iitihm iii'o if'itT null 'HM" ht f i "f-mr 1954 Thursday, January 7, Minister Scores Failure Of Some To Recognize God WellJllenll Freemasons From Pulpit Army Captain Shrugs Off Hair-Raising Adventures riuik and file." He urged Dr. Fisher to "state Commonly in life "we are this separation from God is walled off from the God who parent to us as the most dcS,.r.-saves" and it doesn't seem to ate thing and we are strand. d travellers dying of thirst: Nine table were In play at the Legion card party held in the Legion hall last night. , ' Winners were as follows: Whist, Mrs. R. Shrubsall, Mrs. L. Amoth; crlbbage, Mrs. M. Simpson, Mrs. A. Astoria; bridge, Mrs. W. Rothwell and Mrs. O. Krause. The committee In charge included Mrs. Myra Gilchrist, Mrs. W. Rothwell and Mrs. J. S. Black. LONDON (Reuters) British 'rmy captain just back from a fjur-rnonth exploration of tlje matter, the kcv. wiurao niuoi- j ton, of Fairview Presbyterian church, Vancouver, said Inst night In an address to a non-denominational congregation at St. Andrew's Cathedral. "Then It is," he said, "trnt Church has the supreme duty oj telling simply that the dour Is, that wall is Jesus Christ. Tin's Is greatest word that the Chun'h has to proclaim." In public the case for Christian masonry" and added: "Until he does, can he really expect our trust, our confidence, and our loyalty? I cannot give him mine." The Church of England Assembly spent several days wrangling over freemasonry three years ago. Mauy leading churchmen pre Masons. The assembly held that the movement Is not antagonistic to the church. Mr. Nicolson, speaking In the: Ne w Director Released LONDON n An Anglican vicar , Wednesday stirred up a three- year-long controversy simmering in Church of England councils by banning from his pulpit all freemason clergymen including the Archbishop of Canterbury, i Rev. Thornton Thrapp, former RAF chaplain and vicar of St. Mary Magdelene in " London's Paddington district, singled out Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, the arch-' bishop and primate of All Eng-I land and a past grand master of British freemasonry, for attack in his parish magazine. "Because the archbishop is a : Mason," wrote Mr. Thrapp, "we! may fairlv assume his opinions are unorthodox, and far more dangerous because they are kept secret from the non-masonic third service during "ine wee Assisung miniswrs :;i In value Canada's exports of of Prayer" said that people are evenings well-attended pallvr-forest product are twice as gr-1 "too comfortable, too sinful or Ing were Rev. Dr. E. A. Wright eat M her export of animal pro- too stupid to bother." Rev. H.'O. Olsen and Major y ducts. "But the day does come when C. Poulton. By Red Cross VANCOUVER (CPX Red Cross officlalyJednesday took a second look at their new director In B,C, and hurriedly fired her Canadian arctic modestly shrugged off a whole catalogue of hair-raising adventures at a press conference here Wednesday. Capt. Ian Maurice Sparrow of the Royal Engineers, 23, is a bachelor who lives with his parents at nearby Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. His adventures began when the Canadian government asked for the loan of a "first class" British soldier to accompany T. H. Manning, famous Canadian explorer, on a two-man expedition te Banks Island. Sparrow asked for the job and got it. Last April he was firen his orders: "Make a coastal sur- vey of the island, fix positions astronomically, collect biological! ard botanical specimens for ' Canada's national museum." In the course of carrying out ' these instructions, he and his companion risked attack by wolves and polar bears, were swept out to sea in thnr fmil 22-foot canoe and missed death MaaMMBMaaaMaawaMaMMwM fcanaf' (iff A Helps Shoppers PEVENSEY, England (CP) Twemv Junior Red Cross workers organized a day nursery to aid mothers in their Christmas shopping in this Sussex community. For a small charge mothers may leave their children for four hours each Saturday WOMEN EAT TOO MUCH and smoke too little, says pipe-smoking Mrs. Marg Jackson, who recently marked her 99th birthday at Kelvin, Man. Mrs. Jackson, mother of 15, credits hnr long life to a careful diet of two meals a day and at least four pipefuls of tobacco. still h ere! - i m id to take I m stickinq aroun GOLDEN after5 realizing they had hired a prominent member of the Labor-1 Progressive (Communist) party.1 Centre of the flurry in Red Cross headquarters was Beatrice Christina. Ferneyhough, 45, of Vancouver and unsuccessful LPP candidate in the 1953 provincial election. ' - . , j Cot: Gordon P. Btlrrett, presi-dent'.of the Canadian Red Cross, 8. C. Division, said the Red Cross tsifio intimation of her politi-ai. affiliations when she was ippotnted. I v Id iters -To Hear Walter Reuther WrNDSOR. Ont. (CP) Ncws-par men will hear labor and nanegement talk about their plations with the press at the inmal Canadian managing edi-ors')conference here Feb. 4-7. Irwa panel discussion, Walter Anther, president of the Unit- -d Automobile Workers and of he CIO, will represent labor. J. ' 3'uajt Richardson of the public elatlons department, Northern ficctrlc Company, Montreal, jirlll peak for the management is nominee of the Canadian .fanbfacturers' Association. advantage of those DAILY NEWS LINED VACCMM SEALED ."nsweetene0 by two feet when pack ice swept down on them. They broueht back 300 specimens for the museum seals, caribou, arctic char-like sahnrn, arctic hares, arctic foxes, ducks, geese, owls, havks, cranes. Sparrow said his biggest surprise was finding a United States icebreaker 10 miles inside the Prince of Wales straits. She had been kept south by excessive ice and there was a bit; party on board irt the darkness of on arctic midnieht hundreds of miles from civilization. Another surprise was finding at Mercy Bay a cache of English coal and oak-barrel staves left by an explorer named MsClure 100 years ago. CANS UAEMT ADS rl u wan m ar mm w mmMk western mm f CANADA'S riSjWH? LAR6ESTSELLKG ) j ifiyl EVAPORATED J DAIRYMEN URGED TO DRINK MORE MILK TO CUT SURPLUS 1 WORCESTER, Mass. uft An embarrassing lesson to dairymen on how not to reduce milk surpluses was given Wednesday by a department of agricuture representative at the annual union ; agricultural meeting. County agent Joseph Ti Brown said "the dairy farmers could Jielp tut their own surplus problem by drinking a little more milk." i "I" couldn't help noticing that there was no milk served at the Pure-Bred Dairy Association luncheon today. "Six Free Want Ads, You're kidding," I told the Wont Ad Girl. "No," she said, "we're so sure of the results that fast action want ads get, that we will re-run your ad six more days fre of charge, if, after four days you've not had any calls on it." "Cost plenty I'll bet," I bought. Imagine then, my amazement when I found that my three line od would run for six days for only $1.80, fifteen words and GUARANTEED TOO! ;';''.. Here's How To Place Your GUARANTEED WANT AD - " ' - i Xfklt- ' 'ill " ' ' J Simply call 748 ... place your ad inthe usual way For Six Days, tell the Want Ad Girl you want it Guaranteed! If you get results the first day, fine, call us, cancel the ad and pay for only four days. 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