GERMANS WELCOME RELUft ray Prime Rupert Daiiy News Ut kKILtl VUN MANSTEIN POLITICAL ROUNDUP ( ... by J. K. Nesbitt ALLMENDINGEN. Germany r Fielri Wak. Friilay, Mfty 8, 1953 Manstein was freed Thursday from a Briti.h ... r'Vo1 Reflects and " Reminisces As I See It by j 4 CLore and was given a tumultuous nvnti . cres (This Is the second In a aertes articles on leaders of the of devoted to the upbuilding ot Pttuoa Rupen a Iti JepMident aaliy newspaper and Nurtliejn and Central British Columbia. U ember ol Cauadlun rreaa Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by ''be Piluee Rupert Dally Ncwa Limited J. F. MAUOR. President H. O. PERRY. Vlco-Prwutten major political parties In BC.) irum hundru un4r of Oermans. The 66-year-old field marshall served eight ye 12-year term for atrocities committed by troops 01 1 ffimmanr) In Russia. He was (riven nn oiim.,... '. . tt 1 self have seen a premier of BC Intoxicated at an opening ceremony. incl lhe impression he gave was very disheartening." That set tongues wauging! Who was the Premier? Mr. Webster would never tell. He evid is something tnai ; hasn't got, it's a j i A wrinkle ; if a prune I plum. Star for good conduct. per ear. 10.00 Subscription Kates: Bj carrier lt wee. 25c; per month II. .. it Xa lr ,,-r venr AH UM fjlhorued aa wcond ci8ss r.-.ail by the' Post OfBor. Department. Ottawa, VICTORIA New C.C.P. chief tain Arnold Webster won't take no for an answer. Four times the people of Vancouver told him NO when he asked them to send him to the House of Commons. That didn't discourage Arnold Webster. Somewhere along his life's nath he has learned lnfin- Surpluses For Whom? Support the Kinsmen Club KE L TO TRAVEL? TO HAVE FUN? TO HELP THE KINSMEN THE government has un ently l'keu me rrenner, . ally, though he couldn't approve: An(1 now com,.s WOrd from the the strong drink, Soviet Navy newspaper Rd Racial bias enrages Webster. I Fpet Ulllt lt was Russian navl-In 1943 there was a rumpus in gators an(j not British, Dutch Vuncouver about people wnose:or Spanish, who discovered the skins were not white, bathing in lslanas m the Pacific. This will Crystal Pool. Webster dashed off 'he nPVIS to responsible histor-a hot letter to the Parks Board: jjuns. what's going to be done -It is extremely difficult to re-;now as tne necessity of provld-suncilc an act of racial discrim-1 ng successors to Cuptain James inalion on the part of a public Cock lind Captain Vancouver million ite patience and never-ending loaded ten tomorrow, readers of The Daily News STARTING are going to be put through their paces for the ner.'everance excellent virtues for a politician pounds of surplus butter since last I wrote about it. Here are the latest official TO HELP THE KIDS? four Saturdays by a contest wnicn vui iau all their powers of observation, deduction, No, no, no, no saia the of Vancouver to Arnold Web- next upon st", ana eacn ume me no was for government-held figures food surpluses bought with tax . i mo vwt p uir s wfn; it wild mi.- money to Keep up prices -- Watch for the Kinsmen CORONATION CONTEST Startinq Moy 9lh payers imagination, concentration and a dozen ouri qualities of the good puzzle-fan. .'. We refer to the Kinsmen Coronation Contest and consider it only fair to warn that it is going body In Vancouver, wun ui- prises. principles of Canadian democ-j racy, in defence of which we are TWo Bl'CKS eneaaed in the present war." Rumbling over Europe while And now It Is 1945, and aii-iawaiting the Coronation, Brure other Federal general election Hutchison, western Cunudian A-ain it's Webster for the C.C.F j writer, describes "the deep blue fn Burrard. But Gerry McGeer! Mediterranean and (lark Sil- .... r L.. tl,..., .... nf fViA DilraiMtliB a nil'- m-fairness lo Tanners. Tncy " were for 'Vpril 25 1!)53. Itawa In the autumn election tins Butter 19 000,000 lbs. j year, when along came what hy Dried milk 4.379.000 lbs. I doubtless thought a . call to Canned pork .. 71.168,000 lbs. ,ni:4ner duiy-me pi uviucmi ieau-Beef 20,700.000 lbs. iership of the C.C.F. party he has w !.4 in ine oenute uy men iiuuutuir ui wic i stuck by through the years, has; Webster's hopes rose.- Heiture for any artist. But the fish- The above figures do not include the carryover of about cared helped tc build up. ih a.inrl n hetter chance with erfolk and their women School teacher Webster first went campaigning in 1935, in the Federal riding of Vancouver-Burrard, That campaign his his old enemy out of the way. nothing for that. They were in-The result In 1945- Cecil Mer-i terested in the fish. Soon on ritt Conservative, 13,608; Web- every seat the crews were ster 10 749 Webster said he'd crouched about a steaming trv again next time; nobody be- cauldron of crayfish which they j 400.000 cases of B.C. salmon, which is privately owned, nor I more than 300 million bushels U)f wheat which will remain unsold at the end of this crop year. I j WATER reveals i.le with hunks ol oreaa ana i theme was: "The worker has at-jways had too much hardship. In , this land, capable of great abuTi-1 dance, the workers alone can se lieved him. He specialized between elections in attacks on the Non- -winskys gSgS) lrucilavomJra deep draughts of red wine out of five-gallon bottles. Each man might have earned a couple of dollars on such a good, happy day." :THE BRITISH Tories are ob-I viouslv betting that the law of supply and demand will force : down the price of wheat, in view of the tremendous world sur-! plus. Also the British press Is j having polite fun at the expense i of the U.S.A. by asking "Why Should Britain subsidize the I American Welfare State?" That Partlzan League of Vancouver, paid "it constitutes a united front of capitalistic parties, determined to fignt to the last ditch to maintain their privileges." And then he snorted: cure freedom by obtaining control of the means of sustaining life." He fought Gerry McGeer that campaign. McGeer had perseverance too, 'but not much patience. The two had hot times on The head of a business school advises all secretaries not to uunlrh the clock If voil do not The simple truth is that tney h , ,t D(),SMbie to leave curly? the platform, going alter each oiher, and Vancouver had a fine time arguing who was right. Night after night tney fought are not opposed to politics at j City Hall at all. It is only the, M()UlU Robson Is consistently C.C.F. politics they don't like." l( as the highest peak By now It's 1049. and- another ln Ule Canadian Rockies, and Federal general election. Web-' onp si,ms tQ object u.s saU1 "J?yirrM? bo 3.068 feet. And then ir tit for tat for the cracks the ! Republicans took at the British ! Welfare State in the recent election. The U.S.A. has a w-heat "price i support" policy far above the I $1.80 level which Food Minister : Lloyd George says Is fair. each other in outbursts of oratory. When the ballots were counted ;y be, -tough. It is a game designed to, separate the vVfcak" from the strong and the idle from the industrious. Primarily, however, it is going to establish who has the best knowledge of Prince Rupert's stares and business firms. It is a knowledge which will pay off well because, to borrow a word from Hollywood, the prizes are colossal. " Behind the game is a purpose equally colossal. Itfis to promote the campaign of the Prince Rupert Kj'nsmen Club to raise funds for bringing enjoyment ttf children, a service for which it is noted. S The club's program for children is all-seasonal, lit autumn the Kinsmen give youngsters a Halloween that is safer and more fun. In winter they put ofl parties for children in the city and at Miller Bay Hospital. In spring they look after the parade and sports of Empire Day an occasion whjeh will not take place this year to avoid conflict with Coronation Day celebrations. t Summer finds them attending to their biggest pfojek the Kinsmen Kiddie Kamp at Lakelse Lake wWtf, with the help of friends, they built and equipped themselves. There hundreds of children hive spent many wonderful holiday weeks. ( . ' All this means that in the contest we hate a happy combination of pleasure and benefit. Besides proving themselves loyal workers, those responsible for arranging it have shown they are also ingenious ones. Everyone who enters is sure to find it fun. 1 The admission fee is literally peanuts but help the children and buy lots of them. ; Scripture f-aMuqe for Jodaif f "A pleasant thing it is for the eves to behold the sun." Eccl. 11:7, the first time, Webster had uu won. wu"' knew knew he he would would make make it; it; he he could could mere there's s Mount muum Waddington nuuumi;. down 1 Mount But, a few days later found a few more votes MfiGeer i ly Hck Conservative Merrill, j the coast 13.260-and I - (Continued on page 7i Loean south of Alaska-1 19,850. Put Put Seagram' Seagram' "83" "83" to to the the water water "test. "test. Water, Water, plain plain or or sparkling, sparkling, reveal reveal a a l .W , had won. No, no, .said Webster eb-ster READERS may recall that back in 1946 I exposed through this column the most "successful" price hold up in all history. During the Hitler war normal it's not over yet. Next day Wtb- j ster had won again. He packed his bags, ready for GREER tSc BRIDDEN LTD. Ottawa. But there was another world wool trade was upset. To whisky true, natural flavour . ami bouquet. Seagram's "83" (J7 Seagram's Sure support the economies of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the British government purchased the entire wool clip. When the war ended there was an accumulated stockpile of over four billion pounds equal count, and McGeer had won. It was Vancouver's chief preoccu- ( pation for days who had won, McGeer or Webster? The official and final count: McGeer, 10,215; Webster 10,309. Webster had lost by six votes, enough to make mast men bitterly frustrated. But not Webster. He unpacked his bags and started preparing for the next time. a-tiiac This advertisement it not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Gove-nment of Cote. to a 20-year pre-war supply of wool bought and sold between nations. The British fsocialist) ment acted like a shrewd talist. It entered into an rangement with the Dominions See us to discuss that new construction In the 1940 election, Webster ( was In again, once more In Bur- 1 concerned. They set up an arrangement called Joint Organization. This organization successfully manipulated the wool market for four years. Buyers for "JO" attended all wool auctions and kept prices from fall ..- .... .... . ( 1 i : ' - FREE RAIL or AIR TRAVEL ing lower than JO wanted them. In less than four years the rard, once more again Oerry Mc. , Geer. That election his line was: "If it Is easy to procure money ; for war, why is it hard to find money for the underprivileged in peacetime. If profiteering in bullets In wartime Is a criminal act, why is profiteering In bread In peacetime a lawful act?" i The 1940 election count: "McGeer 12,353; Webster, 10.443. That's It said most people. Webster's finished; he won't try again. They didn't know then of Webster'spatience and perseverance. I In the meantime, waiting for, entire surplus was fed into OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MacLeoa world markets at prices which never fell but actually increased. It was the most striking dem WILL BE PROVIDED DURING JULY and AUG.1 At the llth hour Liberal MPs , time that he was absent from have begun to fight back j his unit attending Parliament, r gainst the PC tactics of the: Then Mines Minister George present session which reached ; Prudham had to justify the tltfir climax in the sensational ! purchase by his lumber firm- onstration in all history that the "law" of supply and demand jPHMwaM to. WINDSOR, Ontario can be defeated if you have a monopolistic organization in effective control of the entire 'supply. another election, Webster was busy in civic affairs, in his party resignation of Austin Dewar as ; by private aeai ana wiinoui member for QuAppelle. tenders being called of an Ed- J. H. Rooney of Toronto-St. I monton property owned by the Patu. who in his own- city is j Canadian National Railways. Fi-bcit ' nally. Qu'Appelle s Dewar dldn t circles known in Liberal as -Bess" Roonev. has launched : fttempt to explain cheques re-tv, nr.i.,r.nff,r,ci i ceived from a Saskatchewan For YOU And YOUR WIFE councils, with his leaching, on the Parks Board of Vancouver, fighting racial discrimination and the Non-Partizan League of Vancouver. Webster can't abide strong drink, and he's convinced poll- IN 1946 I WROTE in this column: ' So long as there is one ; hivering child in Europe dying of tuberculosis because there is no fuel in the house we cannot r DOWN ...PAYMENT With You talk of n wpol surplus ..,. It is on insltlt to talk of holding up j ticians, of all people, shouldn't iritijrbe.rr-WS;'trt?t;.-Pr-pr prices. Let them come down ident he addressed the B.C. Temperance League: "The ef contractor who had been. award-Commons Pjiumber of questions on tn,. order. frper relating ' a number, of federal- :ob.s. o:;biisin',uVir by Rfca-halii1! ar mstca Mur: series of Bratitford with the ' Veteran parliamentary c'orre-f.Witrar Motiaue & Housing ! spondenls cannot remember any JGVporuUon. or with ' any other ' previous session in which finan-jranohes of the government." cial impropriety charges have 3BaseOaU Nurseries is an en-'. been bandied so freely in the fact that all of in which John Charl- chamber. The have concerned Liberal tnpm on. MP for Wentworth-Brant, MPs has stimulated indignant j. director ttith n suhtanti:.! where they belong." I think the time is coming when the Canadian farmer will be paid by the government a guaranteed-in-advance price for everything he produces and fect of liquor on public men is particularly disheartening. I my- f" ' r"""HJS on a 53 PLYMOUTH DELIVERY TO BE TAKEN AT WINDSOR, ONT. Full Price $2778 includes 3 Sales Tax Licence Registration resentment on the government side of the House. But so long as Col. George and Mines Min that those prices will be kept in line with the price of things the farmer has to buy. But we will have to find some new way to get the stuff to Un financial interest. The real target of the questions which "Boss" Rooney has placed on the parliamentary order paper is stated in Liberal circles to be Charlton. ister Prudham were able to absolve themselves of any illegalities, they contented themselves ,mIt nhrirfTlncr tVm PPc TijitVi people who want it and need it. JUST ARRIVED NEW It was a crime to keep Aus .The PCs rightly interpret the j ml nii ..amMr.. ,.... tralian wool 'from shivering children in 1946. It is a crime to keep Canadian food surpluses if Rooney questions as retaliation by the Liberals against the successive opposition charges dur- ' tics. It was only when the Dewar j charges hit home and caused a 'casualty in their ranks that Down Payment5 9 60 00 from those, at home and abroad, who need them now, but can't ... i inn mite " j ! they decided to do a little mud- pay for them. . . pwper-i financial transactions CHILDREN'S RECORD 3,300 miles mere .- slinging themselves. The PCs profess to be un- PLAY-COLOR BOOKS worried over Charlton's position. DOCK . . u"c ' " iviirioU . . I l, Pacific Air Lines one th The act governing an MP's fi wilh the federal treasury on the p4rt of Liberal MPs. First of all Col. Edmund George of Westmoreland had to defend his collection of his allowance as a reserve force officer in a New Brunswick regiment during the Sprucing Up VANCOUVER CP) Lanes in Vancouver would be beautiful If home-owners accept a proposal You Get ... Stratocruisers or n nn hv rail With Wnou:. nancial dealings with the crown applies only In the case of any project which comes under the of alderman Anna Sprott to legal definition of a "public. work." The PCs contend that Two 7" Unbreakable Records In album folder Book contains ten pages Each page ready for color. plant .flowers along, them. An other alderman suggested gar any work which Rosehall Nurs eries has done for the govern National Railways . where you please along ' p . . . returning safely ' ?e 5nEW COMFORT of the GERA a 3 30C . . '53 PLYMOUTH hrougj "nK miles of scenic beauty. Candidate Must Quit Job Make This Years Vacation A Real PLYMOUTH r vrn m mt wsm iv n l 'Ji n ut r v r bage collectors be given flower ment does not come within this seeds to drop along the way. legal definition. lng and relating a chapter in the story on the records. r Back cover has 10 small FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY colored coupons as color your own at our great -u be m must SAVE. Orders thirty days. hy n0t Every year a holiday ing guide for each page. VICTORIA (CP) Provincial' secretary Wesley Black ruled on j the of a civil servant nom-! iijated, as a Social Credit can-j fk!ate in the June 9 British Col-' utnbSa election. j Ulis ruling: the -overnnient, 'fr.ployee, Herbert Bruch, must sign from his job before official nomination day May 19 to) be recognized as a candidate. ...Mr. Bruch, an employee of the Good Selection in Stock this year a... ..,lTiiRt : PLYMOUTH AD' FLEECE SLEEPERS $1,49 CORDUROY OVERALLS 1.98 TEE SHIRT. Jersey Silk KLEINERTS RUBBER PANTS .... Priced to Clear ONLY 75c RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC BJC. Hospital Insurance Service, applied for leave of absence after he was nominated to contest Esquimau riding. This offer subject to air lines schedules and tariff changes RUPERT MOTORS LTD. THE STORK SH0PPE J Phone Blue 810 ?The-Severn river ln England flows 220 miles to Its outlet ln the Bristol Channel.