON ff. aln Women's R ': ,M5 wi" shortly be; No- 1 dress. umI flourish Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh t no Mrs Carl Oiske 2 00 Jumps Shuoert . . . 2.00 Pliilippson sun 1 Fiekien . . 5.00 1 W. Vnnclerheide 2.00 Mrs. A. Mclnnes 2 00 Mr nd Mrs. W. Pierce 2.00 A Holbrook 2.00 No one had heard of foot- Uv i.nrdiin Lindsay Smith 20(1 Mrs. J. P. McBrlcie some sort of a duster or sprayer 200 "u-i"uui uisease wnen Prince A. barbp '2 on Mrs. J Stewart 2.00 ' Mrs and the proper materials to go The uniform .... Norman 2 OO ; Mrs. H. W. Tlmms a.oo Rupert staged its first stampede 2 OO Mrs. 8 Hmiean with them. There is all sorts of wmith 3.00 Mrs. A E. Waterman B.00 , 0n the AcrooolLs. This 2 00 Miss D. Prolerlion Even with bugs and insw'.s around, ar.d there are few pluces In Canada where 2 00 Mrs Willmm Wallace a oo l ' ; . jacket ; 2 u equipment available, and for the small garden it is not necessary " co .-"' . SIS I zoo iruis ago, nara Dy the ex- on i hi bit inn hiiilriinir t'hnm "i?.w,i " ; . . wc no peaked MVUKed car, these enemies are not lurkinc. it to spend more than a dollar or 2:00 DUt' ,,ns oronch?- We cannot ! gives the wZZ" al th, po-sibie to grow the finest of twc. There are also specific dusts Dower; mid vegetables, if one is :aid sprays ready mixed for use. 2.oo'lcttu ""ne Dt'mK mrown. The ! beret. The , UI : NO Kl'SH There Is plenty of time yet to have a good garden. For every plant or seed lost through late planting there are probably a dozen that perish through being put in too soon. There is nothi.ig to oe gained by rushing. Truv, certain grass seed, peas, nursery stock, and such lovers of cool weathei, can hardly be put in too soon. But with the great majority of the flowers and vegetables we grow in Canada there is no hurry. The main growing period, speaking generally, will be June and early July and often hose things which are planted a "l has tw 200 ; grandstand was packed and the zonta! ch Pleats 2 OO I Median 2 00 Mrs O. W. Colds 1 oo ; W. B. Axlord 600 W J. Beaton 2 00 : Mrs L. Wide H.00 j Mrs. George T I null 3 00 I Mis. Eric Barton 2.0 i A. Ross 6 00 ! Mrs. Ceori:e Scott D.OO . Mrs. W. C. R. Jones 2 00 Mrs. O. C. Sessions 2 00 Cireer ik Brldden a.00 a. P. Tinker A Oswald Chniies Currie . . . L. B Evans G. Shenton G. Place C Strnchnn W. Roth well W. Painter L G Krost Mrs. Croxlortl Mrs. Cleetoo D. Mam S. Suville &pei:ce A: Mutiuk Nirs. J. Jvihttnsen Airs K A. Wright Mrs. G. Rodger . . Mrs. P. huhit Mrs. Olalson Ai,l . L ilHl OuIHlOHU G. Wasonu Nels Wasmg Mits. fcknlnjwk.y . . . roasorrfbly on guard. Fur every ir.-a. lonunately. tiiere is a con- 600 weatner was as cloudless as '2 00 day ln Wyoming or Texas. As a general rule, insects that eut the foliage are attacked with a poison such as DDT, arsenate ot lead etc.. while those that 2.00 Mrs. P WmKhum 2.00 ; Mr. Silas 6 00 i Mid Klkins 3.00 ' w. Rd 2 00 J P MoDtmald . 3.00 i A E Norton 2 OP ' Mrs Pete Wlkdlll '00 j J . 8. Irvine 2 00 Mrs E. Telseth . . 2 00 H C Halliday . . , 2.00 Mrs. F. Sherry . . 5 00 ! Mrs. Vaiiderlu ide 2 00 VV L. Hltcheock . 2 00 , .) Husvik 2 00 ! Mrs. Dixun 2.00 Mr. Petrnlf 2.UU Mrs N. Nelson , . 2 0U Jack Martin 2 B0 Mr Faught trol o: "cure. The main thi.ig the effeet . '."' dts ais 6 00 ! ti. yet this control operating at Mack, suck out the juices like aphids 2.00 ; EVERY DROP PI' RE I although th. n . at ; j Most of the cowboys, who had i the li;imE of Z the very first sign of staked out "daunches" oa Third I 8 00 ; Mrs. MacKay 2.00 Other Hoini,.. . 2 00 John Muliik 2 00 Avenue, and other plant lice are control- j led with preparatio is incorppr- j ating nicotine or tobacco solu- j tions. iime. sulphur or special I C"ar.?iul gardeners will examine any damuge like wilted or par-1 ially destroyed or eaten leaves, v. in regard with suspicion any wore, sombreros. Some ; buttons and V0 w ciiaps. practically all 1 the . "J"1 tat; 2 00 .sported 2.00 i E. Sorge 2 00 Mr Rutherford 4 uu week or two later than the first naa loiiowea the trail of '07 or ! ine h..it ,r a m 'i.fUi A. E. Feruuaijn ft (10 .-in idercheck. Careful gardeners soap Finely ground sulphur ! wjM catch up Qf CQUrw with J... ' Jacket for p. hinar JoinKson 3 00 miser Mouse 2 00 , 00. ouu even men could H be win alio supply themselves with dust is an excellent preventive) out on ceremonial most vegetables experienced gar- wf m. wuksdaie Mr. Cussuls hmie:; Leusk 1 M rhetlter . : ""'T'l sighted a covered wagon, if the 5 o J. r. BUBVUiRa . . 2 oo 6.00 'i DO 2 00 2 00 ' deners advise planting- not once; vehicle leaked. Unlike parts of Fred Bcadden 5 00 but several times and at about a w E Denm'nK . j coswan 2 60 the iar southwest fairly fun. A. J, JlfM regions adja tortnight or three-week inter- Mrs. o. cent to Prince Rupert had frnm ik Ll Mostad 2 00 E Spencer a no Percy Orevllle-Junes 6.00 I. MiLennan 3.00 I Kirnbaurr 2.00 Mrs N McLmd 2 00 .i C Brown 2.00 .! stangbye 2 00 iis. Mike Momesuno 2 00 vals. This brings them along in '' " ",c K,ou ,ci it is si I abundance of excellent drinkinc I Mrs. E H. Mourehouae 2 00 E. Boulter 6 00 Mr. Beautlry 2 00 K. Fanre 2 00 Mrs. Slatla . 3 00 McChcsney 200 succession, spreading the har- water. Misk ;I. Hrvpnti in -i in trend. 1 vesiing or good-eating season , MUe May mh Donaici ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2 oo over weeks instead of days. To ooorw w. Abbott 500 Order Your Bedding Plants NOW George Onkey 2 00 j Mr. ilowden 2 00 25.00 Mrs R. W Gardiner 2 (10 I Critters, once frolicsome youn Wood A: MoClay Ltd. 1 extend that season still further r rs- heona ,lJ"Jle" . Continued on page lOi i-pri-y ci-rg 2ffJ J. Nicoll iivi Mrs A C. Berncr 2 00 A Friend 2(10 A E Smith Ltd 5 00;J W. Eastwood 200 E Vanderkwark 2.00 Alec Mitchell . . . 2 ,00 J W Stokes ,2.00 D Ritchie 5 00 Mrs W. White 2 00 J M. ISvans 200 Clirbar 2 00 . Cunnn Prorktor 2 00 friend 5 0)' A. H Dowsley 6 00 t. A one early and one late maturing mis. h. Newsm 2 00 variety, of eaeh sort. : Mr- and Mrs G p yyons 6 00 KFEPJNG AHF W tl) i Hpv' Altrobus . n.00 , Frances rartrirtge 2 00 No mattir how unfavorable the ; m m. stephms 2 00 weather may be the weeds seem ' c. Stokoe 2.00 tc thrive. Far too many people JJrs. obn Watson 5.00 ... . . ,, Murdo McLeod ;) oo get discouraged j early, especially : Mrs. E. a. Wales 5 00 Johnson 2 00 i Norton Younga 2 On Mrs A 2 00 B C. Messenifnr 2 00 C. R. Cox Mrs A. M. Hurst . . H S. Whulcn ArtPi'o's - 40c drz. AIYSSCM Mauve and White ASTERS 2 00 2 00 when they see these pests liter O. R. Kpley 2.00 Mrs. A Mcintosh s 00 Mrs. J Laurie 2 00 Mrs W. Firming 2 00 BABY CIIEATH White. Pink Ruth Ramsey 2 00 E. Rivett 2 00 Mrs. H. Klllin 6 00 R LundHrgan 2 00 Mr McUonakl 4 00 Mrs. O. W. Utrahl 2 00 Mrs. Calderonl 2 00 Mrs Stewart 2 00 Dons Kerr 2 00 3 00 2 00 ally crowding out their tiny flowers and vegetable plants. One should take hope from the Mrs. M. Parkvold '2 00 : Mrs. R Oreen . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Field a 00 j A. E. More Mr. and Mrs J Formaii 2.00 I W. H Murray 4 00 P. Nickerson 2 SO A Friend 2 00 fact that one thorough weeding ' ftl,s will bring the situation well under control. But this means W. N. R. Armstrong. 2 00 Miss Joan -Oartliujr Mr. and Mrs. n. Vkard 10(10 V Fraser W. Simonsan 2 00 : Mrs. M Raines 2.00: ii t t. - ;----f.' 1 . 6 00 I irpT otttt nrn o 1 I - ? . - ) -t V. Cox 2 00!" B MtNatujhtoIl 500 pulling tiia weeds out by the s loots or ftiittinp- them nff Jiplnve jm; The so-called orchard oriole I ) JT Jf Z -J lull nf CAi.ll.n-r, Klf,nltoh. r.nrl I tW S MM .. - . F. Harding 5 00 1 Mrs. Gormely Grant A- Nwtcoi . " w .uuuiiiii luuiu.vua unci vii m m mm w m i . ., r- ,! . . jp H o. Hciyirson 6.00 ' tario weaves its nost from green ' JT 4 7iT7ItM r .a" I A Rye D. Jensen Forbes Lee . A. Rergeon . Mr. Morden the soil's surface with a cultivator or hoe. This .first and thorough job is carried cut after the newly seeded flowers -and 2 00 1 30 1! 00 2.09 1 00 200 Mrs. E. Garner 2 oo ' grasses. A Wfytyf CwVlt I APPLICATIONS i JA fJ PtoSS KX"" W. Lund vegetables are nicely up, say with j Mrs L. HclKfrson 2 00 FcrUiMui 2.00 theu- second or third set of ! Mrs. Vsqetobles 30c doz. UKOCCOII ERISSI.I.S SPROt'TS CABiiAGE (Early, Late, Red and Savor) CELERY l ETTCCE ."AI I.II LOW ER Perennials ASTERS . : 15c ARABIS 10c CAXTERPCRY BELLS 10c COl I MBINES 15c DELPHIXTl'M 25c PINKS 10c FOX GLOVES 20c FORGET-ME-NOT 10c I.I PIN 25c POPPIES, Oriental 20c PRI.MILA , 15c SUASTA DAISIES 25c ENGLISH DAISIES 10c PYItETIIRUM 20c SWEET ROCKET 10c MATRICARIA 10c ASPBEKRIES .. S5 per 100 AGROSTE.MMA 15c COiiEOPSIS 15c PI. I'M Y BLEEDING HEART 25c SWEET WILLIAM 15c SWEET WILLIAM, Dwf. 15c 200 will be received, by the undorsicned tor the position o( General I II Jf - J I ,iL... . Secretary ot the Hrincc Rupert Civic Centre. If AT nl 1-COrncrS Ot jqq Applications should state aje. qualifications, experience, sulnry I J jQQQ expected and namea and addresses ol references both as to character I .... nnrt experience, and when av.iH.tbii;. I V Mrs. Rohmcr D. 6 Nejrych H. R Hill J. C. Gllker A. P. Gardner Alia. .. GllltnLlHUU leaves well started. Once that first clean-up has been carried out, a little routine cultivation will take care of the garden for tht rest of the season. CAI.ENIU I.A CAMPANTLA (Annual) (ANDY TU T (Mixed) CORXfXOWL'RS Mixed I.ARKIA COSMOS EVERLASTINGS. Strawf lower (iOI)ETI.V .jolly hock I.AKKSl'l'K LOBELIA (Dwarf & Trailing) .marigold N'ASTl'RTirM NEMEalA (Dwarf and Tall) i:TtNJ. 4 Single SALPIGI.OSSIS SALVIA SCABIOSA SNAPDRAGON SdllZAX'lUlS STOCKS (Dwarf and Tall) SWI.EI PEAS (Tall & Dwarf) VKRP.ENA W .41.1. FLOWERS (Annual) ZINNIA Miscellaneous 70c do-'. CARNATIONS DOl lM.i: PETVNTAS 1 0:uAXOES PANSY Mrs. J. Johnson 2 00 Mrs. J. E. Taylor 2 00 Mrs. Sashaw 2 00 Dr. W. S. Kergln 1000 Mrs. O. Kilrinl 2 00 Envelopes bearlne applications s lotild be clearly marked API'l.t- I I CATION CONFIDENTIAL and addressed to: Bm f M W la AMfIIAll ) 5111011 100111601 DR. R. G. LARGE, Chairman, Civic Centre Association. j , , , ,-, ri r-inrLn-nyL Russia Not Starting War .... 'y''Z.i....'.l'.. . .."77 "; Opinion Is That Soviet Needs More Time Strong Nevertheless By ELTON C. FAY WASHINGTON (APi A grow-infe impression amo.ig top United States military leaders that Russia won't launch a hot war soon appears based partly on a be-liei that she needs more time to ready her aimed forces and economy. This is in addition to more obvious reasons, including the improved conditions of the mutual-defence set-up ln western Europe, and the bald, fact that Russia has been doing exceedingly well with a cold war Srrtithers Glasshouses Smirhers, ?.C. Cooking With Condensed Soups Is Modern Method K . JK j 01 subversion, pressure on weak countries, and promoting a "little" war in Korea. , ! During recent days Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, cnief of staff ot the combined western defence forces in Europe, pointed up what he and others had said ; beiore. He expressed belief ,that ' the Russians will not attack this year 01 in the near future. Gin. Omar Bradley, chairman : 01 the joint chiefs of staff, has i commented that among the i reasons the Russians have had j lor not starting war is the su-' pcrior atomic stockpile of the ; L.S., American air power and I the collective-security arrange-; ments in Europe. But he added: S "We don't know what the Soviet imperialists intend to do." j There Bradley was making a distinction between intention and capability. i What are Russia's military i capabilities? Information gleaned from a I wide variety of sources, some cfofdenjeJovv I It W L' M I'WM I LA! K apparently reliable, include these points: 1. Production of steel still Is only about one-quarter of that of the U.S. She probably is deficient l:i -petroieum production. I. Russia .has -sought to prepare her European Communist ASK any bast cook her secret of success these days and she's t)itty sure to nive credit to condense soup. You're probably an cntuusiast yourself. Cooking with soun is a hnhlt en. Place under broiler, or In hot oven 450F.), until lightly browned. Arrange on platter. Makes 6 aerv-ings. NOTE: For variation, use either cream of mushroom or celery soup instead of chicken. IN INDIVIDUAL .Y WRAPPED QUARTERS -SOVP SCOOPS- Nibhlers Tray: At lunch-time, a j satellites for war, 4ut only Bul-j garia seems anywhere near an I adequate condition, j 3. The Soviet Union's trans-I port and communications system 1 Is woefully short of military re tray of pick-up foods Is pleasant to th ny - . . , , t", i,i.. Rennet " Coniparo lJl'J 1-UAC. "-- flavor, i j .x;.t f Vmmaro that's Uelping many hotnemakers Make tiids meet from the standpoint of both minutes and money. The double-rich, double-thick soups make such, fine cooking sauces. Start with one of them and it s easy to prepare a casserole or any meat cr flsii dish that calls for nauce as an ingredient or as a top-Jjer. Eaeh soup contributes a special tantalizing flavor of its own whether .you're using tomato, cream of mushroom, chicken or celery soup. You" Hnri'iiti mi. tiriv ui n ---( texture, for downright d.'lii-iou find here is REALLY h I1,X17vfr0m quirements. These seem reasonable arguments for believing that Russia might not be j-eady yet to step 1 ninnie along with bowla of oup. Make up the tray with dill pickles, wedges of smoked cheese, and buttered toast fingers (rye bread). Party-Style Beans: To give glamour to plain-Jane pork and beans, bake them with pineapple kabobs. Use pineapple chunks and cubes of canned luncheon meat for th kabobs: string them alternately on I out on a third world war. But ! no one is brash enough to deny I the Soviet Army and Air Force I aren't formidable fighting ma-i chines right now. Just think of all the recipes that give extra-good results in shortcut time by Way of soun cookery. It's GOLDEN Yellow Blue Bonnet DE LUXE Quarters individually cut and wrapped go right from package to plate! No scooping, no slicing. Just unwrap what you need , smart-looking, appetizing golden yellow margarine is ready to serve! For neat attractive individual portions, simply cut the quarters they make perfect pats! And forget that measuring cup when you cook with DE LUXE Blue Bonnet handy chart on package shows exactly where to cut! tootnpicKs, three per pick. Place kabobs on top of beans in a casserole: pour a little pineapple Juice over them; heat all In a moderate oven. Fix two kabobs tor each serving. . . . . the kind of quality that '"""V. ' hurni.i .t ingredients, the most n " LL,,xE nuahoris. You'll lc proud Ifl 'rvl Blue Bonnet murgarine! Individual wraps help se"' m 'mrtert neiil in c-ouutry-swect flavor. M nfrtit.d. Btay Healed, keep frhvr l m DE LUXH protection for (g! Bonnet quality! Be u,y0"JrPr''i DK LUXE Blue Bonna Marp"" yWsf, of the maker, of FLFJSCHM,N MAGIC BAKING 1'OWDhR , food products. LONDON (PHarold Dodd, a leading surgeon, advised In a an amazing array from ham loaf to cheese souffle and French dressing. One prize dish that' as much in season right now as the flowers nd sunshine Is "Chicken Slices in Cheese Sauce". Chicken Slice in Cheese Sauce ! medical Journal that children In Honor of Mother: How ahotit i should not be told "It won't the tanilly pitching ln to ret av- hurt" when Eiven medicine m 1 pound apara- 1 can (1 cuds) aus, cooked condensed I a' - freli, frozen or canned) $ felloes cooked chicken cream of chicken soup cup shredded Cheddar cheese day night supper on Mother's Day while she enjoys a holiday. Even the youngest can help ln the kitchen if It's an easy soup-and-sandwlch menu. Cream of mushroom soup with toasted bacon and tomato sandwiches makes a rood combination. For a lestlva finish, straw bernr bortctkfc. treatment. 'Children should be given the same courtesy, honesty and explanations that are extended to aauHs, " he wrote. If you must sell it, advertl.su it NEWS CLASSIFIED. ' FLAVOR! NUTRITION! EC0UOt.-t-t! HI I OM St OE BOUHET GIVES "l '? i " t 11 f I Place asparagus ln bundles ln a flat baking dish or pan; top each with sliced chicken. Stir soup and bwtose!U6rj pour over, thick-