f '6 Today and Saturday Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, March 12, 1954 r-venlng, "S Matinee Huu'Z ',:'l Queen s Yacht Disappointment to Experts From Warner Bros, in a Relentless Storm or SnJ W.S.-Born Mayor All for Aussies He Tells Queen TOWNSVILLE, Australia I ; Australia's only America n-borrt I mavor was presented today to 0LM By JAMES P. KING LONDON HP The Qnpnn is in- ing to ride home from her royal tour in style aboard a $(i.000,00() yacht. . ! Finishing touches are being put on the new rovol yacht Britannia at Portsmouth navy yard. lh, Hrifnnnia i-- the first royal yacht built in half a century 3LACKWGOD on BRIDGE uy tnjLtT DLALKWUUU 5 Vsjv 1 f LEX BARKER PHYLLIS KIRK win ii ; Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. Paul T. Wherry was travelling around the world from Chicago w hen he hit Australia in 1935. j He settled down In Charters j Town, 80 miles west of here in ! NCO's and Gunners, 120 HAA Battery Invite you to attend their ST. PATRICK'S DAY DANCE Music: ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS and it's a far cry from the 7WI-tnn wooden paddle steamer t'l it was the first royal yacht 113 years a no. Some .sca-loviii" I';-1- : s admittedly di.sarpoin'.rd in the Britannia. Lawrence Iju.m. one of the architects, s: I h" wa.-n'l' entirely pleased, explaining: "The royal apartment between the second and thirl masts look as if they hart bee:i added as an al'terthoir'.ht ." Another leading naval architect vote to the editor of a London newspaper: "Ships should be a .showpiece or BriU-h shipbuilding, fiiio i-.n'' Her superstructure locks like i. three-tif'r weddim I;- thai crumbles in the middle." The Britannia 413 feet Key with a 55-foot beam -will he powcrrrl bv lour ."'cam turhine: and have a : p; i"l nl 21 ;::io's I - ICxtrit "NORTH OK THE SAHARA" "HORN TO SKI"- tote! CARTOON Strip Opposing Hands To Set Up Knd-i'lay j Mr. Muzzy's double of the six-club contract was very bad. True, it appeared likely on the bidding ; that he could win two club tricks, but it was by no means certain, as the final result proved. There was also the danger the double would drive the opponents out on an unmakeable six club contract into a j laydov n contract of six no trump. At the Armouries Friday, March 12 TODAY TO SATURDAY EVERYONE WELCOME . Admission $1.00 each Dancing 10-2 tot Mm 9tr.Vm JUDY ilOLLIDAY s..... ......... ........... ........... Mr. Masters had to play hii bc.'t but lie made six clubs by a Australia's northeast state of Queensland, and married a local girl. Today he has three children, a furniture business, Is a naturalized" Australian and the local mayor. To see the Queen he and his family rode in their truck for two days through flooded country. I hen caught a train. In his still-midwcstern accent, he 'told the Queen: "Well. I cuess it was like this, Your Majesty. I Just liked the town, I liked the people I married one incidentally so 1 settled there. And I wouldn't leave for all the bucks tn the United States." M ultra-modern with a special rare tyS oi end-plav. In talk- plant, a-i all- "'? about end-plays the impor- walei' (li.sti'.lii l...f7Trr:.,,,J mzMW clcetvlc p.allev, air comlitimiiiv. tanee of stripping the hand m MlCIUtl 0 '.Hl IU, M nm, t. IP WXIIIIW u CAPIT .. Vlfkl'L' MOl'S Also "Rasslin" Rogues" "Down V linger in the Corn" Evenings 7-9 p.m. Saturday Mat. 2 - 4:25 p.m. S'Mith driller. Utah hUles vulnerable. North (Mr. Iliilr) S K 9 7 3 H Q 8 l K 8 6 4 C J 5 2 HiM . Ijlsl ( Mr. Mll ) ( Mr. Miel) 310 ill S-I 8 5 H- J 0 S H 10 9 7 4 2 1 J 9 D 10 7 8 3 2 c K 10 8 6 c none Himtli (Mr. Muvirrs) S A Q H A K 3 II A y (. - A Q 9 7 4 .1 Ttie Ultldllig: Siinitli West Nurt.h Eu-st 2 C I'uss 3 N r Hubs 4 C Hnss 8 C Paa 1'a.ss L.LU. All Pusa Wollace's Deportment Store Get In The "Mood" With Wallace's New SKIRTS & BLOUSES FOR SPRING . You'll like the variety. Styles for all ages. Prices for every purse. All the new wonder fabrics chosen from the leading factories . of Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. Yours to choose at Wallace's. I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE FA. PLAYKRSli and a stabiher to reduce the roil cannot be emphasized too1 in mu-.h, we.vher. Trie ' hol e: strongly. Simply stated, this : d tI's are st:nii;i enoii'.'h to land process consists of removing a helicopter in an em'Tcncy. from th opponent's hands' The Britannia is a lorf il every card which would con- ship, too palntrd royal bltte stitu'o a sale ret ,. , ' witli a (iM hind below the 1 vel in today's har.J, the stripping of the upper decks, a white sin- process was carried to its ulti- j hum. 1 and three ma-'s in mate degree. Mr. Muzzy led tlv I buff. The crew wear rpeeKl 0,.Uee of spades and Mr. Mas-' uniforms a sere jumper worn ters won with the a. He laid rr-ie th" iron-, us n. ) of . own the arc of clubs and got outside with all ratings flashing ;the bad mws wnen Mr Abe, siiouider emblems bear a plaved a small diamond, crown and inscription "Royal; Next he lald down the queen Vaeht Service " ' of spades, overtook with duin- Britain, Russia Hold Trade Talks , Legion Ladies' Auxiliary MOSCOW (Reuterst Sir Ore- ST. PATRICK'S DANd Friday, March 12 Legion Auditoriu S (i rrmce unanes, 3, ana ms s-i ...., kln returned a snadA.i ville Maginnes. president of the ; Kusso-Biitish Chamber of Com-' mer.:e, conferred Thursday ntsht with a Soviet trade chief about plans for expanding trade. Maginnes, who Is head of a nine-man delegation of British machine- tool manufacturers now In Russia met the Soviet Chamber of I luffed it low. He entered dum-! ter. Princess Anne. 3, v ili sail on the Britannia in May t. me 't niv niy.iin u-ith tho n.mnr, ..r ' their mother and dad at Tobriik..,,., J ud dum .g last d Modern Music by JAKE'S RHYTHM KINGS Dancing 10-2 Admission J: Grand Door Prize Refreshments Sold for the homeward voyage wind No Socialism In School Work Says Director and ruffed it low. ing up t he royal tour . SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 13 at 2:30 p.m. In the Auction Booms, corner Fourth Ave. and Mi Bride 1 Trade chairman, Mikhail Nes-! terov. I Now he cashed the ace and Iking of hearts and the ace of I diamonds. He followed with the queen of diamonds which was j SASKATOON CP There is lu overtaken with dummy's king. sodal lndoctrinaUon taught in I The Canadian Red Cross maintains an Enquiry Bureau to trace missing persons In all parts of the world. .... ..v. - uiaiiiuiiu Hum S'Kka rheman schools, Henry the board and ruffed with the ELKS DANC 1 TO iCor. 2nd Ave. and 6th Sti I Wilcox Gay TAPE RECORDING MACHINE, (new) and two rolls audiotape. 1 Rose Chesterfield Suite Dressers 1 Chest of Drawers 1 Radio I Ladies' Wrist Watch 1 Gent's Wrist Watch 1 Rollaway Single B-d-1 4-ft. Hollywood Bel 1 Oil Burner Range 1 Oil Burner Heater 1 Hotplate 3 Electric Kangettes 1 New Chrome Suite 1 Radio 1 Corner Cabinet And many other items. iW EVERY FRIDAY MM Jansen, provincial director of school curricula, said Thursday ; In an Interview. He added thai the school, however, like other educational agencies, "must take a part in improving society." He was asked to comment on criticisms that the modern school is attempting to indoctrinate certain social attitudes, culled a totalitarian idea, with teachers acting as 'social engineers", "In no sense whatsoever Is there any indoctrination In our education system." he said. queen of clubs. At, this point Mr. Muzzy's double looked pretty silly even to him. He was down to three cards, the king, ten and eight of clubs. If he refused to win and played the eight of clubs. Mr. Masters would simply lead a cluj toward dummy's jack and mat card would be fcound . to win the slam -going trick. I Actually Mr. IWuzzy over-ruffed with the .;lng. He was now i 'Hi List Your Goods for This Sale Music by THE WESTERNAIRES All unescorted ladiex admitted free . before 11 p.m. HOT DOGS SOFT DRINKS left with the ten-eight, dummy' There was a need for children to GEO. J. DAWES THE AUCTIONEER BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING I OR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Phone Red 127 - Black 846 nao. jacu-rive in clubs and Mr. "p "conscious of their Masters had nine-seven. It was bilities to the group and to learji Mr. Muzzy's lead, given to him i the ways of coming to conclu-at exactly the right time, and ! sions that represent the fcelinns anything he led would give Mr. of lhe group." JUNE HAVOC Drama Features June Havoc On Air Tonight DVERTlKlNO IN THIS OAiLY NLWS BRINGS RE . Masters his contract. FREE GOODS-LOW PRICES FRONT ENTRANCE EASY PARKI Mationalists Honor Founder I AT lAXi'EH. Formosa iP Na- lionali.st China today observed 0'lFOOP AAAilK! NEAR ALGOMA PARK tlio 29th anniversary of the death of Sun Yat-Sen. founder of the Chinese republic. The anniversary, eommemora ted-as Arbor Da", was marked by numerous tree-painting ceremonies. GENERAL if ELECTRIC j $11Q.50' MAPLE LEAF BACON Sliced Side Elf3T Vi-lb. ... 5 June Havoc, supported by Martin Ciabel, stars as Mona , Leslie in the Kurd Theatre production of "Reckless" to be. heard over CFPR tonight at 8:30 o'clock. i In the story, Ned Riley iMar-j tin Gabeli is a gambler, promo-! ter and nian-ubuut-town who i' quick with action but slow with words. He never gets around to proposing and the cirl with whom he is in love, musicul comedy star Minn Leslie (June Havoc I elopes whh a play'joy ' named Hub Harrison. j Mi:na 1 l ies to make Boh ; happy and goes to live with him ; on the Hsirrinm estate. Bob. ; however, repents his hasty mar- I riagc and wnen his former: lianeee marries he is beside himself with iealciuy. He shoots himself ami Mona i.s held moral- ! ly responsible for his tlf.ith. I She is involv d In a bitter si1- : uation with Bob's family and ' finally agrees she will not as!; for any of her late husband's I money if she may keep the child ; that i.s born to them. She then; tries to .support her-elf and 1 child by going back to the stage, j Things are increasingly difficult : until Nod Riley again enters1 the picture and raises the money: for a musical in which she can; star. ; Willi cvrry MAPLE LEAF SAUSA( Canada Packers presents TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA pop MARGARET PARSONS & CLIFFORD POOLE DUO-PIANISTS tonight CFPR -7:30 purchase amounting to $7.00, inel nliii a selection of i-ib 51 M 4:J:UfJ:i.lirftt ' we w ill give you entirely KHFK any one piece of Wm. KOGKRS l)u Barry Silverplate you wish .... Full information available at SPKRO'S FOOO MARKET: MARGENE MARGARINE 2-ib 75 Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday PRINCE RUPERT TO DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1-lb. carton 33c Here is a wonderful new kind of vacuum cleaner that does the complete houseeleaning job with such phenomenal ease and timesavinc thoroughness that everything comes out with, a fresh, sparkling-clean "new look" even the housewife! And it's a beauty! LOOK! 1. Clean d Whole Room Without Moving the Cleaner! Place the cleaner hi the centre of the room, then since the swivel-top rotates in a complete circle you reach every corner without the usual tug-of-war! 2. Remarkable Cleaning Ability! Test its powerful suction . . . see how it cleans your rugs, and dozens of other home furnishings with an ease and perfection that will astound vmi1 3. You Don't Even See the Dirt! That's right there's no bag or can to empty. Dirt is collected in a king-size disposable bag. Gather it up at the top and throw it away . . . dirt, bag and all! And because the "Throw-Away" bag is extra-large, you replace it only a few times a year! 4. Quiet Operation! Here is a cleaner with soft, gentle air exhaust. Its quiet air-cooled motor is mounted In live rubber and cushioned in everlasting spun glass. Radio and television capacitor prevents distortion of reception. 5. Equipped with Caddy and 8 Attachments! There's a specially designed attachment for every cleaning job from floor to celling, basement to attic! They won't scratch or inar furniture, floors, or wall bases. All conveniently stored In a portable caddy. You'll be proud to own this great new General Electric Cleaner. And you'll agree that it is the mo.t effective home cleaner ever made. Northern B. C. Power COMPANY LIMITED : Phone 210 Besncr Block Prince Rupert With Offices at Stewart, B.C. HtfflJW CUSS eachPou 8 KKTCHIKAN $15.00 TripleSim EGGS, carlon, large Doz. 57c 'M'lUNGKU, $27-oo COFFEE, Nabob, Regular, lb. 1.12 I'FTI KSBl ltd I $29-70' WHEN YOU" POTATOES 100-lb. sack 2.99 Interior, Good Cookers JlNbAU $41-40 FLY BE SURE TO SEE THESE FEATURES ruits and Vegetables cVIIITHIOItSl: $56oo Fresh EZ I I I C AIR lm m lm I J LINES SEA ITLK $GOo Frozen Foods Magazines Complete assortment Everyday Greeting Can's Mrs. Willman's Cakes and Cookies always fresh Phone 266 (Office opposite Post Office) rd Ave