1'i.m.t; kupcil Duily Ncwi m in urn if t ii mil i i iiinrnr Thursday, January 7, 1854 Banner-Waving Douks m Protest School Policy r myuhiiiI . ., j. tn.niiiirfoir' Cimatlian Press Stall Writer VICTORIA. Between COO and 400 Tlaclical Sons . i l. t i m 1 iTi'dom uouKnoDors may descend on the British nubia legislative buildings here soon to press for release of 35 of their children held in govern- t custody ,t was the prediction Wed-y by members of a group u sin:;ins, banner-waving lomites who marched on ))itiil to protest the gov-ni's policy of compelling !iubor children to attend schools. They failed to meet with Education Minister Bonner but held a three-quarter-hour in-1 tervlew with deputy education minister H. L. Campbell. i Many of the women were sobbing when the delegation began the return journey to their homes- in i,he Interior Kootenay ' area, 350 miles east of here. 1 Tile V will carrv hark nr, v I Smartly styled dresses at real savings. Take advantage of our sale prices to buy that new dress. 2.5 98 . SAVE DRESSES Priced to Clear, from . CLEARANCE OF FLOOR RUGS WORSTED $.98 We bought too many of these I007e. pure wool worsted skirts. Made by one of Canada's foremost skirt makers. Buy now while the price SKIRTS fry t j A ' 1 ! . V' - a E Come in and see these fine rugs at savings up to 25 pet cent. Small sizes lfl low. Regular $12.95 and larger rugs up to 4-ft. by 6-ft. :n!he lot . ;. Chooss from Cottort' chenilles, Belgian chenilles, Belgian jutes, etc. KNITTED that the government will not back down on Its policy of send-! Ing children of the radical religious sect to public schools and will, if necessary, take away more children from parents who i refuse to comply with the law. There was no violence or stripping during the demonstra- j tion, a possibility that was reported earlier. Before they left, the delegation told reporters they were 1 lelatlvcs of the 35 children now held at a former sanatorium ac New Denver, B.C., and "some of us are mothers and fathers of children the police are trying . to take away from us." Ladies, here is your chance to buy a pure wool boucle knitted suit at a real saving. Pullover and button front styles. Reg. $29.95 SUITS CHENILLE Our highest priced chenille bedspreads reduced for this event. All double-bed sizes. Regular and Hollywood styles In the lot. Reg. to $15.95 SPECIAL Bedspread PURE WOOL COATS WOOL-FILLED Comfort Heavy satin covering both sides. Smart new colors. Double bed size. Pure wool filling for extra warmth. Regular 512.95 . SPECIAL I.' Is 1I1K latest picture of Cuty. 71 -year-old law- :m he Ilarve, who is the President of France. It the French Parliament I, (lays and 13 ballots to i this succe ssor to the re- rs GROUP I '.' .': :..', : - . Come in ohd ice the real savings we are offering on our medium priced coats. . . GROUP II Better coats at a low, low price. To make room for our new Spring stock we are ofering these coots at drastically reduced prices. Fre.'.iUent. Vincent Aur- MEN'S During the interview with Mr. Campbell, held In the education department library, ths group charged that the. children were being "emotionally" and physically mistreated at the makeshift school. One of the Freedomltcs said it was "silly" for the govern-, ment to start educating then children now because "we feel cur time Is due to leave the country, according to our prophecies." The Sons of Freedom, numbering about 2 500 of a total population of 10.000 Doukhobors In B.C., refuse to send their children to public schools because of their beliefs. Coty will take ofllce on u-y 17. Manufacturer's clearance of good quality work socks. All-wool and wool mixes. Regular values to $1.25 pair .. SPECIAL, Pair" Work Socks Regular to Regular to $39.95 . ... $24.99 $55.00 LADIES' LADIES' ft LADIES' .Fussy and tailored style blouses that ordinarily sell at much higher prices. Be early for best selection. Reg. to $4.98 ... 2-98 BLOUSES COATS Reduced To Clear i .1 Reduced To Clear Unions Plan Strike Votes VANCOUVER (CP) Two unions, B.C. Projectionists' Union, Local 348, and Club and Cabaret Workers Union IAFL, are eon-ducting government-supervised strike votes. Results of a ballot in 23 Famous Players theatres In B.C. are expected to be announced TERRIFIC SAVINGS! - BE EARLY FRIDAY FOR BEST SELECTION A " ' KNITTING Odds and ends of knitting yarn from our regulcr balls C for RAYON TRICOT 4 jj.00 stock at real savings.. YARN i 01. bails $2-99 First quality rayon tricot nightgowns at a real saving. Good color range In all sizes. Made by a well-known manufacturer you ail know. Reg. $3.95 SPECIAL Jan. 15. Union officials also said a conciliation board majority report recommended a 10-ceut hourly Increase1 In a two-year contract. Four projectionists in the two theatres In Prince Rupert re involved . : ' Nightgowns iW:NT Vincent Auriol of " weans the Grand Nerk-' f the Legion of Honor. whose seven-year term Aleut ends this month, d the decoration, which " of France's highest, Ij'Rion d Honneur Com- SKRTS SWEATERS MEN'S .99 $1 Men's long-sleeved T-shirts in soft English interlock .cotton. Turtle-neclt style with clo.se ribbed cuffs in white and colors. Regular 2.95 SPECIAL T-SHIRT r, General Bloch Das- j in Purls. ' i Landings One of a kind, ere,, from our regular stock. There might be something in this lot that will fit you. Ladies' Sweaters in short and long sleeve pullover styles. Wide range of colors and sizes to choose from. All 100 per cent pure wool. ' p Sharply MEN'S m.95 $5.98 Clearing lines from ' our. regular, stock. Gabardines, worsteds, coverts. Values to $16.50 SPECIAL Regular o $9.95 CLEARING AT Regular to $6.98. CLEARING AT SLACKS $J.98 MEN'S BOYS' MEN'S EXTRA PANTS 'Men's tailored-to-measure suits In a large selection of 100 pure wool worsted fabrics. Come In and see these values. DRESS SLACKS n ' 1 1 . .1 j H AW A. (CP) Landing of ; ' Canadian sea-flshcrmoH j Imply la.st November, i 'fa with the same month i mi.inly as a result of o j lii i'iin-; catch on the Pa-iasl. j Himiu of Statistics s-ikl i ;d.iv i he Nove -iber cat-h '"l to KiO.33,000 pounds ft $3,347,000, as anaina , Pounds worth $2,48H -Hie corresponding period 'vimis yc;ir. w. 'he November catch 1 l.irne enough to offset in production In earlier id ia.r)3. I'.infic coast catch in No- totalled 106.674.0001 rlti $1,799,000, lnclud- ! 187,000 pounds of her-: i FREE SUITS To VANCOUVER ., , via Way point 1 FRIDAYS: ,' ; SS CAMOSUN, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS: ' .SS Amht!ttrti, 8 p.m. To Stewart and Alice Arm Coqulliam, Saturday, 8 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte Islands January 13 and 27 Camosun, Itiursduy 6 a.m. To South Mueen Charlotte Islands January 6 and 20 Camosun, Thursday 6 a.m. i.i;s SMITH Prince Rupert Agent 511 Third Av... Phone 568 I!uy a suit and receive . SUEDE COATS 4 only wrap-around style leather coats, made from top quality suede. Single-breasted style with all-around belt. Sizes 40 and 42. Doys rayon gauaraine panis, bryiea with raised seams, zipper closing and double pleats. - Choose from beige, wine, green. Sizes 10 to 18 years. MEN'S S 3,98 Warm flannelette and fine quality broadcloth pajamas. Be sure to see these exceptional values at our store this week-end. SPECIAL PAJAMAS DAY'S PANTS Reg. $12.95 $9-95 JACKETS Reg. $15.95 $11-95 CRUISERS Reg. $19.95 $1,95 Ny.i-n ..d Acetate Whipcord IRON DUKE Start the New Year with new luxuries! priced for YOU wherever you see 1 I t CANADA'S SIGH OF BETTER LIVING . . MEN'3 Reg. $36.50 C M OR I $6-95 pair C ' A Q SPECIAL r jff $jL'' I REDUCED TO P S Ikirwj'C ci'-iinu of Jackets which sold carllrr in 41 V J ti-r- uii ,p to I8.S0. Loll and short T JT1 ffi U stic-s- UtuUi and .lnppr fruntd nylon 1 1 1 1 11 T 1 a jam m f miwiii I ft jrTIjf E fi ta-arliiim claiMo Kabardlnes wool jp II (I I W I 11 I EC I checks Mostly quilted lined some wltl) II Toys' all-wool plaid storm jackets- ip- C f if Q jp a m er 4 i-er fronts. Warmly lined with heavy 1 1 J I S B ti I" V wcislt doeskin cotton. Sizes 8 to 18 (fll JtWg gt I 3 ye"1S' KrSular '"'5 special" BOYS' Pnys- pure ,01 piald jackets. Button f QQ Mm. a r hrii front with front and back outer wool S . ! jf lj I A I S la I V ynke' Sizos 10 t0 18 years' fa J I Vita I Resnlar S6.95 . SPECIAL "fcf V2 Price Heavy sailn Jackets with quilted lining and fur collar. Zipper closing. Choose from blue, green, fawn or wine. Ki Itular to SI5.!lj JACKETS MEN'S Good quality embossed spill cowhide Gladstone bags. Full 24-Inch size. All-steel frame. Tnn and black only. Regular $23.50 GLADSTONES Better sheets Better blankets Better r'How slips At better stores everywhere ! SAVE! SAVE! Tlie most thrilling values and long-wearing luxuries over oven to beautify your bedroom. They're Tex-made, of course, made righf , . here in Canada. Now featured "i your favorite store, these Tex-made wonderful, wash-ble sheets and blankets show you why , , . Canada lives better . . . with TEX-MADEI VESSAL I Ik PAYME Stil 3RD AVENUE 3RD AVENUE at 6TH STREET