runic rxupei'r Friday, May uCiiy h, lyoi Use WAMT ads Today's Stocks (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Ija. Ltd.) TO: Buy-Sell-Rent Trade or Hire BLACKWOOD on WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS - Bridt Foil By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Under Mr, Big's Stern Gaze, Abel Quails And Muffs Mr. Champion practically never makes an error, either in bidding or play. He wonders why he doesn't win more than he does. The principal reason is that he bullies his partners so that they never play their 1 654 best games, Mr. AbcJ is especially sensitive to this kind of treatment. He tried so hard on this hand Unt he completely overlooked the winning play. The opening lead was the deuce of spades and he won in his own hand "with the jack. He led the trey of diamonds and finessed dummy's queen. Mr. Dale won with the king and returned a spade to dummy's ace. Now Mr. Abel led a low diamond to his jack and paled when Mrs. Keen showed out. discarding a spade. It was now proven that Mr, Dale still had a diamond stopper. The. hand now added four spade winners, three in hearts, and only two in diamonds. That made only nine and it was therefore necessary to risk the club finesse in an effort to pick up the necessary three tricks in that suit. , When Mrs. Keen showed up with the queen of clubs the contract was down. "I could have finessed the eitrht of diamonds on the second diamond lead," said Mr. Abel, trying to beat Mr. Champion to the punch. "And possibly have the lone 1 10 make in Mrs. Keen's hand"" i replied Mr. Champion disgustedly. "Yen don't have to do that. Just play the ace of diamonds first, then lead a little one to ward your jack J "If Dale eoes in with the king , ! fa LtoMt Cwnral Bawd m by Gn iinw 1 BEST OF FOOD .. .... FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe Steamer " Prince Rupert SAILS FOR -; VANCOUVER ind Intermediate t-orts ,'" Each Thursdoy, ,,f at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ' WEDNESDAY Midnight IVI Comfort and Service ., ; For rrscrvRtlcnfl writ Of :all t'lly IK l.?pi't Olllrt P1..H Kupr t. B.C. ' , It & TO ADVtRllSE;,, JOHN H. BULGER C)tloniett Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd. John F L. HugheS. D.C. I CHIROPRACTOit ?:ri 10:30-12:30: 2:u0-3n& VANCOUVER American Standard 17 Bralorne 4.35 B R X 02 Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Congress 07 2 . Cronin Babine lo2 Giant Mascot . .38 Indian oi Pioneer 1.95 Premier Border 05 Privateer .03'j Reeves McDonald 1.80 Sheep Creek 60 Sllbak Premier .12 Taku River 08 Vananda 02i'2 Spud Valley 0414 Silver Standard 1.00 Western Uranium 2.35 Sil-Van 40 Dorreen 30 Estella 45 Oils A P Consol 33 Calmor.t 1.40 Home Oil '. 7.50 Mercury .15 Okalta .' 2.35 Royal Canadian .14 '2 TORONTO Athona .. .14 Aumaque .16 Beattie Dequesne .34 Bevcourt 56 Buffalo Canadian 22 Consol. Smelters .......... 26.00 Conwest 4.50 ' Donalda , .79 Fldona 38 East Sullivan 4 90 Giant Yellowknife 10 God's Lake 85 Harricana loi2 Heva Gold 06 Duvex 41 Joliet Quebec 30 Little Long Lac 69 Lynx 11V4 Marisen Red Lake 168 McKenzie Red Lake 32 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 2.45 Moneta .43 Negus .'...... .16 Noranda 68.75 Louvicourt 16 . Pickle Crow ., 1.33 Petrol Oil & Gas ... .54 New Senator 23 '2 Sherritt Gordon 4.50 Steep Rock 7.05 Silver Miller .75 Sweet Grass .56 Golden Manitou 2.55 Landover Oils 28 Rix Athabasca 2.25 Nesbitt LitLiine ; 3.35 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red in u3ineJJ DELUXE PRESS "Gesretner" Duplicating Circular Letters -. Monthly Bulletins any kind of' Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40. less than regular printing.' Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv ) us your mailing list We do the rest. Train Schedule BTANDARD TIME "" " . . . Daily except Monday 0:50 p.m FOR YOUR ROCK ' AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 a tncic ei CHOP SUEY ... ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phoi; 133 your troubles are over. If he make It, sure, doesn't, then play your jack. I While he was waiting he got Now, if Mrs. Keen follows suit, into the thick of last June's pro-the diamonds have broken 3-2 , vinclal elction. He concentrated The Phone Mlii DEADLINE jdassifU'd liatcs time 4:20 p.m., day pre- . . .ihiirnt.lnri. , .,i 3 rents per word per I-ion ; minimum Vutires, 5 cents; uiue , tanks. Death nonces ,1 Notices, MMmKB nu emcr.t Announcements, Display dcuble price. Un Refunds not accept responsi- lf clarified ads inserted under wrong tatiun unless notification errors is receiva wiuhii i d first Inicrtbn. 'uNNOl'M'KMENTS LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS . ,rat t! in the new l-PIIOWE HUII.DINQ IKiSiK' Daily News II be open from inn to B p.m. and 7 pm. to 9 p.m. nencing May 4th (108c) Annual Music and Fuval, May 5, 8, 7 and S U. W.A. Halibut Far"-xu, L'i;iun auditorium, .il l;ay tea, May 12. Auxiliary Tea and t .Show, May 13. n Ktar tea, May 14. I.ii'ion final card l,j 13. jiNlioid, program and lay 14, S.O.N. Hall. i ;i home cooking sale at I & Anderson's, May 16. in of the Moose Spring May 21, Miose Temple, j rcriic sal!, May 20. m li'.'tiie cooking sale, hiuhtfi.s Variety Shri.v,' May 24, Capitol The-j iiiian missionary tea, aaRo sale, Anglican I, May 30. j an Church tea Ma7 30.' i lea. June 4. : Church W.A. Sprinkle 11. f Wom.'ii's League in tea, June 11, at the ' Mr:. M. P. McCaffery, A Vs. A est. crian Ladies' Aid tea lanse. June 18. Wl OF THANKS h to extend our heart- fnks to our friends at m and Prince Rupert kindly assisted and for s of sympathy and the floral offerings ex-t the death of our be a.n. nd brthr-lu.- William Craig and Mrs. . dtp) 'CEMENT NOTICE t Mrs. a. J. Croxford " the engagement of '"Best daughter, Ethel Robert. Riuen imiio i .m of Mr. and Mrs. t ';. 518 Miisnrave Place. fd'ns to take place in t 8 Cathedral, June 4 f - nV) I!IItTH NOTICE 7 "'.'-Born to Mr. and m . A ' ln lne 'Pert General Hospital. dtp) 'MSONAL hN coming for week- 'ronuVt "S. J? nH , "iieresi in f 7rnndlng 0islrlct g . I Muni, Kemnno. i' 109p) l04 the Klnsm"" D v I 1 n' AcrP0Us Hill 'RICIAN D. dSSut H'f nth"". cleptrlcal tnZ rvlihm 011 "eat- m --- neat. fen nove,J- Eddie's South dealer North-South vulnerable Niwth (Mr. ('Immplon) 8 A 7 H K Q 10 . D A Q 9 S C 3 10 3 West Ka-rt (Mm. Kn) (Mr. Iliilr) B 10 8 S 2 88 & 3 Ht-J 8 4 3 H 9 6 6 3 . r 4 d k io 7 a C Q 8 S 2 C 7 4 Kmith t (Mr. AhH) 8K Q J 4 H A 7 D J 8 3 - C A K II 8 , The blddinB: South Wat Noth 1 NT Pass 6 NT All png Keen can't return a diamond and you're going to win three club tricks enough for your contract." As usual, Mr. Champion was right. But unfortunately this kind of being right doesn't show up on the score. POLITICAL ROl'NDI P (Continued from page 2) He took no chances, though, and campaigned as fervently as ever. The 1949 result: Dr. J. Lome MacDougall, 10,630; Cecil Mer-ritt, 10,(130; Webster, 8,389. It was hopeless, everyone said everyone but Webster,. No, he wouldn't try for the Provincial house; he'd Just wait for the next! Federal election and then he'd1 on the Liberals; like everyone else, he was sure those Social Credit people hadn't a chance. ' I The Liberals took the full brunt of some of Webster's orations: "I do not know of any influence on B.C. public life more corrupting, more damaging ! than the Liberal organization in! this city (Vancouver). Some day.l when the people's eyes are open- j ed, there will be a great revolt' against the activities financed and carried on by the Liberal Party." Thus did Webster get even with Gerry McGeer and Lome Mac-Dougal. And, if he was dismayed at Social Credit success, he must have taken some personal satistaction In the Liberal rout in Vancouver. Through all the years he has been a C.C.F. pillar. Not only does he make speeches, but he pitches in and does hard work too. He's a great one to collect money for, the C.C.F. cause. Last June, at a huge meeting in Pender auditorium he stood on the platform and pleaded for money. Ha left aloft dollar bills, .talked, ne saia nea even wng. More, more, ,aore more money he cried, more money for the C.C.F. And he woudn't sit down until he'd drained the last drain-uoie mop out or that meeting. When the hat was counted there was the astonishing sum of $359.93. WeDSief Wa9 almost " t d ' fe fc tn fc d dn.t mat. I J , , . ,. ter he'd try again any old time for his beloved C.C.F. Now he's going campaigning for a seat in the B.C. Legislature. That House of Commons seat will Just have to wait for him. Lucky Catch ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) Harold Lear cast a line for sea trout at Seal Cove near here "just fnr luck" and landed a 19-DOund salmon. It was belived the first'' salmon caught on. Newfound lnnd's east coast this' year. CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet coach, good shape. Priced for quick sale. $185 00. Apply 310 7th East ufter 6 p.m. (108p) FOR SALE Ford coach, Model A. In good running order. Licensed. $85.00. Apply 223 11th St. - (109p) FOR L& FOR SALE Two chesterfield suites, 1 Lazy-boy and stool, coffee table, kitchen set, bedroom chair, vanity table and 2 chests of drawers. Call Green 565. (112) FOR SALE Two cribs, high-chRlr, chest, of drawers, small cabinet. Phone Red 918. (109) YOU'LL SAVE AT , SIMPSONS-SEARS 1 Torchiere Complete $14 95 1 Tri-Llte Complete $ 4 95 3 Pair Pillows, each $4 5Q 2 Port-a-carts, each $6.95 2 Hostess Rockers ea. $34.95 2 "Hoover" Floor Polishers each $59,95 SPECIAL 4- pc. Vanity Bedroom Suite Reg. $169.50 .... now $152.50 SIMPSONS-SEARS 312 3rd Ave. Phone 400 Prince Rupert ' (108c) FOOTHILLS (sootlcssi 1: oa I. Phone 651. Phl.pott, Evitt & Co. Ltd (c) FOR SALE Complete household furniture. Good quality. Quick sale. Box 606, Dailv News. (108) FOR SALE English motor-scooter. Reliable, cheap transportation. Phone Black 148. (110p) JUST THINK! LIFE MAGAZINE for just 1 0c a copy lift :.-7Q weeks $7.87 TIME .'. 78 weeks $6.87 , .V.cRAE BROS. LTD. 110c FOR SALE Will sacrifice com plete bottling machinery now producing 60 cases per hour. Will sell as a unit or in part. Terms to reliable parties. Apply Box 700, Prince George. , (113) Just Arrived . . . Cel-a-soft NANCY DIDEE PANTS rk Pliable ' ic Waterproof ic Boil proof nfSTotrtMPE Blue !) (108) FOR SALE Used lumber, 2x8's and 6x8's. Apply 309 7th East. Green 333. UlOp) FOR SALE Chesterfield and two chairs, bedstead. 786 Alfred St. (110) FOR SALE 3-piece chesterfield suite, 6-piere kitchen set, small fridge, Kitchen oil range, bedroom suite, oil heater, piano accordian, portable typewriter, electric gramophone, radio combination and 100 records, end table, roll-away bed, S-way chair and other household articles. 613 3rd West, Green 780. (109) FOR KENT SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent portable machines. Phone 864. c FOR RENT Room and board for working man in private home Red 140. FOR RENT Light houskeeplng room. Phone Green 894 after 5 p.m. (Hip) FOR RENT Lovely furnished apartment with harbor view, installed refrigeration antf electric stove. May be procured by quiet, suitable couple as at June 1. Tenant will dispose of complete household furnishings at reasonable cash price, thus assuring purchaser of attractive and considerable saving. Present occupant leaving city. Apply Mr. Cook, Suite 103, Elizabeth Apts. (113p) FOR RENT Light housekeeping room for single man. 742 7th West. Call after 6 p.m. (110p) ROOMS FOR RENT Call at 337 8th West. (llOp) FOR RENT House. 1725 5th East. (110) FOR RENT Newly-built two-room apartment, turniture for Bale. Apply Box 673, Daily News. (109) FOR RENT Two rooms with board for two men, Blue 626. (113p) WANTED TO RENT WANTED Urgently require three-bedroom house. Phone Blue 602. . (tfnc) WANTED -By June 1. Businessman wants board and room, walking distance Post Office. Phone C.N. Telegraphs. 112) WANTED CASH FOR Scrap; copper, brass, batteries, radiator. Phone 543 Call 630 6th A.-e. West (c) WANTED Good used oil burner range. Phone Black 921. (110) HELP WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY WANTED FULLY QUALIFIED Apply National Employment Office (109c) WANTED Reliable woman to care for six-year-old girl in own home. Box 674, Daily Ncws. , (109p) WANTED Secretary, fully qualified Aonly National Employ ment Office. (109) I Stenographer Grade 1 B.C. Civil Service Welfare Branch, Prince Rupert Salary: $128-$165 monthly plus i per montn Special Living Allowance. Typing speed 40, shorthand 80 words per minute. Must be British sublect. under 40, except In the case of ex-service women. Application forms btainabie from the Social Welfare Branch, Prince Rupert. IMMEDIATELY. (Uc) HELP WANTED, MALE FEMALE EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY . . . ADVANCE NORTHERN B.C. VOTE LIBERAL ! VOTt Bruce Brown dOSc) TREY;KfDSWnt to make -some spending money? Super-Valu will pay 2c to 4c for empty boxes depending on size and condition. Milk box sizes are most desirable. Bring your boxes to back door at Super-Valu on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays. (110) SITUATION WANTED C" GRADE Industrial First Aid man wants work. Phone Red 818. (U3p) REAL KSTATE FOR SALE 16 acres good land at Terrace, close in, on good road. Box 672, Daily News. ' (lllp) FOR SALS House at Dodge Cove and trolling boat "Larin" ready for fishing. Green 838. (109p) FOR SALE House, Atlin Ave. Harbor view. Five rooms and sun porch, hardwood floors throughout, new furnace, kitchen stove, shades and lino included. Phone Blue 288. (109) HARBOR VIEW Fine family home in Section 2. Living room 18' x 13', dinette, cabinet ' kitchen; three bedrooms and sunporch uDstairs. Hardwood floors throughout. Inside stairway to basement. New hot air coal and wood furnace, laundry tubs. Lot 37i2 x 100 in lawn and garden. Price only $6000. Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 342 Black 197 evenings t - (109) AZ 1 OiiOituniv OpOilunity fc.'ictl kneels i btt but once, once, f bo philosopher! wisely soy But our !m:f);d ie:t!on It opportunity cvf.ry day. BUSINESS PERSONALS WILFORD Electrical Works. Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. at KEEP a rein on your government. Join Social Credit today. (108) TO ORDER Avon Products call Green 2118. (lllp) PROVINCIALA7faTrs are your affairs. Join Social Credit to-dy- (108) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors for: Mining Sawmill, lagging nnd Contractors' ftqiiipment. Inquiries invited. Granville Island Vancouver 1, B.C. tf) MESSENGER-SeTvieeIJ( livery. Phone Black 627. Ber-r bottles picked up. (115pi Knutson's Tire Sales & Service The "GENERAL" Tire Dealer Vulcanizing Recapping Flats and Sectional Repairs V "Truck Tires a Specialty" OPEN 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. After 6 p.m. Tires may be left at Dan's Service Station OUT OF TOWN ORDERS GIVEN IMMEDIATE ATTENTION- Ail work guaranteed. Price list on application. 81 1 Frascr Street Plume Red 643 P.O. Box 761 Prince Rupert, B.C. 10!)) PLACE your rla.islfied ad In this paper at the economical six time rate. 1 words for 3 consecutive days cost $1.35; 15 words for six consecutive days cost $1.80. And remember you run phone vour ads just cail 748. Daily News ( tf-nc) NEARLY everybody uses 99. (C rtUENTS tut Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for oxygen, acetylene nnd all welding supplies. Lindsnv's Cartage 61 Storage Ltd. Phone 60. c WORLD . FINKHT CLKANER 1)70 lor .'arts isaifs service. (C) ACCOUNTANTS PUBUC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax spcvinlixt. S. G. Furk, Stone Puliaum. Red 593. (20m) UATTEht SERVICE ftUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East ara .we. t'lione io. tte- puu3, recharKir s rsUalld-m. V'orn guaranwa. ic) BOA IS FtHl SALE FOR SALE Troller. 31' x 7', fully equipped, ready to go. Very reasonable. Selling account of illness. Apply next door to Moose Hall. (109p) FOR SALE Trolling boat "Active." See owner McLean's Floats, -Seal Cove. (113p) FOR SALE 36-ft. trolling boat, 10-ft. beam. Fully equipped, ready to go fishing. Phone Green 515. (HD CAKS FOR SALE RE-CHROME bumpers, grills, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lnsts years! Send $2.98 or COD. Fernior, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (124) and you have to lose only to the , king. You're bound to make four diamond tricks. "As it actually was," Mr. Champion continued, "Mrs. Keen would show out on th; second diamond. BUT you have n't lost a trick yet. Now you can do tj dummy and take the club finesoS. Even if it loses, Mrs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Wartime 4-room house. 1st Overlook. Phone Blue 954 after 5 p.m. (108p) TAXIS and TkANSrfclCS CITY TRANSr-ER Long Distance ; CRATING and PACItlNQ Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moved i, to or from any point In B.C. Phone 950 tint Ave. anC McBrlde 'e) LOST AND FOUND LOST Single strand cream col- ored pearls. downtown.jTues-.a'; . dollar Uh. and.: he,"" For the Cast - 1, , . . day afternoon. Finder pleSe',ln1gled. sliver;' he gowned,; he Daf."Pt Sunrlny..8 p.m. j "Ul Zi BvsnerBiockv.; : ?; il- ;riK'.: niWW.B'M 442: ifj-' j I li I .1. H. b. HtLbtKbUN- V . LIMITED - REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE Phoi.e 96, Evenings Black 898 SCOTT McLAREN ,,. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. ', ' Phone 347 P.O. Bos 374 return to Daily News. (It) LEGAL NOTICF IN RE THE mechanics lien ACT" TAKE NOTICE that Joshua McKay, of Prince -Rupert. B.C., having owed Rupert Motors Ltd. of Prince Rupert, B.C.. the aum of 404 78 for a period of over three months for labour nnd muwriaia oesiowea on a ii uouKe four door sedan, 1951 Licence No. 52710. EnBine No. D25C303OC. Serial No. 07234C5. registered in the name of Helen Alberta Haudenschild, of 510 Seventh Avenue West. Prince Rupert, B.C.. the said Rupert Motors Ltd. will offer the said vehicle for sale at its premises on Second Avenue West. Prince Rupert, B.C.. on Frldny. the 22nd day of May. 195:i. at 10 o'clock a m., unless the said sum of 8404 76 and the cost of advertising this notice shtill sooner be paid to the said Rupert Motors Ltd. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 5th day of Mav, 1953. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. By "John S. Lindsay" . Director. (HBc) 8L0NDIE PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws, ,' Sharpened 215 1st Ave. W. Thone 909 "j' ; The Better Port of Valor By CHIC YOUNG Crjl OH.OH--HESE I I Lf.-rrrt:-" Pj teaser-JL V" COWARD 1 . ( AH, MY DESK r IS CLEAN --NOW L 1 CAN GO HOME (TO BLONDIEAND THE KIDDIES FOR SALE 1 i-ton Dodge truck, excellent condition. Phone Blue 734. d08l FOR SALE House trailer. Can be seen at 200 11th Street. ( 109p) tci Qtijrs bragst Ais&m Phm A' Wan! M u lil