Tin Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday. January 7, 1954 TECHNICOLOR h Russia, U.S. Reach Accord On Atom Talks Mystery Cloaks Motive In Reuther Shooting TOTEM W TODAY 2: p.m. r . i-Hi 1 jAi,(irtt,pmiilMlMLA4 i T if . v' v;", ,j if ;, rrr By WAKKEN ROGERS Jr. J Evenings '! " P' WASHINGTON UH The Unit- ed States and Russia have Matlneeu. agreed on starting preliminary " "atoms for peace" talk hera.i TODAY TO SATURDAY MP IN mmilNd AFRICAN PKCRT... DETROIT Police kept se- the sole missing defendant, cret today their investigation of Santo (Sam) Perrone. the Walter Reuther 1948 assas- j Perrone, 56, Sicilian-born big-sination attempt. I money dealer in post-war scrap A motive for the ambush metai contract who was once shooting of the CIO leader also convicted of labor racketeering, remained an official secret 24 was salcl to on ws way here hours alter criminal charges of from an undisclosed city. , conspiracy and were assault Accused m h TlllLllT1! 1"-, Carl Renda, 3S. also a r but the question of when is still unsettled. The Russians announced the agreement' Wednesday night in Moscow and the US. state department confirmed it. Russia said its ambassador in Washington, Georgl M. Zarubin, " a". "J:.r"r.r" dealer In scrap metal; Peter Police were reported watching ! Lombardo, 51, now In Leaven- all Detroit's points of entry for the possible return to the city of New.' would represent it at the talks j to set time, place and subject i matter for full-scale negotla- : Hons. No date was mentioned. Wtthin an hour it wxs an- ; nounced that State Secretary i Dulles would "proceed wt. am early date to have the proced-I Here's Hocktt' Nonsense NJ JAMES MASON i Shows at 7 9:05 reel. MODERN AND OLD TIME ural conversations.'' This wast worth penitentiary as a carrier of counterfeit money; and Clarence Jacobs, 48, Tecumseh, Ont., television shop owner once involved tn alleged alien smuggling. The formal charge said the four men, and four others not yet named, tried to kill Reuther at his home the night of April 20, 1948. A shotgun charge was fired at Reuther through his kitchen window. The next year a similar at considered another goad to the I THE CRUMP FAMILY of Leamington, Ont., fin illy manages to meet again after two efforts at a surprise visit failed. W. A. Crump flew to" Eng and to surprise his wife and family visiting there. At the same time Mrs. Crump and children were returning from England by boat to Soviet Union to get the talks going. Time is short for Dulles, whe is expected to leave two weeks from today for Berlin for the Big Four foreign ministers' con Left to right: Cedric, 4; Mr. surprise her husband. They greet each other at Windsor, Ont. Crump; Roderick, 6; Mrs. Crump, and Blythe, 14 months. f . T I , I' 7; DANCE-FRIDAY LEGION AUDITORIUM Admission $1.08 I - . Diindne 10 . ! Muir by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS EVERYONE WELCOME 7 oo Threat' Would Hit B.C. Ports tempt was made on the life ol his brother, Victor Reuther, a co-official in the CIO president's United Auto Workers union. Gerald K. O'Brien, Wayne county Detroit prosecutor, said: "We definitely have a motive." But he refused to disclose it. ference Jan. 25 among the U.S.. I Russia, Britain and, France, j Dulles has been pressing for j early negotialions since Presl-I dent Eisenhower proposed in his ! Dee. 8 address to the United j Nations thit the world unite to j strip the atom of "Its military : casing and adopt It to the arts ' of peace." 4 j ' REGINA (CP) J. L. Phelps, president of the Saskatchewan irsnmucoQi I EDWARD S. ROGERS Farmers' Union, said Wednesday I .Tn.ie rri rMl Vvrv that British Columbia ports will ho nsralvzed if the Alberta I Under the Eisenhower plan r Wheat Pool ever follows through ! atomic materials and techniques .MILK would be pooled for peaceful Oil Painting Of Noted Artist Found in Attic . VANCOUVER (CP) A painting with proposals for dealing with frit ' ' J "W ' .. """4 s future strikes at its west coast grain terminals. In a statement, Mr. rtielps quoted Ben Plumer, president of the Alberta Wheat Pool, as saying the pool would enlist young farmers to operate west coast terminals if a second strike occurs. A west coast strike last February tiqd up about 16,000,-000 bushels of western grain. ! purposes by the U.S., Russia and other countries. An Inter I national agency under UN aus-, ' pieces would control the pool. I The hope !s thit such Inter I national effort might lead to control of atomic weapons. INLAND PORT ' I Although an inland city, Chl- cago handles more watjr-borne ! traffic than the Panama canal. 2 . V. " ,)urn r'eht! And It's I OS all produced by your J ' t neighbors on the I 1 J farms up !n tbe vHf I I Bulkier Valley. J I I I,' jr ''4 ! 1 v !' "V ' , t:u Mr. Phelps said bringing in farmers to west coast elevators would start trouble "real by Homer Watson, renowned Canadian painter of landscapes, has been found in an attic here and will be placed on exhibition soon. Painted 30 years ago, it is a striking scene of an old mill on the Doon River In Ontario. A similar picture, "The Pioneer Mill," hangs in Windsor Castle, having been acquired for the royal collection during the reign of Queen Victoria. Watson, regarded as one of the "old masters" of Canadian art, was born in 1855 at Doon. During a long and brilliant career ended by death in 1938, he achieved a wide international reputation. His works figured in I the collections of the late prime j minister Mackenzie King in Ot- trouble. He said he had talked with officials of the Longshoremen's Union who said they would refuse to load grain handled by WILLIAM M. BOl LTBEE strike-breaking farmers. This would mean a complete shipping tie-up at the west coast. BRIG. M. P. BOGERT of Ottawa is congratulated by R. Douglas Stuart, United States ambassador to Canada, after being presented with the medal of the Legion of Merit. The investiture was in the U.S. embassy at Ottawa. The award by the U.S. government was for Brig. Bogert's distinguished and meritorious service as commander of Canada's 25th Infantry Brigade in Korea. Wheat Marketing Conference Northland Dairy r Limitc Phone 18 i Canada produces nine million tons of pulp and paper each year. tawa. and of the Oscar Wilde TWO UNIVERSITY of Toronto students were detained by U.S. immigration author itics at vest Palm Beach, Fla., on their return over the ' Christmas holiday from a trip to Nassau, t lie Bahamas. Edward Rogers, vice-president of the Young Progressive Conservative Club nt the university, and William Houltbee, a member of the club, refused to sign under oath, a statement that they were not allowed to read. It is believed the U.S. officials became confused over the name of the students' political club. " LET'S KEEP IT 1 Suggested by Exchange Head TORONTO (CP) Stanley Jones, ! t h e monopolistic price-fixing WHETHER 1954 IS estate in London. He exhibited at the Royal Academy in London and at other leading art displays, won the goltl medal award at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo in 1902, and another sward at the St. Louis World's Fair a few years later. president of the Winnipeg grain sales method. CLEAN- OLD Mr. Jones said that when jJB,,I.UIIlll.,..,..,Jl. ;tjrjJKB. "' UP" IBBBHilB3BBBBBll"K""""""B""BI supplies, in relation to, demand, are high, "price 'declines must be realistically accepted." MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY This, however, did not mean that Canadian taxpayers and consumers 'could "shrug off" their responsibility to the farm- mi 'mm exchange, suggested today that farm leaders, government officials and representatives of the' grain trade "sit down together" t and seek solutions to the marketing problems of wheat. In an address to the Empire Club, Mr. Jones said he was sure that out of such discussions "would come an acknowledgment of the efficiency of the market place in moving supplies into consumptive channels." ,cr. v ' ', i I. "I personally, and the Winni- t peg grain exchange are strong advocates of agricultural price- "There might come, too, some sunnort lecrislation which would From : ALL OF US To ALL OF YOU : -onccpt of financial guarantees provide adequate financial guar- to . producers which would dl-1 antees to agricultural producers. rj. vorce irom tne marketing rune- Such financlal guarantees tion this completely unrelated should TO concclved tnat thcy but equally important matter ,, t confound and aEEravate r ' KiJ. ' i fi nt L I J 4 a- -to a "To the extent that the present the problem by creating unsold system (of marketing through surpiusses, which can only have government agencies l has failed a further depressing effect on to move abundant production prices, nor should they deprive into use, the most important re- the producer of freedom of i quirement is a frank admission choice in selecting a market for , of that failure by advocates of his production. WALLACE'S DEPt STORE I! riiiiia'iiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii"' Plant Nears "In times of low Incomes and depressed prices it must become the responsibility of consumers, both east and west, to protect farmers from the full impact of conditions' which are so often beyond their control." DON'T Completion DRIVE a CAR THAT MONTREAL CP) Aluminum Limited announced Wednesday that construction of a new fabricating plant for aluminum is well under way in Alicante, Spain. The new plant is owned by QUIC-FREZ Lovely satin-gold, silver-chronic and Capri green. Oiant Freezer chest holds up to 36 pounds of Frozen Foods. Four ice trays. Shelved Handl-dor Meat Keeper and Porcelain Crlsper. BEATTY Lasting baked-on enamel finish. Completely dependable safety factors incorporated througlK ut. Positive gyrator washing act: n. Superior to any washer In its price field. MODELS FROM DUO-THERM ) Automatic forced warm air heat (automatic thermostat controls optional at reasonable extra cost) I Exclusive Dual-chamber burner. Saves 25 on Fuel I The advanced modern styling will add charm to any room. ' You get instant heat control at the turn of a knob MODELS FROM FAST RELIEF FOR ACHING MUSCLES HAUNTS YOU! Ghosts arc all right at Hallowe'en, and ghost cars may be okay in Vancouver . . . but you don't wart one parked in your garage. Before winter strikes hard, change to an A-l Used Cor. These and many others to choose from: l Aluminio Ibeiico, S.A.. a com-i pany controlled Joint ly by Al-luminuin Limited of Canada, Manufactures Mctalicas Madri-1 lenes, S.A., of Madrid and a I group of Spanish banks and in dividuals. . Thp nl.mt Is 'bcinE desicned 9 CU. FT. MODEL 27900 .50 UP KING OF PAIH ' .50 UP m9 139 to fabricate 18.000 to 20.000 tons of these products a year from ingots to be supplied by smelting subsidiaries of Aluminum '51 Dodge Sedan. Low mileage. Radio and heater. A good buy at $1850 '39 Tord Tudor. Radio, heater, a whistle Clean as $975 Limited. "51 Monarch Sedan. Radio, heater, fully winterized. A buy at $1800 '51 Plymouth Tudor. Low mileage. Handles like new. Only $1635 EVERYONE IS INTERESTED IN SAVING MONEY . . . YOU CAN DO IT TOO! ASK ABOUT OUR VERY EASY CREDIT PLAN! WHEN YOU SHOP FOR VALUE GET IT AT GORDON AND ANDERSON fJook-CJ isk for J. aps '47 Willys Station Wagon. Lots of room. All leather upholstery. Only $930 '51 Cliev. Sedan Delivery. Radio, heater, new paint A honey for your money at $1725 SON LTD. GORDO The convenient paper napkin . . . just right for N & ANDER PHONE 46 r-1 "The Home of Friendly Service" OB PARKER LTD. YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER breakfast, lunch and snack-lime. Terrace, B.C. Prince Rupert, 4.C. '