I AT CITY HALL Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, January 27, 1953 , Mos-sel Bay in Cape Province, -South Africa, U famous for its oysters and soles. Fast Time Decision Up to Governments Fred E. Dovdie OiJ rCMFJRlST k'jom 10, 3 ':. Building t-uoi .a fl ue 593 i ', ' ieAvV . - Citv council will take no stand on inaujuration of daylight saving time here this year until it hears from the federal and provincial governments. . f This vat decided last night Youcanlqa to if- V M- f V Ttf after the Railway Association of j Canada, in a letter to council,' ALlOOTig 97 Percent asked that the city's dates coincide with those set by the railways. Daylight saving time becomes Of Citizens Canadians effective on the railways at J All IM 12:01 April 26 and ends at 12:01 v ALL III Sept. 27. I ? 1 . 2 i , Mayor Harold Whalen said the city has always been against davlieht saving time and on OTTAWA O Canadian citizens made up 07 per cent of the 14,009.429 population In the 1951 Thsc day me si ptk vmrk under prMt, worry tnmte, irp less. This stram tt bmdy and brain nukes prtrskal fitness easier U Use harder I refain. Today's tense lirmf, lowered reststanre, wwoV wwr wf mi rke nuv affrt m. census fir! count, or nean ainix the CltlzenshiD Act passed In 1 ' rmrnti kidnejr action. When kidneys frl suggestion of Aid. Bert Glassey ha letter was filed until the city hears from the governments. He also said he was opposed to daylight saving time in this part of the province. ILL.....,1-! 1947. j out t roer, excess acids and wattes Hs lH ST, I.AI ItfcNT at a ceremony in the parliament Buildings at uuawa cluirmaiiKhlp of the Canidlan Council of Christian and Jews, sponsors I,,. ,..Hirry .,",,',.'Jli v.. k ' - Feb. 13-22. Vfit to rt?ht, watrd: J. Gerald Godsoe, Toronto, general re ma hi in (tie svttem. Then barfcache. The bureau of statistics report that 13567,939 reslde-nta of Can ada were Canadian citizens, Jill- ('(MllHU, Mr, Ol. II. iixiii.wmi, tviwnv.vv-viitiiiHiaii, wv...t O B H xlKTi, Toronto, co-chairman, and Veteran Minister Lapointe, a director. SQDN. LOR. JACK PHILLIPS OfU of Ottawa and Barne. Out , and Flt.-Lt. Ken Owen of Ottawa and Toronto smile after knocking 51 minutes off the Winnipcg-toOttawa flight record time in an RCAF CF-100 all-weather long-rangs jet fihti.r. They covered the 1,600 miles In one hour and 58 minutes. A request from the Civic Cen 104,071 were citizens ot other disturbed rest, that "ttred-out' hearf-headed feeling often follow. That s the brae to take DwW i Kidney Pais. Dead's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then yew (eel better sleeo better work better. Ask for Udd s kidney Pjlls at nv drte rmtwHtmw. t tre Association for continuance ; Commonwealth countries and of the 150-a-month city grant mon Run Past Babine Slide : 337.419 were citizens of other j . nations. was referred to the finance Of ihe latter, 69,000 were Vnit- rV 3i unelu committee. i Aid. Ray McLean moved that; decision be withheld until esti- j mates for the year are complet- ; ed but that the grant be con- ! tars Mark Set During 1946 ed States citizens, 236,490 were icltlztns of European countries, ! 15,122 of Asiatic countries and 18.807 said they were citizens of KECIPES Last year the number Increased other countries or stateless. ft to 376,000. The European citizens were -It should be remembered, of 55 7n poih. 46267 Russian. 32,- ma: i n sii the tmm- dtvlolon engineer for the Federal , ....lir.on hlrh department of fisheries. , ,jid.. last year. In l5l only 150,000 aackeye M-h 1'jM. i noted succeeded In pausing the slide m.r! hv (' II f'lav mt f n estimated half -mllil'tfi. tinued in the interim period. . , ! Our Special Macaroni Salad , of the best aU-around ; Aldermen endorsed a recom-;is one salads we ve ever tas.ed. mendallon of the utilities com-; summer mlttee that city mechanic Bill Flavorful ripe olives, tuna and ; Moon-house be instructed to go hard-cooked eggs make It extra to Vernon to examine a line .hearty and give .an ur.taMe, course, that many ol uw lupins Netherlands, 22,616 Italians which paswd tlie slide and the and i2Q2 nermans with other fence this year were delayed fof' nationalities accounUng for less TEA BAGS lulflcenuy lengmy penoas oi than lOOno each. Amonir Asiat r,irlr and nole trailer owned By. time to make It almost certai i ; lcg (hPre were j2 gog chi.iese and " I nAAu adds . a delicious new klr.d of ! A. Okanagan Telephone Company i that tltey could not nave spawn-, j 32 japanese and purchase it if he finds n crtpnea. which doesn't wilt. J pored Car Once Owned by King hg Offered For Sale in India mwhanirallv suitable and tn SPECIAL MACARONI S.VLAIJ ed normally, Mr. tlay n porta, j QUctMc an() Ontario, the most "It U quite expected that the po,)uou3 provinces, had the final analysis will show a picture I--,... number of Canadian. 4 Ul it his opinion is worth $4,250. the asked price. He would also purchase necessary equipment, such as chains, and drive the truck back to Ru 34 cup macaroni 1 cup ripe olives 1 6'j or 7-oz.i can tuna 2 hard-cooked eggs 2 cups finely shredcied cb bage less favorable than the figure forjUnll,d 8tates and European cltl-total ccapement would indicate. izens However, those associated with Ontario and British Columbia the work of passing 1952 s run hlli the jargest number of cltl-anc in general pleaM-d with the ; zenk of other Commonwealth pert. j cup mayonnaise 2 teaspoons prepared mustard results and feel that more tna i : countries than half the doubling 1951s escapement was I , i, 0 Asiatic countries llwd a worthwhile arcooiplUhmcnt." Jin BC and about 20 per cent In M AKS '46 TOTAL Ontario. Sims K M. Ai armored ear that once belonged K.i.a Cienrxe VI n may Join a private collection ji-mly iiieiudes H-rmann Goerlnga car, and cars :y u Winston Churchill, the Duke of Windsor id .; . !. imssli.g DrtliAh diplomat, c K;:-k s (.r. a Dailmrr. a bought by the Nizam of ,b,u m I!'I8 it U now being offered for sale by the i ri wim h -cat aeven person, originally cobta about A.r.iir k ! -1 buyers U Raymond Way of London, I, ,t i,v i rolieeimg famous and Infamous car. ..- ,-jr h advert. m-d as having adequate armor plating to r, bull s 1! was built for King George VI during the A I him on his tours In cae of air rald. , they're off I Cuuncil unanimously en dorsed a recommendation of the utilities committee that a MS fine be imposed on owner of dwellings or buildings where the fire department is railed to handle a chimney fire. : 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspoon salt ' Cook macaroni in boiling water ! until tender. Drai i. and rinse 1 ; thoroughly with cold water. Cut , j olives from pits into larg3 pieces j .Drain oil from tuna, and flake. Mr. Clay observes mat last year's escapement was nlmo.it as ; large as that of 475.000 counted in 1946. a year In whkh no City Couple 'known obstruclum existed. II I ' unui the f ot the nrst k . noney moon i r- ng ! coarsely. Dice ecas. Combi.iei in AIUIUSI. nowrxrr, wic oii,u- A request from the Prince Ru- ; macaroni, olives, tuna, egns and, i ucrt General Hospital for a HO.- , cabbaRe. Blend mayonnaise. : t ion was not encouraging. The Iri Tornntti ,M IUIWM,W counts of sorkeye had itrings on : riatlv fence e rmer WteJorian Operates 000 grant over a penoa oi un musiara. vinegar ana san. aim years was tabled until time ot jtoss lightly with salad mixture, j lonsidcring the estimates. i Serves four to six generously. ; not rlM-n mt-h above 50 per day. Mm. Mjrie Mli 10'uk and Steve I and those workinv on the pn))ect t.key were united 1 4 marriage : believed that either the run was at St. Andrew's Cathedral Ttmrs- vxtremely late .n Mrivlng or day by Rev. Canon Basil 8. DELK0R French Cut Beans. jiimal hospital on Wheels A recommendation by the Eisenh ower uint the fish were exiv-nencmg rwKier. V-inrks committee that wor on srrat dtlfirulty In paMng the The bride wore a green after- u. , wv hrinire oe canit-u' 'i:K ' A pretty Can-1 prt owners of the younger art i wi.h a ho-: here. noon gown with matching velvet! onH thc -osl defrayed kl- -.- D J i m , i i 1 1 mill . Aeiim,,t,,E s,imaU,s vas was en-; wiftw .w , nai ana a cws-gr oi ri..w ro. , is, :ii!-.n lo i rr t'herrv Anne Hoojier of rtllrie. 'La;er It was revealed 'hai a eoniblnation ot both the.se factors was being experienced," Mr. Clay report. "In ths meantime. Victoria, since her mobile animal Matron of honor whs the bnrtr's, without comment. Esti-; WASHINGTON tCP) Frost , eldest daughter. Mrs. Fra ic.s . t u about $;o.000. t cient Eisenhower today appoint-1 Holden. w ho wore a grey gown . ' d cold war psychological rlmlc started moving in lVUbT. 1 ir 1 . hii treated almost 2 000 mum ioners. wnn oiue accessories. i , - n urontixl a reauest Kfralecv board. . . . . , .1 . . . 1 V. U U I ' V 1 1 " - - . Mr. rxea noioen ' '". froin the prince Rupert Squad- A White House announcement Uirk animals and taught 5 300 s the water levels dropped an jvuunSHters how U care for and atcumulation of sockeye began , feed their pet. She has done to apear below the slide and everything from giving a regular hla-stiiig nerations were com- A weoaing supper was sr.ro ... , hH , tan 0y ...... k -in . 'e Btbocl to a pet skunK to pun- m c n c e d Immediately ai me toast. A reception las held eld later . i m ornisuuB uu reiawru H"""" 1 Pl-sion on thcannual grant arlicular i manlcu manlrure Red Cross he sore tooth of a hsby points of difficult passage. in the evening. AN ALL-CANADIAN COMPANY eiiut to t wrmce rvuix i v i - ----- , hi 1 1 K. BI ASTI D I IRST Mrs. William Mintenko cut V.. S100 ' m,itvhoirt until i rpfcrrnce to international rela-1 civic Band was nti, j 1 1 1 1 1,- ! I'iitjiDrM'd itnf nrviiii .lint if'fi iiuiii . . . . . . ,, TH N Four ! lions and national security." iur iii-.u... - an k- - ; aiul wnva uie wecanig case. ; . . ..im.,io with sterilizers, sink, water tank,, the upstream end of the slide, at Irving refreshments were Mr.' imr of considcrln? esiima X-ray. fiuoroscope. reiriger.nrwmcii tne iisn lpen-a " -and Mrs. ' Jack Micholtwr. Mr. and nhstrueted mast' seriously the , Mi.hn..ir we rri' and all iee5ary medicines IT PAYS ADVtRTISE ei tl i' bi-.od iif men "I us Ii:i-h 'ir K-ul-! '..ipii tl t.i hi'lp save t! :t imu-iile Hmce the 'tip lit.,.,.i JU..rl,4 They bring me caU, csiurtes. prenous year, was o..u.n a '"' i Holden and Miss Jackie Mlcho-1 hammers, pigeons. pariik.s ta.iThe sockeye w.-rc able to ascend m t Dr Hooper pan mis pomv m.v , Mr. and Mrs. Do.skey left Mon- and turtles iLMiH'soldfUh s b.U.i.i .he . . u u At One i aw worried i irr i ri child once dlateiy. oui were nien n m m aiiy for Vancouver from whence i'h: .I"''! , 'ihrr iwn brought a horse will, a eold. at the upstream end of the slide lny w g0 , XoroMo, They ..,.. vivrinrh.v Wednrsdiiy niteuv-n iiftemix-n a ine ",v emraiice w ..w Evrrv win oe away lor a ino.uu. .. . .. r rfnvo. in the New "An otx-truction at this point we . hi York IoHtitute for the Blind, was unexpected, but blasting dogs bei ig was d-ne and fish were observed hf 1 do- The, e she looks after i-,.-rtne ul gnu i Perce Rock in Ojspe is an Island 1.500 feet ions and 2S3 feet hlsh. pierced by a cm'.ial arch. ii-r i. He hid b'-en trained us companions lor mine m iui.....r, .. .m.,.k .i,,t t ... im-viiMislv children, and teacllcs tne ciuia-.wse ir -v. ' lime." vi . t : .i ; v ren t. IATEST REPORT Ur ox UM Rw md Pmpiciwi of 1 r. ,ii I) in-luvsti-r may biniKl every Uii'ee !. li a H l Cruvi noblle ts '.lie hi on Mr. X Russian Caricatures Show FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING IN 1953 As Always PLACE ORDERS NOW Dibb Printing Co. "f tlia 1 give his ow -" Americans as Criminals ; 'li'" t)fi, i'l!t a MX'le n Hi- has bei'ii senar i-1 1 oeared rnrclv In thet ol! .... "JLViKjf ' I' i. -Ji .VV -'"Ai , . f caiiv.iv. his lellim i so siri-i-stully t'.iat 177 , '' ';n tl, n.iitii'ii IM the ti.e i li i tit- arrived. f'"i-s. In charge ot the ''s fouf.d thai many of h-i firs: du iute blood ' Dun hosier cont inue 1 "!'' r theil release. th.lt 'rStt Meyer, N'-i'i n-i;u ir-!j( neral, gave ' six " iul dninitlons P'i-iM" ere flne of his tOUT, thflV" before 'ISHlllni'llI hUn hiu,n f.r aiVIM BULIOCI 114. Prime Minister Stalin puks of peaceful co-cxlMcnce ot' tin-8ovn-t and capiiil'Stlc s'' ti iim. his oifl' l.il n.e s beeoiiie.? mo' " and more violent dai!;- . i's ' Hale Aiverien" cump.uti. Something relatively new hus been added to the, ramn.it "t since the recent Jolt rec-iv.-d b ' tin- s-oviet p es In til;- t"i i" of a -shukcup at the top. More attention I; beme. all new t' glvlr , In- Soviet pi'b'-e n il'irl; K i"l'li-iV" vc-.V of Ai:i i ii-'H i, Curloon caricatures a'ier now almost daily in the chief orwn ; ot the Soviet press. u:ul DU-" iciilnr'y In Pravdu. L'p to r ftmrt time a-;o cmloon'; im- Commu ii-t paiK'r. L'.i' n iw. nlmost every day. a caricature it open rs on the back or foreign in v;-l''" picttr in,: Vi-.iirnns ns bloody, ronnball.fc a id Insane crimlnaU. Tiud. l've.stla m-d th- o'her main oi vans of Ihe Pnvl'-t t e i iii,-o cl'-vote much attention to l!ll.s fo'in of prop.i'j.uula Provad-i wm criticized tlur-ti-; the (h tuber congress ol th" ,'iovlc'. V -nii.Virlst p it'tv for ho lro:i.:'i!. 1; Its prupara:--0n r-'Xk. A short time later, P'MVt'.u to' a n'-w edllor-1 1-i'i I. ynd thlnr.s b:-uan to rtv-vr-. i'- FREE SHOES Buy One Pair Get One FREE "i 'l uermaa uermaafctrooiMi. troops.. Mht 'I'led u IhJinprU- rc-ixn isibflit in the In 190. Ih New Weitmiiwter locrws tram later th temout "SornwtbcMics" became w hni tw H mim Mw Conodton tacrosM ChampioBihip. B'-CHRSTS In 100-1, William Braid" founJeJ I5.Cs first distillery, aiul cstaMishcJ the standard of quality that distinguishes B.C. Double Distilled Rye. Discover for voursclf why B.C. Double Distilled is preferred by British Cohiiiilnaus fur its superb flavour ... its liglit body and mellow smoothness. ot Canadian nii.snners ffor 1 s translerred to G3r-lalc Hi:,i BALLOT Au93b THE ALEX HUNTER AWARD SALE THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. j, NEW WMTimiNSTM. B.C. k FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP ((insider my nomination of: X 1952. for of Prince Rupert tor the year 2.000 pairs of Ladies' Shoes Dress and Casual qll sizes and colors ALL SALES FINAL ... NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS Fashion Footwear The Vixtinquishcd Products of British Columbia's First Distillery 4 'y NAME .,.i,t - ft i tucriil . r 5TFKMNG LOVDOM Mi 6W i,.,!! htCTII in a IT linill B..llE3tKIK W '" - - - - V WUk. VU" - 'y ADDRESS , - P At I nil In and return to the DAILY NKWS BALLOT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government iof British Columbia. tttyr nill lMrr Umn JANl AKV SUl. 198.