I f' 7 T -1 Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 1, 1954 Saturday Sermon Place-Nilson Vows Pledged At Lutheran Church Here Motoring through the B.C. Interior this week are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Place, whose marriage took place at an evening ceremony Saturday at St. Paul's LONDON fl The British1 LONDON (f-A we-'t end firm Broadcasting Corporation has advertising In -The Times for ordered a 640-foot television reoresentatives specified all can-mast to be built at the new Crys-! didates "must be listed in Who's tal Palace transmitting station. ! Who." UOR w c 1 -)ULiu"' eaivation Army rhrlst came lnt0 the world 10 save ' sinners." 1 Timothy 1:15. ; Anostle t'lius pis wiiimeo oajing uiu ui me there is Iiu ciiu. j v vuih.c uwu w BEDDING PLANTS FOR SALE Lutheran Church with the Rev. H. Olsen officiating , barrels make the most noise and empty freights P - , Tne Dride, Judith Minerva, is itier. I . .i nln t.n re- Tn this rinv nnd flip "nffi- h iwu m' . I..: :.. r u" . , iif will, namely, so-caned diplomatic language, it Bible wastes lew ; is haru to get people to usten to 1 its story It ex- ntue live cent words as these roses. -Her only ornament was a double strand of pearls, gift of the groom. Mrs. Lenore Nilson was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a pretty gown of pink with taffeta bodice, topped by a brief Jacket, and a full nylon tulle skirt. A matching headpiece and spray of Ljeve its story, it nine are. They preler to pay a PanBV 6w)ss Giants Petunia Double. Single and Bftlcony Dahlia Double and Single Dwerf Snapdragon Carnation Mixed and White Pink Lobelia Compact and Trailing Stocks 10 weeks and Tail Marl-old Scarlet Glow and Spry Zmnta Dahlia, Cactus and Pon Pon Alvssum Purpie and White A-ster Queen of the Market & Creg; Godetia Sap loss is Fhlox Cfllenfi ula Hollyhock Bnt-hrlrr Buttons fcwet't Pprr Acroc!ini"m relii.ii ry:um Fcahisoa Araots Ens'ish Daisy Canterbury Bells C h r v sail them um Clarkta Ccjamos Lurkipur explanation. 1 has learned how to say nothing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nllson, 522 Eighth Avenue West and the groom, well-known boxer Chuck Place, Is son of Mr. and Mrs. George Place, 328 Sher-brooke Avenue. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a gown of traditional white, leaturing nylon lace bodice with scalloped Dresden neckline and flaring embroidered peplum over a bouffant skirt of nylon tulle. A juliet cap, studded with seed pearls, secured her chapel veil and she carried a spray of red i ,tt p llmst be a reason? ; ana use a lot of fitly cent woras )J the lives of the . to say it. It Is no longer right to Lcl,pt the story of 'gay: '"1 hat boy needs a good L find that It Is miashlng," but rather we have 5, true, but truth, to listen to something like this: . text a;;ain, Just "In order to restore the appti-S j yet they tell us: i tuue- lor social behaviour of a f are sinners." i standard commensurate with No'e thiit it, does! the demands of the local com-t i'id immoral per-! munity, It Is deemed necessary ! thief, perjurer, ' that tnls young man be stimu-5, the word sinner la ted Into the acceptance of I iding A sinner is such standards by such means S U set in opposi-' as will convey to his mind the i God In that sense pain of body he himself has 1 nf society can be caused others." Crazy, Isn't It? pink carnations completed her ensemble. Mr. Dick Wesch was best man. At the reception at the home of the bride's parents, a two-tier wedding cake centred the lace-covered bride's table. Assisting in receiving were the parents of the bridal couple, Mrs. Nilson wearing a green crepe afternoon dress with matching accessories and rose carnations en corsage. Mrs. Place chose a dress of French crepe in midnight blue with matching accessories. Rose carnations formed her corsage. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. A. Kaardal, and RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR The above 40c per dozen except Pansy," Double Petunia, which are 70c pfr dozen. Also Tomato Window Box and Farthest North 70c per dozen. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Broccoli, Sprouts, Red Cabbage, Lettuce, 30c per dozen. Perennial Flower Plants Russell Lupins, Shasta, Daisy, Pyrethrum, Chrysanthemum, etc., 25c each. W. HIGGINSOX, 5AAITHERS GREENHOUSES Box 261 Smithers, B.C. THE YOL'NG LADY pecking over her glasses Is showing off her new fancy "work" gloves. Called "poppins," they are roomy, sturdy cotton gloves trimmed with blue dots and red and white J.snot a failure to But to use the loose term crazy ? pompoms at the knuckles. The gay summertime accessory can ie accepu u con-1 10 aescriDe ourselves when we be used for gardening, drivfcig or just plain casual wear. (Sub)ecl ' Chanfet SATURDAY P Ut 6 00 CBC News :05 Salurtoe Amlgos 6:30 Prairie Schooner 7:00 Hit Parade 7 30 BntunJHy Tlientrc 8 :00 .Share tne WeoJUl 8:30 To Be Announced 9.00 Sunsliinc Club 9:30 Unusual Tales 10:00 CBC sews 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Dimuc Time 10 :30 Dixieland Cuiicer is to prefer one's reluse to believe the text at the , top of the Saturday Sermon, Is ihat fan ue aoIie -ing. There is always hope for id's. y can he saved, the "crazy man" but the man word must not ! who rejects Christ's offer of iiK observances of : Salvation must remember that j respectability. A 1 he stands facing God's Judg- Dramatic Film on Luther Showing Here Next Week I a.isistina in serving were Miss I Muriel" Shier, Mrs. C. Nilson, Mrs. ! K. Myers and Mrs. J. Prescott. j The couple will make their ! home in Prince Rupert following ! their two-week honeymoon. tL. iiiKt know- ments. A religious film which was ex- i pany managed to shoot exter Tvrnall SIDING SHINGLES iid'.iKiits, he ex- God's Friday was not lust a necteri to create controversy but L or the past and martyrs' day. Easter Sunday is 'instead was acclaimed fur its God s obedient not just Mother Nature's Spring brilliant technique and acting is ;tiire In response Day. Jesus Christ came Into the : to be shown at the totem thc- 11:00 Weather UiM,rt Muitlr 'l:i Xliln.j-I l!:00 Mfii-i.n SUNDAY AM. , 8:30Recitul :oo Hue Newt and Ctiinmunuiry iors of one eastern zone location, Wartburg Castle, where Luther was placed in hiding and where he translated the New Testament.. r Since th? historic hall in which OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. VV.. Phone Green 960 ,'ted lovei Is given world to save sinners. Thatlatre May 3 to 6 inclusive. It Is that desire into meant me. Does it mean you? Martin Luther," a dramatic "A ho can do this ; .1"! he nine w ords are PERSONALS erstood, so aptly so definite and re is no need to Broadway Cafe picture photographed In Western Germany close to the scene where the 10th century Protestant Reformation leader lived and preached. By special arrangement, tickets at reduced prices may be obtained from churches in Prince Rupert. A percentage of the picture's receipts will go to the Lutheran organization for the the Diet of Worms took place In 1S21 was destroyed by bombing during the last war, the production crew had to build a replica. The set took up the, eBt.)re floor of the hantrr4'l.iitPild-ing-. With lUUioVmnrrfbifcv and extras In' Keener". LuUiifrf 'n" acted by Niall MuCir)ni livcrcd his famous lines, "I cannot ... I will not . . .' recant!" 9:15 Whats Next 9:30 Harmony t. arbor IQ.Wt BC. Ciarutncf and Weather Forecat 10:15 Jusl ary 10:30 The W:.y or Hie Bpu-lt 11 :C0 C11C iiews 11 :03 Capital lvipolt ll :30 HuilBioua feliod e M. ( 12:00 N Y. PhillwimohlC Orch. 1 :30 Critically bpeukintf 2:ou riuuie Joe. Variii-2:30 Hie Ways of Mankind ah CUC Ne. o"0 AaK the Weatherui&n Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln, 320 Second Avenue West, returned last niRht from a holiday in the south. They travelled by car from Vancouver on their trip home. , ! FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY ("TORY I iiurl- H II i "I. iiti!:ii Si ImmI ;it . Khun ii j production of other religipus films. . I Speaking ot preparations to i k IIMliK i. FATHOM SUN ClO GREEN BUFF SEA CUU CRAY SHELL WHITE l pun Miunr St. mil,!, H M) H in. M.i 'I Kl p m j Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dtnison, ( who have spent the past several ( years in the north, mainly at Whitchorse, and who moved re- eently to Vancouver, arc reported j planning another move, this ( time to Mexico. Mrs. Denison is shoot the picture, producer Lo-thar Wolff said that "in Germany (he natives were as sceptical about foreigners makinr; Lee Faught Starts Trip To England I Vvealher I'ori.Lusl 3:15 U.N. on the Record, j 3 :30 Dlstinguisneu Artists, 4 :00 Sunday Chorale ' ! 4 :30 Once Upon a Time I 5:00 N B.C. Hpring Symphony j 6:30 -Chamix r Mutic I o:ou State ii4 7:00 CMC NeWh I Y:IU Weekend itevii t :o lur op"Clui oaKm 7:30- Kix:u on Inuo-Chma ! 8:00 vilnniptii; Sunday Concert BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING Fll TAKK fl'T OHOF.KS Phone 200 ... . .. mi'iii Martin Luth-r' as Americans i Glorious, new shades in Turnalt psbestos-Cemenl siding shingles. Shades that will merge beoutifjlly into either town or country landscapes. Deep Cypress Wood Groin and wavy overlapping edge. Here's beouy and protection against fire, rodents, tmi Antpiii'iii ( a sister of Spiro Gurvich of ":r"'" l ( Prince Rupert. would be If Europeans came to the United States to film the life of George Washington. Even the sponsors, a group of six An excitin:; trip was begun to nt n iiiw "I' -. ..... . :uo Seienau; WJU vept;r Haul .u.uo civ ffe 10:li) Portrait ol Binnpore .U:JO .victttcirUcO btrlaHf i..ji,--Hi-.(ll i l.c,H,ri -4iid Mgil-ull V MONDAY rot and insects. hrst United Ihurch nir.-i ii ',') l I Mil II 1 0 birtv r Lutheran churches of the United States, didn't believe the film could be made acceptable to Luther's countrymen. To everyone's surprise they I ked the finished film, and a German lan- ' Kv. I.. (1. Sicbrr, Miniotcr day by MHs Lee Faught of 8oj j Summit Avenue who left by car I for Terrace on the first lap of a nip to England. Ho" ever. Miss Faught who flies from Terrace to Edmonton, il li ft io to Red Deer, Alta., to spend a week with her par-vius Mr. ant. Mrs. W. D. Faught. She will then f!y to England whcie she will visit a friend Miss Fuula Dorkin, in Sunderland " CK,l Sixth Ae. V. and Musgrave JAtlCMi (Nln ll( I 11 a.m. Morning Worship. vuupe version his also been See the nmw Surf Shodmt anW yov tmm asDeitos-cemeef snrisg thingimt fceil. . . . niu .1 t imk 7:30 Ut tic bjntp.iuny Orchestrn c. jUKtUat V1UU i 4 I M;tne j I 2 in ) in , I Bliu K 2(i'J j Sermon: "The Set of tne boui I made." Children's Story: "Another! Most of the cctlon of the film Shepherd." " j was photographed in the octaal Anthem: "Brightly Gleams Our; streets, monastries and castles a I.I i.i I i III in It it IN in i Durham. Later the two girls j will tcur England and make a I u ao V. I!ll(l- Mni't I nnnnr" L. wva s of the period. Since th? town of Wittenberg, tn whose church ATLAS ASBESTOS company limited iHi-rit Rio, 7:30 r.m evening nuramp. brief trip to Parts, Fiance. MUs 1 A a t ... I .Urt l In tlm ( Kermou: iou tmu u u u b i x,un:i jjicrti.,nru, o v,,-. TORONTO WINNIPEG VANCOUVER MONTREAL It o N(. l( AN 1 'l il u) , m f ytr 7 ;') p ni. W ltl l.t llllll'tlt I ' Religion." Anthem: "Praise Ye the Lord" ! COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY SCH0015 At First ( ii,,ii,.i Hfi-iiiiiprs and Prim- .rtta; the MH expect, to return to bronn monastery church was us- Prince Rupert in about f v9 ed instead. However, the com- i months. I i ''Shooting of Dan McGrew" ; Fast PasNcngrr and FreiRhl Sailings from Prince Itupvrt (AH times Daylight Saving) To Vancouver Friday and Sunday 8:00 p.m. To Kitimat Friday 8:00 p.m. To Kcmano iBunday 8:00 p.m.- To Stewart, Alice Arm Saturday 6:00 a.m. To Massct and North iucen Charlottes Thursday 6:00 a.m.: May 6. 20, and June 3. To South Queen Charlottes-May 13, 27 and June 10. Passenger Reservations Freight Bookings LES SMITH Prince Rupert Agent j0 Third Avenue Phone 5(i8 serving B.C. since 188!i 1'" I'M'll-i I ., , . fli,ior niinils at pi,;,', i'jik) 12:15; at Conrad United Hall, i iiiii ; i l all ut 11 a.m. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 116-111-58. Terrace, B.C. Phone 131 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. 900 - 91 8 W. Second Ave. Phones 651 - 652 a .t,w- ias a Uu ituiuii uu y rf.-vijKura Lui. 1 i-y.w suiite ..nt May tit .to it alCUl rtlVciK ii ti .imxuut Liuou iitilitouf ti .ii iauti'yurtcu t.uc Air k l .au- ivtHM,v f criuU 1 1 .h. .V Kill liVU I CBO Ntws nua-fiiuowcasc luierlutie i :n itrt-tM'H lur Vtiu 1 :;0 KiM-ord .tllmm 'a :tJ ii.Kj. S'h.ooi tsroadcast a:iu iikuia-Cttiiiitla NitUluic, jruve vuue 3 :;iO iioeduwu 3:4a- B.C. He quest RuuuUup 4:16 Vocalize and Stock yviotations 4:30 Black Ba.sK Ruck 4 46 The Vuyaer 5:00 Howdy DooUy i 6:15 Chanson;tles I &:40 Internuttonal Commentary MocDOUGALL, Caronport, SaskaUliewan Ml 29th to May 9 (F.xcept Saturday , I wk days; 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sundays Highlight of Air Cadet Dance Featuring the occasion with a in love with the "woman known ' skit of "The Shooting of Dun- as Lou" played a moving piano gerous Dan McGrew," members rendition of "I Love Coffee, I : of the Prince Rupert air cadet 'Love Tea" as the barroom scene squadron held an enjoyable ; swept to its emotional climax. Easter dance at the Armory last : Members of the cast ware Roy right. Sea Cadets and members i Pedersen as Dangerous Dan, Bill of the sponsoring committee i Holfjale as the miner. Ken Mc-were present as guests. Kinnon as Lou and Bob Petersen With Phil Lyons junior as nar- as bartender. Also at the, bar rator, the air cadet dramatic j were Howard Johansen. Lawson club staged an entertaining vers- ' Hewitt, Fred Wong and Monte ion of Robert Service's epic poem. Kngelson. Rod Bruce was a card-Guns flashed with a cap-shatter- , player and Allan Rilchie set the ing bang and the miner who fell '. atmosphere with a tune at the ; piano. VANGELICAL FREE CHURCH I Ambrose and Sixth Avenue East CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT PRESENTS SWEETHEARTS ON PARADE" M1CIATI0N PARISH PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHiin ARD SlUPHUll.DKK.S ANi: BY The Civic Centre School of Dancing Director BUbDYTAFT, MATINEE 3:30 p.m. MAY SIXTH EVENING 8:00 p.m. MAY SEVENTH Iron and ...iss CiusliniJs Electric mid Acetylene Wilding BACKACHE MaybeVarninq BckirKf ii ften ciiued by Uty kidney rtion. When kidneys get wit ( order, exreu aridt and wastes remain in tbt tyilem.' Then backache, disturbed rest r that Hred-out and heafy-headed leeling may soon folloW. That's the time to take IWd i kidney Pills. Dodd's stimuUte the kidneys to normal action. Then ywu feel hrHer sleep better work better Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, 61 MISSION May 2 to May 9 Tning Mosses and Instruction 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. ' vening Devotions and Sermon 7 30 p.m. FATHER GRIFFIN, O.M.I. sncouvcr will conduct the mission. . dnimntllce lljcvh I Mrs. II. Antenuik. H.')0 Pig-Bott Avenue, was hostess th's j week for the mon hly meet in? of Hie Hospital committee of the WoimnofthcMoo.se. Following a brief business session, the group cnio.ved a card pnrty vv.th pijzcs soing to Mrs. V. Gabel. first, and Mrs. H. Harrison, second. Refreshments were .irrved by the hoslrss. SPECIALIST.. ON SAWM'.Ll und MINtNO f .MlNKKY Gu sis present wre Mrs. Gn-bel. Mrs. J. MucDtiU'jel and Mrs. H. Tweed, and members, Mrs. T. Glen, Mrs. Hanlaon, Mrs. S. Aniline and the chairman, Mrs. K. Montgomery. coders Cawli for old Kold Hulycr's Sa tn rd V Mouse Wh'si Driv"! r i n u I 1 JOB 8 p.m. Son la LnriW-s nieetin ' ' PHONE" "' V V ZSZ. fft & Motor Tune-ups a Specialty - "STS-'.- fl ioo super SERVICE rzirrri- ' DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS home of Mrs. W. Seymour, Monday, M;J' 3, 8.30 p.m. ( 103 Salt Lake Ferry every Sunday. Weather permitting. Phone Red 968. U LL ON Attention Rod & Gun Club j members and others interested. Work party at Oliver Lake wanted for Sunday UU ; f PANY Commodore Cafe