14 Fiuice Iluperl Daily iii A-s I Wednesday, January 20, 1954 fton Tubb Tops Men's "5-Pin Leaq c, Taxi .h, oiled scores of 324 and 755. Over-, B "'Vikil,. HivUi.T Kraupner Leads Young Marksmen Ron Tubb of 537 REMEMBER WHEN joe Kraupner as top marks-1 Other scoresTnftde during the i team high- single 1 Legion 4 waitea took Webster Paces Manson's To 57-48 Win Over CCC 541 Monday to take IUki; single National Hockey League gov- ! Motors 3 Kairti i I with 1079 ,,r,H and N..Unr Nelsor Rrolher Brothers won tea-, iilijh three with 21157. Juans 3. Snvnv n, man last night at the Civic Cen- 1 evening were Howard Johnnsen jtre Junior Rifle club when he 1 89lw 8": 7f 0 Paa: I . . .'volla 85: Harry Shrader and ; scored a total of 99 points out of phi, Lyons mh 83; Billy Pe(f,r. ,100. He vns followed closely by!Sen 82: George Pearson 80; Jer-i Robert Perlersen and Wavne rv Jensen 79; Brian Robert's 77: waitea 3, Deuce, 51lN'; i 3,l,CB 1. fines on players taking pa.t inj .hrop0 Art Mlir. Mickey Webster with 24 points sparked Man division North Star 4, C'NRA 0; Art Mu'rrays 4. Thorn Sheet. 0; Phil-oott Evitt 4. Local 708 0; Cool.s rays with 1163 took team hiRii single and North Star captured team high three with 3365. CCC o00 Clllb ili Crowe both of whom chalked upDnn Blake and Raf Windle tied son's Ometras to a 57-4S win over 1 if U S. annual a Senior M basketball lixune last nint Ix'fore U'lore a rule was Intended to discourage free-for-all brawls. But the problem remains, with the record penalty total having been meted out for the Leafs-Canadiens fighting at Toronto Dec. 9. 1953. would with wide "scores wnn V--; aitu uian oreii bj. 'lolf Peue-rson had 94, Terry J Omitted from last week's top 1 Mild 92 while Frank Airfield and scores were Robert Pedersen with ' John Clibbett tied with 91. 93, John Clibbett with 92. In B Division Doug Jelstad of ; jewellers 4. Family Market, 0. Civerwaitea scored both high I Short Circuits 3, Moose 1; N.V7. tingle and high three with ! Construction 2, 537 Taxi 2. 1 ':;' " h handful of fans at the Civic Centre. In the Inter B pamo, Sunrise Grocery climbed! to a three-way tie forj second place when thoy j downed Nelson Brothers i expanded range of models! Now . . . over 125 thrifty, hard-working model, (V. & M choose from in the new 1954 lord I ruck line-ttj, greatest haulinj; joh coverage in all Ford Truck liiston Here's the right Truck for your job, wherever you driJ whatever vou haul! wider V-8 power range! Now ... 7 mighty V-'H engines, ranging from 106-1. ::s-:u The senior league leaders set up an early 15-8 first quarter lead and paced by Webster who had notched 9 points in the first two quarters they led 29-18 by the half. CCC rallied to lie the Omegas 19-19 in the third quarter and out-.toiccl tin- winners 11-9 in the final stanza. Pop Pay and Harold Marshall shared seorlncf honors for the losers with 11 points apiece. The pulp nilliTS failed mi.serably at the foul line ncUint only 8 of 20 free .shots while the winners sank 7 in 13 tries. Sunrise and Nelson Brothers were tied 17-17 at the half. The vroeors set up a 4 point lead in the Third quarter which they maintained to the end as both squads scored 9 points each in the final frame. 17(MI., and including 4 new, advanccd-di-sign, mt head-valve V-8's ... all products of (he experie-f gained in building more V-H engtius-ili.ni all oik-nianufacturcl'S coinhiiieil. Conventional "Big Job" Series! A completely new l'-TOO Series of exlr.i-ltcav.4- s! & i i . . .. :.i. i r w )...;.,, i o (ii IU r.rl - Marshall W(J 3(H) C'l.UB 11. 10. Moore 4, Thnmpi.nn 2. S. Srherk I1USMCS V Illl VJ. T . . ivuimi w' " s ii'.. Rating', up to 34,000 lbs. Built for the most cconomu. mounting of practically any type of custom hmlj! ? yimv entirely new Series . Ccb Forwards!; snub-nose hauling clumri- Sunlirx 10- ray 11. Totitl 48. MANSON'S Spring 4. Dumas. HarLwlK H. Olseii 8. Bill 13. Walsh. Webster 24. MticFarlmir 2 Total 57. Inter 11 I.p:ikm' SUNRISE (UtOCERY-McLean l'i. Turct.lU' S. Kunkcy 2. H:iucli'nscliilU 14. Mull 3. lVod. 'Parent. UirU'h 2. Damas. Total 38 NELSON BROTHERS Newton 2, Yttmamoto 7. 8. Matsuo 11, T. Nak-ittsu 4, R. Morven ti. N. Morven, Mat-Mtba 4. Tsuchiyu, K Matsuo. Tan-uka. Total 34. . .i r-..i, r,,ru .ri i..rii- !n all r.viF now inaiMii . v.tin j Katings from 1 1,000 to 27,000 lbs. G.C.W. Kjm ---from 24.000 to 55,000 lbs. All the newest Cab himj,1 features for thrifty speed-hauling. fipydk (slDlii Two all-new Series 4 ja giant six-wheelers! Z ii rear ale TanJt:.- ii for super-strenuous extra-heavy-duty work. G.Vl.Jai Katings to 40,000 lbs. (i.C.W. Ratings to 60,000 ln C in tractor-trailer combinations! Featuring coniiltt.;( , Only Two Rinks Still Unbeaten In Cook s Play Two of the remaining undefeated rinks were "toppled last S2 t modern and efficient dual rear axle assemblies! I Te Gr expanded Parcel Delivery Series! j All-new, extra-ihrifty F-500 heavy-duty Series for pr paying multi-stop delivery work, with G.V.W. Rjiihj.(. 14.000 lbs. Now . . . fully automatic transmission isn able (at extra cost) on F-350 Parcel Delivery! 13. Driverized Cab efficiency! p The most comfortable cab's on the road, with all roef , visibility, extra-comfortable 3-man seat, safetyF tioned controls-designed to reduce fatigue, keep ; f more eflicient on the job ! night as the Cook's trophy competition of the Prince Rupert curling club entered Its last week of play. I In Section A. Chuck Osterta? won over Jack Laurie's rink to tie up the standings with both! teams spaning 4 wins and 1 loss. In Section B, Warnie Petersen feUed-Frert Aston'.s quartet leav- ! uv only two undefeated rinks ; one in Section C and one in Sec- ! tton E. In ihc former, Ken 'Rob-! emon's rink nas yet to be beaten 1 r.nd in the latter Ed Garner's record is still clear. Both rinks ' have one tame left to play. The round robin winds up Fri- ! day night but the playoffs will be postponed since several mem- ' bcrs will be- away taking part in outside bcnxpiels. The Points ; Competition starts next Tuesday j to run fur mu of next week. Rink personnel will be re-drawn for the Grotto Trophy j and instead of the skips choos- j inf. the rinks the choice will be j made by the thirds. A meeting will be hold at the rink at 8 p.m. Monday tor the re-draw. Results of last night's play: S Bird 10, Eyolfson 7; Georgeson i 11. Turner '10: McKcnzie 9, Mill '-, ' s Jill J z-. , v tea ;, i f fsfj '' ' n " 1 " ' "" 'r " i 'it , , If ) 'r': Z !CZZ7 7 ZJ : if 1 V "'i"??lt''i 1 " jpinnmiaiiiiii i ii mi. ii.-..i..iii,iiiiiit gy-.," rt i '-i I V M r" ' In , .in , ,, 14 .it , ' I 't . ' ' ' ' 4 ft L'r -'-P-- - f .. C-'i , New Ford-build, truckic-parts ' are built stron:t durability! stamina Mamma )"i-" packed to last longer, rxtra r- springs, brakes, clutches and' transmissions keeps i .-f longer, cuts down maimti" M truck on the job and repair costs. two-fisted C. tight-fi St- . . I economy strength ler 5; Ostcrtat; 10, Laurie 5; Robertson 8, Matthew 7; Petersen 7, Aston 5. BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL on every hauling job OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth .Street Phone 212 "IF'"".' -WW ft ' CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For ronnectioi.s Phone 632 Invtstors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutiml of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avenue W. Icnrescntauve for Pi nice Rupert, Terrace and Kltlmut IF YOU WANT A 3 JJT it CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS KM rr-s, rrv rrrv f rrnf ra PRINCE RUPERT B.C. scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTAMT James Block, C08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. rhonc 347 P.O. BOX 374 "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" r