tu.li uuiU'i a maMliaj, ul y.; 1 l3S fas l 0 riCl Hard Uarri I U to TA IU Ihui-jday, .May 8, 1952 lnln "'ambling, a weakness.! ; the news gets around the league i J ! 'ater than a bru.ih fire. Pitch-! !?rs d0 not llke batters, and the i Rookie Wins For Red. Sox Battery Wins Opener Of Football Season five hits while the third place I Jet , Babe )HLA , Out flllf postponed because of the cold weather. Jted hot Washington Senators turned back Detroit, Tigers 6-2 for their sixth straight victory in the night game at Washington. Sid Hudson limited the Tigers to Eenators w hacked Ted Gray and Fred Hutchinson for eight. Sen- ators clinolied the decision with . a four-run outburst against Gray t in. the thi 'd inning. . . Ul'rurtt Only I'lUilier WHO ' ,i i:'!i s Ni"l,'r , leenng is reciprocated with in-; terest. "Most of the boys thought the I I boat idea was to pitch him high : jand outside," Whitehill recalled.! j "That way he wasn't o likely ' j to pull one into the rinht field j i seats on vou. Rut. th By OA X Lt- lADUi . A U t TTl f 1 Boston Stays in Lead ' Indians Humble Yankies NEW YORK Bill Henry,' unheralded rookie lefthander of! the Boston Red Sox, turned in his fourth victory without loss Wednesday to defeat Chicago fr i n tin. nid Detroit and s -ui I ...ungwn was any ef.neral agreement on I Defeats General Motors 2-0 i In Well Contested Game The 1952 football season got off to a good start, last evening before a better than average number oft spectators. In a well contested game, the Heavy j Rattery defeated the General Motors by two goals ; that, fellow. ! 'he he d c' ' -"'".,"r, 11 i: and talking baseball, and iubly happens in L.nost invar "The trouble with the Babe was that you'd give him a certain pilch and he would mi ! stances the talk . . . Get (arnation rircum r k arouuu i-j to nil. White Box 1-2, and maintain a Sox one-game edge over Cleveland Indians in the American League pennant race. Runner-up Indians defeated the once proud New York Yankees: 7 to i in the OiUy other day game in the majors. ....... Baseball Scores American St. Louis 0. Philadelphia 1. Detroit 2. Washington 6. Cleveland 7, New York 2. Boston 7, Chicago 2. National Philadelphia i, nnsourgh 5. New York 3, St. Louis 1. ' Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 4. Boston at Chicago, postponed, cold weather. Western International Salem 7, Yakima 1. Victoria 2 Vancouver 7. Spokane 5, Lewiston 4. Tri-City 2, Wenatchee 10. riiiic Coast San Francisco 10, Hollywood 7. Sacramento 0, San Diego 1. Portland 4, Seattle 3. Los Angeles at Oakland, it by a fool. I mean by a foot, and you would think to yourself that you had something. A -couple of pitches later you spcomi-uivi.-uim i-inun, i ' for f 34Td v if ne ano his fellow j i,.',can teasue pitchers evorj f,i Vint might be termed be watched for he shoots fast. , Bowman added to the forward t line when he came on. i Bill Baxter made a very satis- ; factory debut as a referee. There.' i was not much that needed con- j itrol and the referee was equal to it all. : The Battery had the best of the opening exchanges artf Roue did well to spoil Armstrong. Later he brought off a great save from Pavlikis and then saved on the line. But he had no chance when Smith headed in a beautiful rross from Holkestad. Battery showed bet- Henry allowed only five hits and helped his own cause by j riambmo OU i not generally ! 4.-h:iiW it ls driing in two runs on a triple and sincrle Red Sox wrapper) It re some-, k,n. but pitchers t. If one of I arnauuii -t , il orrentea For an opening game the dis- j ol a 1'"1 alja' up with a four-run attack in the second inning against Ken Hol- rs discovers a ter team nlav. Krau.se saved !P'ay was lair. ine nailery is the most v.'wc.y i latobai,,-; i rornnnotl IS VJ combe. Johnny Pesky featured wouiu come in with it again and he would knock it out of the Int. Myself I likott to curve him low and had better luck 1 than some of the others" . st;;iiii. tt Uie baoes home run rccorus i.:iOws viiat ne wai- ', ioped only a t!ossc of his mammoth total off Whitehill in the 1 1 years they faced each other. Any pitcher who held Ruth to i an approximate average of one: homer a season was pointed out ' on the streets. "Hub Pruett of the Browns was the only one who really had the Babe's niimhpr" v.,rt, Maron's corner kirk. Matthews Showed more cohesion and fin-showed to advantage but the tshing power but the Motors General Motors were mainly onisnow si8ns of building up into a rally with bases loaded on a reason is tnai ground rule double. SCND FLOWERS the defensive. Smith shot overi trusted. - a good team and if they follow Alex Halg's instructions they will Improve. Both teams used BY WIRE . The only scheduled National League day game between Bos-ion and the Cubs at Chicago was as did Pat Wilson at the other end on a snap drive. Murray you Wy is sterna- was just wide from Wilson and!J,U0SUl'uus- lne 1Iler color-half-time came with the Bat-ied shirts of tne Motors were a MOTHER'S' Scores Four Knockdowns nanaicap to incmseives but they are hoping to have a complete set of strips available very soon. is safe An j Carnation t another ay- never v.rlh is al-ay exactly DAY tery a goal up. j Battery were lucky to tjo two goals ahead when in a mix-up, I Price was unfortunate to turn' the ball past his own goalie. Robinson sent Taii anead but , Battery were without Maz.oni CHICAGO (t Undefeated ' continued. "If I remember right, ' he -struck him out something i like 13 times in a row. All tie ; fed him was a screwball that J broke down maybe even sharper "I : than Carl Hubbell s. He would and Dick Cameron while General Motors were without Maur Southpaw Chuck Davey, scoring i four snectacular knockdowns oni ice Bishop and Glen Olsen. At, Wednesday night, easily defeat-!;; Krause saved. With the sun be- hind them the Motors pressed fu" strength there should be i ed Chieo Ve jar with harpooning jf yiiold the ball out in front of him but finished weakly Tait shot gooa 'ooDuia. seven.i uyu piay--1 lens ic ine iace anc siomacn lover from close in and Krausc'ers snowed clever football con- ; in their ttfi-round welterweight brought off a ereat sate after tvol and col.1 shooting skill be- battle i.i the Chicago stadium. Ml! the General Motors forward line ; fore alcl tfler the game. They ' ' Making an astonishing whirl-1 ana leu the Babe he was going to throw him another .screwball and the Babe would break his back swinging at it. I think Ruth only hit two homers off him in his career," showed a spell of neat combina-! have class. wind finish, ejur was credited with winning' omy tne tenth 1 tion. Dunbar saved at . the . ex- MAKI TH.S 7 DAY for u milk use . for general Carnation Mi in place of your l 1 -i pense of a corner. Battery were j round. Second and ninth were even. Classified Ads Pay Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Blackburn who have been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday. satisfy y"u- wm Will 5M . always dangerous when Ihey broke away while Krause saved well from Murray, Tait, Bowman and then outguessed Pat Wilson when the latter seemed to be through. Teams : Heavy Battery Krause; Dunbar, Parkhouse; Jensen, George-son, Ford; A. Gomez, Pavlikis, Ralph bmith, Armstrong, tioike-stad; Darrow Gomez, Youden. Popular Stcemcr Prince Rupert 5 H".J General Motors Roue; Robin-. .son, Price; Lien, Eby, John Wil-1 KAILS tOH I json; Murray, Bedford, Pat Wil-: I son, R. Maron S. Muron; Mat-! i thews, Tait. " " , 1 DO.VOU LKIE SPACUETTI limimbie Motliw with K.'.A! '.; or with a I'OTTK.O PLANT. iur iivrl. r via air mail or i i, . 'i v.ill l.'ai-h her Krause played one of his best Vancouver ami liilermcui.ite I'urts Each Thursday at 1 1 :." p.m. For KETCHIKAN Wl lV.r.Y Mll)M(iin Comfort and Service For Reservations ! U, I ! L, r ; f i .. H U I r , games anu was very fast on close-in plays. Dunbar was aa ! reliable as ever and Parkhouse used his speed to good advantage. Georgeson and Jensen were : resouiceiul and constructive. Ford was effective. Smith and i Pavlikis were always a threat. jHolkestad's cross that produced i the first goal v..s a beauty, i Armstrong is still a great play-maker and rarely wasted a ball, i A. Gomez and Youden did well. Darrow Gomez came on in the '.second half. He must be credited with being able to turn out a i( li'j-.vt rt- f:;r Mother ;i b-1 ut it ,il way to 1"j: s your love and ii''Vitj,:i. nine lnperl fori sis lNiv ,rii(; Write or Call CITY OK OI-POT Ol TICK PRINCE RUPERT, PC. ! n u i ui 1 i if a,. i v. .jr si w a m st j a r . : LJ LJi L Li LJ I J M 1 It's the cheese in the sauce that gives the cvnf zest to I.ibhy'j Spaghetti, Rare oM (Canadian Cheddar top favourite with all cheese lovers made exclusively for Libby's by the world's . largest cheese-maker. Wended with spicy tomato sauce to add zip to the bland goodness of creamy tender spaghetti. It's a wonderful booster for meatless menus and cost Jess than 5r a serving. Just heat and serve. You'll serve it often. W 1 f -iti A'c. I'hone 777 i team whose members play well i '.',' it. n mm n X) wnicii) her ! collectively and individually. ! Roue, who turned out in goal when Boulter had to go to Ter-' race on business, was very good and could not be blamed for either goal. Robinson was fast and resourceful though he got a nasty knock from Smith. Price kicked hard and was unlucky to score against his own team. Eby ; was clever in breaking up plays ! and set ting up his own for- wards. Lien played a tenacious I and successful game. John Wil- .son played hard and robustly. : Towards the end he set up several dangerous movements. Matthews, Tait and Murray were the ! best forwards. Tait was fast and ! crossed the ball nicely while Murray showed good footwork and centred well. Matthews j promises to be one of the best i playmakers for the Motors. Ho, on Sunday, May 11th T0 PK K A LOVELY GIFT i'OR MOTHER 'S AN EASY MATTER AT i II 1 1 I i - 1 - i i 1 1 rTrL .ictT ; has speed and ball control. The Maron boys give promise of be This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia r. .. ing assets to the team. Pat Wil son got few chances but had to LI. ' Mr-- . - 11 " FORT GARRY ORANGE PEKOE ;i Fire-Resisfant V Lasting Colourful y Available in many Styles and Colours TAKE YOUR BUILDING PROBLEMS TO YOUR BARRETT DEALER A, High grown, flovory teos from India and Ceylon gardens, brought to you "ea garden fresh" in the new triple-laminated Plastifoil package exclusive with Fort Garry Teo Besides Asphalt Shingles, your llarrctt Dealer has a complete line of rooting, insulation and weather-proofing materials. 1 f HE BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED. 9250 Oak Street, Vancouver, B.C. t t 'IF t Bur IT you'll be DUICHTID! III " A? 'I?951fe' 'III i 1 Kings Plate Albert and McCaffery Ltd. $cagvams Sure tsland City Builders Supplies , Hill limi'll'1! i III H il luin ' I ' ZiX ,. 1 T-u'I T- v -jmvm!rjm ' PAT STEELE. Seaeoast Koofin?, Approved Applicator for Barrett KnofiiiK t I'hone Rert 518 I Fy - ) I U ' . 0dvertisement is not published or displayed by i Conlrul Board or by th Govrnmnt of British Columbia. ri -- J a, i i-v-"- vaiAi