wist ftincu Kuptii Uuny iNevv: Thursday. January 7, 19S4 'cum. BLACKWOOD on r BRIDGE 'A By EASLEY BLACKWOOD W3 D)!D!EJLC5L"ED;ADVERT,SING 4:30 P M. DAY PREVIOUS Mr. Heinsite Tiresome Even When He's Right In talking about Mr. Heinsite I have dwelt mainly on his unreasonable attitude in expecting his partner to make impossible plays this, of course, after he himself has seen all the cards. Classified Rates THE DAILY NEWS' l, time 4:S0 pm. flay pr7lou 42 WANTED TO RENT TWO-ROOM housekeeping suite by quiet working woni an lor Feb. 1. Must be centre town. Own dishes and linen. Box 884, Daily News. (Tpi Several correspondents hive nniirstwu. hi. 3 centi per word pr in-in- minimum ihargs 0 Muti Notices, 60 cents. Cards of ,ln. Death Notlwa. Funeral pj. Marriage and Engagement .....to fnn CIRCULATION" TODAY 3455 YEAR AGO ..... .' 31 35 pointed out recently that there Is one facet of his character which I have not touched unnn or, at best, have not stressed North dealer East-.Vest vulnerable North (Mrs. Keen) fl- Q H Q 10 D A IS!! - 47 AITTOMOHII.E! 16 KOKKY WATERS, 14-year-old farm boy from Comox, B.C., was awarded the George Medal, highest award given a civilian in Canada. Bobby, the youngest Canadian to win the medal, and Albert B. De Cuy-per, 30, rescued two RCAF officers from a flaming Lancaster bomber which crashed In "1 nczr the Comox air station. De Cuyper, a civilian worker at ths station, also was awarded the George Medal. LOST 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ft-.,.. " . ':e."' f, . - i , Display double prloa. No Refunds wl". not accept responsibility titled ads Inserted Incumtctly it wrong Classification unless Hon nl such errors Is received 24 iioura of fin t Insertion. Tki. jdwti.rmant t. not Bul,l,-.heJ o, l.clrtt4 tW C-A K Q 8 4 'el) (lr. Il.ln.lli.) KJI7S 310 8 0 J a ii--a 3 1948 DELUXE Ford coupe. Upholstery like new. New seal covers. 622 3rd Ave. W., Suite 2, after 5 p.m. 3i LEGAL NOTIC ES ( !r. a a Iht Liquer Conlrcl tiostd of by tl, OoVlnment I Bit. Cdumfcu. , ' LADY'S Bertmir wristwatvh with one diamond on each side, and expansion bracelet between Bank of Montreal and Deeth'a Pharmacy. Phone Oreen 932. Reward. 181 sufficiently. They refer to the blain fact Mr. Heinsite is1 a bui-e.i Yes, even when he is ri'.! which Isn't too oftenl, he is tiresome. In today's deal Mr. Abel won I the first trick with the king of spades, then shifted to the 10 j of clubs. Miss Brash won withi the JacH of clubs and ruffed a spade in dummy. She then cashed the ace of diamonds. I K D C i o o i 0 4 WANTED TOP MARK3T PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading, prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific B357. . (H) K J 1(1 6 c-'j a j Vant ad PRINCE RUPEKT LAND RECORDING DISTRICT. BUSINESS Ancl PROFESSIONALV; Si. Hill (Mi- Ilmvli) S 5 4 3 H A 8 7 5 4 2 D 10 C J 7 2 bidding : TAKE NOTICK that The Canadian Flshins Cfimimnv t.imttrf nf Van. PUPPY, J i, months, white with lieht brown ears. Answers to "Bruiser." Phone Oreen 2125 rfter 5 n.m. or Marie I ofvren at Columbia Cellulose Cafeteria. (8. 14-FT. clinker-built row l u. uuai ooat ui or ' j - condi-lcrH""'r' BC- """'PHion flh cannery gas gas boat, ooai, in in first-class tirst-class tlon. Box 888, Daily News. w t lea He nl the fnllnsvin.r ,l.rh.(l We.jt ' The I North ' 1 U : 2 C i 3 C 1 4 H South 1 H 2 H 4 C ruffed a diamond in her hand mid ruffed her last spade on the board. She lost only one spade and two trump tricks. Mr. Hcin.sitp nmmntlv re IS j 2 8 Krist Puss Pass P.'iss AH pass Luxury Sfcorr.sr Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVEE? and Intermediate Ports " Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN JO HELP WANTED FEMALE FIRST-CLASSl)ookkeei)er with i IuhcIh. situate In frdnt 'or Lot 6. USED wood neater. henior 418 Jifl k,u 6th Ave. .. Far' Block lO. District Lot 7 (Plan I'M), ' 8p) lownslte of Masse t, Wueen Charlotte - District. 36 . ROOMS FOR ion nr,.-ia RENT I COMMENCING at a post planwd .., lt tne N(,rth r.,rnrr , 5. REPLIES ore holding replies he following News raxes: 865 Replies must be ilied for in person 7 817 828 850 OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER ' ' 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 Ing and payroll knowledge es marked Mr. Abel should have! led the nine of hearts at trick point of nausea," remarked sential. Shorthand verv helnfiil i ipr.c r,,,.,i. j Z . ', 'thence ' South is- East. 200 feet; but rn,?Jf husekeepinff thence South 33. 45- West. 3-. feet. I thence thence North North fin. 66" IV 15' West, -win 200 feet two. Actually, this would nnt.iMU!S Miss Brash. Bras". "and if you don't ..o not w7... DallvRNeta.ry' " necessary .."' nWt Apply APP1V to 10 to Box BOX I room, room' n IV, h, blks bocks hLd from from nr post of: nf. 82 Ud"y News- 7l fice. Pnone Blue 797 ft, . V. beat the hand because while I 1 "I have a sueirestiiin " Tir i more or less, to high water mark, belli)? the 8.E. corner of said Lot 6: thence North Easterly along high PART-TIME gtenoEranner and WEDNESDAY Midnighl Comfort and Service 7p j Mr. Dale. "We're just sitting ' ! around here doinz nnthin-' ! office clerk. Apply in own 1 , " rum i hnrfn,.Ki.. - i . TWO sinele rooms nn Hi,hio aier mars to point of commence ment and contninina 0 ?'.. 15 acres 'ZZV:f rLtZl 2?"t?' i room with twin beds. Board !" For reservations write or 12 865 880 882 . What about it anyone care for ! o .rubor r of bridge?" ' I call City or Depot Office, Mr. Abel would win one more spade trick, he would also win cne less trump trick. Thinking hard now (Why? Why not get on to the next hand?, Mr. : Heinsite noticed the contract could have been defeated If Mr. Abel had lei specifically the kin? of hearts CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Rmithcrs Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectioi.s Phone C31 perlenceT Box 885, ! Daily Nes. ' "csi'"812 2nd West. ,s,, fish' i,"LZr.n" I !.''' 'FURNISHED honsekeenln ZL"'"," VIT" " T ' " I Prfnce Rupert, BC. 1 i . ,--- t .v wiiu ul . ui iiirir , . rt. JUINUIK ClerK-tvplst With Ol "". riiuiie uiaCK St3 De- operatlol s THE CANADIAN PISHING without experience. Apply lween 5:30 and Pm- U0p) NBC. Power Co. Ltd., Room 15, HonqKifFFPiMTT .... Besner Block. Bl I di,..?' UI! FAMILIAR GREETINGS , BROKENHAM, England (CP)l! Rev. Cyril Smith'.s 00 parishioners in this Kent town received i the same Christmas cards this! year as last. "I'm a little absent- at the second trick COM I Mi LVENIS in Auxiliary card party, i and 20. :y V Sunday, Jan. 17, ) m. Civic Centre Audltor-Mcmbers only. l-XJMPANV LIMITED. . per f. c. Uiiderhlll, Agent. Dated December 3ra. IH53 - (Dal.J7.14.21) v . ic.n , U1UC ILt He was right,. Miss Brash would play the 10 from the board and win 1 n hpr h-inrl Ctl Off r Pnr lnfAruia rxU, Jl" AVe' 8) minaea and I chose the same lb vpf tors Syndicate of Canaan,. Ltd. and Investors Mutual of tanarJr Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 381, 315 Third Avenue W. kepresentaiive for Pinc- Rupert. Terrace and Kitlm-it with the ace. Now ii. she ruffed card.s " ...vvi iv.n, , 77- IQ 37 ROOMS AND. BOARD explained the vicar. CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles cs MiiRnes America's i; Violinist. Wednesday, i, 8 30. An Alaska Music iiiocrt. 21 SITI'ATIONS WTD.-MAI.r.'ROtlM and board fo- working FOR "odd Jobs "and complete 837 3rd West. Bloe rf . Janitor service, phone Oreen - (Subject to Change) liyteriali Hiirns Biiliquet .iijjuc wiui tne queen ol i hearts, Mr. Abel's. Jack and nine' would both win. If she used the ! queen of hearts to pull anothn : round of trumps, she would lose a trump trick and three spades. j Mr. Heinsite was so happy at i having discovered this "obvi-: 773. (9l)i;ROOM and board n private iv 21. uume ior -woiKing man. Red 140. ,d 29 SEWING MACHINES I id Guidr and Brownie ike Sale and Novelties-, Street School, Feb. 6, IF YOU WANT A ClrTOER L-RIVEWAY .-ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment, Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS THURSDAY P.M. :IH( flipper Serenade . , 8:30 Wayne and Bhuster 7:00 CBC News . ' 7:16 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide iALE3 Repairs Rentals. Einger ROOM and board for working 8ewlng Centre. Phone 864. I man- Phone Black 717. (5) l Ml. (c) 39 A SUITES FOR RENT 8:00 o.uu iuizens Citizens' Porum rorum ous" play he held up the game for minutes while he explained It. The other players were anxious to Bet nn with the namo I'EftSON.L SZ DINING PLEASUPLi in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS FOR SALE MISC. . SMALL unfurnished Suite for! 8:45 PeoP". Places and Books rent. Private bath. Black 255. 1 ? BO Vancouver concert I 8 30 Wlnnlneii Drama V: Friday. Jan. 8, Leoion :"Your story fascinates me t. iu uu cm; Mews 10:16 Midweek Review ' jum. Music by the Rocky In Hoys. Admission $1.0O. lb) BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe f- Nylon ' ment. Apply 630 6th West, or 10:30 1 1 :IH scoTT Mclaren"- CHARTERED ACCOUNT A.'fT Juiues Block, 603 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 pnone m, . (5) Nocturne ' ' ' I ' ,' Heather Krp..rt .MiiKicul Masterpieces , 17 , Music Till Ml.llilehl Mcil-ofl G30KGE DAWf.S AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 12. CT Alcoholics Commodore Cafe P 0 Box 343. 13:00 THREE-ROOM apartment and bathroom. 533 8th West. r6p) SIM;SS PERSONALS TWO-ROOM suite, 517 7th West. , furnished. 17) BLONDIE Ceiling Zero By CHIC YOUNG ft llio items SUITE. Phone Red 884. (29) AND SONS, LTD. Overshoes v , Reg. $11.95 ON SALE NOW $7.95 These ore top quality Nylon with Heavy 40A Houses Wanted to Buy !piy FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 B.C. Fishermen's Broadcast 7:IS Musical Clock 7:30 CBC News: Weather 1::i.-. M .isl.nl ( I.Nk Morning llevntlnns S O0 CBC News; Weather 8":10 Here's Bill Good 8 15 Breakfast Club . 8:45 Laura Limited 9:00 BBC News and Comty. 0:16 Aunt Lucy :.H0 ( nine What Mav 8:9 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit- 10:16 The Happy Gang 10:45 Musical Kitchen . 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the Air M:.1 Message Period 11:45 Iteror.Ieri Inlfrliiil EVERY day we have a number of inquiries for houses to buy. For immediate inspection phone H. G. Helgerson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. , Phone 96 Or Eves. F. Wilson, Black 197 ; (0) 4 HOMES FOR SALE w Home Construction pair Work itchen Cabinets mding Floors 'holesale and Retail Olass mndation Work fond Hand Sash dure Windows lingled Roofs (7-C) P.M. .r- f ? iiiffflN'' hfl Li HsTHih ' ' - jMqx YfefeW ' KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By ZANE GREY MwW&xl ' 13:00 Scandinavian Melrrti.a 12:15 CBC News LECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt " wiring and elsctrical H9 9th Ave. West. R'd 165. . (12) IDEAL for large family or revenue home. Close in. Immediate occupancy. Apply 245 'h Ave. West. . (101 48 WANTED TO EENf 46 -BUSINESS OPrOETl NITIES FOR SALE First oln-ss cafe In Dawson Creek.. B.C. Liberal terms. Box 878, Daily News. (11) UKO autr,m'!c; oil heai- ,,' work. Phone 11 C30 iiii, west. 12:25 CBC Showcase 12:90 B.C. Farm Broadcast r;:.iJ Interlude 1:00 K.oinli for Yon J:t. HeeTd ,Munn , , i 2:00 ;NaKwMl V1j.); .roiiiicait ' 2:30 Trans-Canada. Matinee 3:15 Brave Voyuge 3:30 ll.iednnn S:46 B.C. Request Roundup 4:15 A Date With Fred Hill 4:30 Anne of Oreen Gables 0:OO l-l un(ntlnns Vwallss . 5:15 International Comty 4:0 CBC News; Weather 6:30 Rawhide 6 :5S Have You Heard ? Nylon Fleece Lining. Non-.skid soles. VOGUE SHOES LIMITED 506 Third W. Oreen 595 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS ' WITH FRINGE. SIZE 84x103 AT ONLY J5.49 EACH . From factory to j'ou. This is the very finest chenille bedspread made, completely covered with Corduroy baby Chenille. No sheeting showing. With beautiful fringe all around. First quality, they come in elaborate multi-colored flower patterns or solid same color patterns. Tn all shadPS and in both extra large double bed size or single size. At only $5.49 each, sent COD plus postage. Never before a bargain like this bedspread with fringe. Immediate money-back guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 904, Place D'Aimes, Montreal, Quebec. (Hp) DUTCH family wants to rent Immediately a three-bedroom house, close In. Contact J. R. Storm, Kitimat, B.C. (17p) SMALL two-bedroom house, preferably unfurnished. Box 880, Daily News. (7p) RINCE RUPERT s Home" of per Service cr of 2nd and 2nd LI LABNtR " 1 , 1 1 lVhere SERVICE 2nd TO NONE (7 ' rtLIT UA4lS STHAMKS FOR-o"CH.r Y PSST.'-tF THE y JAKA ) ( I'M ClRaAUK V IF THOSE HORN'S V BUT ) : ' i VIIIIWI- J WAKING US, PORTER- I CANTAfFORD HAM Si BRAINS, THE -AREN'T REMOVED P HE S.P.AI3: S-4ff'Wj0jK THERE'4 THE HORM y'ttO.OOO FOR THE SANDWICH! ) SPECIALIST.'.' N IN 30 DAVS - GOTTA I S : s. tV- '-y i CASE..V ; OPERATION- J -I'M r-HuH if Ht'LL BE TOO ) LIVE- A, - M CT? IrC v-' ,sir1iK-il , I I f TAKE LESS!.'- r- STARVING!? A . DAIsJSEROUS AH V"3 tH'NWj?' --7 4?d&f ir- iPT VTOLIVE.T'rl (LOVr:lt " , If In Doubt tors of all metals. a high pressure "neerations. w's Welding Works - Phone 91 Q Terrace, B.C. i9 EUROPEAN folding camera converted to 3l4x4'4. Goeia (Berlin) Dagur 168 mm. f:6.3 '.ens. Mico springback, Graphic film-pack holder, Rada roll-film adapter, three cut-film holders. Double extension bellows. All for $80 cash. Write Box 883, Dally News. ttf-nc) UNDERWOOD standard typewriter in good condition. $50.00 cah. Apply 241 2nd Ave. W., or phone 600. (7t) ;'.,NEST CL2ANBR- 'Yji.ua. Phoni Blue r Parts-Sales Service. c) V-wiii ,Jtvl jm. et C ACCOUNTANT. Income SDPrlnlUt d - WsNViaMsvMj.... .. ... I 1 Buildlivi. Red 393. S!0m' EASY washer, gas operated, at a bargain price. Phone Green 932. (9pi H.INO All types of saws. SlOn Rnn, Vlll.... n.e . THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE '.. - '" " 1,1 "' s ,in .I- ) r- .,V..V"5V "ft.a;;!aw. .cv. w.-,. . 1 : ....... 'HI flanl.1... m .. . . SINOLE bed, spring and spring-filled muttress. Phone Green 837. (7) 2r r!k. dXf?ZJ7. T.V, .jSrUTT? ti ...hikiu tvorKS. MO- """Bht, sold, ?ewound and -kV-rf wE'aeeouT okav.'... mow what obscure fbsuoim 'A-LL CP WERE IN WHV00ESNT Vil I URSE BRlNSSME HERE? HOW PEW MI.MUTE5. ) THIS TRAIN M STUPlP CAN A MAN SET, DR. I I VVANTA ?1AV 4 COUPLA HAM0S X START?.' j'l V PAVIS? SO HCWE.SON... 0" r (in OIRL'S standard size bicycle, as new. For quick sale, $35.00. Red 168. (10 1 furd Electrical Works r '"r Ekollte Soundera. . (12) S2A FOR RENT MISC. f1.8. nowiflea. BddJe'i S BUlliH ... FURNISHED cabins. 2000 ilth Ave. K. (9 1 ubParker's of course. 34 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS A PLANE, copied from Louis Blerlot's famous aircraft, which In 1909 was the first to fly across the English Channel, soars above Calgary airport at 45 mUes an hour. Pilot Franz McTavish cruises at 400 feet in the plane built by aeronautics Instructor S. N. Green and his students at Calgary's Provincial Institute of Technology and Art. 'Yjtverybody uses 80. ;MAKINO and aUpra 1 "one Red 224. (31) CASH FOR Scrap, copper, brass, batteries. radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 8th Ave. West. (e) h. m Am.A i