I PROVINCIAL MORROW'S ?3oi:cial l:. ORAAES .TIDES vK.r.-,. t. c; 2 DRUGS". 13 lUv Juiui..iy 2B, !3i3 He .S a""j!l' 1,,"c. 0 57 18 1 fi-t 12 -j'l 20 7 t t 19 jo 33 feel DAILY DELIVERY Phone 01 V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ERITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII. No. 21 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ajli))l J u Oil 17 o n btldh war lM Y 0 Parking Bylaw aJr'a ' ' -y h 4 I ' "l,. . ..-.', Maximum Increase Not to Exceed 75o Because of numerous complaints. Prince Rupert city council is going to enter on appeal against all land assessments which have been substantially increased in the 1953 roll. City clerk Bill Long was instructed by aldermen at the regular council meeting last night to appear before the Court of Revision and request that no land assessments be raised more than 75 per cent above the 1 952 assessment except in special cases. Adopted t 1 ft. i Council Grants ! Taxi Requests j A bylaw to amend thej ' street traffic and parking! j bylaw received final adop- jtion by city council at its: j regular meeting last ! night and will become law' tomorrow. if I !4 wit ! T;V - Meeting Adjourned i Hi i i f t , - - 1 1 I t , lit i'! I &ss.- f Going to Hollywood The move was made on recom-Imendation of the finance eom-Imittee, which noted that Harry M. Daggett, city assessor, is ill I and said he would not be able to give Instructions or appear be- fore the Court of Revision which i opens sittings Feb. 9. 1 j The committee report also said ithat since the new assessment roll did not cover the whole city . that council should appeal aii i Increases in sections covered by , the assessor. i The appeals, it was pointed out, concern only land assessments hot improvements. 5 p.m. 111. KIT HtlUUKTII today received her divorce from l.y MMirm Prince Aiy Khun In Reno, Nevada. Bhe U nr :'!'. .'li t young daughter Yasml. Rita U now on her THE BKOKRN BACK OF THE CRAC K Canadian National Railways passenger train lies sprawled along the track aUer the train was wrecked at Ghost Rrver in northwestern Ontario. A broken rail sent n coaches plunging dangerously close to a lake and brought death, to one man and Injuries to 74 others, including Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew of Prince Rupert. This City in Lowest Category On recommendation of the . city (Kjilcltor and the police and licensing committee, alderman 'indorsed changes which now ' permit taxis to stop a maximum of five minutes In a free area to: Wind or unload pajuengtrs and iU the flve-mlnute parking , Regular meeting of the city council was adjourned late last night until 5 p.m. today so aldermen it ilvay Presidents FEW EXCEPTIONS In Dentistry Service in B.C. Cases In which assessments l might exceed the 75 per vnt iirmi noun uom a a.m. vo o p m. rhe original bylaw aald no ; taxi would be allowed to park on IAA1 Afa4l I Imiam eet With Union lggt fV I Ull WlllOn I mavlmiim innliiHA 1 'i n rl "nhtrimi could discuss 6ale of bonds totalling more than man and a qualified technician." . day before he can qualify as a ! lv 1,rTri.,.!Uid nn the 1952 roll Third Avenue between McBrlde i ne uiuvt-rAity 01 wasrnng- i acnusi was conducted oy ur. i,ltt, ,Krt in nflv srilarent I Polloximc l th first In k nrrles of srticlcs hr iMily w WrllT Larry fttunwfxxl ho has Jusl m utir ot llie jrntal Collet-e st tft Unlvcmty ut Washington.! lyua uLiimut cuuim: is ui ioui ; uuju aacoosen, lorineriy ui new "J.AI, - Hope that Ule started preparation to close j and S ventli Street between 8 :ii -up can be averted down oinpietely frb. 2. 'am. and midnight for more c M nui.iv uvbl wiih Flrt Indication of new move 1 than 90 second. land" and "where land as such p ' ' . representative of McMahon has been materially Increased in value by clearing, levelling, ex- " , years duration. j vVestminster. A tour of the dentists' school and first hand view of what the Tomorrow What Today's Dent-itudent Is required to learn to- 1st Needs to Know By LARRY STANWOOD SEATTIJE. Prince Rupert and cavating, new road access otherwise" committee last night and out- And while the elty clerk will "ned his firm's bids. district belongs lo the lowest category In dentistry service In appeal all figures, it was pointed ur.rrir.ri t that th pie- to bring about a settlement was i ! the lo bsg Canadian a uta'ement by Prime MiaUter. 1 meet tod.ijr with heada St. Laurent In Ottawa Presi-' ).!h-:l i Ruliway dent tumald Oordon ol the Can-i adian National Railways and W j ;m.i.i . tm itt i anii- 1c.-a A Mather of Canadian Pacific j '.. ir il r r-'vo'-Whwii hrt akd the BKT n-it for aj pnjldcii'.iai level had meeting ' am) Hie railroad had A J. Kelly, URT vlre-prcrtident. A group ef operators, reprecented by lawyer Doug Hogarth, at the laat meeting el council protested the regulations and suggested modifi-ralliiin which were ronlderrd and ananiinounly endorsed by council. I out owners may also seek a fur- British Columbia as far as the i ther reduction in the assessment ratio between ' the nnrr.ber-"cr CUR MAIN LINE BLOCKED WHEN FREIGHT DERAILED Trie city also receivea oiqs from the Bank of Montreal and Pemberton tt Son. Vancouver limited. ' Don Johnston of McMahon and Burns offered a firm bid ! if they are not satisfied. I So far more than 185 property owners have notified the city of Immediately confirmed rect-lpt .of A third request to operatorii their Intention to appeal assess- of 92.85 on the $100,000 bonds ments. for a waterworks progTam and ' the Invitation and said hi nego- to allow three taxi to park In Demand i tiatlng committee accepted. tront of taxi stands failed lo s I 94.018 on $340,000 ot the requlr- Sl'GGEST ASSESSMENT ed $675,000 for the new auto- II VANCOUVER (f Twenty-four cars of a 40-car westbound Canadian National Railway freight train were derailed near Aibreda, B.C.. 87 miles west of Jasper. Nobody injured. CNR officialviaid the derailment will tie up the CNR main line until early Wednesday. All trans-continental trains will be detoured through Calgary and Kamloops. Cause of the derailment was not known. i Poliowlng, Monday's meetings I reCrlvc endorsaUon. there was no Indication on whatl ... . . . points the parties had reached a I Ald Di',rrow ft- -"an Ha,iifk .-..Fki... r,.i.iof the police and licensing com- (tortion orb)(n nilttce. moved adoption of the cnanges ana vne ameiiaiuenu dentists and total population is concerned. Even the whole of the province is " far below requirements," says Dr. Leslie F. MarfbfUj president of the B C. Dental Association. The ideal situation would be to have one dentist for every 599 persons In a given area. In Prince Rupert, where there are three practicing dentists, tlie ratio is approximately one dentist to tery t.OOU persons. The average for B C. is one to every 3.000. "And this Is mainly, due to the fact there are no facilities in this province to train new dentists," Dr. Marshall told a pey Again were endorsed without As In tl 1950 strike of non-operating trades employees, the companies had already Kiucd unner ine recommendation. matic telephone system, endorsed unanimously and with-) Tne company wanU an option out discussion by aldermen the Qf S5 (x) on the nejrt jiqo ooo by crty clerk has been authorized to, Ju, j of thJs yfAr; joo on the prepare a suggested 19a3 assess-! nfJt $100 000 by Jan j, 1854 and ment on the lands In respect of i Qn the msjK0 by JuIy j, which appeals are lodged, keep- ing in mind the restriction of a, ' t 75 per cent raise as a maximum. and the principles of assessment1 m as set out In the Municipal Act.. Q JXS He will have the revised assess- j . . ments ready for presentation to! If rflVOl thp rmirt of Revision On behalf li . Premature enforcement ear lier this month of the bylaw to New Medical Health Officer Continues TB Tests in Unit amend the revl.sed bylaw which came Into effect last August brought a storm of protest from taxi oiH'rators. In IU original stage the amendment forbade iLVl.it CP) The Van- public notice of the exacted H'raid loduy print- shut-down in passetiger, freight Sure (,f two telegrams and expre service, r Muniy and said In ai The 19.W strike, which lasted t'.ry the CommunUU nine days, ended after hive resumed extort- mentary action nd establuh-y fioin Vancouver C'hl-, merit of arbitration proceeding. Twlay's meeting will be the ('.v my.,. first time that presidents Oordon nnuver Chinese mer- "d Mathrr will have taken part tc w,n was executed directly in the negotiations ' Dr. S. F. Carr, new ly-appoinled medical officer and school In- jinertjw nf the Rkeenn Health oai king on Third Avenue for with the doctors extremely well, and my wife and I are both looking forward to living in Prince Rupert." of the cilv on oDenlng day. i more than 60 seconds at any THis year, for the first time to' ""J, " time between 8 am. and mid the history of Prince Rupert, the " "r."L.vhr: group of representatives of theUnit u continuing immediately BCDA and newspapermen of the Khoo, .llh Ul(, tPS,ln(t of all province who conferred 'th for tuber- children In the district Dr. Black reported that TB night regardless of whether the tests on 1.043 children have been -mayor ad aldermen make tip . of the wlQler 1rh n completed. He said the results!" To? t'he rnktor ?"ch pUing up in the last 36 driver of the cab was on duty or on personal business. The bylaw as amended rc- .culosls. j With Dr. D. M. Black, whom he ine aeun oi ine niosi moaern school of dentistry in the world. "There Is no doubt,'" said Dr. inrlicfltnrf th disease was- less 1 , n i hours. The city works department has succeds, he is in Terrace tonay - mm iuui an.. 1 1 1 i, . , prevalent among those of school when 1953 assessments tuins the section allowing only Marshall, "that a dentist school to stlKly pr0gress of the testing all available hands out on street Second Boat Sinks Off Korea Coast half-hour parking on Third age than had been feared. Ap-! mailed to property-holders short- :earance The grader was In e t oimmmisls a year r-,-iv.-d to telegrams! us esntrtiun mom y. li'iaml for ransom ' ) t mie of at U'ast Ml l' Vamouver (.'hiliese l"i in a rrMiiiiptlon of 'imiii-.t Chinese exUir-; ft iu. h swept North a year ago." t' ti.iM.s from Hiiiil- ot the university ot BC. Is a work whicri s already und.-rway necessity and such a school there. The two will next continue would be the answer to our t0 smlthcrs for the same pur- proximately 2.500 children will " V." - jl ' . Jm continuous operation until 8:30 Avenue between McBrlde and Seventh from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. be tested throughout the district, i Potest ws """ "'r1 , ' p.m. last night and was out again v.. .. .. . O .. . nhOnn flcrfottncr in a tra.irt lraar, The rural areas will be visited i f"- . " " . , i i a, U A4lt. V..VI , .....-... w -. trouoie. it could save a nation s teeth." pose. "I am verv much lrrLoressed by ana assessments , laa n u.o.v Jessi &nd trafj(. later when travelling Is 8not!L CP Thirty persons man aouoiea. ana umcrs """ jjjQyifjg hampered by weather. wi re (cured drowned and 20 ln- cu "p ' V k" For the RCMP the storm has A native of Medicine Hat. Dr akmg fur i.1.000 and: Jun' when an overloaded ferry- Dr. Ernest Jones, dcun o( the (he work being done up here,'' denll.slry faculty in the $11 mil- pr. Carr said before his depart-lion new health science depart- ure night. "From what I ment of the University of Wash- have seen, the public co-operate ington. said "only this year ara Carr m-aduated from the Univer-! ":. ; ' , meant steady activity in cnecs r lor a UjUI of $10,000 bo"t carrying 200 sank off Putin nioliev. were klunerf un Monday night. slty of Alberta where he was a ! . . j ing a stream of minor aceldei.ts. 4 1 C'liorson." wh It was the second South Ko- classmate of Jim Taylor, manager I m.i.i nutns txw ceuuigs ana poor vii.ouuy of the Royal Bank of Canada! Mr. Daggett, 72-year-old car-j brought air transportation to a i tlie son-in-law of ,r,un (erry disaster in three here After serving with the penter, loraier mayor ana iuri -, sianasuu. ine last lugnt ui m weeks. Few details have been I Uh , Vancouver. Plea Fails To Reinstate Taxi Driver A plea by city lawyer Doug Hogarth that city council reinstate the rhuuffer's licence of taxi driver Roman Potvln pending outcome of an appeal against Its cancellation has been referred to a spcclul meeting ot made by CPA on Sunday. RCAF and practicing for a while I man, was taken Ul Jan. 19 and is in Aihrrta Mr and Mrs Carr ! recuperaUng in hospital here. "ty s.iys the telegram? I released, raiivun money "to buvl On Jan Last fUght by Ellis Air Lines 9 a ferry capsized In we catching oip with deaths and retirements among dentists with : newly trained men." ! The Seattle school, one in ; Portlund. Oregon, and one in California are the only training centres In the Pacific Northwest, i These schools take on a certain number of Canadian students, j most of them (rom B.C. buti Kitkatla Here For Basketball Game Tonight Don Hartwig is all set for a roui;h seas off Ptisan and 249 Koreans drowned. Only seven passengers survived. moved to Laurel. Mississippi. It is not known how long he j between here and Ketchikan where they remained for almost will be absent from work. was on Saturday. The Alaskan four hours ! cit-v ls0 snowbound. years. Mr. Daggett spent many T rptumlnrr lr Canurla. thev I each dav during the Dast few! Ground transportation is un- Coiiimuiiisis who are Insane his 80-vear-old fiitl wnlimed daughter- 'months, all downtown affected, however, as the Cana were particularly anxious to take inspecting "'B lias .nu.caU-d he ise to nav on orminclv National RaUways and up residence in B.C. Dr. carr businesses ana dozens oi noraes " Watson Island Stages continue H,.afn nncijloec Vile otrVTii)t. i In (ho it W 'll'er demand lrt hn. even that number is very small, busy evening at the Civic Centre I city fathers. Potvln was fined $300 recently l after he was convicted of a ' follow" The Washington University tonight when his Intermediate schtKil has 10 B.C. students en-: - A" team Fraser & Payne Shcrbrooke Ave. Bylaw Passes 6-3 ment here "made to order." He was appointed city assessor to operate In and out of the Dr. Black will leave on Feb. 8 Ion recommendation of Aid Mike, city on schedule, for Vernon where he Is to jolnlKmeger at a council meeting i The weatherman says Uttle unrih nvanmrnn Health I lost juiw 2 Mr napirptt at that change in the weather is in rolled, but it also has seven1 meet Kitkatla and his senior . . it... a .. .... I charge of bootlegging and had i his chauffeur's licence cancelled two days later. Mr. Hogarth suggested it was i prospect for Wednesday. ?men Kill fbanks J time was a city alderman. with CCC Pulp- tangles in.,int iv nf them fmm l SQUQ Unit. millers. B.C. currently riding a Monson's. 0 He said the Canadian dentists wrier Contract With Mounties Awaits Decision on the staff are "Just about tops six-game winning streak, will be out to strengthen Uieir nrst- usual practice to allow a person to continue In business until such time as his appeal is heard. Aid. Oeorg Casey said Potvln "must have some grounds for appeal and should be given an opportunity to continue driving them is the best onerator I have P1 hold in the senior loop, but 'ANKS (f-Two gunmvn i uikwev,, masks shot ((1 a G3-voar-ol,l ssiIp. Of Other Municipalities in Province ever seen." The Instructors are not teach "milt club" owner In the police and licensing commit force from the present maxi coach Helge Holgestad of the pulpmlUers promises a revamped team for tonight. Hartwig is still perturbed over the failure to obtain Ron Webber from Alex BUI. Gordon & ers because they are Interested in Without any discussion or Innfarc, city council last night adopted a bylaw to authorize grading and surfacing of Shcrbrooke Avenue at a cost of more than $i;o,000. The vote was 8-3. Those In favor were Aldermen John Cur-rle. Bill Bremner, Bert Olassey, Darrow Gomel, George Casey and Mrs. Kay Smith. Against were Aldermen Ray McLean and Mike Krucger and Mayor Harold Whalen. Before the vote. Aid. McLean Ul hi, home Monday, P"ed t,Kay The vl(,Unl "My Wrluhi i.. " ' " " here rul """" Jlta y$2o. Anderson coach, after the trans until such time as nis appeal is heard," but other aldermen disagreed. Aid. Darrow Gomea said "he appeared In court on a bootlegging charge and was convicted and I'm against relnstaUng his licence." Aid. McLeun moved that the money, said Dr. Jones. "Most of them gave up lucrative practices where they made three and four times as much as they are making here at the university. "But thoy too have seen the necessity of teaching and training facilities in order to provide more dentists. fAN INJURED The city clerk has been instructed by council to advise the RCMP Uiat Prince Rupert cannot renew its 1953 policing contract until other municipalities in the province have agreed to accept the force's request for increases. . All cities and municipalities in B.C. policed by the RCMP received a request from the force last December for an increase of $600 per man. The Mounties also asked Prince Rupert to increase its tee. Council endorsed the committee's report which said any increase agreed to will be retroactive to Jan. 1. Present contract between the RCMP and the city expired Dec. 31. Police casts here In 1951 exceeded $33,000. of which $19 200 was paid to the RCMP for men attached to the city force. fer of Ted Arney was completed. It is reported Arney did not have a contract with Mansons and Bill discovered the fact when he signed Arney. Originally he promised to release Webber if mum of 14 men to 18, which would mean an annual increase of more than $10,000 in wages for policing. Under the present contract with the RCMP, the city pays $1,400 a year for each man. Council's action In the matter was the same as that recommended In a letter received from the Vision of B.C. Municipalities. The correspondence was referred to the was injured ot n List night while at- relit, ruled hi! nrevloUS stand be reviewed at the i.t.n nt wn inL.f winntlnir nn 1 reauest 7 " m en . blaze in the Jan' 12 that endorsntlon of the I special meeting called for later rt,; . "lp''son, which Hartwig would let him have "We arc not training mechan - nv lit" Mo t...,. u ... . .,....i and this week to Olscu.ss a a uiuiiuai ics here, but trying to make a j Arney, 10 hosnllol i ... ... a... submitted by Northern B.C Iitm..i toaiiy uigea an aiaermen 10 we uuc T m. ,.j .i. i 1.... t.niinit Power Company for future power man a better ciUzen to serve . The senior game gets under-humanity, a good professional way at 8:30 p.m. 0j .wi consiueiatioii ol-iuic "' fire is unknown. There was no comment. supplies,