1 San FranciscoKegler LeadsC obii rum,u u.uvea into the i leukd vu a"v a i championship finals of the Am- u,ii, vj v Ta''l,. 0 PORT EDWARD JUDO EXHIBITION and MOVIES on JUDO at the Prince Rupert Civic Centre Saturday, May 8 - 7:30 p.m. "'" u"""b v.uut;ies Masters ' mulch, of or th ui. " ' A s Up in Third Place As Rookie Tames Orioles By BEN PHLEGAR I In the National League, Brook- If big Bob TriceT can keep up lyn took over first place from his fast start he may make the ; Cinc innati by beating the Red-jump from International League j legs 8-3. New York Giants shad-rookie-of-the-year to the samecd Chicago Cubs 4-2 In 14 in-tltle In the American League In ning on Willie Mays' home run D-..,. L . r. .M,e rsuperr UQi y sew, PORT EDWARD CLUB STAGING JUDO EXHIBITION OH MAY 8 An exhibition of Judo will be staged by the Port Edward Judo chb at the Civic Centre, Saturday. May 8. The 23-member club, under the direction of Instructor Harry Noda has been training out at the bunkhouse at Port Edward for three months and have made up teams to demonstrate the various throws and methods used In this science of self-defence. Noda and Toshi Nishi, Steve Yamamoto and Mas Nakatsu and Billy Tsuchlya and Don Tasaka will be three teams that will (jive displays of the art. Four youngsters will also show-off their ability in judo work. Also to be shown is a film on Judo. Saturday. May i, '1954 Admission: Chilttren 3jc Adults 60c DON'T FORGET... The big JAYCEE and Philadelphia Phillies defeat- WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE THIS SM, I ed Milwaukee 5-2. Pittshnrtrh TffAr rrtPA 1 was rained out at St. Louis. Bob Keegan scattered nine hits for his ;n!rd straight success for the White Sok. He's won eight in a row over two seasons. FOl'NI) RANGE ' The Indians found the'rarme in the 10th against Whitey Ford. MAY 8th, 195 Mt'SIC BY THE HARTLEY BAY FIVE Oakland Southpaw Whiffs 11 vunaoion Legion one season. The The renr?in-hnrn Georgia-born Ncern Negro, first first of his race to play baseball for Philadelphia Athletics, has started, finished and won three games. And each time he's pitched he's been better. Against Baltimore Orioles last night he had a one-hit shutout going for eight Innings, and wound up with a 5-1 three-hitter. , PLAYED IN Ql'EBEC Trice. 25, won 18 and lost three for St. Hyacihthe in the Quebec Provincial League in 1952. Trice's fine pitching pushed Admission by Invitation , To Shutout Luckless Angels battering the Yankee relie "MOTHER'S DAY "-Sunday May 9 MOTHER she asks so little, she gives so much. You'll find the gift of her choice right at Wallace's, of course. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE r' " 'uiree singles Either the Los Angeles base- Hollywood fell again before. nd a walk good for five runs. m club does.t any hmlng San Francisco, the Seals win-I S;il Magl.e, wr.tten off us a potential or the club is in a deep nine. 5-3, as Frank Hiller out-hns-bcen in the late stages of slump, but in either event It Just pitched Roger Bowman. San the lf.53 -campaign, became the j missed teing held hitless Fiiuay ! Francisco third baseman Mike first pitcher in either league to i nleht as vouni Don Ferrarese. a ' Baxes struck the deciding blow, a CIVIC CENTRE the Athletics into third place in j win four games. To do it helstvlish southpaw, hurled Oak-1 triple with the bases loaded in the American League. , , had to pitch the longest game of , land to a 3-0 victory before 2.345 I the fourth inning. The White Sox downed Boston . his career. ! chilled spectators at Los Angejes' I . San Diego beat Portland again POTPO THIS -v mi mtii luiitu ii, y in Diui Mjii t u ii u , nicinna u wrigiey iieia. Lee Anthony, vho went in ! 7-4. i. 6'. : sui iiyeu nn.s over Cincinnati S FcrrflnFKO in Dnklnnrt nrnrhiet relief pitcher in the first Detroit outlasted Washinetnn Croslev Fielrl hut. th rvrierori ...... . . , as a AFTCNOON 2-1 in 12 innings and Cleveland used theirs to better advantaee i ioi .-nh . .t, "inlnfr. held the Padres in hand j EVENIK 7 1ft AMBULANCE FOR SALE 2-5 Indians thumped fhe Yankees Two of the 13 Brooklyn safet.es California League eave ud iust ! unU1 the n",lh' nP" ,tney Put 9-4 with a five-run explosion in were horn, runs by Duke Snider "e hlSa berver Tecond fj" ritW rhU"S' ,f " ? 'e"T the 10th ted 12 h u to e the inning at New York. and Pee Wee Reese. tafe ln tne tmh lnnlng Dy 1941 BUICK SUNDAY ot MIDNIGHT Angel third baseman Tommy Brown. The curve-balling portslder fanned 11 batters, walked three. Only five men reached first, one on an error. His string of strikeouts boosted his season total to Salem, Lewiston Tied onTop After Three Days VVIL Play "GOLD TOWN GHOST RIDERS" GENE AUTRKY "CORKY OF GASOLINE ALLEY" MXHTY BECKETT - JIMMY LYIXJN CI, Hide eS CHOP SUEY . . . . . CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Order, i'lione 133 SEATTLE The Western In- ! seventh and four more in the'37-ternalional League's 1954 season eighth. Oakland outfielders Gene Her- went Into its third day Saturday Salem Senators started f estivi-' manskl and Sam Chapman hom-with the Salem Senators and ! ties in the first frame with a fred tor the Oaks. err Lcwjsion s Broncs tied tor the , pair of runs and sent Edmonton Al Clcotte. Sacramento voune- GOLD In good condition thrimshoul. Reconditioned engine installed 1!I53. Good tires, ('lean inside and out. Further particulars on request. Mail your oflrr to: GULF OF GEORGIA TOWING CO LTD. root of Hornby Street, Vancouver. Eskimos scurrying for cover in . stcr, contributed another spark-the third with four runs on a j ling pitching performance as he walk, a hit batsman and three i pitched the Sacs to a 2-0 victory successive singles. The winners 'over Seattle. Clcotte, a nephew! added three more in the eight h, j of Eddie Cicotte, the old Chicago j Pill Brenner and Hal Flinn'whlte Sox star, granted the I locked horns in a light pitching Ralnlers only two hits, the first, duel as Victoria s Tyers sque z-1 unp coming in the sixth with two ed by Vancouver. Flinn wis nick- duwn- Joe Erautt doubled in the . cd for five safet-es. while fan-,ifhth for the only other safe, ning ix and issuing four walks. )low- ! Brenner gave up rinht hits,! Hank Schenz's homer in the walked pne and struck out five. , 'irst inning was the decider, but j Victoria won the game in Uie ! ln the eighth Schenz walked, ! top of the ninth. iwa sacrificed, went to third on dicci:; top spot with two wins apiece. The Bronc.s capitalized on 12 walks and 10 hits Friday night in trimming Wenatehee, 12-5. and Salem won out over Edmonton, 9-4. Both games, at Lewiston and Salem, were played in sub-freezing tempcrutuics. In other action Friday night. Calgary edged Tri-CUy, 5-4; Victoria clowned Vancouver, 2-1; and Yakima chopped off a last-gasp rally by the Spokane Indians for a 4-2 decision. Lewiston cinched its win over Wenatchee's Chiefs with five runs in the fourth inninc on four Popular Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOU VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday mm MATTRESSES 4 : v . v. at 11:1. p.m. For KETCHIKAN HI DMSIIAV Midnight Tf'H E,!,.,.,n.k li,,nH In an. ' JUC D1UV1K 9 ll.lieiu UUV I1U tame other top pitching job at Spo-1 on 'PVJ Juncs 5mB'B 10 j kane in Yakima's victory over j "n re; . Comfort and Service walks and a brace of singles, j added two Insurance runs In the i X' the Indians. Edmunds scattered I For ri-'h('rHiiim write oi tlx hits as h went the distance for the Bears. Chnrlie Mead $iamps Leading COWARD C. J JjM oiill City or Dcpet Ofnce- Cioocl 'i::litv mattresses Willi resilient steel coil fcprinjrs. Padded with soft (ayers of colored cotton felt. Firm bolder with rulleu edges. was the big man in the Yakima MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS Western Finals mm j attack with three hits in four i trips. PAULCTTE mm By The Associated Pross AMJ.KII AN l.li.UH H- AB R H Olviin. Cleveland 31 3 13 Jr-nseii. Boston . . 44 t 17 Tunic. Detroit . . 42 6 16 " I Tri-City -broke loise for thres CALOARY CP)-Calgary Stam-t ; runs in the seventh inning in a peders are only one game away Pct ; desperate bid to overtake Cai-, from the, Western Hockey League .419 ! Sary but the r: lly fizzled out. rhampionshlp by virtue of their jj ' Canary started fast, with two 3-1 victory last nleht over Van-gS.', runs in the first inning and a couver Canucks, and may take -M2 solo tally in. the second. Tri- the crown tonight here In the ' ;Cily countered with one run in sixth game of their best -of -seven Covered with panel dam-a-.k tit ki;ie in assorted pat terns. AVel-ventilated. Standard lenst!:. , " Cooimnn. Boston 51 5 JJ) ClrvelejKl 47 8 17 . Rnttiiuf--Cilvnn. drlnn. .419 me inua una men was new, series. Stampeders now hold a scoreless except for the seventh ; 3-2 cdnc in games, and if the pip ? mr THI CALLOW FROM $39.50 UP Runs Minoso. Chicflgo. 12. Runs Batted In Pain. Chicago, 13. Hits Oootlman, Boston. 1(1. Doubles Three players UchJ with 3. Triples Minow, ciilcagn. 3. Home Huns Jensen. Boston and Westlake. Cleveland 4. while the Cnnudians were add-; Canucks tie the series, the sev-1 ing singletons ln the fifth and.enth game will be held in Van-sixth frames. Three Tri-City couver Monday night. j ' ALL stolen Bases Five players tied with errors aided the Calgary cau.se Winning goal and insurance The Saturday night lineup m'k cr were fired by winger Jim Pitching Five pitchers tied at 3-0- GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 ir M " "starts nAUIMV j Quo. mica opimuiic ul ijewiSLOU, vic- Strlkeouts--luriey. Baltiriiore. 31. toria at Wenatehee. Vancouver NATIONAL I.Kil K I at Yakima. Edmonton at Tri- City and Calgary at Salem. Jackson, .Chicago AB R H 44 13 21 68 8 21 58 1 21 i Temple. Cincinnati McFadden. Canurks, without injured goalie Gump WorsU-y was replaced by Lucien Dechene, New Westminster Royals net minder. Centre Pat Lundv put Stampeders In front In the first period. "Dcfenceman Harry Dick got the equalizer when he scored the only goal of the second CAPITOL' A FAMOl S ri.YEKS Till ATltE tJZ Pct. I .47 7 I .37!) I .375 ! .3UB 1 .307 i JubloUbkl, t. Louis Kobinson. Brooklyn kcMEMBER WHEN By TlH-:nadlu!i Pre. s 7 14 8 22 binder, Brooklyn .477. i.Httlu'' Jackson, Chicago, The longest game in the leagues was the 28-lnnina Matiorlt' Eve.i- TODAY ONLY WAR ARROW battle between Brooklyn and period at 10:57. --?-l- HOUSEWIVES DON'T FORGET nuns Hen, Cincinnati, 17. Runs Batted In Bell and Orcen-iiia.s;. Cincinnati, 16. - Klta-j-tlllliam, Brooklyn. 24. Doublea Greengraas, Cincinnati, P. 'lrlplos Three players tied with 2. Home Runs Hodges, Brooklyn and J.-tcksoii. Chicago 6. Htolen Bases Three plavcrs tied with 3. Boston of the National League, McFadden then took over th'l 34 years ago today, which ended game, firing the winner at 7:25 j in a 1-1 tie as play was, called of the last period. Canucks in a; on account "of darkness. Leon last-ditch effort, pulled Dechene ! 'CASANOVA'S BIG NIGHT" TODAY at 7-9 p.m. BOO HOPE Cadore of Brooklyn and Joseph with 98 seconds remaining. The Pitching Magiie, New York, 4-0- Oeschger for Boston pitched the move backfired when McFadden .000. nun . . . ' ... ... 1 m 8t,rikeouts Haddix, fit. Louis. 26. enure gamr, wmcn took-three slopped the rubber Into the cmp-hours and 50 minutes of play. ty net. The Weekend Specials f & 3 JP wiiiiii ot SKEENA GROCERY Last Night's fights ! HV Till- A:,SOCiul,l-.d PtVM NEW YORK Orlando Zulueta, 135'2, Cuba, stopped Paolo Rosi, 1 13234. Italy, 8. MANCHESTER, England-Robert Cohen, llSP.i,, France, outpointed Mannie Francis, in3 Uold boa.st. i0. Philadelphia Gene Gunter, 153. Baltimore, knocked out Frankic Wetzel, 152, phia, 3. i & m ii iik i and WILLIAMS GROCERY IN SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY . . . It u.-ed to turn to love and poetry but ln this day and age, it seems to be love and a Jalopy. L over boys don't seem to be writing poetry any more and, from what we recall of our youth, it's probably Just as well. ' So now that the sap is beginning to flow, most of the young swains around town seem to have their eyes on some flame, or Mime Jalopy or both. In cither case we wish them luck. We hope they all get both. But about that jalopy whether you want some old boat to pole around ln or one of the .sleek newer models, we've got 'em. These and many others to choose from. . 50 Pontiac Tudor i2 Monarch Sedan .my. i f,i i i i ri mm i i p v 'hi Louis I tie Bnrhnmnnt : I CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT. PRESENTS THE NEW CIVIC CENTRE v i -n I ;.lf 6 Heater. Low mileage. Not a scratch. Only $1465 38 Ford Sedan A MAGNIFICENT MOTION 5 2) Automatic transmission. Light green paint. $2295 ... 19 Ford Sedan Loaded with ail accessories, Including twin stacks. PICTURE FOR OUR TIME I .-.:': ''rSf . I it i FOR Good Motor , 4 new tires. - Centre Adult Members Onlv Civic $195 $1225 Profit by on Evening's Fun for $1.00 Tuesday May 4, 1954 8:00 p.m. Admission Prices EVENINGS WED. MATINEE Adults.. 75c Adults 50c Children 50c Children 2,"c YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" . , CHURLM. uci iv-- r . . :rrj nn