r TrliiCe tuprrf Daily News Friday. March 12. 1954 Rotary Curlers Champions Dead Bombers Refuse To Lie Down Lumley Racks Up 13th, Bruins Cuff Rangers Hv JIM KASTABLE diens on goals by centres Ted cii.di!.n Picas sum writer 'Kennedy and Tod Sloan and Jim Thomson scored his first Thomson. derson's Jaycee rink 11-10. In the final -which saw Moore, Bert Fields, Don Ritchie and Eddy Gladding; playing against Anderson, Jay Burns, Harley Lewis and Danny Johnson, the Jaycee rink took an early lead but were overtaken by the Ko-! tarians in the ninth end with the score 8-8. Individual trophies were pre- sented to the winners by Mitch Greene In ah.ionlla. L3Si NEW ZEALAND RUGGER SQUAD DOWNS THUNDERBIRDS 42-3 VANCOUVER r New Zealand All Mucks drubbed the University of British Columbia Thundi-rbirds 42-3 In an exhibition rusrT panic here Thursday. About 4.000 fans watched the touring All-Blacks run up a 21-0 load by hatftimo in a game played in crisp, cool weather but under sunny .skies, All-Blacks held Thunderblrds scoreless until the last minute of play. , The lop-sided victory was the second for the down-under team in their three-game stay in British Columbia. They ran up a 3!)-3 score over Victoria Crimson Tide Tuesday. Vernon Squares OSHL Series; Dynamiters Two Up in WHL ir oOvOht.... r'pWdfc, Boeid or b ,L Bfitish Cc' n the third period, Richard came dashing into the Toronto en(j anc was biucKcd off by Leaf defencemun Tim Morton. Whin referee Red Storey failed to call a hiildina penalty, the fans vi il- RE-ROOF . . Uh ASPHALT BfW wit Enquire obour our Instalment PoymJ run rKtt ti I IMATES . . . SEE OR Q :goal in 200-odd games. Harry j Lumley got a shutout. Toronto Maple Leafs beat Montreal Can- j adieus. New York Rangers lost and are just about out of the j Stanley Cup running. And little Wall.y Hergesheimer broke a leg. The spectacular and the disastrous ran like that in the National Hockey League Thursday night. The league-leading Detroit Red Wings walloped the last- I place Chicago Black Ilawlts 6-2. The Leafs strengthened their hold on second place with a 3-0 i victory over Canadiens before 14,510 frantic fans at Montreal. Boston Bruins sent the Rangers into virtual oblivion for another year with a 1-0 win. Hut. take a look r.s the side- lights:. I four straight goals and a 5-3 win for the Nelson Maple Leafs, i In Kimberley, the Flyers got i the first goal and looked like i they might make a fiaht of it. ! The Dynamiters tied the count I and then outscored the visitors GREER &BRIDD Phone 909 Ily Tilt; C;in:uli:m Press Penticton V's provided the only upset in interior amateur hockey play-offs Thursday night. Flaying the second game of a be.st-of-five series with last-place Vernon Canadians in the Okanugan Senior Hockey League, the V's lost 6-4 in Vernon to square the series 1-1. In the Western International Hockey League, the Kimberley Dynamiters came from behind to take the Spokane Flyers 5-3. Kimberley leads the semi-final best-of-five 2-0 and will travel to Spokane for the next two games, if necessary. In Trail, coach Willie Schmidt juegled lines and gave a dressing room pep-talk that produced CARPETS liy Tlu' C:m:uli:m Press Seattle Bombers may be dead as far as the Western Hx Key League play-offs are concerned, but they refuse to lie down. Making their last tour of the Prairies and already out of the monev. Bombers fought down to the wire before they were nosed out 4-3 in Edmonton Thursday night. Marcel Pclletier starred in the Seattle nets, kicking out 31 Flyer drives, 14 in the second period. Some 4.000 Edmonton fans watched the Flyers take a 1-0 lead as Jim Uniac banged in a rebound. Marl: Marquess crossed up 1he defenders and fired in a high, hard one to tie the count. As the Edmonton defence fanned in front of the goal to break up a potential pass play. Mar- quoss cut out from behind the i net to drive home the puck- : Uniac and Ray Hannigan each scored and assisted twine. The; others were notched jy Marcel . Timlin and Jim Anderson. i GETS TWO GOALS j j Ed Zeniuk, formerly with Fly-1 ers and Edmonton Oil Kings, ; turned on his old lans with two I goals. Mark Marquess scored the j other. CTiiylc Fielder, and Wayne Biown, lc'.lgue leading scorers, nicked up assists on Zcnitik's imal coal. ' The two smoothies have been held down in their last few-games after racing to the top of the individual standings. The Bombers turned six men loose in front of the Flyer net in the final seconds in an un- successful attempt to knot the score. Seattle moves on to Calgary tonight and New Westminster visits Vancouver. Saskatoon opens a fii.ul west coast swing at Victoria. Thom Meets Lewis The finals of ths Prince Rupert Ladies' Curling club Art Murray trophy competition will be played tomorrow night at 7 p.m. with Lil Thorn's rink meeting Myrtle Lewi ?' quartette. For the second time In the last year the Prince Rupert Kotaiy club proved Its supremacy in the world of service club sport by defeating their arch rivals the Gyro club and going on to win the Citv Service club curling immpiunship. In the linals played yesterday ifternoon Neely Moore's Rotary1 ink defeated Bob Anderson's ; Junior Chamber of Commerce! quartet 9-8 after knocking off AI j I Miller's Gyro rink 10-8 earlier In i the afternoon. Another Gyro rink skipped by Ken Robertson fell by the wayside to Bob An- Paul Piche's 321 Tops Men's Loop New pins played havoc with contestants in "A" Division of the men's five-pin bowline: league this week but Paul Plclv found the mark with a 321 -game in "B" Divisi, n. Magnus Hai vor ,"i lopped "A" Division with a 'J91-game and Amerdo Da He had high three of 7r:i. hV.miIIs: "A" Division: Northwest Con-I strurtion 4, Thorn Sheet Metal jO I default); I'hilpott Evilt 3. ! Family Market 1; Art Murrays '.I. Moose 2; CNRA 3. 537 Taxis '1: Local 708 2. Cooks 2; North : Star 2, Short Circuits 2. j "I!" Division: Deuces 4, Ru- pert Motors 0; Savoy Hotel 4. 'Jayncs 0 (default); Nelson i Urothrrs 3, Don Juaas 1; LCB 3, j Legion 1; Kaien Industries 3, : Overwaitea 1. ilHowtoKEEP FIT offer 50 In tl old dys fifty itemed lite im ! rl-tr down lkc (hint eatr-ilrh your diet - pjH more rest. It's itill fod tdrke. Hul tfwie days yu ran face fifty with many intrrt din; and artire ynari altead, Aiive( that ii, if you ran a,void bark ir he and tlie ''tirnt-out" feehng, due to kidney and bladder disorders, that often develop around that are. For more than 60 years ltadd's Kidney Pillt have been helpinf men and women of alt ages to keep kidneys and bladder in good order, -helpinf them to feel better, to work better, and get mora fun out of life. If you are approaching fifty, or past it, Dodd'a Kidney Pilll may help you, too. You can depend on Dodd'i, 54 ARTILLERY it Join and you will be many iinfi Thomson, the Leafs' top butjjohn Wilson and defencemun ; seldom-scoring defenceman fool-; RL,(j Kellv got the others, Lou ed Montreal goalkeeper Jacques Jankowski and Jack Price tallied! Plante with a weird, bouncing for Chicago. All Wool Pile. B.-onHf,,! ; tv. 3-1 in the second period to break j the back of the attack. ' In Vernon, the Canadians turned on the heat for two periods and then played kitty-bar-the-door j as they fended off Penticton 1 for the win. The Canadians built a 4-2 lead l on breaks and penalties in the first period and boosted it to 5-2 in the second. The V's had closed the gap to one goal and had the Canadians on the ropes when Dick Butler broke away for his second goal of the night. ' " n oi Rich' in Color. Wovox Crecn( & x 9 ft. Winston Grey, 6'9" x 9' kt n tl m a it wnvnv no n w w in k family favorite.. Winston Grey, 9' x 12' Belgium wiiton orcv, V x 15 t DucKingnom wuton, y x 12 j m ft, Also other sizes, ouolity ond pn; La liJ Siy Iff! in stock. frozen strawberries A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE "A Good Place to Buy For Over a Quarter ol 308 Third Avenue a corps of speeialist$. trained in one of tht and IrodeJ required. WATER reveals win sky s true flavour l'ftlTs WlreftSI and ofhtr twm cemmumcotioni oft fougM in "ArfilJtrjr". r)X!lHMV'" Serving Canada in the Army . v you serve yHSliif ed and threw rubber overshoes. newspapers anu programs. Lumley, made 34 saves. Plante stopped 17 Leaf drives. SEVENTH SHl'TOl'T At Boston, Dave Creighton's third period goal gave the Bruins their 2fHh victory of the seas;".1.. His close-in shot on a pa.ss from i t)ine trickled through goalie Johnny Bower's legs at 12 12. Goalkeeper Sugar Jim Henry of Boston thus marked up ins seventh shutout of the season. At Detroit. Gordie Howe and Glen Skov scored two goals a mere for the Red Wine victory. "sports"""" BRIEFS isiimiiiaiiiaK't i NEW WESTMINSTER, B C. (CP) The hometown Elks became Pacific Coast juvenile hotkey ' champions here last nii'.ht when, for the second night in i succession, they downed Nanai- ! mo Clippers 4-2. ! .... EDMONTON (CP) Truman Bailey of Tugaske, Susie., and Billy MucDonald of Calvary wer? the two section leaders as the 12-rink round-robin playoffs headed into the windup today at the Edmonion car bmi-spiel. PROVIDENCE. T.I. - - Rob ert J. A. Bob Quinn, famous , front-office basebnll figure who figured in the sale of Boston j Red Sox to Tom Yawkey and of Boston . Braves lo Lou Pcrhii, died early today, lie was 84. i I Curling Results ; ! Tonight will -cc: .pk-t1 r-ijular play i in the Prhicp Ruiip-t Curilnf chili's j Rupert Motors troniiy r :p;otition i ?nd playoUs .Hart tom'HTtr.v. -j j Result'! of Wr-rliii'sclv': u.-lr; ore ! as follows: G rtlon 10. ot?nnn 4; i tAnd'Tson II. MHUt i Turner 14, Kdlouah 3; Sicbor 18. Her: 10: Onr-I iier 1.', K-tiTKi m 7: fi 'j. L'Ji ie 4 Rc suit s of iasi niilii a play : Hol- HKi(iM'!ia:a C; Par krr 17. I-nrd 1 ; Wstrri'ii v. Jfthnstnn i, Stewart 6; M')rc Bird 11. NHL LEADERS liy The CannMnn Press The leiictiTs: O A Pis Howe. Detroit . . 30 7H Richard, Montreal . . . f) (II : Lintlsuy. Detroit 57 Kelly. Detroit .... . . 16 41) (leotfri')li, Moiitre.U . if) 47 Olmstedfl. Montreal 14 47 i Helhel. IH-trolt 15 47! StanduiK: Detroit won :i(i lust I 15, tied i:i points 8.S. Pilntf.: Howe. Detroit. 73. Goals: Richard. Montreal. 35. Assies: Howe. IHaroit. 43 .Shutouts: Lumlry. Toronto, Pfnuli lea ; Richiirci, Montroal. 112 minute.s. Kast l'assciisiT and Km; lit SiiiliiiRs I'rrni Triuti- !(iirl Tu Vancouver - FriiiLiy nnd .Siiiiiliiy 8:00 p m. To Kilimal Frldny 8:00 p in. To Krmaiio fi' iu' ty 8 00 ' p.m. To Ktt'ivart, Alice Arm - Saturday 0:00 a.m. To Masset and North (fitccn Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m.. Feb. 25: Mar. 11th. 25th To South IJiicrn Charlottes Thursday 6 a.m., Mar. 4th, 18th Passenger Kesrrva lions Freight ISookings LES SMITH Prince Rupert Agent 500 Third Avenue Phone MIR serving B.C. since 1889 ik.'.T. I Long Distance Moving v: i: VOI R LOCAL "AI.LICD" AGUNTS shot trom 75 feet out. It was his ; first goal since the 1950-51 sea-; son and the 10th in regular competition since he came up to the i Leafs, as n regular in l!Mt-47. ' COACH'S DREAM Lumley, a coach's dream ever since he joined the big leagues 10 years ago, racked up his 13th shutout of the season by robbing such Montreal stars as Maurice Richard, Ken Mosden, Bert 01m-: steac' and Tommy Johnson. j At Boston the Ranger loss was 1 bad. But when Hergesheimer I tripped over Boston's Leo Labine; in the third period and fractured ! his left leg it was tragic. Hcrgy j has been a great rightwinger i ! with the New Yorkers and was i a key man in coach Muzz Pat- rick's plans for the playoff run. The Rangers now trail the : Bruins by three points for the fourth and last playoff berth. , The Rangers have only four games to go. The Bruins, how-' ever, have two games in hand. At Montreal the Leafs took ! a three-point lead over Cana- ; : Collins Paces I j Cclco League Bill Collins set the pace in "A" Division of the Celco Mix-! ed bowling league last week with i best game of 267 and Bert Edgar lopped "B" league with a 283 game. Mamie Marincau topped . women in "A" With 269 and May Murray was best in "B" division j with a 228. ' j Results: "A" Division: Savoy 4. No-Names 0: Bulgers 4, Northland Dairy 0: Wildcats 3, Residuals 1. "B" Division: Pilots 4 by default; Central Cafe 3, Con-boeds 1; Timber-Tics 4, Lucky Strikes 0. Last Night's Fights i Bv '1'!"' A " luted 'res j WEST PALM BEACH. Fla. Jake LaMotta, ICOl New York, knocked out Johnny Pretie, 188. Boston, 4. . " . BALTIMORE Willie James, '?01''2. Roxbyry, Muss., outpointed Wort Whitehurst, VdO, Baltimore, 10. FALL RIVER, Mass. Irving Ripen, 149. San Diego, Calif., stopped Gene Leglanc, 149, Fall River. 10. NEWARK, N.J. Jimmy Cham-panne. 143, Philadelphia, stopped Willie iKid). Johnson, 148''2, Orange, N.J., 7. Jennie Warren Finals Sunday The final of the Jeannie Warren trophy competition In the Canadian Legion Curling club piny will be played Sunday, March 14 at 9 p.m. There will be a tie-breaking game at 5 p.m. between the Lofgren rink nnd Prokopow with the winner taking on the Parker rink in the final. Last Sunday Prokopow beat the Lemire rink and Parker beat Baxter to reach the finals. There will also be two scrub games Sunday at 9 p.m. with Anderson meeting Bone and Baxter taking on Stewart. mm ; Hadar ri another el tht moAf tooi of moaVn anihf Put Seagram's "8 3" to the water tests Water, plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagrams "83 (Ganadiai iVuiuj 0, $cagrami Sure 'J. : ' rtl. Surveying - Kill "oi" importnnl itill lo leori motiern arlMery Khooit. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The crack gunners of the Royal Canadian Artillery are rightly proud of their many skills. They specialize in a wide range of technical skills and trades that include radio and telephone operators, driver mechanics, surveyors, meteorologists and even pilots. The Canadian gunner is a highly trained soldier. The Artillery is the place for the young man vho wants specialized training and a chance to get ahead in a military career. You enjoy financial security, good pay, liberal pension.. You can qualify for advanced ! i i n.tUAr.U.fcaiileS Ir?' II"" I"1 in muinlmiont. play training and rapid promotion. You get 30 days annual holiday with pay. Best of all, you serve Canada as a soldier skilled in a worthwhile trade. To be eligible you mutt be 17 to 40, skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or o'her proof of age. Hi ie "Vale el the Army" Jmmmh in lli. HCA. .-.1 lucreliolConoo". fold gunnws. I A :j Wtdntsdsy e4 Friday tvtnlnf i tr fie Oamlaloa Matwerk IF '$ 'I V f y.s ' i t V fit ;? ' --, ' ' La CAREFUL .... Os a cat with a Kitten . . . that's the expert packers who prepare your household goods tor moving. Phone 60 AddIv roht owov: Write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. ki mm I & OUR CUSTOMER'S interest always at heart The customer's best interest is always our first concern . . . every item serviced thoroughly and double-checked for safety. We take pride in our auto service; you'll lake pride in your car's dependable performance. SUPER SERVICE "AT Tilt t'OK.NCK. W SECOND ANU SECOND Will Ki; THE SERVICE IS SECOND TO NONE" ino. ii rersonnei wvyvi, . iini W..i TLi.J A ........ V.nrnuvf r. B.v.i -r a. v I tt en I IIIIU ATCUUC, . v. . . . Telephone CHerry 2111 6 1 1 . v s i or The Army Recruiting Stotion or Reserve force Armoury nearest your hom is ii..- . ' ;j Lnoa! and "LEAVE IT TO LINDSAY'S"