16 Ihe Pririe Ruoert Doiiv .Ncwi-Thursday, January 7, 1954 Challengers 'r. r-'V,.: iV A DATE TOP WOMEN'S BOmPiEL SET MARCH 26 TO MARCH 30 Date-for the Prince Rupert Ladies' Curling club annual bonsplet was set by the club's executive last night for March 26 to March 30. There will be five competitions In all and th,. bonspiel is open to any and all women In Prince Rupert, nov Just club members. Results of play In the second round of Columbia Cellulose trophy play are as follows: Wakely IJ. Hamilton lu; Lewis 13, Thorn C; Moore 10, Partridge 6. Draw for Friday: Wakley vs Wilkin.s; Hamilton vs Part-ridge; Lewis vs Moore. 4 I 'J. I ,U, .W In I II r ' ' . J Defeat Metlakatla Special to The Dolly Newii" METLAKATLA, Alaska. In a rough - and bruising game ' here last night, Prince,. Rupert Challengers defeated a fighting Metlakatla Vets basketball team 55-51. It is believed that this' is th' first time that a Prince Rupe;t r A in k n Y, til k V- -il :. 0m wa x, . : - r:i , cage squad has defeated the Metlakatla cagcrs on their home floor. The see-saw battle saw. Rav Spring with 14 points and Don l Scherk with 13 pace the Chal lengers to . take the load 28-20 ut the half and hang onto it to the end. i . i ROUND ROBIN BASKETBALL FIVE TEAMS KO-ME-III RAINBIRDS GORDON & AMtl ltSUN : WATTS & NK KLUSON MANSON S FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT . from 7:30 p.m. on Reserve 75c Rush 50c Students 25c CIVIC CENTRE Harold Marshall turned in an SEEMINGLY DF.FYI.V'CJ all lie laws of gravity and decorum, lovely Gallic star Jacqueline du Blcf proves she's not ice-bound in tins rehears of her Hollywood Ice Revue act. The Paiis-ienne world figure-skating champion will toar the U.S. with the revue. excellent performance in ' the a V? f,V. I i-oucKei ana uanny pm ,aia :i I praiseworthy job of pulling ' f ' ' I t -Vfe -, k - oown rebounds. Metlakatla took the first quarter 19-4 bfit the Challenger; came back to outseore, the. Vets 24-7 in the second frame.' The SPORTS ROUND-UP ; By OAYLE TALBOT i'V Prince Rupert squad took the i third quarter 15-10 but were i edged in the final stanza 15-12. Grant & Newton Still Leaders While Grant & Newton still lead the Men's Ten Pin Bowling League with a 7 point margin, the Elks gave them something to worry about when they set a new high three game total of 2705. sweeping all th game? from City Transfer with comparative ease. This new tolai series cam'? shortly after Don Arney and Bob Rudderham hid two teams ATHLETIC OFFICIALS at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln had no problems finding places for these athletes. Seven-foot Don Boldebuck is the star basketball centre who halls from Lincoln and four-foot ten-inch Daryl Michaud also of Lincoln, Is a champion wrestler. Daryl took the state crown in the 95-poupd high-school class last year. NEW YORK (AP) Dan Bucceroni, former Olympic champion from Philadelphia, scored an impressive victory over Hein Ten Hoff, the big German, in their Tuesday night heavyweight fight i.l The final whistle saw the . Challengers playing without three of their squad and Don ' Scherk sidelined for tonight's game with Ketchikan with a I broken nose. j According to word from coach ! Bill McChesney the onus to-1 night will be on Sid Scherk, Mickey Webster and Glen Carl-1 son who haven't founrt tru.-u I range on the tour thus far. Milwaukee. r For The Second Time In TIP TOP Tailors' 44 Years Muzz Patrick Ranger Coach However, il is difficult to find a man on the Broadway boxing beat who rates him a real contender for Rocky Marciano's title. Their typical reaction was ! i cut to set a new city record and Legion Curlers Change Schedule Owing to the formation of another team which has been taken into B Section, the sched To Complete Family Cycle The last time the New Yo' k Muzz inherits a club that has Rangers made the Stanley Cup i suddenly "found" itself and is while Rudderham's team scored 2054 pins to take the 'series, the Elks made sure of the recoid cm the very next bowling night. 53 Taxi Keglers Double Winners playoffs, In 1949-50, a Patrick ; playing its best hockey in two T"1 was at the he.m. Now. aft.-r three lean and hungry year.-.. years. Last night the Rangers defeated Chicago Black Hawks 4-3 with two-goal flurries in ule for the Legion Curling Club , Grant & Newton scored lour has been changed and is now : more points, over the Moose, and as follows: I the RCMP look three points Jan. 3 Hootz vs. Bill Ander- from Imperial Oil who sorely son, Bone vs. Stewart, Andrew I miss Jim Currie who left revs. Elsie Anderson. i cently to set up in Prince Jan. 10 Stewart vs. Lemire, i George. . ,!the Rangers have tapped an- Team honors In A Division of otnpr Patrick to , to turn th(, trick again. the first and third periods. It was New York's third straight National Hockey League victory, the longest winning about the same as that of Rooky's manager, Al WeHl, who shrugged and said, "It's a win." Despite his record of 46 victories (.gainst only three losses, Bucceroni is not thought to hit hard enough to stem the champion's relentless attack. Since watching Rocky dispose of Roland LaStarza last summer, the boys are convinced that no fighter can hope to outpoint the Brockton belter unless he can really hurt him first. Roland found he couldn't. Murray (Muzz I Patrick, youns- 1 est of the famous hockey fam- the Men's Five Pin Bowling League were taken by 637, Taxi this week as they chalked up a team high single of 1204 and team high three of 3234. - Ian Dunbar of North Star rolled 293 for high single for lly. was signed as coach yes- streak for the club in two years. terday, completing the full cycle i The Rangers moved within four of Patricks with the Rangers. I points of fourth-place Boston Denis Fontaine of Grant Iz Newton shot a nice 614 for high three individual honors while Jim Haugen of the Elks scored 232 to take high single. Others who made the 200 club rrokokow vs. Parker, Lofgren vs. Bone. Jan. 17 Hootz vs. Andrew, Baxter vs. Bill Anderson, Lofgren vs. Lemire. Jan. 24 Stewart vs. Proko-kow, Fofgren vs. Parker, Elsie Father Lester ended a 13-year ; Bruins, who were idle. But Bos- le ni8wl am? ?TKk, I?01?3"' three ooachlng reign in 1939; brother' ton has played three fewer of Art Murray's took high Lynn had the post from 1949 to ' games. EXTRA PAMTS With Every Tip Top Tailors' MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT I 1951. i - with 1204. B Division results were not al! were Joe Long and Gerry Lord vith 226, Denis Fontaine with 220 and a 212, Don Arney 214, Hal Muncey 201 and Han Stad-nyk with 200. - turned In and therefore are not available. ' y Result:- .-, . ; . .--A Division Cooks 4, Short Circuits 0; CNRA 3, Art Murray's 1; 537 Taxi 3. Local 708 , . Anderson vs. Baxter. A friend reports that the j Jan. 3iLemire vs. Parker, Australian press is putting j Bone vs ProkokoWi Andrew vs. front-page pressure on its ten-,Biu Anderson r.ls selectors to resign since j Feb 7Hootz vs. Bill Baxter, their memorable decision to i Stewart vs. Parker, Prokokow vs. play Rex Hartwig Instead 'jf ,L0fren Ken Rosewall in the Davis Cupj Fgb i4Bone vs. Lemire, Elsie double placed the prized trophy Anderson vs. Bill Anderson, in seeming jeopardy for a day. ! Stewart vs. Lofgren. Rudderham's Set New High For Ten Pins Trabertr Hoad 1; Philpott Evitt 3. North Star 1; Moose 3, North West Const. 1 : Family Market 3, Thorn Sheet 1. Meet in Finals Feb. 21 Baxter vs. Andrew 3 Days Only The campaign will fail, for an Australian selector lets go of that coveted office only when he Is stilled in death. But it serves to give an idea of the Hootz vs. Elsie Anderson, Lemire vs. Prokokow. Feb. 28 Bone vs. Parker. Again Saturday The additional rink Is skipped grip the sport has on the coun-1 by Ted Parker and includes Bert ADELAIDE, Australia (CP) Tony Trabert of the United Rookie Sparks Edmonton Win By The CaniidUn Pros A 17-year-old rookie who fhade his professional hookey debut an Impressive one Wednesday night may be the tonic the slumping Edmonton Flyers need to regain the Western FRIDAY, JAN. 8 SATURDAY, JAN. 9 MONDAY, JAN. 11 A new team high three game total for ten-pins was set bv Bob Rudderham's team in the challenge match with Don Ar-ney's crew when the former rolled 2654, n r-'-i'-'f 24 pins over the former high three. Amev's quintet countered with 2595. The match saw very few bH scores rolled but everyone managed tO roll Over his P""rn" except George Morgan, Sparky Smith end Don Arney. try. The tact that Rosewall, i Johnston, Mae Bird and G. Ab-back with his regular partner ' bott. The spare position, on thi: Lewis Hoad, has Just trounced j Baxter rink has been filled by the U.S. doubles pair of Tony, Dyke Macmillan. There is still Trabert and Vic Seixas in a j room for two players on teams tournament at Adelaide,. 6-3, already made up, so anyone in-6-3, 6-3. tloes not promise to j terested contact Mac Sommers. lessen the editorial heat. Chuck Nicholson or Bill Baxter. States and Australia's Lewis Hoad who defeated Trabert In the Davis Cup playoffs which Australia won in December, will meet again in the finals of the South Australia tournament. Hoad put on a great rally to- You Name It! We Ship It! CLUB Hockey League championship. Johnny Bucyk, a star with the m 50 lay to bat the defending title-j lfilHoi- Rpy Hnrlwnr bis eiin I Edmonton junior Oil Kings, i Cloth ' i i T.n R.i r.9 I whipped in two goals as tiv es in' one semi-final while Trabert "X" trlPPcd Caldy Stampcl- ers 8-5 leat Aussie Davis cupper Ken Wi:h FREE Extra Ponts Jim Currie was lii'jh man for the nl;',ht rolling 224 for high single. RiuUU'iiiam chalked up 5C9 for hi,h thre?. Al Slmundsrn rolled 211 and Geo:--e Mtir.-jan 200. iTh tcn-( :nrlfrs are -.lii'ii)in-' (.bother challenge match in the-near future when the new pins Complete shipping service commercial or household for local or world-wide deliveries. LOCAL OU LONG DISTANCE MOVING LINDSAY'S RoBewall 6-3, 6-3, 6-2, , Injthc Flyers, last year's WHL champions,-' now are langulslijng i lifMV place, 15 points J)ejiijul-the front-runifing Vancouver Canucks. Jim Anderson also scored twice for the winners and Ray Hannigan, Frank O'Grady, Don T Hoad "-Jtooft a' 4-1 Mwi 4ver arrive. 5950 TIP TOP Clothes . Hartwig in the first set, then slumped and lost in the first two sets. In the third set he again held a 4-0 lead only to see Bart CARTAGE And STORAGE Phone fiO LTD. "Leavp it to Lindsays" Fine paper has permanent qualities that will last through the years -without undu? Polle und Len Haley tallied the II.. 1 t.n .4- C C V:.. ' With FREE Extra Pants j wig rauy mm uc ik o-u. una others. . - v point Hoad broke Hartwig to ! Calgary marksmen were Jim ! take the set and held control McFadden. with two, Archie FT Johnny Black and Ray from there in. Trabert held a commanding Scott, Barry. lead all the way over Rosewall, FLEET STREET Clothes '. . . . Hoad's 19-year-old "tennis twin. V " 1 ft r ' ' . yv A , "PERFECT Hl'SBAND" DEAD LONDON (CP) William eBU, 34, named "perfect husband'", In a contest last August, was killed when a 3.003-aallon gasoline ' Wi!h FREE Extra Pa"M tank exploded. He had won the ! LAST NIGHT : FIGHTS Bv Tile Associated Pro Miami Beach, Fla. Bobby Dykes, 155'2, Miami, outpointed Joey Giambra, 155, Buffalo, N.Y., 10. (These prices for coat and two pair of pants) competition for sending his wife and children on holiday while I he remained at work. f N, j - ) Iff fibr-" r o Li i y ' f i i fmM-,i sfe 1 Choose from our COMPLETE Slocl of luxurious all-wool British $M? I B E Goodrich LADIES! to Cash in too! Get FREE Ex'tra Skirt with your suit at these same prices. BRINGING TENNIS to the ice rink are (left) Gardner NJulloy, amateur court star, and Bobby Riggs of the professional set. Mulloy and Riggs engaged in an exhibition of ice tennis, for the beehfit of the Variety Children's Hospital of Miami, at the Coral Gables Coliseum. . 1 f SHIEd Strike the right note BUCHANAN'S 'BLACK&fHITIi' SCOTCH WHISKY Ofie Sicictti in tte Blcttdmy FOOTWEAR. TRANSFER Sorry only 2 Suits to a Customer TIP TOP TAILORS (P. CRAVETTO) 206 Fourth Street Phone Blue 410 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Scotch Whl.k, Diitillm Jamec Buchanan A Co. Ltd. By Appointment to lh lata King Gaorg VI KEEP YOUR FEET WARM IN '54 WITH FLEECE-MNED OVERBOOTS Zippered or Laced Men's Rubber or Leather Tops Ladies' Fur-Trimmed Children's, Ladies' or Men's Pullover Fleece-Lined Boots ... Very Dressy FASHION FOOTWEAR Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street CONTENTS 26'i OUNCES I (41 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 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