Vaulting Chomp i' Power-Leden G & A s Appear Slated ttitcrs Keiays In I his Corner lly IU( K A SKIS For Walk-Away in Senior Ball Loop VANCOUVER (CP) Rev. Robert Richards, the Olympic pole vault i lihuiplon and world record holder, has entered the sixth annua! FUR STORAG? SEATTLE Commercial salmon net-fishing In Puget Round will open June 15 and June ?4 this year and extend through Nov. 30. The regulations, Utile changed from 1053, were announced Thursday by the Stale Fisheries Department after public the ranks of the uiokic Vancouver relays here May 8. I (lie signing of ex-Esquires Jack : irom Lindsay and Cliff Dahl. The two Dick IS Till Letourneau and JacK INSI ltllt WAV Lloyd Swindells, president of the B.C. Track and Field Association, said today Richards entry was received Friday. Sharpe will probably split hurling assHmments with newcomer Bill Donaldson. Coach Benny Windle will do the receiving unless one of the newcomers, Reynold McKay can prove he's up to the job. McKay Is also helm; veterans of local ball here win be a great morale booster to the skimpy lineup with whirh Si-mundsen finds himself this year. Left overs from the 1953 season Include Gordy Cameron, the spredball pent who practically : & ft It !!( K AVKIS A hurried glance over the senior baseball scene In Prince1 Rupert gives one thf impression! thai Rusty Ford's power-laden Gordon and Anderson squad is P "shoo - in ' lor the . ieagi.e , championship This of course is dUpuled im-1 mediately but somewhat im-'i enthusiastically by Miner Sim-, undsen. pilot for Commercial Hotel and Benny Windle, Esquire Men's Wear manager. What1 the Terrace baseball fraternity think is an unknown quantity, but neither of the lust-mentioned local mentors have fume ua with any arguments as to what ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING LEGION 27 CREDIT .UNION carried the hotelmen as far as given the once over by, Com-they went last year wh,ich was irercials and nasn't signed with third place. Gordy, who lost th? either. Almost sure of a spot tip of his index finger in an ac-! the squad Is Earl McRhee who5 cident, has been chucking regu- was with G&A two years ago larly at practices and seems to Other ball chasers seeking berths V II L- he. doing okay. Whctner his heal-, are Jimmy Flewln. ("ml Teich- man, Barry Williamson and Paul Poirier. 1 out n It stokaci: KF.ItVH F. INCM'DhS: ir.Wht prevent CS&A from endms up with tili league trophy. It crrtainly -.locn't appear that any sudden acquisition of top ptuw fat 3 Inspection Moth Proofing Repairing mg hand will give as mucn, less or more eu'rcl remains to be: .seen. Back of course will U- Miner and brother Bruce plus Bill Gunu and Nick Pavlikis. Herhiei Morgan will be playing whenever; he can as will Joe Davis, but: slimmer activities will likely keep! them both out of action and shape. Newcomer who might i bolster the Commercial chances! is Don Kidd. Former hotelman Maurice Scott may be too busy, helping the minor leagues. NOT I OO I1AIM.V OFF j Glozing Re-styling Wednesday, May 5 Legion Auditorium 8: p.m. ORDER OF BUSINESS 1 . Issuing Shares 2. Signing Charter 3. Election of directors and committee All members of Canadian Legion Branch No. 27 and Women's Auxiliary are invited to attend. There's nothing like having a complete dossier on who's cnminR to work for yoi: That's tlie way it is with yours truly and the new Daily News reporter and sportswriter. We've known this Ruy 35 years and are iniphty proud to have done so. We've been crmnertcc' ' with sports together for 27 ol those years. We crossed the Atlantic together and learned alxmt the great, heart-warming Canadian way of life together. We shared a love pf the B.C. coast, climbed mountains in the Kootenays together, skiied together, joined the army tope! her. crouched in a slit trench together and fired the same artillery piece tocether. We went on leave together, pub-crawled together and while we both had a mutual admiration for the fare at "The Windmill" theatre in London, we differed on the "Whitehall Theatre" until they threw out t lie Italic! litisse and starred a strip-teaser. In other words, we practically think alike and have sinul:r views. The Kent about whom we F.peak, of course, is our brother Geoff i pronounced Jeffi, who arrived this week in Rupert from snow-bound Saskatchewan. In our book he's a good Joe and we hope that this town will take him to its hearts as warmly as they did us. We are bowing out of the sports page except for turning ojit this column. Eventually, when Geoff has got to know you all he'll take over the space and do a better job. ft Call 974 Today BILL SCUBY FU This dvertisement is not nublnhc Of displayed by the Liquor Confol Boird or by 'the Government ol Biitish Columbu Advertising in Daily Hews Brings! Esquires don't seem to be quite as badly off for talent as Commercials. Back from last year is first .sucker Danny Bill who may take over second. Ray Spring will be back in the hot spot at short i: Joe Giordano Isn't assigned there. Don Hawryluk will be out In the left field and the rest of the fielders are expected to com" flight talent will solve the situation for Messrs Sinumdsen and Windle for the' simple reason there's a remarkable derth of 't at the moment . Rusty Ford plansjiis 1(154 onslaught wiih practically the same line-up as last, year plus former Esquire veleran Stan Pet-row and a couple of newcomers. Freddy Christeiisen, G&A's curveball artist, will assume the major pitching chores aided and ' abetted in his nefarious work by Bobby Squires and lan Dunbar. Behind the plate will be Don Scherk with brother Sid at first. Rusty isn't sure who will hol:l down the keystone sack but it might be Dave Hill, broad-shouldered navy type. Bill Sun-berg will be at i.hort wilh Don Hartwig on third. Out in th.' pasture it's li.ely to be Mouse Morrison in right, Ralph Enride in centre and Pet row will prob- ably patrol the port side. Just by i way of insurance Rusty has word ! that husky Darrow Young will join the G&A roster around May ! 16. Dennis Reed, a rookie is be-I ing included in the pitching staff. i Tin re great joy ill the Commercial camp this week with -- tj t r... fm i If, EXTRA HEAVY DUTY I j HEAVY DUTY iicht am .1 DISPLACEMENT ' I 255 CU. IN. 23CU IR 239 01 IN. 317 CU. IN. 279 CU. 256 CU. l. 738 CUIN. t'ftH"ti't l-tft';if'';"'""'rU;" 1 WhatkJ Q I I l I ( 1 1 ( i 1 i i i " 1 ' ' n 1 n j). 13U-MP. 138-H; 152-Hp: Brother Geoff is no longer athletic and for good reason. All his life, until he got away from u.s by going to university, he had to do everything we did. When ;enc Tunney beat Jack llcmp-Mv and we re-f nactcd it, he was always Demusey. Vh( n we played cricket together yours truly was always Georne Ilnlihs and he was some minor player. In this country we subjected him to hours of a complicated game of A Hp 1 I! d "Middleweight" 194 M t J04 M U ..,..(', uL'UUi-ffrH-H-H If 214 FT. L- 226 FT. If ' 3 r- o 286 FT. LB. AT LEAST has everything? f f . io"" : r.KJ ..mi FOR YOUR OLD RADIO Vf. : 15 hp. catch, in which as pitcher and ' catcher we played full nine- inning games .scoring wilh walks and only retiring players with strike-outs. He alw ays lost, j Whatever we did. he was always, the villain. U was a rough life.! The result was.-that although; four years younger than us. he j could play, hockey, baseball or soccer, fight, .M. swim or run I nearly as good a.s we, who loved j every second of active participa- j tion. i At wresting he could beat j u.s so we always avoided that. I j However, about 1938 he sneak- j ed off to college. We lost a good i sparring partner and he attain- I ed his coal of being a spectator. ",' As a sports writer, he .has i both watched and chronicled athletic events on the coast from 1 - 11 EVinSRUDE Super Faitwin , OUIIOAID MOTOR "MASTER-GUIDE" fOWER STEERING now available on all Extra-Heavy-Duty "BIG JOBS" with 170-Hp. and 152-Hp. engines Now giant "bifj jft" likr pickups, with Unions "MaMcr-Citiitie" I'ower Sttcrint; to provide up to v of the energy you need to mak the iriikiet moves. lJarking, lucking into narrow l.uici and manoeuvring in tight pUces ail t(m ejy with Power Steer in . . . ya you neer lose the familiar "I eel" that means abiuhite road iontf id. nfinu at I xlra ( ' made to nnsasure for QMevyj hauSing job! Greatest power range in Ford Truck history means the right truck for every need! PACIFIC ELECTRIC 718 Scrond Ave. West rhmif Bluo !M Model V-707 VlCTR0lA" rodio-phonogroph mucln-as 9i?o. Jiltrates more S ! v iNever before ha uch a complete; ranpe of engines been awiIuHe in any lord truck i-uhit- inch disnbcement tlun m t encines! Every ford - i line Tord Trinlf-I.conomy Trucks for '51 RWiCTOR ;lTer p.w("r that's tailored to measure for h.itlm,; iob . , power that's right RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone M product of the experience gained m t-ing more V-8's than all oiht r m.mulie!t combined. Wiih our 1 2 5 mo.leK to.l from, including nt conventional cab forwards, new six-wheel t.inJ"; hockey in Victoria Memorial Arena where Lester Patrick's Cougars play, to "wnisslin"' in Hay Street Armories where Gorgeous George displayed his thes-pian ability. Now Geoff's in Rupert ready to write your sports for you. Tell him your name and how you spell it if you're chatting. He's the lad to phone at 749 now. But remember there's only one of him ' tojvmdredti of you. Give him a 'cwtpli1 of weeks and he'll know which side any of you part your hnir alid whether your big toe twitches just before you're abmit to steal second. HIST S( KIITS City Clerk Bill Long doesn't want any part of the friendly Fishing plug chain letter deal. He's had four now. one of which was wished on him by our good chum ICd or iiuck, lioiri half-ion pickups to 40. ooo lb. o V ft. six-wheel giants! The tC'ia (.reat V-8 enijmts available in 'Vf for I 1 rui ki incluilf four all-new high-corn-pifSMon, otrl)v.i(l-alc V-8's, with new parcel deliveries-all built MtWS' Ion Ecr you're sure -olex-ai'ilyi11 &hciisrrki! ili-vi in a cuts friction for your jub-twVZ' 7-tube Radio for Standard and Short Wave broadcast! j World's finest automatic 3-speed i record changer Exclusive "Golden Throat" tone 1 Luxurious modern cabinet $299.50 1 McRAE BROS. LTD. Phones 6 or 36 "The Store That Service Built," PRINCE RUPERT CO-OPERATIVE FISHERMEN'S ASSOCIATiON C ow B;iy Phone 7fi0 PRINCE RUPERT TO i ' F . t ! t l I 4 . . . . , a n n ' W'' ' r . - . tXX7mnnf 2 it ; 0 Ui V " kyj lwo-fisled ftM1 Pf & ' strength -7 economy 1 m 1 ;on every hauling job;,u KKTC'IIIKAN $15.oo Gamer. Bill figures it'll take ; 7.000 plugs before he starts j getting his. Boh Armstrong, on i the other hand, has already had ' three back. Ijirry Stanwood I sent one plug to W. 1. Yeo, Downsview, Ont., and today received a "glitterbug" from V. W. Heath, Smilhers ... Vic Williams will be giving a short talk on the evolution of guns at the Kod ami Gun club meeting Monday night. He's bringing along some of his collection of ancient firing pieces to the meeting which will also, see the presentation of prizes to t derby winners Kd Garner, Jack t Lindsay and Hick Gilker . . . The 1 Rod and Gunners also hope to ! set the opening date for young- ! sters fishing at the newly de- 1 velopcd Oliver I-alie fly-casting i site . . . Members of the Gordon and Anderson senior baseball team recently took up a collection among, them selves and went shopping at Bulger's. They've j come up with a Jerry Ford Mem- 1 orial trophy for the "most valu- j able player to his team during I league play." Gerry, who was killed last, fall in ,an accident, i - turned In a stalwart job as i second baseman for G & A ... : Herbert llndlnnd was doint? a i nnar) job of refereejriB nEt, nisht ; at a pick up football game out j at Port Edward school grounds , What the lads lacked In exper- t lenee and polish they made up for with enthusiasm. vrnt,i:ix $27'00 pi,ti:hsbik(. $29-70 WHEN YOU ... ...... TniiAir mm r. OIF 1 : .ll'NDAl' $41-40 Stt TUUif HJKU inuoiv IVIHTIIIOItSF FLY ELLIS : tekRAci PRINCE RUPERT B.C. AIR LINES $6500 IMIIWI I I II Phone 266 (Office opposite Tost Office) ( Thir Ave.-