PROVINCIAL Y LIBRARY viC&Oil t. PROVINCIAL II3HA3T, bAAORROW'S B f 113 TIDES VICTORIA, B. C. mm Ml Friday. January 8, 1901 .. 3:36 20.7 feet Dail 15:27 21.3 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:53 9:30 2.7 6.5 feet f'.'et Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VDeliverv k VOL. XLIII, No. 5 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1954 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone 81 1 X i So DDE fn mi Sap liseifeu!? Free World Stronger j J I -) ' -; , t " ' it T """" ,X (A j House, Senate Told y The Assoc tatcd Press WASHINGTON. President Eisenhower said today that United States defence plans are geared to use of atomic weapons "if they are needed to pre i i serve our freedom. mmmM4m.mmnXmm.t'," it.W, I lisniAS is always a festive time but when birthdays come at the same time It gives an Flying Bishop Rescues Pilot Lost in Alaska The president, in his State of j the Union message, outiineu . ! program he said would build -he military might of the U.S., jolster other free countries against communism, and maintain a healthy economy it home. Proclaiming encouraging de- j devolpments in the struggle fori peace, Eisenhower said in his ! ;e mr an emu t,ccwuun. tmuw.i uuvC a e racncia ana Rlckie Sanderson hosts at a iday party for Susan (third doll from left) and Little Honey (right) who were three years n Christmas Day. Other dolls and teddy bea were guests at party which featured candle- il doughnuts. ree Taxi Drivers Fined $300 Each; i address to a joint session of the House of Representatives i iand Senate: j ! "Slowly but surely, the free, j world gathers strength. Mean-i i while, from behind the Iron : purities Cancel Chauffeur Permits given the same penalty. i The supplying charges against i Curtain- ,thfe are signs that: Cars Involved In the supplying Sylvester and Klamut arose af-!tyra"ny ? ntr , . le" minders that its structure Is as- . .. . tor a j'innniiiv, n. unui a 'n case and fceld by the RCMP as its surface is hard." I since Dec. 23, were ordered "tnry Stevens approached po- re- Sueakin l0 un election-vear1 " 0 llt 1 leased : aPd told them he wanted s g, , , i to "eet taxi-driven, in t.rmihio " I Congress almost evenly divided FAIRBANKS, Ala.ska A pilot missing in subzero weather in the Central Alaska w.l-dernes? was found and rescued Wednesday by Episcopal Bishop William J. Gordon, known as" Alaska's flying bishop. Bi-hop Gordon, chosen last wee as one of the top 10 young men in America by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce, was flying his own plane with the Civil Air Patrol here In the search. The lost pilot. Harry Bots-ford of the Fairbanks Air Service, disappeared In a Piper Cub plane in a wilderness area northwest of Fairbanks Tuesday night. Bishop Gordon located the lost pilot's downed plane, made a successful ski landing at the scene, and picked up Botsford. taxi drivers were each liK; i.nJ costs, or in tie-) ix months in jiiil. by ate W. D. Vance in point here in the last 24 , ' Richard Sylvester of 70 nd Anthony Klamut of I RCMP said this mornirn Evidence disclosed that he was i P0""" .thf P Bls0-that the chauffeur permits ; supplied with money by police!, t"cte.d fcd"ijLS,P allowing the three to operate ! and within 15 minutes hd been i lng budget of about S66.600.000.- 000 for the fiscal year starting WHEN HIS WIFE DECIDED that their garage d or needed a bit of decoration, Clifford Cattell of Adrian, Mich., planned a clock face compl ;te with markers for numerals and installed it on the door. Making odd-shaped clocks is noth ng new for Mr. Cattell, who built his first clock while with the armed forces. He is now employed as a clock designer. The clock, incidentally is no "cluck." It keeps perfect time . Cuthbert' Boards CPArPlane taxU in this city have been whisky by sold two bottles of two taxi drivers. i-pleaded guilty yester- supplying; an Indian ; iiior. This morning, Oscar I n. driver or 112 Taxi,; leaded guilty to Illegal; liquor a week ago, was July 1, about $12,000,000,000 lesij than the original Truman ad- j ministration budget for the cancelled. Only way In which the men may regain them Is through an appeal to city council. current year. IIEI.P BY POLICE I Held by police as a material I witness for a week. Stevens told his story in court Dec. 31 at which time pleas of not guilty j were entered tor Sylvester ana j Klamut by their counsel, 'Mrs. For Journey to Vancouver Zoo MRCY FLIGHT SUCCEEDS; hi Akin rrtDrcn nnum There was an unusual pas- kept Cuthbert for a pet, so that, They usually travel well out to . will Kay. ..,.,.; j senger aboard the southbound local children could see hi-.n LiltL I JlK.LU WfVII i sea,-skirting tha-west of tin Asks Seaway Approval Apptaleu again for congressional approval of the St. Lawrence seaway as vital to national security. Called for legislation o strip U.S. citizenship frjm C n munists convicted as conspiring against the government in the future. Disclosed that more than Yesterday, Mrs. Jtay told Magist rate Vance- that the two Christmas Celebrations Begin Here Christmas day Is today being celebrated oy members of the w-s piane mis morning. He (or shei is "Cuthbert," a tiny fur seal captured in Prince Rupert harbor and bound for the zoo in Stanley Park in but were afraid hewouldn't live. Experts at the zoo will know how to look after him, they said. Mr. Martin, who made the arrangements for Cuthbert s trip, said that as far as he DMONTON (CP A sick RCMP forcible at Spruce Bay ost 200 miles inside the Arctic circle received drugs by uie Wednesday but an RCAF Dakota which took part In mission was forced to make an emergency landing 250 north of its Edmonton base because of engine trouble. yueen Charlottes. The three seen here are believed to be year-old seals, strayed from the herd. The fur seals are protected and penalties are provided for illegal possession. On their migratory trips up and down the west coast, herds are escorted Cuthbert is one of three of the rare fur seals . which an- i.tter two attempts by the RCAF Dakota to drop the drugs 2.200 employees now have been released from federal Jobs un-! der the Eisenhower administra- j knows tnere are no other fun Greek Orthodox Church, whOparentiy strayed into this har- rachute failed, an RCMP plane landed at Spence Bay with t! fiaedical supplies. carry on traditions under the Julian calendar. A round of parties and cele bor from a southbound herd. Two of the friendly pups died, one at Port Edward and the accused wished to change their pleas, and asked leniency in both cases. Sylvester, she said, was a local man, and neither he nor Klamut had appeared In court for any form of trouble with the police before. She also asked that the two taxis be released. Prosecutor T. W. Brown, QC, said both men knew what they were doing in selling the bottles to a native and that 'while tin cars could be confiscated, agreed that the two had lost two weeks business during the Christmas holidays and would probably lose more If their chauffeurs' he patient Is Const. F. E. Oxholm, 25, of Seven Sisters, who Is suffering an undisclosed lung ailment. seals in captivity on the west coast. The fur seal cows and puns leave the Pribiloff Islands in the Bering Sea about November and head for California waters. by the U.S. Coast Guard and Canadian fisheries vessels. Little Cuthbert, like his fellows, has very dark brown fur, and longer, narrower rear flippers than the common hairseal. brations gets away tonight and ' other in Tuck Inlet, but Cuth- tion's new security program. Sketched plans to combat any business recession or depression. Recommended a constitutional amendment to give U.S. youth the right to vote at 18 visits continue through tomor-ibcrt was pulled from the water row St. Stephen's Day. I at the grain elevator two days vie Camera Owner Sought Youngsters of 4he Prince Ru- 8. and nas bcen babied ever since. His rescuer, Arnold Mills, took years of age Instead of 21. ; pert families today .will enjoy a Declared foreign military j Christmas much the same as do Aid CBC Television Show aid be continued, but that other children . . . opening gifts, i Cuthbert home to his wife. The Kitimat Councillors Seek Approval of Money Bylaws economic aid can be cut except I stuffing on candy and turkey unhappy pup seal was coated in Korea "and a few other crlt- 3" ( anailian Broadcasting Anyone with a 18 mm camera permit were cancelled. tion's television depart-1 which can shoot at 24 frames ai Magistrate Vance snid that he leal places," , 0 v. V.1 iv iJ .; :"! dinner and having an all-round with marine oil from his antics good time . . . with one excep- in the harbor so they washed tion their presents come from j him in the bath tub. and tempt-parents and friends, not Santa ! ed him with good things to eat. C'laus. , j However, Cuthbert must be on Mnnv victor nf f tnnirht a special diet because he refused Vancouver is looking for second. Is asked to contact either was in agreement that the pair ) Share Atom Secrets Two Kitimat councillors are, cillor P. W. Hallman arrived hen ... ,v.. 1 1. wiiu can uiKe mr. wixuu ur uick cisuii, i v , nan. open uenauzea suiwcicnuy 1 for t'BUT. and ordered the taxis released. news editor, in Vancouver. enroute to Victoria seeking gov eminent approval of money by laws totalling $3,000,000 for pur Urged amendment of the j Atomic Energy Act to permit sharing with "our allies certain I ''BC prosram director for "V . Ull food. Mr. am t Discussing the TV station, Nixon said "good signals a i uie nome oi jonn uurvicn region, Doug Nixon, who hfie ye.stprdav to look ! ki,,,. chase of roads, water and sewer systems. Reeve W. H. Sparks and Cuun- -WEATHER- Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy knowledge of the tactical use of our nuclear weapons." Announced that during the next fiscal year the U.S. Other families celebrating Christmas today include Louis Postuk, Mrs. Sam Bill, Mike Little Cuthbert (he's only about two feet long and weighs under 48 pounds) made friends quickly and lapped up the soft life. He seemed to enjoy being cuddled and loved soft places to lie. wt-up at CFPR, in an(all over the lower mainland." He) w today said the torpor-i estimated some 800.000 persons1 ould like to have films of ran he reached hv the Vancou- by boat this morning and let! later by plane for the B. C. capital where they will di:cuss tht bylaws witn W. D. Black, minister of municipal affairs. In four separate money bylaws, the council of the Corporation ot the District of Kitimat, hopes to raise funds to purchase a bridge water and sewage systems and roads, from the Aluminum Com-. puny of Canada The bridge links the town and will spend nearly $1,000,000 000 j Munlzaba and George Pavich. Board Seeks urinc ii.i,i.,v .. i , ' today. iuutf.y. Kain fiaui in in southern euuiut'iu sec- sec- .t firtt 7 d7el"Pjver station at the present time, tion Intermittent rain Friday. ' 1 w.m ant t0 locateh Asked If Prince Rupert might Little change in temperature. with a 10 mm camera more for continental defence than during the current year. Described the controversial Taft-Hartley labor law as ;'bas-ically sound" but in need of When Ed Martin of the Same department went to collect bin.' I I vUlSlCl get a TV station, Mr. Nixon said Wind light today, southerly 20 he thought it would be "quite tonight, southeast 30 Friday some time" because of the heavy j Low tonight and high Friday The Julian calendar was introduced in 46 B.C. by Julius Caesar. The ditierence In days of the year between the Julian and Gregorian (most commonly used) calendars increases gradually and now stands at 13 day?. Thus January 1, Gregorian, is December 25, Julian. Of Park Fund and ; improvements he said he will the smelter site. The sewage i system is complete and the water expense of installation and cost at Port Hardy, Sandspit of producing shows. I Prince Rupert, 30 and 38. this morning for his plane trip south, Cuthbert was ' lounging on the chesterfield, and Mrs. Mills was reluctant to say goodbye. The Mills would like to have Park rnnimi.i(inirs nt. their : V"""1 Hearing completion. All mon said most shows on 's TV station in Van-ongmate In Toronto and '1. but tout several spot r Vancouver events in-the recent crash of an Nnrth Star plane at tile 'ional airport have een ' the public. firt. mppt.i no r.f th inct el"e built by the company reconimena in a special message Monday. Referring to his Dec. 8 United Nations speech calling on Russia to join with the U.S. and nisht moved towards acquiring In interview this morning the Roosevelt Park trust fund, t Councillor r, Hallman saio. . the A letter will be sent to City! Kitimat council has special bor-Council askinsr that reniesenta- i rowing powers due to the extra- other powers in creation of an : f8.- peaceful use, the president said: I "A truly constructive Soviet ; tions be made to the Lieutenant- reaction will make possible a new start toward an era of peace, and away from the fatal road toward atomic war." W Death Wgligence hs Charge ordinary circumstances of the municipality, which is expected to expand as much in the next five years as an ordinary town would in 30 or i0 years. But to use those powers, the council requires an order-in-council approving the bylaws before they can be placed before the electorate in a referendum, Mr. Hallman said the council also anticipated submission of further bylaws, amounting to abut $1,500,000 in the near, future, to aiiow expansion of the present water, sewer and road facilities. f OUVER (CP) Two law Governor-ln-Council requesting premission to grant the transfer of the fund to a fund to be known as the Algoma Park area development fund. Public approval of the transfer was given by voters In the December 10 election by a 651-240 majorit;:. The motion was moved by Commissioner Pat Forman and seconded by Commissioner Bob Eby. Mr. Eby and Commissioner Art Murray were both nominated as chairman for the coming year but election was postponed because Mr. Murray did not attend the meeting. Present last night were Commissioners .Dune Mc-Rae, Charlie Balagno, Forman and Eby. Resignation of Peter Lien, park board secretary, was received with regret. He asked to be relieved because of pressure of other duties. Informal discussion of future Youth Jailed For Stealing 1 I V U , vY ,' jk ' ' I Phone Service Restored Here Long distance telephone service out of Prince Rupert has been restored after a 2y2-day shutdown due to storm-shattered lines. Trouble at Exstew and later trouble on circuits in the south on the Hope-Princeton highway, cut long distance service from Monday at 8 a.m. till noon yesterday. Radio communications were maintained between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Herring bait Caught in Harbor . Forty-six tons of hening for bait purposes only and scheduled for local fishing plants were caught yesterday afternoon toy three boats in Prince Rupert harbor. -liiVtH a ' " - J i i '"'hi bodies today were "ting Uie bizarre death nior Winnipeg woman in shrouded with splrltual-lld conflicting medical lly. "'vestigamm arose from 'u here Nov. 30 of Mrs. "t Rush. 39. wife and ,llc" of Dr. Raymond D. i;h was charged with "fslistence" by a coron-y Wednesday night. ' lr.y said ne failed to pro-';'per hospital and medl-" 'or his spiritualist wile "nai hours of her life. 'Uorney-Rcneral's departed city detectives opened 'stlRution after the six-iM'st ended with a jury '' roa., negligence." Grant Ronson was sentenced by Magistrate W. D. Vance in police court tills morning to three months In jail after he pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking and entering and theft. The youth was arrested New Year's day after being found in the home of Harry Knelson, Ml projects was held. Commission. UNITED STATES SENATORS, William Jenner (left), Republican chairman of the Senate Internal security sub-committee, and Pat McCarran, former Democrat chairman of the committee, are shown on their arrival in Montreal to question Igor Oouzenko. Elaborate precautions were taken to guard the secrecy of the meetings arranged after a long diplomatic wrangle between the Cnnadipn and United States governments. WHEN PASSENGERS arrive at Kinross airfield, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., this eight-month-old doe scampers out of the quonset hut waiting room to greet them. Often she climbs the steps into the aircraft and walks Into the cockpit. Buckie, the doe, has been a pet at the airfield since she was picked up in the woods when two days old by Rirport employees. The pilots carry tasty bits In their pockets for the pet. ers will bring recommendations ! Third Avenue West. He was for park work to the next meet- charged with stealing a camera, ing whin the 1954 program will an automatic pistol anda sum of he mapped out. j money