Don Mackenzie Heads Loggers The Prince Rupert Daily News V'Kinesday, January 20, 1&54 Experts Plan Security For Foreign Ministers Meeting VANCOUVER (CP) Don Mac one-fourth of the meeting in the BERLIN nv Experts for the Sergei DeriBin asreed last Sun East. The azrpement dissipated fears U.S. Arming Forces in Germany Trapper Saved VAN COLTER (CP) A snowmobile bulled a path through, heavy snowdrifts Bunday on a 140-mile round trip which brought a sick trapper frora Nation River into Fort St. James. Rescued was Chris Larsen who flashed a distress signal to an RCMP plane Saturday as it flew uestourge that a royal Ion of inquiry into all SH of our forest econpmy lr plemented Immediately- The lesolution aiso asi , "all applications for foreaV ' agement licences be wt abeyance until finding "I Wilh Pilotless Bomber Squadrons kenzie of Vancouver has been elected to his second term as president of the British Columbia Loggers Association Jack E. Fletcher of Fanny Bay was re-elected vice-president and Tom Novls, Vancouver, secretary-manager. The loggers nt their convention here called on the provin- day night that the ministers will meet for one week, the second, in the Soviet embassy In East Berlin, and for the first and third weeks, in the building in the U.S. sector formerly used by the Allied control council. Thereafter, a communique said, "the place of meetings will that the Russians would throw a monkey wrench into the conference before It started. The gathering will be the first major four-power meeting in Berlin since 1948 saw the onslaught of the cold war, its sub- Rv KLTON C. FY miles perhaps approaching inquiry are known " f .. Big Four are planning security ! and other details of the Berlin j foreign ministers' conference, I scheduled to open here Monday. ! The United States, British,) French ar" Russian command-j ants of tr.c divided city ap- j pointed demities to meet to work out detailed arrangements for ; the conference on German unity i and an Austrian peace treaty, i Orders from their home gov-' ert-tients " ended 10 days or wruufMng over the conference site. The three Western military chiefs and Soviet commandant depend upon the course of the ! sequent East-West split and the ru unvrrnment to immediately Berlin blockade. conference. establish a royal commission to i MEDK AI, WNKJvT(J 1,000 miles. The Matador's speed during all of its flight except the final dive at its target, must be assumed as sub-sonic I less than about 700 miles an houri. Thus, it could be vulnerable to some of the newest types of interceptors which have speeds up in the sonic range. overhead on its return from lo-! eating missing trapper John I bendickson, 150 miles o the north in the frozen Olininka River countrv I The snowmobile, driven oy Dave Jones of Fort St. James. I made the trip ;.i '7 hours. The Russians at first had demanded that, half the meetings, including tiie opening session, be held i.i l ., Berlin. The West inquire into an nnasos oi o.v,. a ; Penicillin, one of:Un, forest industry. j most valuable drugs, was t J"' The resolution was passed ered In 1929 by Alexander? unanimously at i '. final session. ' lng in England: , j WASHINGTON The United States is arming its forces in Germany with guided missile capable of carrying atomic warheads hundreds of miles into Hed-held territory. The U.S. air force announced here that it will send two pilot-lew bomber squadrons to Germany this year. No details were given. MVTAnOR MISSILES The two squadrons bound for Germany will be equipped with B-61 Matacior missiles. These STARTED VOl'NG The great composer Mozart was 18 e-'ien he wrote his ym-phony No. 29 ili 1774. sru-'Y -t first to hold onl" have been in mass production at : the Baltimore plant of the Glenn L. Martin Co.ilor more i than a year. The air force did not i the number of missiles in a j snuudron. but it is believed sev- ! era! hundred may be allotted to i each. By comparison, a squad- ion of jet fighters numbers 25 i rv 'w- , The Matador is the first offen- five guided missile to be turned ! over to a tactical unit of the U.S. : armed forces. Other such mis- ; silee with greater speed and I wider range are being designed I I I I" . ,.'- W ' JS- H I I Fl I l-J ' w I 4 I M 11 E! I I I or are undergoing tests I " v r - - ;-l IJ I I ff II If K I 1 ki ii tl ? I I ATOMIC PI NCH When the Matadors arrive, U.S. ! forces in Europe will pack this three-way atomic punch: ! U.S. air force jet and piston- j cnglned planes that can carry; atomic bombs, the giant 280-mil-! limt'tre atomic cannon, and the guided mis.siles that could be u.scd to strike at Soviet troop concentrations, supply depots and .communications centres hundreds of miles back of the Hres, should war come. Measured against the known range of a comparable jet fighter, the Matador presumably liuJ a range-well beyond 500 Today's Stocks (Courtesy 8. f. Julinnnb a ,td.i American Standard .10 Dralorne 3 00 I i R. R. X Cariboo Gold Congress C "onin Babir.e Olant Macot Indian Mines Pend Oreille lask) Pioneer Premier Border . Privateer I Pheep Creek ( '.Silbak Premier Vananda (asKi .: Spud Valley ' Silvej- Standard GO Western Uranium fill-Van Dorreen Estella ' Oils A. P. Consolidated 27 C & E ( 10.50 Central Lcduc 1.75 Home Oil 8 00 Mercury 12 Okalta 1.80 Koyal Canadian 13 TORONTO " Atliona 13 Aumaque 13 Consol. Discovery 2.02 ' Bevcourt 263i Buffalo Canadian 20'4 Con. Smelters 23.00 Con west 3.65 Donalda 55 Kldona 33 2 ' East Sullivan 4 10 8.15 .90 .40 .24 .30 l,.! .- - i- '' l A OiNERAl lOTOt$ VAIUI standing. There's over 70 new features in all and iery last one is designed lo give higher perform Giant Yellowknifc (tod's Lake Harrlcana Duvex Jollet Quebec Mttlc Long Lac ! Lynx Mad.sen Red Lake .... McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt . Moneta Noranda 1 Louvicourt Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas New Senator Sherritt Goraon Steep Rock Silver Miller Ewect Grass Oils Golden Manitou Can. Chem. & Cell. . Landovcr Oils Yet, the new GMC is ready to go ready lo bring you new heights in pulling power, carrying power, and Staying power. It's handsomer too with its massive redesigned front end, new headlight spacing and driver-planned cabs. But this year the GMC story is truly a power story. In over 50 models you can choose from the widest range of engines, transmissions and axles on the market. From this brilliant range of power units you can get the exact combination to haul your specific loads with the highest efficiency. And though new efficient power is a big feature it is just one of the many which makes GMC out HEW C OMfOtt Th all-new cabs offer grcattr comfort, vision and convenience than ever bafor . . . plus e high in appearance. Thty hove such features as one piece "Panoramic" windshield, redesigned instrument panals with soft light gauges, and beautiful two tone interiors. In addition, as optional equipment there are. Cab Rear Corner Windows and Shade-lite Class. These end ma ny mar f aatures put GMC cebi far ahead In '54. .70 ! .08 "2 l.Bl .35 1.40 .48 01.00 .13 1.05 .44, .15 4 20 !' 690 . .87 : .27 "2 1.50 . 8.75 11 Vs ance, greater profit, greater comfort and convenience. Nothing has been overlooked in the forward march to bring you a truck that's filled with power, that's built to take the heaviest loads over the roughest going and come back for. more. Ask your dealer to explain the brilliant, new advances that can be yours in 1954. You'll see immediately how they'll mean great new benefits to you in your business. Then choose the one model in 50 that's exactly right for your requirements and be ready to go for mora profits in any trucking job. ' Tl ' . ,,,.,., .-, .- .-... -w i:wvwimKrrHrtrmHim J " WWT HI imie' r,&,.-m',-r-r -J Fur Buyers j Head For Home VANCOUVER (CP) Fur buyers from the United States anci Cmiiida headed home Saturday following the two-day western Cfumdi'.tn raw fur auction sales lure. An estimated $1,000.01)0 In ptlts changed hands Thursday and Friday in one of the largest With this amaiing optional feature, the driver floats over bumps with no harsh jouncing-And for extra comfort, the seal is fully adjustable so the driver can select the belt driving position. You get a wide choice of GMC engines. And all are of the valve-in-head design which has won fame over the years. The Thriftmaster and Loadmaster engines have been Increased from 1 08 to 1 12 horsepower. ' Now you can carry sand or grain loose in the pick-up box with no leakage. And the boxes are deeper this year, giving a lower loading height.-ven the tail-gate is stronger with new safety, catch that eliminates rattles. - fur auctions in western Cunada Thursday buyers bid on animals caught "wild." Sales Fri-dv Included 1,200 lots of HwVt ?he feature youve.ban wailing for. The 9300 and 9400 series now have a now Hydro-Malic transmittion which eliminates clutch and Star ihiHing. It also selects the right gear tor ey lead end any condition. Ml., . eeem; i 1... - ON DISPLAY TOMORROW k (M WIHACll lUSim INAMIl ILL'S MOTORS' LTD. PRINCE RUPERT,;'! CORNER OF 3rd AVENUE and 7th STREET PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.