. 1 J Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 7, 1954 PERSONALS 1 . ' " f " ' ' ''A " Mrs. Halliday New President Of Presbyterian Ladies' Aid fit A II A!so returning on the Georpjif f yestoifH? was Mr. James II 1 f Thompson, i809 Graham Ave- ( i, u who sppnt the hojiday sea- t ;;on ia Vancouver. 9 . . - t ( A Cynadian Pad fie; Airlines if official arrived here yesterday ' , ; for a routine visit to the local offices. He is K. Razswil, CP , superlntendcni for Ue B.C. Uis ! I , Election of officers and plans house, 673 Fourth Avenue Ui for a Burns bauqiist hiehliphd , Mrs. H. C. Hailidav was clecm the b'.winess i.leeUnr; of ths president, succeeding Mi s. W. H. P.esbyterian Ladles" Aid, at the j Bowes in that post. Other of 'f-honie " of Mrs. Norman Kicore-cers named were: Vice-pif 1;, . " ; dent, Mrs. Norman Mooreliou e; - Captain and Mis. C. E.'Larkin planned to leave tonight aboard (he Oeorge for their home in Vnrtf ouver after visiting here for the past three weeks with iheir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Nickeison, 909 Jiorden Stveet. Travelling with Iheui will be their granddaughter, Mib Alice Nickerson, wlw will attend biwines.-; college in Vancouver, and Mr. Mike Nickerson, who plans an Indefinite stay In the south. . , Also scheduled to leave for her home in Vancouver toniht 1 Mrs. O. Sharpe, who has spent the past three weeks here witii her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Taylor, C33 Fourth Avenue Eait. Long Service j swrclary, Mrs. W. White; tren-v i urer, Mrs. George Mf.trhr.i, i iersstive members, VUss M':Leod, Mis, P.. Fo-ssum, ilia. X v 5 t 1 C li -V ! r 7 jfJ Pins Awarded W, Robb. Thi f ndW Awl n.lil ; 1 v v-t... ..wciiuuj i,jiu:iii8 ik. onniinl Virvt HVji.h,,!. .-.. several memben for long ser-; c,:1,rch Burns bantJl!,.tt0 t. I F ( y. - -, 4 r - I ihp. church. M'-r. held at the Mcose Temple Willi 70 ni'-mbers present. Graduate P.'eei.t Mrs, Giiiijl'dt ' ill ' trict, who was scheduled to return south by plane today. Mrs. T. A. Mainpri and her daughter, Mks Audrey Main-prize, Pacific Place, plan to suil fcboprd the George inl"ht fo' a week-long visit with the former's brother in Vancouver. "Frank M. Dockrill,' manager of the Bulkley Valley Coal Mines at Teikwa, is in town on a business trip. Be. expects to romu.:.i unul Friday. - Mrs. B. H. Colling of Vancouver Is holidaying here wiih h.:r son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid, 1001 Ninth Avenue East. . , Mis. J. Stromdahl, No. 2, Mus-salem Block, will leave tonight cn a business trip to Vancouve r. Mis. G. D. Wood, 733 Tsyl.ji f-treel,, who has spent the pa.sl v ... Mrs. Eilph Smith of Windscr, I Out., an ived on the George yes-tf rrluy for a twu-wecu visit with i Mr. and M i. W. White 724 ! Eighth Avenue East. Mrs. Smith !nd Mrs. White are old friends i who haven't seen each other for I nearly 20 years. ..." "5, ' " - if V - 4 Election Challenged VAh'COUVEH (fP)-li,;al.ty of the election of two commtiMlon-ers for Dawson Cftie, K C , u being chal!enti in hupnr i Coui-t at Vancoii'.'t'f, !" i Arthur McLelifin, bawsc i j Creek barrister, charges Ij V. preseiKecl seven n.cmbers with 2S-year service pins and diplomas in the impressive ceremony, teceiving ihe pins and diplomas were Mrs. Sam Haughan, Mrs R. Gi.ske, Mrs. W. Bussey, Mr.-; H. McCarthy, Mrs. J. Carr, Mrs. U. Stegavig and Mrs. A. Tattersall. The meeting wound up with a salad sniper served by the Child Care committee, Including Miss Pat Lucas, Mrs. W, Bossey, Mrs. TIKI-, M.w 'f AR-ROf'M) formal mew jacket tuxedo en-,' kembie Is made of Imported i&iJ-wool worsted with nrntc).-;irs trousers. The jacket haw a Uk-satin shav1 collar aw1 is 9rn wiU a cummerbund ;t fcammervest and tie set of pure nomination was .toc-orrectly rt Mrs. Shelford Darton, 1002 first Avenue West, returned home today aboard the Prir.ce Oeorge from an extended stay in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lynum of Terrace also will leave tonight for a holiday in the south A IX REPUBLICANS are not as stodgy as some people may be-f lieve. Lovely Louise Sedlon" was voted Miss Young Repub-. licsn in Las Vegas, where a. convention of Youns Republican Club members from ll'. Western states , was taking place. ,;' i1 iima i fused because of property quail- M'ke Karasosfci, Mrs. E. Cormier, FRANCES MAGNES Mis. H. Paulson, Mrs. H. Gamb- fications. The other two nomln-lin, Mrs O. Botrakof f and Mrs. ees were elected for ; two years month, in Vuneouver, returned ' home yesterday aboard the Prince George., . :.jik amure with silver back-i fround and small blue figures. oman Violinist To Appear B. llanwn. by acclamation. Eitaa worn oon in Alaska Trail Series s ( nces Magnes, brilliant Am-i violinist, will be heard January 20 in the third it of the Alaska Music series at the Civic Centre. if J . r M - h e yuuriR artist, who has 1 t R: I',, hailed by music critics as ' ii the few great women lists, was born in Clevc- ,ind commenced her music s in that city, love of music is inherited a musical family, lnclud- a great-grandfather, Na-i Musicant. who was court 10 c TOMATOES Brentwood, 20 oz. ! V.. . tin fust to Czar Nicholas of well-knovm teachers as well as at the Clw'yid Institute of Music and li.- fumed L'Ecolo Americaine iln Monlalneblue. France, and wkai isany musical awards. Ilef first major Appearance : was with the CJt-veiand Symphony Orchestra when she was 14. During her studies in France she gave some concerts and, j after her return to America, ; toured for two seasons with the Adolf Busch Symphony. Her first annual Carnegie Hall recital launched her as a mature artist, after w'lich she played In Paris, Londcn, end cities of Israel. , Her instrument is an Amati, made by that master Sn M41. The valuable Instrument is designed on the "grand pattern," a larger scale than the type known as the "1,'5 ?!o!iri." The young a-.tirt has t-eceWed acclaim not onlr from aadl-ences but also from composers ond Ernst Dohnar.yi wrote his second violin rci W.trw for Miss Mngnes,. who played the premiere rr'orniat ce with Dmitri Mitropolous comliirting the New York Philharmo ale. Miss Magnes, who has been a, und her maternal grand-r, noted violin teacher who her her first lessons. : . studied under several 03(YDOL : pge 33c N Establishes I -cr- EW utnee ' OXYDOL Giant package Rupert iblishment of a claims de- nent in Prince Rupert. was 'iviARGARiNE Tulip Brand pound .meed today by the Cana-National Railways. laims aeent, K. L. Mackie, ! married lor 10 yearu to Bene-, diet Magne.i, television expert, j will be accompanied by pianirt David Garvey t r. her Alaska Music Trail touiv 5 Pound Bog arrived to take over the which will handle all .i against the railway, ex-sn freight, for the Smithcrs i'n. from Prince Rupert to 'rials said establishment of laims aiiencv here was np- CHEEZ-WHIZ 8-ox. jor HEINZ DILL PICKLES 24-oz. bottle 4JC PEAS York, Choice 15-oz. tin Jg CREAMED HONEY . ... 16-oi. tub 29c PEANUT BUTTER .. Holf Gallon 39 TUTTUFRUITI CREAM COOKIES .. bag 3 FROZEN PEAS Frozo lf . pkt. 0c TEA BAGS, Nabob, 125's ..: j:. pkt. 1,25 COFFEE, Instant. Maxwell House V 2-oz. gJ(J OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ...L. box Jgj. LaFRANCE BLUEING 3 boxes 3JC FRENCH CREAM CANDY .. . . ... pound EVERYWOMAN'S MAGAZINE ea. WAX PAPER REFILLS 100 feet 8C NESTLE'S QUIK pound tin gjg DOG FOOD Rover ...2. tin'jC BLACK PEPPER No. 3 tin 25c QUAKER OATS with Tumbler . ...2 .. 35 Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce, Libby's 2 tins 33C SWEETMILK One Pound Tin 222 Po ncoke FlourAunt deeoittia,3lf 2lb bag -g g WAFFLE SYRUP, Nabob ... 21 -oz. bottle 32$ FLOUR, Maple Leof 24-!b. sack FLOUR, Maple Leaf 49-lb, sack 3,29 FLEISHMAN'S YEAST 4 pktsl J9g BAKING POWDER Magic 12-oi. 27C ... tins Charges Denied ; WASHINGTON Members of the Aia-skan Salmon Industry Inc. and the fishermen's unions have denied charge of conspiracy to fix prices. The cnarge was made in a complaint by the Federal Trade Commission No;: 12. It named 30c Swift's, 12-02. . : , . tin Ued by the quick growth of I'' in the north during the few years. Formerly, nil : against the company from division were handled .;h the Vancouver office, ompanylng Mr, Mack le to help establish the office D. Jenkins of Vancouver, ant chief claims agent for western region. Mackie had worked In (he "uver office for the past !i Prior to hut he was '. ""em in 8a.katorm. , wifo and ftmlly.will -ioin" i 43 canning companies, H firh-iermen's unions,, the Industry's j trade association and its man-I aging director, w. C. Arnold of ; Seattle, as rcspon ;lents. I Princess Patron j -"LONDON CPlJu-The OarMflian women's Club in London will ' hold its annual Maple Leaf ball June 9 under the patronage of Princess Alice, Connies of 'lefe in the near future. CREAM CORN, Dewkist, 15-ez. 2 Hns 25C ORKJrBEANS, Nabob, 15-oz. .. g 25c PEAS, Dewkist, 15-oz g trs 2SC CAKE MIX, Ovjilvie's Coronation .... box RED PITTED CHERRIES, Nabob, 15-oz. tin 2SC STRAWBERRRIES, Nabob ril. 15-oz.t;n 30C SOCKEYE SALMON, Nabob, '2's . . .. tin JELLO .1. packege On HOPSUFY... TOMATOES, Royal City, 23-oi. tin ggo I RED PLUM JAM, Nabob . 48-oz. tin gOg LOGANBERRIES, Nabob 15-ot. tin 2f. STRAWBERRY JAM, Nabob. 2f-o.. jar Kf' .CHOWMEIN fen 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. S SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL WEDNESDAY, JANUiilY 13t!i readers ; A Bons of Norway whist and dance, Friday, Jan. 8. Whist 8 o'clock; dance, lit to 2. Music by Mike Colussl. IiVcrybody welcome. 8 On Sunday, Jin. 10, Mass for Ukrainians at Annunciation School, 10.30 a.m. . (7p) lollywood Cafe Outside Ordcrj Phone U3 2i DOZEN ii ;75c 1 Mu!uh Yl Size 252 tt for IbIc md ?etf mut PORK RIBLETS - pound 25c mmmm M llll WHIMH MTIWn PORK SPARE RIBS - pound 49c BOLOGNA - pound 32c HAMBUKGEi 1. pound. 39c PINK GRAPEFRUIT . w.. 2 for 19c RED EMPEROR GRAPES '""i 19c AVACADO'S ";i i eodi 21c ) Reef Plum ) , Pie! Sp USEFUL HINT No. 27 Z&Mk I Don't forge) fo wosh I (vJiTS I your wof.fyo. co j Pl Q7 1 opener regularly. . I i J ' PfiYALCrnr CNIREB'FOOPS . Q HUBBARD SQUASH 2 19c I COTTAGE ROLL MopuwhohorHdf poUnd 69c GREEN ONIONS 2VJSeSrhcs 21c Ready To Serve HAMS . , pound 69c 9HHM