y4. ' - - f M. wiTOKl LNiill.a KiHiai, Marcf, i2 lohi Fred E. Dowdie JWDIo'DYAYCFPFaio'kc"' OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 ?rd Ave. W Phone Crefji 900 ill ft sm ' m m i I i m DRY Cleaning Business Vkitil rooms above. Financial statements show nice profit. Ideal ior man and wife and one help. .No competition. If Interested f write Canadian Cleaners, Smith-ers, B.C. (61p) CAFE for Sale. Good location, modern equipment. For particulars apply Commodore Cafe Phone 17, 628 3rd Ave. West. (65) 111 IL .-, (Subject to Chancel mm . mm mm WW M i mm W I FRIDAY C.HOROE :. v?r..s AUCTIONEER Phone Black 84 (i anil Red ic't flfU PM. e.un :: 11.4.) 7:00 7:15 7:30 47 actomorii.es , 10:30 World Church News J 1M:45 ;BC Ni-wa; Weather t 11:00 Metropolitan Ojiera Don i Giovanni Mort. P.M. 2:00 Ballet Club , ! 31)0 CBC News I H:10 Week-end i.l-,trnlni 3:16 New Zealand All Blades 4::io ilvuli.n iniv l-tra. - 5:00 Primrose Ranch Gang ! 5:15 The l.riyinm Pals ' 5:!10 B C. I'rollle I FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS 1953 CUSTOMLINE Ford Fordor Sedan, custom radio, heater and air conditioner, 8.000 miles. Very reasonable. 415 7th Ave. E. after 5 P m. (60pl BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL EAPLIHE H:3 9.45 Slipper Secenadr hintlcy Itiirncdi. Htiaw aiiiida at IVork CBC Newa CBC News Roundup Toronto Symphony "Pops" Concert Kurd Theatre John Fisher Thinkers of Greece CBC News CUC News Canadian 8hort Stories Parade of Choirs Weather Kchh Mil vie llll M. .Illicit hlRH-off SATUI?DA i lllUl FOR SALE Misc. 12 $1295.00 Four-door De Soto Se-io:io dan, radio, heate", air condi-' 10:1s Honing and no-shi't simplima-i 0 30 tic transmission. '54 licence. Per-j Lified R9 THE ., DAILY NEWS" tect condition throughout.. Black 551. (64 l!:HI Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126. ! Victims of the floods in the i Netherlands received Canadian i Red Cross emergency relief sup-i plies within 48 hotri after the Nortli Sea inundated their, land I i:; February, 1953.. i eentl. "CIRCULATION" TODAY .: 3579 YEAR AGO ..! 3189 Week-End Steak Specials Branded Beef of Carta ,'. so crnu. vnneral 1947 MERCURY trt :k, 1U, ton,! with box. New motor, gone! only 3.000 miles. Ca 1 be flnanc-i ed. $750. 121 Frederick St. 62u A.M. 7:30 ,.i ii,--'-''" 14 I'.I'SINEHS PERSONALS I $1405 00 1901 Four -door Chevro-: COMING EVENTS W.O.T.M. Bazaar, Maj 27. j INVISIBLE Repairs, lng. 727 Fraser. let Sedan. Heat' r and air con-i riitioning. Perfect mechanically, i '54 licence. Blacl 551. tfi4) OPTOMETRIST KEITH TUCKER 210 Fourth Street . Phone 212 .? 2 Zmr, b r-l" It will be on Ivfcy 20th. Mimical CI.mIc CBC News; Weather Mu,l..il li,.k Marnlne l4allfis C BC "News Here's bill fiOfKl Ilitii and Encores Mn-li al I lin k BBC News nnd Cointy. Saddle Hen-nude CBC Stamp Club St.il Davis '1 ime signal Mesmige I'erfori Mntcul lrof;rain . (79 1 TO order Avon Products Phone i I KCd 504. (64pi 11 INFORMATION WANTED ' irj mm .NT AD PHOTOS taken at home. Anytime. Phone Green 389. Chandler's Studio. 1841 I 1 1 l 11 .O il I UBCM Opposes Tax Proposals I I WOULD Merle Johnston or any-! one knowing his whereabouts, kindly contact Box 909, Daily News. 62l WILFORD Electrical Works. Mot ROUND STEAK Lb 59c' RIB, T-BONEor SIRLOIN, Lb 65c ' RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS . 701 3rd W. . Phone 21 1 60c) PLIES CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For .onnectior; Phone 632 13 j VANCOUVER (CP) The executive of the Union of B.C. Municipalities may protest gov- holding replies ors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. 171c) WILFOhTd Electrical" Works dealer for Ekollte Sounders. (82l following Newi 'BED fiwSSSBh PERSONi. TICKETS FOR Kinsmen's Impressions of MAGAZINES, Novelties. News Stand. txldle's el I eminent action In by-passing a S j proposal on the provincial so-I cial services tax to finance ed.i-' cation. I The UBCM had suggested an j 80-20 split with 20 per cent of -the receipts from the social se-I curities tax going to munlcipali-! tics. , 902, 908 ,es must be for in person CARS? Bob Parker's of Course. 89i IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR -rONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 039. M. J. SAUNDERS DINING PLEASURE fix; events i . 1953' TOMORROW is the LAST day of BULGER'S WATCH SALE When Bulger's put on a sale it's a real sale. vicpk is M irch lie open to Kill NEARLY everybexjv uses 8. IH IIEI.P WANTED MALE Trasles Training In Tfclccommunications Training and Jobs as ttlecommu-ntrfitton mechanics are nvatlnblc to youiiK men In the Cnnufllun Army, lr I 654 each afternoon as . 4 Kins Edward scoTi McLaren CHiRTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. V. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 874 Thousands or women across Canada spend many hours each week knitting and sewing for the Women's Work Committee of the Canadian Red Cross. Your contribution to Red Cro?s provides these volunteer workers with the necessary materials o carry on this Important service for the less fortunate. SPARKLING' NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe rmi St. & Seal love available ot 99 Taxi Macey's Confectionery Ormes Drugs . , Wm. F, Stone . 1 mortal k Annuncia- Itui 4jvcrtittrMnt it not piiblnkid Of dtipUycd by (he Liquor Control oVjd 1 by t4i Oovcrrmwnt : tl British Columoit p-19 ti II- ' . . . viiu iiuvct it-citMN rtj auiiiiy, you win f , . , . iiarn u iwinMe. nuuiii. tost, re-itvery watch in their large pair nrt nimntRiii all ty;ic of tel.- -t(V.L rrmf;r rpHlirtinnc. .onimunl'iilum. electronic Mid radar f5 1 u of. ' ILrrilH. reuUlIIOHb Dailv Newj nan: A.l Cet Itesults BLONDIE By CHICK YOUNG -Beggars Can't Be Choosers matins will tie neiu nb 12. in Kin Eri-,i at 8 00 p.m. Each present an item con- .ucation ween, ana ae pjnel discussion 1 (tupmcnt. You will he taui4ht maUi-tinaticn and the iriiKi)lrB etcr-tilcity, and eli-ctronici. You wilt 1 learn to overhaul politic address 1 i.ystems, u-letyie nnd Ulcraph I i-qulpment. ruili.it. radar. Reiner j counters and mine detectors. j There an al?o onenin?s In the Army lor men to truln ai; I , N.B.C. Power. Art Murray's Men's Wear (ltd ! TmV VCJ'RES ' - ITZTj 1 1 LcTsftE. Ee-T THi WiEU ti3cj .X. 11 1 ' i'l f 1 vv ( FdSSVJ IJJ.!. ; 50 IWV I ' SANCvVICH 04 FLASK 6i5AO h !CT -. .ii tAsy could VJVi4i i-Av s -S V i ioonT ! ! sv,, vsj'll mave - unoestand m VCc- U I vsuse 6R4e A ) .''-o takts ( uks ci3 Lj v Js.'jijo esr ajdhs Tms toastbi? ll I 1 '.5'MlA HAM XSv POT"-. Jk V 6UVS iw . V1 t 1 S' V.iTHOUT WAS VVOSK N6 1,(7 ll J SamjwiCm rf. ,-l-L!C ft LCWS I 4 I i i" T ?T TOAST T I ALL RmTU-,' I 1 n the subject: now Every watch fully guaranteed Take advantage of this opportunity to get that watch you have always wanted. BULGER'S Third Ave. W. Kesponsibility ror the Complete lndi-,!-.ifcd By: the Home, n, the Community, ii Ubor, and the Accounting Clerks . Electricians ' Radio Station Operators j Surveyors Doctor's and Dentin's Technical A&Utants I tltct I I INVITATION ; All those who contributed to and 4 Party, Match 3,! Desisted with the recent Scont Financial Campaign are cord- I tally invited to be present with n;. learning, Reach-j r, HcouU and Cubs and their Miff. Lutheran' families nt a Scout-Cub Conceit An Army c:an-er olo tol pay, pension. excellent eniKlitioris c,f nen-i Mid showing of the sound color j wrtire. vi.ri-ty ot worn. leal and rtcntul care, 30 days hon- ft m "Scout Jamoorce itfaj in McCLARY Coil anrl Wood Stovo. , Phone Green 407. (621 f SAVE one-third on practically! new large Coleman oil heater. I 50,000 btu. Phone Red 668. (61)- BELL Upright Piano, $250. Ar- J rangements may be made to Inspect by contacting D. C. Stev- j enson, phone 47. 62) . 34WANTr:0 MISCELLANEOUS the Civic Centre Auditorium, Mondav, March 15, 1954. at 8 p.m. No admission charges. (61) ...Th 7-14. Rev. A. M. ' mm. Alia. Sun-51. and 8 p m. Week p m. Evanuellstic 'noons from 2 p.m. nviteo, (61) Norway Masqucraae, By AL CAPP LI'L ABNER I day. To be eligible for this trades train-In?, you must hate tirade 10 edu-j cfiUon or equivalent, lie 17 to 40 I years of um and phyclf.illy 'It. For full Intorniation write or i vt.-lt ttie Anny Uicrultlny Stu-i tion nearest yotir home, i No. II rcrtonncl liepof. DANCE, Saturday, March 11. Legion Auditorium. Music by the Rocky Mountain Boys fr-turlng Freddy Lang. Canada's 4.01 nN .iril tveniie. CASH FOR i , t X' 'it Ca-. 1 , Champion Old-Time Fiddler. Ad-; ''Hilary St. Patrick's reh 12. itnmase Sale, March ith St. ancnuvci-, B.C., Tetenliune Cllerrv 'Mil. (Hi mission 75c. Dancing -vt. Scrap, copper, bi'nss. batteries radiators. Phone 543 Call '630 6th Ave. West. tcl lit) i A MAN and wife to rent my two rooms. No children. Apply 1063 9th Ave. East. (65p) 35 BOATS ANil ENGINES and Drama en-stival Seeretary, Fire No entries accepted aH (64) DANCE to the Strains of the JANITOR for St. Andrew sCath-Westernnaires every Friday! edral, about thirty hours work night at the Elks Hall. Admls- per month. Suit elderly man ori sion $1 00. Unescorted ladies ad-: pensioner. Applicants please milled free before 11 p.m. Re- phone Blue 700 for interview , freshments. ,6.1M Catholic "i'A'J Tea, rch 17. EXPERIENCED Aco Blue (65) I CONTACT Alcoholic, A n o n v- j pAT u ,V RR4 o 32 FT. Trailer "Fisher I". Chrysler engine. Phone 724. mous. 1 63i v. .... - i0reen 528. l eu and ward 1-.T.A. .1 18. 14 BUSINESS PKKSONAI.S 19 Help Wtd Male female 36 ROOMS FOR KENT -r.VV It !JUNIOR Clerk-Typist, apply SLEEPING .room. 801 , Borden . -v . Northern BC. Power Co. Ltd., i Street. '... - v" '- . J60i . V - '-- . . room And boaud tS Situations Wanted Female I .... .. - "TV, t v- AH60TTABUSH VOf frl f "V NO.'.'-THE BULLET OH, AH 16 SO ) W HAD T'GlT V W-WE HAINT . HOME -AN' 5 A:- , f-THEriA WENT THROUGH DEL'GHTE hiTVf RIOO'HIM, J RlDO'HIM.YET.? .tC'-5nooTl2i TH' honest? myhat - rsEtNOV? A"Bj?f or honest S he' rEfxSED f Max'p-PORE 7 ( MySTTRy ABE I MERELW 5TLNNEP rTJ" mM'-A A&E VXXJLMj UNDER TH' J PWPSf r&XkvZM" HAIN'T A J- ME.'.r ' i A-i fryM JL CM Ep jZZ SEAT.'.'- T j p THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN BLAKE "X, . "7- .' THAT'S OV JOiNTPK.SieN.No?!' CP'OJURSE N0T,,j IppNT WORUV ABOUT US. UK. I-HW f "Jf ' k.OOW..XHHIliet W.5HU4AVSVOO .V,bOI.T...WVE 60T4ui.TE I SO - JS J' cavf ON, , . - ' ) STTINS CUP OWN ENAMft. U ,C0NSlP6BEI THE, , ANSWER. THAT CtXf&CT, PAeTNER m 5, i -. it PSOPUONtF PLANT OP JftflT n, PIFFICULTIES Of 5- I -4 pmJT '' .-I II ll J' ' N0. NOMASDFEEUNSS? LAUNCHING A ) jMl'TP rP U ' KZTL&I TO ARCHIE i; . By BOB MONTANA U' POP TAlT's" fwET THE f NEXT DAY 'THAT COULD VtCnIGHT I I SHOU.DA VS 7fPi ,11 ., PUN INTO i TURNUP GUESSED WHEN L2kJ WHAT IS THIS" 1 CONTEST' END A.N? -NV ;STILi. CABLS9AD J WHEN IVOu SHOflrtf TtAtfelNcy V MONEY. POP'J THE HEAT HE BC1UGHT JHCTVf- -r CAVERN? XBUV ASOOA 7 T THE , M GET A FREE w J AND IT DRIES , BinTERSCOTCH yf , ZZlrW?Or7 CEILING SODA. . ; rjNuTX nTHE AIL OUT.' SEjil 'Sh'.on Show, Mar. 22. tiiil'tf te.V;afl', Salw Maty Daflntiirfea. M". A. R. Mills, 863 ;!ist Rummatse Sale, ROOM and board. Blue 507 937 (60) 3rd Ave. West. AT SUPER SERVICE I WILL CARE for children In own home. Phone Green 2129. . ' 62P ! JC nl'II.DINfi MATERIALS 39A SC1TES FOB KENT TWO ROOMS, furnished, private Tei os lew as-$17.50 also LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON USED TIRES At the Corner of 2nd and 2nd 1 Lodgp No. 40 s, March 27. entrance, ground floor. 18(ia 8th Ave. East. (621 UVFtlRMTSHEn family living IPIIILPOTT, EVITT it CO. LTD. I Phone 651 or 652. Inquire about our builRet plan i for your home improvement. accommodation. Summit Apts. ! where Service Is 2i:d to none " Lf?ion 4th Annl 'y. Friday April 2nd. Rupert Symphony" o7- Phone Black 277. t61i No down payment. $100 to $-'uiiu ftf ta 24 mos. to nay. tn-i 40 HOMES I'Ott SALE "'Mrt, Anril 9 I 'TEL V PUBLIC NOTICE Wtion. ''ich u..u" i" TWO bedroom house In Section The City will empty septic tanks on request, at cost price. lUrrh ol. Afternoon April l. O. E. BHATUN. Stmt, of Works. . 60) FOR YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS: Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Oas "Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652. (82) rian Spring Sale Ap- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Two. Three years old. Lovely view. Terms. WARTIME Six. Completely mod-,: ernized inside. Good location.. Large level lot. Garage. See this one. TWO good revenue houses. Close in. Both good huvs. f T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 451 - 213 Third Street' 1611 i Ti'X specialist. 8. O. , Furk, mnn Show, 8:00 'Canadian Legion. Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) 28 ITRNITCRE FOR SALE '"Pie Rumeo qi. mruazines, novelties. Eaaies News Stand. (c) room i61) SMALL six-piece dining suite. Green 390. . AprU 3. " 15htwPshWsho7, THREE-Strand pearl necklace between Civic Centre and the 29A SEWING MACHINES Dally News office. Reward KALF.S ReDairs. Rentals. Ringer! htcrs Easter Tea, Please phone 749 or call at 817 sewina Centre. Phone 864. McBride St. (tino 41 Bl ilNESS LOCATIONS FOR RENT Offices in the Stone Building, modern, steam heated, centrally located. Apply Rm. No. 3, Stone Bldg., or phone Rpd 593. (65) (c) (c) pilniii'fililii ' lijiijlUliiiiiiliifl. 'VMrlnl THE ELECTRICIAN 0. Guyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. 149 8th Ave. West. Ph: Red 165. (62) Avp w .etl Qr m- WANTED TO RENT M-i1m ; iiiPk. 42 FOR YOUR Home Permanent, By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA you can obtain Tonl. Tonette, SHERLOCK HOLMES. Bobbl, Prom and Spin Curlers at the VARIETY STORE. (65) L . IlflrVln tell eiswON -r I SHALL BE AT I Wl- THOR BeiPeE'AT vi nin o'clock yf RESPONSIBLE government official requires two or three bedroom house by April 1st. Phone Mr. MacLeod, Rupert Hotel. (6Ip) FOR RENT Store on Third Ave. West. Apply at H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Phone 96. (60) Mrs. PLUMBINO.'autornaUc oil heat dV i 22. 11 Bazaar Anrtl oo " T WPmff kZ tiffin1 ing, sheet metal work, pnone 543. Call 630 6th West. Letour-neau, (c), WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECTROLUX. Phone Blue 970 for Parts Sales Service. (c) LISTINGS WASTED -iiiiliilii mmmm tW 43 W'A' Sl'rlnB Hmt ' "1 I tii?-,?2i TJI 1 I I M6ANTIMC IN THE NUft&ERV SCHOOL- v Watson, minis Ptovaj wxj VTA F-'Kl oio! -At, Y JZlTW ' NNP-- VlZttVSim f AX j ON A TKAUSI EN ROUTE TO L Vyj-W 3j L3tS TWQg PL ACf HAWPHgg . , y A?rCf? miff, a ' J ittl SU I lmW Buy TfM TI?M CHIMNEY and chesterfield cleaning. Odd Jobs. Phone Green 773, Mr. J. Kempster. 76pl . urn URGENT We have a large number of buyers for houses, a listing of your house will be appreciated. II. Helgerson Ltd Real Estate and Insurance. 216 6th St. Phone 96. or T. Wilson,' Black 197 eves. (61) P.Ma,T5"nK Bawar, 1 f In, .. an , . ., . ..n,e r i Iff I-tUllK AH types U Bwaar, Precision Saw Filing. 215 1st I I West. (65)