Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 8, 1953 5 A -AT THE mm Ha TOP QUALITV i 1 I 0GDOJ wpm 14 X AT MONEY SAVING PRICES TOMATO SOUP 3 w .1 PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 9-12 Inclusive SUGAR Gwnulated- ........ 5 lbs 53( Orange Concentrate m..0.w, 2( SOUP MIX LiPtn's Chicken Noodle .. J 'or 23( These Famous DELMONTE Quality Foods CHATEAU CHEESE DELIMOVIT. TOMATO CATSUP, 12-oz 26c P'O'" or pimento Vj-lb. Pockage DKI.MONTK 33c CHILI SAUCE, 10-oz. Robin Hood noun c DKLMONTE Robin Hood FLOUR 24 lb. paper sack $1.59 $ I TOMATO JUICE, 48-qz. 37c MEAT PASTE )", )Q, " i' s. ff c DELMONTE TOMATO JUICE, 20-oz. .. 2 for 33c We have good stocks on hand but with the heavy defend these lines will move fast. Arc you havng problems planrjng lunches? Your Independent Food Stores carry the freshest and largest variety of Cooked Meats in town. Are you tiring yourself rushing here and ihere for bargains! Lei us help jou. Just phone your INDEPENDENT FOOD STORE and have that order delivered at no extra cost. "Our Delivery Service Covers the Entire City." CEREALS 29c WOODIM RY S OP L' X FACIAL SOAP . . SUNLIGHT SOAP LYE, Gillette's.'.'. CHORE GIRL ... . ROLLED OATS Quaker,. Quick, Non-Premium CORN FLAKES Kellugjt's, 8-oz. .4 far 25c 10c' 2 lot 37c 2 for 17c Dads' Oatmeal EflfEI ffliS) Weston's Fig Bars 43C 32c 17c 37c 57c VARIETY CEREAL Keltogg s PANCAKF FLOUR CANNED VEGETABLES lbs. Aunt Ji'im'ma, 3' j- I FRUITS'"VEGETABIES MUSHROOMS IKC FRUIT COCKTAIL " OSf t hina Choice. 1C -in Tltf l ibliv's. Vi-or.. v " FANCY PFAS O QHC STRAWBERRIES . Qlf iAbbyX Tender King. 15- A for l v (Jrerr. 13-o. 01 v. CORN OQp PEACHES OQc Itoyal City, Uncy, Cream Style, 15-e.. . for tt' Halves. Malkin s Rest, C hoice, l5-oi. , "y I SAUERKRAUT BARTLETT PFARS . 9fiC l.ilihy's. 15-oz. Royal City, Fancy. 1 j-o;.. . V i SUNKIST ORANGES 3 - 85c 1 GRAPEFRUIT Don't Make Grocery Buying a Chore SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT OUR SMI 4 fa' 29c Juicy . . . . . f, r t r - . -fi 4,-. , " it 1 . 1 1 YOUR BAKING NEIOS FRUIT JUICES TUBE TOMATOES 19c POTATOES, New con.. . 5 ib, 49c o 2,53(, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Pascv I:nweetcnrd 48-i 31c 229c WHITE CAKE MIX l.iltlr li)iri. Buy J I'kj;. anil save DOT SWEET CHOCOLATE Makers DATES Lotus, HUM ORANGE JUICE Malkin's Best, 20-iw 45( 18' CORDIAL Mix your own soft drinks. , OraitRe, I.emon or Lime . Utl COCOANUT , iMartins, I nsnerlrncd The Stores of Friendly Service Phone Your Orders No Extra Charge For Delivery 'JIM' ROGERS0N 'PHIL' LYONS 'SYD' DICKENS ond 'OSCAR WINGHAM ( D&SGROCERY C'IMt FOODS "Your Guide to Safe Buying" 'BILL' WASYK The Skeena Grocery Highest Quality Meats and Vegetables Phones 581 and 582 'RAY' JOHNSON and 'TED' THOMPSON Rupert Butchers and Grocers We Specialize in Fresh Meats & Poultry Phone 21 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Midway Grocery And Meat Market rcsh C" We specially feature form LIMITED. Corner 2nd and 3rd Avenue Phone 656 Phone 250 and Red 465 5th Avenue at McBride .nd AbrcS 6th Phone 659 H H ID 111 T Hi IB MV' I 1 YOUR- 1MBEPEMDEMT MEI6HBOKH00D FP Sfg "'"WiT-r . '1,r-1 11 muni - iniiiim mmniiiniiii imww jHIVnwnil.".! ', il". , """'""'"" in iim ti.'Z"l,lI ' ,,,, i lrtJ'f' I