-f I Prince Rupeii Daily News As I See It OTTAWA DIARV Mimrfiiy, April 19, 1054 1 ii , nirmnriei in ine sinrm nt ..,1 . by Weal days of the Seeond WorM .i!,0' Jl:,lv- War wfre revivtd vividlv n.'. " 1 ':'"p'' Fiirllainent Hill dm inv 11,,. . n ' ' in Independent dally newspaper d-voted to the upbuilding ot Prlnoe Rupert and Northrra and Central Brltbsh Caiumbu. Member of Canadian Presa Atidit Bureau of Circulation! Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dailv NfWL Limited. J. 9. MAOOR. President II. O. PERRY, Vice-President Subscription Rates: Sy carrier Per week. U5c; per month. 1.00; prr year, eiorm. Bt,.ji'lVAr. jy mall Per month, 75c; per year, 8 00. Aiii autaorusea M aecond clasa mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa pre-: ree,. fient week by the news of bidden death of Nova. Renii.,M "l mo rirmier Angus u Macdonald. ' r d . , "Angus L." was one of the key ! dm , k." t flsures in Ihe conscription ' con- norn i troversy which split the Cabinet nt an":'- : My Horse Spot , . IN THK weekend paper I read how some scientist rated the intelligence of animals. The monkeys "imiii waj yeur I'jtl, HP Was N one of the three Defence Minimi, nii ters of that day. When the storm I J , , W of the controversy was over he 'it " LW' was the only one of the thr-e ! Ln N:re t still remaining In his portfolio ! J of But the reason he frmnlnei ! meat h f wann't too clearly understood .it I left n,v 2!ani the time. Actually he Ataycd in I ?enuillp . painful opposition to his own ifiere Is I' 1 '' desires, and only because f WPP ' l;s ' urgent patriotic consideration. : Here wa. the situation: i' - 'stood first, elephants audi Repair Cow Bay Floats IN AN election campaign address at Prince Rupert I last summer, Fisheries Minister Sinclair left his listeners with a firm impression that wonderful things were ft-oinj- to lie done for fishermen out here. Undoubtedly he won a few votes for the Liberal party on the strength of his promise that he would press for a planned harbor development of west coast fishing ports. Since that stimulating jnessage, 1'rince I'u-pert's Cow Hay floats have been all but demolished b storm so that fishermen of this area face a season in which they will have to operate under extremely difficult conditions. At best, only 20 or ;'.() ,,,., a nrat i,aue,i week , Canada fw "1 I sea lions and dogs were near the top, but horses j just barely made the grade in the first ten. - 1 Jl di'penrl.s how you nicasniv (hat intclliKPncp. Tuke my horse Spot. I say ; "my" horsp, for hp was asslgnrd In nip in (hp Thirty-Third tory when I was first posted to iji, i.i hi, in i.h iifrrieiii i"i nn ,. " . tH . political hUtory, the lale Col. j. e,ini,d ," L. RaLston resigned as xeninr d.- , L;nivcr,it ,( i'" p fence minister bc-atist Prlnn. - -- - "s 'WEI.I,, TIII RK CORS THE Oi l) BAI L OAMK!"-By Charles OraTsslck In Toronto Telegram. that outfit, just after the Battle vessels can tie tin at this central location and the of Ul( somme Snnt uj-m nf ,,.. U i 1 . Open Letter to The Prime Minister i iiiui. it inuir limn Minister Mackenzie King reruv d to adopt conscription, nnd Hun. C. Cl. Power rescued as Mini.,,,: for Air ljerau.se, in a sudden turnabout, the Prime Minister adopted conscription. Power fell constrained to respect the aiiti-eoti-scrlptlonlst views which his Quebec South constituents had expressed in the plebiscite a few tiyws of most of them have to climb over one an ! a park of skin and bones when other's leck. J ' iiiiu. I lie i ri i Hon. Louis St. Laurent, lars and cents outlay, hut rather ; lioiT of the old Grand Trunk Prime Minister of Canada. - ! must be considered from a lorn Tu i -j. i r . ,, vjtiumu .suomanne cam pa inn I , Ihe pictni'e it presents is a far. cry from the shad come pretty close to sue-1 dtblsi. The management of such a plant should be assisted In every way possible by reducing all unniccsnary overhead i tf. and all our horses were ! undernourished. As a matter! weeks earlier. That left Angus L. as the on'v ' Kc: FKINCK KITKKT lHY- term point of view. If faith in DOCK & SHIPYARD Prince Rupert was jastifwd In Honored Sir: the past and who ran deny the As a life long active Liberal j great contribution made by this supporter (I had the privilege of part In World War Two? Cel ¬ j oi fart, my very first duly as an i officer, as distinguished from mv one of the original war triumvir-1 cha rues. The successnu operation of the "u" xuany, he ttl ', II I i rt t t ,...1 ...1,1. II .1 . Chi n.,t,ii iu yvi uui, will! liaiSHI I voting for a Liberal candidate aLt tainly our neighbor to the soull.r ,11Ilt wouM b:, K1,.ally 1 the age of 17 in the Soldiers vote! valued its location when, with; thA .,,.;,, j,,.,,,, . . i His vlew.s on conscriplion In the ftron t in France in 1917i and as a Part Mill the great ports they have on l .overnnient having marine unlU.m than Kulstim's. .tre 1,0 lfM Mi' But Leighton Ralston who always put na1u,:,al lnter-sis ahead of all other Intete. Is, .- pechlly a Ijersonal niilitir.l previous rank of corporal, was to make the rounds each morn-in;? and shoot the poor horses loo weak to stand up. SPOT WAS not only wobbly on his pins, but also badly mottled on the rump with patches ol hair missing as a result of mud fever. I was a big strapping boy of 20 at that time, and when I would mount Spot hp would j;ioan from the weight. But under the wonderful rare ' quarrel, insisted that Mardonai'l y'. , """'c rtuperi .... r,u,.,i musLimr, me, jn n,s an,u wou,() u Chamber ot Commerce, I feel 1 chose to spei.d millions here and ! ,nU(.n ()f lh(,lr overhaul und rr-that I haw shown sufficient in-1 to use Prince Rupert as a Port puir work a8 pos.sil)l( was tuno ,n terest In the well-being oT F.mbarkation for and of Cart- men ma-; thl, 01.ai vurd Jn t th), ada and of tliLs area in pnrllru-" lerhils In uuuntless number and prince p(M1p,. Kupert liave lar, as to Justify me in writing ! quantities) surely now, with th jbPf n puzzl(,d EI1d discouraged to this open letter to yourself, on eyes of all the world focussed on nolfl lnut ,,.(, f lnp wo,. n the important matter of the ! this area, drawn by the magic of j Kovernmont craft that could Prince Kupert Drydock St Ship-1 Kitimat and the proposed fro- have been done in I his yard wis yard. , bisher development in the north, i s,,nt W)tlln to Vancouver ' and should stay In the Cabinet.. 'Chubby" Power Joined his voice to the persuasion. The anuuTMU f.as that It was vital to the prn-f cent Ion of the war that one of the three should remain In the Ci'blnet so as to ensure contlnti- I Ik Many ihe ""l u"" u" " our "a( KS I Victoria, entailing years ago, great not only a tiki oi. miif.j r i!on nrogress. With hundreds of! return iournev of tnnn mtle hut one which Mr. Sinclair descrihed, and the absence ol? any reasonable explanation makes it that much harder to accept. The only excuse given so far is that the federal government does not yet have full title to the property. Hut if another election were coming up, we suspect that this bit of red tape would disappear soon enough. What is to prevent the government exercising its' power of expropriation ? Ottawa's attitude seems to be that events must be allowed to take their normal course. If the issue involved some property which served no immediate purpose, there would be no cause for complaint. Hut the government's stand in this case is entirely unsatisfactory. An essential service is being treated as if there were all the time in the world to look after it. During his visit here the Fisheries Minister impressed his audience as a policial! with a thorough, even brilliant, knowledge of his1 subject. It appears now that he is concerned morj? with theory than with practice. Let us not wait until the next election before getting down to the grubby details, Mr. Sinclair. The constituency may not be yours, but this particular job is. How about some action in a hurrv? of his II . 1 "m' " .Klna y: shorti other ereat Canadinns of h u "hips due to ei ill at neighboring I lnut of necessity paying a profit dehv- kv aii rnt ..a,.,i r. ...an namea uad. the slckl,. "nvi,imi, V Kilimat and after fter having having (t-l.v i insp soon snnn nut nn on a,D .it and - " horse put weight strength. Soon his iet black coat literally glistened. He was about which the Pacific Coast played a part nt least equally important with that of the Atlantic seaboard. These men realiied I hat th? Pacific Coast of Canada would require more than one ered their cargoes, to be empty . ownrd shlpyards wnt,rp tho work nd in many canes, probably in ! was donf.. This work could be need of service which only a dry- j done al lcast equally well in the dock and plant such ns this can Pl.iru.p Ru()(.rt Dry(),K.k ncl shlp. give; are we to te'i I hem to go to vard und llnd(r .,R1!n,s.,ive man-Vnncouver, Tor their needs? And . !u;,,ment, encouraged and sup-then to steam all tho dl.Mance milled hv nn lntcre.itr.,1 nn.Krr,. as fast as any horse in the Third Division. But what always en deared me to Spot was that h was never so fleet of foot as I W - i I i ' '' : i Is r i ... i v. ra u ri ami mm. Mr ni-p Kiuiei r ' i H.-J.'' . -1 ' r i r -.i. a ',( ' . , ,, " 1 iff -:' ' fJrr'l-X' - . .' i I , " ..I!-' i -. . V.fv ; . . -t , 'I . -" ' ' - cl:: .-'-? " V 1 " ''' " '" ' " ' . , Y..1. ft li : . Mr f x "t I ' . wiien lie was ninninir nuio f rrv . . ' -, , . ... . . . . . .. :. """J "" fieri h mi turn with r... I ,,r .1 ; r uu-ain iu ijiik ill) in lr car- ,.,.,,1,1 k ,., .. . i any possible fighting great harbor and situated axil IslB.'-' "an wt airora lo overlook er actual cost and without the (nearly 500 miles clow to "the ,ne fa('1 tnat on(i; in PR1'1 I THK BIBLE tells us about those j brave war horses which scent (the battle from afar and rush . like mad to get there. necessity of adding a profit figure to the cost. It has been stated that a subsidy of approximately a quarter markets of the Orient than any i 6ouno- ,nprt' u a d's'in''t possi-other Canadian city, was thblll!-y tnat thry wl" K on ln ideal location for thU port. The ; American ports for their ser-fact that a railway bctwei n vires- d ... . i. f Til n WP fl.ii'P iinifirn tin. f.,l Spot wag a different breed. Or nprh-nw K nnl,. e , nni.e rviilJeil. auu llie I'.Sl Til " '' .. jperbapi the nature of war had , ; r-.,-i ,'.,i .k.. i hat the onlv rlrvdoek north f of a million dollars was needed to keep this plant in operation i last yenr. I feel that n Rreat deal of this charge is a paper j rii flcit and that the actual "op-1 changed in the three or vwimitu nillllu IlllTl I.H I.I1C IIIU.Il' " i fnvnr-ihia r.t oil ..,... 'PuBet Sound miaht N Of Vil.ll thousand years since the Biblical I was another irreat ndmiii'.it.i importance in the event of u writer told about the eagPr !and these early Canadians luul ! fl"'tht'r increase in the tension . beaver war horses of his day. In j sufficient faith in the future of ; tween he Free bc murh . t f any event, spot was no hero. REFLECTS and REMINISCES You could ride him all day In ?; mm if:,., in , c, ,n. ' T But-granted that there: country vmnt-v of ,,f ' L ro 7. "un-nuuway, nw.ijr, now, now, - actually was u true subsldv of r Ihe safe, sunny back France or Belgium. But the ' . A Canadlun National Railway ( KOWN COKPOItATION tins amount fio what! Are we! Tho people of this area believe . rxpect,-d (o bilieve that al! govr : minute you turned Spot s head T . , Citv DestmwlriB Rnmhs .ti nnt i-in ,k f i toward toward the the front. front lines, and h the H'Wl 1 I,ry "rywM'K a" jnn s,,,pj,l,ra- Shipyard. ! :, that the Prince Rubert Drvdork ' 01 """'nt funclloiu make a pro-1 Beginning. "headline The be- ihe Foley, welch & Stewart rail-1 1,rmK Portions of the guns, his I ln lnc ypars lnal 'flowed, the and Shipyard could be made self : 111 IS n"1 in- pi.irmg or ship ginning of the end so to speak. I way construction contract along ' steps laSSed. Moreover, he was ' favorable features of Prince Ru-! sustaining, V. Is my suggestion j building and conversion ron- pert have not been used to any the Skeena river. Stern wheelers ! not bpyond clever tricks, to try itiat a urown coriioraiion b where near their capacity. This formed for the cvie iiinne See "OPEN LETTER" Page 5 was ouc, in tne main, to nuver.i , 0f operating the plant . In its j " Ty-TMIMTIMMWIMM circumstances over which no entirety. Sufficient funds should man had control, but a consider-; be provided to put the plnnt in (pfcp m I A I I I able part of the responsibility first clam condition. Ine coi- I B must be accepted by those men norutlon should not be scuttled taWBtBUi, A woman columnist is quite were used as far a.s Hazelton in j hls Pf,taway. Ordinarily ho was candid, sometimes, when feeling passenger and freight. That kind as tl0(,ie a lamb, and you dLsposed to comment on hou;ie- of a trip was usually memorable. ! C01l,(i M'lide him to do almost work. This may help explain why Once, a boat and a life were lost ! anything, by the faintest pres-some of the ladles never even be-1 in Klt.selas Canyon. iawe on his neck. But when he in It. j I got close enough lo the front. Igor Goui.eilko, young man of ' where the great nations were In Ottawa says that the cost 0flRusslan oriKin. for some years j thc f ll'st staRc of the assassina-food Is becoming slightly lower, resident of Canada Is being fei- lilin of Christian civilization, Noticed the magnifying gla.-i t"recl in a movie based on ;iis;sP't would suddenly turn and " " anywhere lately? -somewhat picturesque' experien-1 bolt, for the rear, like a jack i i-rjU ; :(. If .It. la ifcssary ;t,- (ntro- ,rabit. If you were not wise to who followed the Great States- before launching, by being load-man but were lacking In his vis- ! ,-d with a great burden of paper Ion and the forrefulncxs of nnr. I ,i.,i,i . ,,. ... ..t, ,. SPECIAL!! Something else . .... . . l(, IJU mm in n-i i-.ii, uiinpn i yvi j pose whi:h is necessary to noted with interest, the recent I achieve the fulfilment of .any : ' action of the government ln re- 83 PJ'PP' VJ- -Mifiyinir ihe CNR. of large port;" iuur ministers wave inat at is' - - , i ' Junior mSy hfifeb paiifdi!ai"ly e ;w lnviitk)n y-j).' ii niweataeas lor h'bora.e sen'se according to how you look at ifi!n,'n ll'c "Hersts of economM Interested, but ln 1953 a total of m 00 '"'""'d by Moscow. . . ; that "makes flisi f and does even more for Mm!) you might find yourself in the cttl ffovcrnmeiit to conlitiue To 151,700 bathturw were manufac An astronomer says we have , ditch. i operate the plant at a loss and tured ln Canada. That would work out at about 48 per cent 85,000,000 years of sunshine left, j 'mWi 5 h.p.. more than la 1952. It's true enough that there are I SPOT HATED every moment of "Clothe make llic man", v.tys lite olJ W real danger, but that did not nuns who sun insist on looking at thc bright side of things. FIRST CLASS ADJUSTMENT ...... ...... .......Ii tiiMf-n ipinnjc ronnrt that in fan , A Texan has been sentenced quote the amount of money furnished each year by the government to offset the deficit of the Prince Rupert Drydock & Shipyard. The citizens of Prince Rupert land I should add, who are aho the majority of the voters of this area i contend that economical government can not always He Judged on the Immediate dol- iiiiuiy u irnu appearance ui " make a (Jooil impression on others. It,. i.i., .i .r men are Warm ELTO OUTBOARD Kceular $225.00 save him. Toward the end. when the German armies were broken and reeling, it was necessary to keep our horses close up behind our guns, and so keep on the move ahead. Spot was first wounded in the thigh but we kept him with four who survive heart attacks f.Jal1 for lifo and 93 years- If are re-emplovable. And resump-, 'sfimarl enol,h ht wlu d" tion of sex life seems more lm-lnc llfe mence first. . r iiilhr- iiiiiiinur way lo enounce men . people. 1 hat is, to iwn lije hisiiiinice. T,.L I T liie.n, a ",an I hn advrrmcmrnl is nm puhhOtetl or iptayeJ by the Liquor Control Ifoird or hy ihe Oovtrnmcdt u llriml. ; t oluinlna. portant to most patients than when they can go back to work. The latter, add the doctors is a welcome sign of good adjustment. In other words cheer up. There is always room at the top. That is, in the immediate neighborhood of the base of the hat. hliip of life insurance suilttcsts tvM I"-" '"n'" NOW ONLY lJ)g thrifty, realistic. Ahove nil, u retlccts altituilc t'K' accept responsibility an every employer. - 1 lilt if Women are wiser than men, because they know less and understand more Guelph Mercury. ONLY In fact, onsmne who learns ihat It rcitrf If' I I I... I ...L(VCl. us, as a horse sent to hospital ' disappeared forever from his unit. The night before the Hinden-burg line was smashed a shell came over und blew off Spot's entire right back leg. The horse bled to death in a few moments but I have never miite been able to shake my gloom ever since. It has always been a bit of a puzzle to me how a horse could decide 35 yeurs before the H-bomb taught humans that war rerlly Is hell, and not something 45 MIN. Royal Couple Enjoying Rest NUWARELIYA, Ceylon (Reuters) Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Friday began a quiet Easter week-end at this cool mountain town by breakfasting on traditional hot cross buns. I i 1 A contemporary in Chicago -eportu that it is easy to spot a -ich man. This is not only because he wears a twenty dollar tie, but it al) nas coffee stains on It. TO 3 H.P. ALASKA anee regards mm wun auucu n-r-one of the most important assets any iw"1" an asset held by nearly all Miccessful mi walk of life. " . a ir ,.i ol nil"1"' 'et perhaps the most niiporlanl -;le ., insurunce is on the polichiltlcr luiii-e a sense of aeliievement. I ''or in C jn SM create such a valuable estate for I""1 . lime. And this, in turn, adds lo his " n sci So life insurance can do more tl""1 r'n'later yejrl security for your family and ""rslh .' stsf It also influences people in ways tlud c "! Later they attended a Good rnaay service at tne local Angll- within the limits of horse sense nm ciiuicn. J!i.'J!SgW The royal couple, staying at a ELTO OUTBOARD Regular $159.00 Every few days it seems another full page of the Vancouver waterfront appears in the press of that city. The thing is becoming tiresome, lor there us so little difference in any of the scenes. It reminds one of the cut of the giant GTP hotel, plan- AMERICAN TIN Mineral resources of Alaska include the only tin mines on the North American continent. cottage near here more than 6,000 feet above sea level, are free of engagements until today. f J "1 P S. FROM YOUR NOW ONLY Via $137 LirC INSURANCE MAN Invottod lift inwron' " nea to stand on 2nd Avenue in Prince Rupert, during the very early days. Then the Empire and the Optimist would print picturesnot of the Immense hos-1 telry but where It would be lo- j cated. This wa.s reckoned a ! pretty fair Job in Itself. that makot it P" .' I LLD family to .ni.y .th. b. ho, .r at tuth low coil- lV.y:.uponeflTLii For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER & BRIDDEN about how to mok '" H r i ,p.clal need., aivt mt il i i hilp blip youl youl" - J i intll Present Stock is Cone AND ELECTRIC THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANJB J, li (! Conorlilna intra rtian JO Canadian, "" .p.,.tin In Conn"" . Another of British Columbia s ! old stern wheelers has retired for keep, efter 55 years service on i the Arrow lakes. The Minto can tell a long, a busy and & glamor-! ous story. Similar, ln a way, but LIMITED ,ff Office Opp. tost Office Phone 909 Phone 266 "IT IS 6000 CITIIINSHIP TO Or" 21 S 1st Ave. W. 313 Third Ave. Phone C44