Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, May 8, 1952 "CCC Club received veiy good tti..JiCii i:s dialr Ial:U t - l'fe..t 'with one extra mark for the1 marks for 'Santa Lucia" for Uj j first singer for his first song, j variety in their tonal quality. I The accordion ensembles, un-j The vocal duet "O Divine Reader the direction of Mike Co- deemer" (Gounod) was beauti- fcCPERTS Local Band and Aiyansh Choir at Music Festival Would Ease Home Building,Officers lussi, were enthusiastically re-1 fully rendered by Mrs. C. Rob-ceived by the audience. This erts and Rowland Miles with proved yet another popular fes- j Henry Pluym at the piano and tival innovation. The Interme- received 85 marks. TiilkNif SlOO.OIICflliO Company! on the basis of the soundness of S10.00U Home Kor $1.0(10 I thpir n.t-nn onrt lirrn ufhoeWor Mel Davis has been elected Music and Drama Festival opened Tuesday night with two numbers from the local Shrine Band under iL t tVTNU or not thev thoueht a correct ! cnamnan ui wit- -ov, uv v.,u., estimate had been made of the ! social organization of Columbia costs of operating the scheme. Cellulose employees, which had I coi. Annie iFalr-!to hasomP ideas !" the "inflation By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor) TORONTO f - A proposal designed to make more money NO PROFITS ra general meeting this week the baton of Peter Lien. The "Martha" melodies were warmly approved 'by the adjudicator who awarded 86 for these and 84 for the Handel selection which followed. He commented that this band had an un Under the proposal, there Other officers are: secretary of A,niys Territor-1 available for home building, with wpuld be no profit to the company. Interested lumber companies would benefit from their eulls these lower down payments and some what, lower interest ratps. is ABC.' Vice-chairman Bill Bond. Secretary, Edyta Bialoski. Treasurer, William Halliwell. Sports director, Olen Bennett. Music and drama director usual facility in musical expression. St. Peter's Choir from Aiyansh tving discussed in lumber circles. I saIes of lumDPr-The plan is said to be similar j Maurice B. Dix this come in ok. secretary conducted by Reuben McMillan j an instrumental trio made up jvs. manager of the National Coun to those of Brtish building so- resistance Lbuyers' pieties. leu of Retail Lumbermen' and i ector carpenter. A company would be formed to I president a:id general manager Social activities director, Jack i .atc priees. h& values count of Interprovincial Building Laurie. issue, say. $100,000,000 in bonds, At the last executive meeting which would be offered for sale j Credits, Ltd.. gives the following rendered the test piece "Bless of Ruth Carr Harris, violin, the Lord" by Ivanof and offered ! Aletta Gilker, piano and Ray Handel's "Worthy Is the Lamb" t Sahlin, violincelio Dvorak's as their own choice. They were j "Slavonic Dance" and Liszt's in excellent voice and blending ; "Liebestraum." The adjudicator and were awarded 165 marks by said that all across Canada the adjudicator who made a, there is not enough of this sort Id to the tcmpta- to the public and investment in- division of the five per cent interest which the home purchaser rd-buyms 'B'- sutuuons. not always econ-i These bonds would pay 3"2 per j cent interest to the purchasers. X V I M S Lit' : . 1 - number of helnful and con-1 of music and he urged this the executive discussed the success of the 300 Club Easter dance, recently held at the armories, and laid plan for a busy summer season. A. K- Van Meer ufid 6Uin Hoi-gate were complimented for their efforts in organizaing a camera .club lor 800 Club members. The camera club execu of prepared foods ; The federal government would ,,.. ond Dickies be feokuii to allow Uii inW-iesl " I ,e ut home. . would pay on his mortgage: To bond holders 3'2 per cent; to federal government for tax, V2 per cent; reserve tto trover possible losses), 'i per cerrt; services, 1 2 per cent; administration, '4 per cent. The plan envisions operation through interprovincial building ci edits, owned chief lv bv retail structive suggestions. i group to continue the good work. The ladies' trio Mesdames '' He awarded them a total of 165. Roberts, Llndseth and Wicker 'Trie Ketchikan trio had not ar-accompanied by Henry Pluym, I rived but was still expected. I', than a brain food i.'. use. i to be tax-free, and to collect a per cent tax on the bonds from the issuing company. Assuming the bonds were sold, the .company would then have $10C.OOC,000 for its program. It would operate like-this: Tim nrokivrfii hnmo mir X j'j y . I CAHNED FOODS rfA tive is already busy with plans to provide instruction and Id to quantities weight on L'i,n j. jy I is best see1; Its enthusiastic lumhermen which Vinnrtlea ihp equipment to r . t Hi: financing of credits granted by i membership, Sport Director Olen Bennett delighted the large audience; ' In the' adult vocal solo class with their two numbers "Dream Roland H. Miles, accompanied Seller" and "The Lamb." The by Henry Pluym, sang "Moon of adjudication was also highly I My Delight" and "My Lovely complimentary along with sug-jCelia," and Inez Amadio, ac-gestions for greater excellence, i companied by Olive Strand, sang Marks totalled 169. ; "Ah, I have Sighed" by Verdi The chamber music class j and "Ah, So Pure" (Flotowi, brought two fine numbers from i both in the original Italian. Both ii make menus t-! " - r w , ! chaser would pick out the house Land vegetables-j he wanted, and, depending on f ' a ofiiM- huvine both the purchaser and the retailers to home owners lor home improvement. It handles credits from $100 to $2,000, and on the basis of ex discussed football, softball and other, sports and hopes to have the club well represented in local sports competitions. house being approved, the com- pany would buy it for him, and perience with these, Mr. Dix often are as goon ; "- - ,',,, ,v,ii, thinks the cost of administering "nam' expensive 5 vw A, the plan would be moderate. He says Interprovincial Building Credits has virtually no .collection problems, and adds: . 6- , .untscompare ex- he would pay five per cent interest. The mortgage ordinarily would be up to 80 per cent of the price of the house, but if the purchaser still did not have the amount fuel for conserve "Home owner certainly pay up. Money pours In on the due ! cooking. 8 rid mend. of the 20 per cent down payment, date. We hardly know a lawyer. Last year, out of $3, 000,000 In trying , die-keeping tne company would advance a down notes, our loss was only $400. The plan envisions that build ers would be in the same position avmcs account do (i of the bunk. ,d for food and further 10 per cent. I inter this, a house costing Kay, 10.000, could be bouitht for a iuwn payment of $1,000. Under the plan, however, It would be necessary that the e fin wis. as producers of other lines of goods. They would build the house, and the buyer would see the finished article before he took it. in our merchant re- f tr Ml goods you will i amount of the mortgage above n :ie will e gmn T-o ; 80 p,,r cenl be guaranteed by I I some one, presumably by a local ;'ipn produce and i government, and presumably a S3: pit!" provincial government,. tinKs win quicKiy: Tne practicability of the pro i dt-spi- them. 4 KEWHAVEN, England 9 Municipal authorities In this Sussex town are urging children to "adopt" their own trees on a local estate. It Is hoped the children will thus learn to care for the trees instead of damaging them. a'.e new dishes ana posal would seem to depend upon whether or not the governments asked to participate would consider it sound, and whether or not there were purchasers for the company's bonds. t.- experience of cx- Salcabllity of the bonds, unless there wei! a big public response LONDON W1 Britons visiting your grievances :n iff. :ns in cereals and i be demanded. : lights when not t don't sacrifice eye noniy. RIXII'E aret has offered n .t lavonte chili con to them, would seem to depend i the continent this summer may upon their uppeali.ig to invest- be able to insure their holidays merit institutions. against rain. A similar plan has The investment companies, or already been started by a Dutch other private purchasers, would j firm which pays clients 1 every presumably examine the bonds j clay it rains. Iff i either fresh or Cut aw ' way most of such as' i'tf conked lima j i fid vegctttbl' .ables I rots, l Deans or peas, corn IN. -V 'y Pacific fi'lery. Season well. ..nd slowly. iMes before eating fc;h-boys" on top. 4 ade of one cup flour, f two teaspoons bak-i mixed lightly and I a little water. Cover serve immediately f) and uncovered five fvt. 1M thrift hint Col. j' 'ommends the use of VCUUM ACKt0 o went Fi, - . , 1 1' Pacific Milk gives coffee a rich, creamy flavor. Buy B.C. Products ?5 l-f. -.J ' - . ''s. shortening shorteninc for for! muruaiine marnarine for for sand- snnd- iaJ(i3i) l-'-l v. ; i foi(jeta trial-size bottle ' ' of Johnsons PRIPE id h ...when you fay Johnsons Mw PASTE iOHNSONl WAX i-1 (TS i m 1 1 u 0 o l f BjRNTnjRE wiHiout rubbing ! il6x FLOORS the proven way ! LULiu II fJnew wjX discovery fur furniture. Apply 'y-..wipe lightly. Tlut's all you do to '"'' 'nS('st lasting wax lustre ever seen j, F'tliout a ruhhing! Pride fives real wax la as ft Nothing beautifies and protects wood floors like Johnson's Paste Wax.' That's why it's the largest selling paste wax in the world! And today it's even better tlwn ever-gives a brighter, longer lasting shine with less rubbing. Give your Honrs permanent beauty instead of a temporary shine, with regular Johnson's Paste Wax care! i WW b fiamst spilled milk, water, even s trl'il t. i.. ... tin 4 , . -.' iMimc prove u pays iu J" m your l,mei I Get this 2-in-l package at your dealers now! "tl. HltfliiHMiiiiiiil J