Prince Rupert Daily Nrvvs Tuesday. January 27, IBiJ SCREEN FLASHES Jaycees Join Drive For Government Action to Build Fishermen's Wharf John Coates. I lie Rl.'ut Engli sh ; , if ' I j r - v Tl.e tldMarecausidfc,,,. .. I... , tllll lu.(l nk lila (ruff ..n .. i I'Jf veiior viiiuiiii in hwhiuii n vxicr iriixffi career as a churen choir sstiger, waters ol the earh With Oiicoiy Peck, Susan i H.iyward and Avu Gardner in the starring ric.s, Twentieth Cen-lury-Foxs ai' prcKiuctlon ' of Ernest Hemingway's "Th . DEANJAGCEJ Snows ol Kilimanjaro" opens tomorrow at the Capitol 1 hrutre. Filmed in brlli.ant color by jf . .rfev... , 5 i ... i--V V. 5,1 . , Vancouver Junior Chamber of Creek. cmmu'cc has Joined the drive Jayrcc president George ftr federal govei mm nt action, to, Hughes says a resolution has construct the city's Ions-plan-i been passed supporting the alined Fishi i men's Wharf in False I ut effort of the Fishine Vessel Failure to Deliver Light Bills : Costs Youth $20, Edmonton $130 l EDMONTON 0 The youth who lost interest in delivering light and waU-r biiis to Edmontonians may not be too popular in those city-owned utilities. ' Six clerks worked several hours overtime to mail Out 3 000 bills. In addition to their overtime, the city had to pay $90 for " stamps ard $40 for envelopes. The deliverer, Edward Orgill, 20. ' was fined S20 for theft. TOTEM Today ond Wcdnesdcy Evrninx S)iu 7r 9: p.m. Technieti or amidst Eu.i Oean and Aliieun loiales. the Darri F. ZaiiucK piiKluction nariate.i ,he s o:y ol a brilliant novelist! and big hunter who reviews Iils lite and loves whll awaiting death In a remote corner 1 of civii..atioi!. Directed by Henry Kin, the film features Hlidegarue Nelfc. Leo O. Carroll, Turin Thatcher, Ava Norring, Helene Stanley. X I AMOIS PI UltSTl,, ' - HI 'f. 0-. -- ror cuick results rv a Doily News CloMiVieT Owners Association of B.C. to have an immediate start made on construction of the new facilities. The resolution, along with a request for action, is being sent to federal Public Works Minister Fournier at Ottawa. . "This is not just the vessel owners' problem, but the problem of everyone in Vancouver." said Mr. Hughes. I -'"Boat congestion at docks and floats in the Vancouver area has become critical and constitutes a great fire hazard to the port. 1 With vessels jammed together, it would be extremely difficult, if not Impossible in some instances, to combat a serious outbreak or explosion." HANDICAPS FISHERMEN He said lack of proper mooring facilities is a handicap to one of the province's basic industries and also is losing money for Vancouver business. "Business is losing out because many fishermen with high purchasing power are making othi r , less congested ports their home base. The fishermen's wharf if 1 developed as a tourist attraction TODAY 7: - 9:10 DAVID N1VKN - MA OARE'I lEIGHTXjK in "THE ELUSIVE PIMPE R N EL Vicente Oomvr. Avr and O crj Peek hunt wild game In Africa in "l TwentUUi Century-Fox s Technicolor production of Ernest ! M""- afLR:'b; '.nsori aaaoted the Hemingway ; ptory to the screen. Hemingway's "The Snows of Kilimanjaro," which opens tomorrow nigh' at the Capitol Tneatre. The film was produced by Darryl F. Zanuck and directed by Henry Kmg. Chamber Asks Government To Probe All Its Spending Peck. Hayward. ZantKk and King, in addition to cameraman Leon Shammy are the same team who made last yeai's. fabulous success, "David and B.Uh- , .sheba." ' i .THE GREATEST LOVE STORY YOU HAVE EVER SEENI John Lozenko Has 30 Years To Go, if Mother is Right OTTAWA -The Little Thealre Workshop has Invited entries for US Lit H phtywnui g comp ti-lion with piie, of Slou, $7.1 and $:S0 lor original oue-uct plays The competition. -pen to all Canadian playwrights - professional and nun -pml ml clo es March 31 flays inns! b.- fine net finlv ttifli iifis Jin Inu OTTAWA Canada's busine.-,, then have asked the federal gov-1 eminent to keep its linaers out of industry a much 'is possible ' " Th-'ir spokesman, the Cana- . d;an Chamber of Commerce j urged al-o r. ' 'searchin.? t xamin-ation" of a'.l govi : p.n.t m depart-1 mer.ts to reduce .-pending and !ii:h:en th? tax I. acl oa the nub- I lie. 1 Th? cl. a:Iie.- .ud jc r.;-;iai in-' come tax has reairhci. .twh a j could bring new trade to this area." Meanwhile, Harold Christen- WINNIPEG (CP)--When John Lozenko w is a ooy in Kussiu hLs arandmotiier used to say to him: "You will live to be l:tu" ; She hei.stlf lived to be 113.' John was lwu on Jan. 17 and de- "No; to get angry," says John a siow smile creasin ; iils laer ( "Not lo eat ton inn h. ar.d to tak ' an occasional drink." He told a reporter .elm MU,k i riutui;! an interview: "if i,u ' mm high point that initiative is being blunted and .savings restrict, ed. High corporation taxes were hindering much-needed new machinery and equipment and rc.-turces. The chamber's proposals were submitted to Prime MinLster St. Laurent and his cabinet by a delegation headed by Lewi.; Simms of Saint John. N.B., the organization's president. SPECIAL BRIEF A .'.portal brief in lLscal policy was presented later to Finance Minister Abbott and Revenu" Minis'.er McCann. termined to fulfil the prophecy want to live as kmu as me vou'll tmm .,f . ..i u-L th..n -. ..',... i son, secretary of the FVOA. says i the campaign to enlist support i of other Vancouver business. trade and industrial interests' j and community service organi-; zation is being pressed. , As projected, the new wharf would be located on the south! ' shore of False Creek, . between , Burrard and Granville bridges, ; of the old lady he no- only have to .,top .smoKiir! " .and not more tha.t 4. mlmi . s dimly remembers. Metlleui men, ,u- uzf,,k.) t,a. bter m riiec; They must be submitted in tiv;-have told him he U still good;twice Uiid has hid 21 culldren 't-h for another 10 to 15 years. .romtcen are s.dl Lv.rig and he; Th winiiinn plays wd, Qr ;-iv- Living here with'a son and ' has so many grandciiiioren and (" their p.eiii.eic at ihe tin I daughter-in-law, Mr. Loenko' great grandchildren he can t "Kvcnri of Canadian Plays" -mint tnem. s anea oy tne txiaw.i group at " : ! asifaMEiaKBa SWgIiWs ... 2 "The Store To Go, For J The Brands You Know" J the '!ait of the lull .-easo-v r , . . - .. - . . -- I i and would provide berthing and equipment storage facilities for Proposals ranged from request.-, for increased immigration to introduction of the single alternative vote in federal election.?. This system would allow the vot -'- i some 200 vessels. No unloading 1 of fish or washing down of boats ' CREGOBY SUSAN m PECK -HAYWARD -GARDNER j would be done there. ADMINISTERED BY CITY I It would be administered by i the City of Vancouver, with i .V ' ' ( lie came to Canada In 13'JJ aftir serviie.; in the army of Uk C?ar and lau-r in the Kussia.i poiice force. When he arrived in Winnipeg Jjhn a j: i-oaU biiiUnn..;, Later ho worked for the CPU but was obliged to retire when hLs .sight began to fail. For 15 years ,e Was piai-tically blind. During the ia"0 Red River flood he went to live with a son In Toronto. He underwent an operation and his sight ws re- Useful Survey HALIFAX (CPi- Ar. ex.ei.,ive tour of first ait; p.ts In Nova Scotia is Ueli:k uru'.ei taken by H. B. Kuriuk di ietor of llrt aid with tlie Nova Scotia Red Cros.j, tli'-x posts v ill be Installed in many sections, turtii uiariy the eastern shore i r.d Cajw Bre- ' ' ton areas. I Loiy Actor i NOTTINOHAM. En, (CP)- -' rental fees paid by fishermen I ! covering operational costs. j I . . S Yarn and : Knitting Wools : I stored. -entres Irdt' Th'' "Id mar. . a 4(j0-p:.unti iiioiulatan brar, sent xtaeehands Diacit Death Claims Pioneer of Early Days j around .he Russian '.thodox C'hurrh near h's houu. a iiei;',h- GUELPH m MISS CANADA MONARCH scurry ins w lie siipircd hii chain durln; a e shuw Tcd-ty h-jvever. ambled qule'.lv' bo'hooj -lark n-here he sits oa i : i a : y j warm siunm-r days, his friends r:oiit for a feu miii'ites and land his fan.l .-. then fell asleep. er to make a .second or third i hoice in case the first selection doesn't obtain a majority. The chamber also requested the government to allow private industry to compete with the C3C in television development and ured ihat th National Fiim Board be restricted, allow - Ins f t'--rr.ment departments to make use of private film makers, i It said that in Canada the re-1 lationship between business and government is something unique in the world, valuable ap'' worth keeping. MOKE ECONOMIES To maintain this relationship. ha:-ine.-s .should refrain from look!!'. ihe government for ..olnti n o. ;;. problem. Aaid the chamber. The govr ri.iiicnt ".sty re-tram from imposing on business both the coiK:rt;e burdens of restrictive taxes and the intangible burdens of a managed economy." Ai foi me government's spend ing, Ihe chamber was certain that If it made further inquiries it likely would find room for more economies in government departments particularly in the defence division. j Word was received here today of the death of John Moody in Minneapolis. He was S3 years old. ft! 0 MARY MAXIM . BEEHIVE Z Wallace's have loin; been g I'rinre Itupirts favorite slore for every knitting re- quiremenl. Visit Wallace's Varn Department. ! WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ft? fi-TT LAI JOHN LOZENKO gets up before 5 a.m. daily. He goes to church every day and Ls; still able to look alter hl.s per-; ionai needs. He even makes his own bed. What's his rccip? for long life?; y m h, y, Mr. Moody came here in 1907 and became one ; ,of yie com-! m unity's beKt-knoj', jtizens. A few years -ego failing eyesight made a change necessary , and he moved to Minneapolis, 1 home of his daughters. He was born in Wisconsin. i Mr. Moody, at the time of the origin: 1 sale of local lots, bought the corner of Second Avenue j Mid Sixth Street, eventually! selling his property to the prcs- j er.t owner. John Bulzak. ! " ffnTffiilRflSTi3 snooty A'jk lor Marvelube and you II gel protection against gummy engine sl;id2e that tan lead to higher maintenance costs and enjme repair bills! Marvelube MS is anli ant) - it battles bearing coriosicJh. it's tisdly ''"rcnt helps keep your engine clean. It's a tough, heavy duty oil that flows freely in every kind ol weather. For quick, easy starts ... lor all round engine protection ... for a motor oil that keeps your engine young longer ... ask lor Marvelube Canada's larjest-, selling motor oil! jCCFer Wants ! Death Penalty 1 Eliminated i OTTAWA (CP)-Ross Thatcher CCF member of the Commons for the .Saskatchewan constitu-i f ney of Jaw. plans to introduce a Lnll for the aboil-! Hon of capital punishment. ! Mr. Thatcher said he has had ' a number' of representations from church, fraternal and j other organizations asking that the death penalty be eliminated ' from Canada's crime punish- i iiient. j He introduced a "imilar meas-i ure in 1950 but H was "talked j cut' continually debated for! the full time allotted to private ! members' business but never oted on. At that time the government rejected the bill on the ground th" death penalty was needed as a dcterren against milder. UMmy Duty) 0 5 UU(9JU Canada's largest selling Motor Oil marvelube MOTOR Oil i,i it 1 ! ! f t If Winter s Here , . . It is Time to Think About SPRING REPAIRS If your house gutters need attention, if your boat needs new tanks, see us; we have the equipment and the experience to do anything in the SHEET METAL line. Thorn Sheet Melal LIMITED 253 First Ave. Phone Black 887 IMPERIAL ifHi xravf Dory j ' 4 1 ' ( V, i. 2a& ijour- I (isso) MR. MERCHANT Why not enlist cupid for your merchandising this year ... use the advertising columns of the Daily News to tell of the gifts in your store that aim for the heart THE DAILY NEWS ' M) 3j f f P WS flw Amfnewt Pttrslvun iMttlult ilitsiiulion dtnoftm iht moil wwef tic nndtliafl tcoufrttrri. Mirnliibt mevtt ill rquifffnnli lot Ihts tiO 9t Mfic.