r Mondav I 1 3W- Pick and Crowe ' -.T?S 1 Canadian Champ Wi nsby KO As Marshall Floored Twice Top Marksmen In Outdoor Shoot Danyy Pick and Wayne Crowe took top points at a rifle shoot ,y ,v ;-, va v , at the Department of National Defence rifle range yesterday 1 afternoon, heading- a list of l boys of the CiWc Centre Riile I Club and eight adults, parent or the boys or members of the Rod ! and Gun Club. 1 The two boy.? counted 27 out of a possible 50 points, followed I A by Ab Hart, an ex-wreUer from Montreal, now living in Terrace, were bolh a :4 s; res-airs and piled up leads ill the early rounds. Both bouts were three-romid, one-minute affairs. Fownes and Dumas both weighed in at 118 while TuivoUe and Earl tipped the .scales at 128 pounds each. In the opening event, Bobby Smith and Gerry iXnninato, a couple, of 70-pounders fought three one-minute rounds to the cheers of f ins, who showered money into the ring. Sudden End to right Leaves Fans Stunned ISy ERIC SANDERSON In one of the biggest surprises of the ni.yht, Canadian middleweight champion Trent Ketcheson of the Royal Canadian Navy knocked out Andy Marshall of this city in the second round of a scheduled four-round fight here Saturday. I closely by Tero Paavola and Phil! - t V it . t 1 Lyons, each of whom tallied 24. I It was the first try at moving ! targets for the boys, who used .11 seml-aulomattc rite.s. j Instructors Dick Paul, Jerry I Martin and Tommy Boultci' were i on hand for thv! shoot Healing i : . r Be Plann The victory, at trie end of the h ft A t f Effic'entlj i Stan Leonard Downs McElroy OAHDI'.N NEC F.S'-'ITY With few exceptio-is, garden p!:in'i thrive bet vhere there is adequate calcium, or lime, In ! Uie soil. .. . VANCOUVER (P - Slan Leon punches at the start of the third until Bishop again opened up a barrage of left jabs and occaj-ional rights to drive Watiw around the ring. Bill (Mouse) Morrison was the only other fighter to be awarded a unanimous decision. He beat Doug Kerr, 196-pound navy man in four two-minute rounds of the semi-final bout. Neither fighter showed much in the first round, and in th? second, referee Be nny Wlndle was forced to separate them '"e sjsinn mT i" a lm ,tlr, molM Miff k, 1 1 Hie liltllil). ard, Marine Drive professional, downed Wait McElroy, leading B C. amateur. 3 and 2 here Sunday to advancr into the second round of the .city match play open golf tourn;(ntnnt. Kevin Rilev scored a up.,et A PAIR or BIO LEAGUE tads choose up sides with a funco bat before their fathers go into battle on the dhnnond at a Bradenton, Fla., spring training comp. The four-year-olds are Andy Torge-son, son of first baseman Earl Torgeson left 1 of the Phillies, and Crcg Spahn, son of pitcher Warren Spahn (right) of the Braves. , 1 ' ' time and again as they fought 4 and 3 winTT Jock McKinnon from close in. Phone ' SMITH&E LIMITE, 259 Third Ai TTjT Red Wings' Power Too Much f aJg ........ . ln 10-Pin Play pitc a hola-thfone. Dy McKinnon on tl)vlJ0-fard seventh hole. Bi!f--Mawhinney, Qull-chena proU'&ion.u",, edged out. a 2 and 1 wjji rff t)nve. Dixon. Both appearcii to be waitin;.; for a break in the opening sec-ond.s of the third round, until Morrison broke louse with a series of lefts and rights to take the lead and leave the navy 0i-plvi 1 i'C 1 i'huir. omn Hn:trl or f die (lOMninunl ot Kniuii As Habitants Mowed Down 5- Women bowlers scored the high marks in last week's Mixed boxer groggy at the bell. Watts broKe fast at the bd second round, wroe linis to a lively card staged by the Elks Lodge to raise funds to send Marshall to the Brhish Empire Gaines trials in Toronto. The Civic Centre gymnasium bullring at the seams held about 1.200 screaming fight furs who roared their appreciation oi the card. Oflicial attendance and gaie lias not been disclosed, as Hie Elks Boxing committee and trainer Joe Ward did not wish the figures to be released at this time, it was learned this morn-insr. Marshall, who won the B.C. Golden Gloves 165-pound championship just a few weeks ano in Vancouver by knocking out Kci-chr.sun. was in trouble from the .-tart of the bout. MAKSII M I, OVEK I, A (If. 11 ' The Canadian champ was waiting for the onru.shin-j 'Marshall who came out of his corner determined to repeat his Vancouver win. Ketcheson peppered-Marshall wiin iefts and righto and when Marshall, over-eaper. left himself open, tagged the Prince Rupert fighter hard on the head. Wary of Marshall's vaunted left hook, Ketcheson took no chances and right hand held hxtrh. waited for every opportunity, tagging Marshall hard after every two-fisted flufry. Ketcheson dumped Marshall hard 40 seconds after the start of the .second round, jolting the iocal boy's mouthpiece to tlwi canvas. Marshall took an eight-count and got up to meet a Ketcheson determined to finish the fight in short order. Ducking down to avoid the barrage of blows from the navy boy. Marshal! was a sitting duck for By W. R. WIIEATLEY C..ii.,-ll:oi Press Ml , a Writer DETROIT (P A production jJohnso.Set i but went clown for two counts of eight before the judges awarded CHESTERFIELD feneeman. added the coup de .. , ,, . v. i un- u, 'Dot Marshall tak ng women a "'" 'hn bil ,0r Ted Lindsay .scored the only I goal of the opening period and k Boom Boom Oeoff rion put Mon- I f'or th m,'n Tf " v Ezaltl r11-treal even in the second when '"" 192 fnr m'n'8 Ilh'h s'nl!1, aiul Canadiens made their best stand. I Barry Watson scored a high line that produced and a punch line that was puiK-hlts tells the story of Detroit Red Wings' 3-1 Men's Loop Pace AND LOUfj We show you just owl many, many stjltij . modris. T ,irt nuny , . . . , . i victory over Montreal Cana-The Johnson boys-no relation cliens ln 8und ni ,nt-s ln -set the pace in the Men s ; of thfi nest.of..seven stanJcy Cup i final. But on the whole, Canadiens were outskated and outchecked in the hard, sometimes rough game. week. three of 525. Four Aces took team high single with 879 und I uekii'S rolled 1847 for team high triple. Results: Four Aces 3, Timber-ticks 1; M & M's 3. Dominoes 1: I.uckles 2. Tinymites 2. I The Red Wings had the power on the power plays. Their big line of Gordie Howe, Ted Lind- A r- in varied i smart ii and stiln love. fi. Ctii.-'-'-C Coach Dick Irvin was openly Morrison the unanimous decision. The navy boy looked tired at the bell. Lights- Hit Chuck Place lost ry a dcciik.n to the navy's Nelson Lewis m1' hough he got a knockdown in the lir.st round alter both fighters pounded ea.'u other with a series of lefts and right ; for more than half a minute. tlKOGCY AT BELL Place went down for a nine-count shortly after the start of the second, but came back :o finish. He appeared groggy at the bell. Both came out slrong in tin- Glynn Johnson pared "A" Di- ! ; vision with high single game of ; : 371 and hesf tliree of 773 while! John Jt...soii rolled trp game ' of 337 and high three of 774 in "B" section. 1 537 Taxi had best game in "A" Division and Art Murrays rolled ;: Prim 4 11 say and Alex Delvecchio, witn disappointed with the iailure of rookie Earl Riebel tossed In as ' Montreal's punch line. That line, the extra forward, was the most , made up of Ken Mosdell, Bert potent on the ice. Two of De- Olnistead and Rocket Richard, troit's goals came on power was remarkable for its impot-ploys. , ence. The line has yet to get T It was the rookie, too. who did even an assist in this year's Stan- lop three of 3403. Don Juans, 2-pe. Chesterfields $JJ 2-pc. Lounges $JJ had b-st game In -B" with 1112 the most sewing damage to j ley Cup play. ?nd Kaien Industries rolled pest ijuonireai Dy scoring tne winning jrvin sun nas nere veteran) Exhibition Baseball SUNDAY PhUiirtplihln K 1. Birmlnnlwtn BA Ntw York A 11, Bi.vuimtih 8AL 0 I'lncliin.u! N 10. V.'ii-.liitijtoli A 4. HriHiklrn N H. Mllwnlikrt- N ID ChK uKD A . St. I.duIh N 5 Clcvpluild A 8, New York N 4 Iliillumire A 2. Cliic;( N 10. Muslim A 3. Atlnmn SA i I'hllacli-lpliii A 0. Hm.buri'h N a. Mi.llywiHxt PCI. 5. Lr Allm-lis I'C'L third and were looking for an opening with Lewis the aggressor. Place took a pounding from the navy boxer and was tiring badly when the bell sounded U three pf 2802. ' i - ' Results: . - "A" Division Art lviurray 4, Family Market 0; Philpott Evitt 4. (default); N. W. Const. 3, Local 708 1; 537 Taxi 3, Cooks GORDON &ANDER! Phone 46 goal early in the third period. ; centre Elmer Lach and winger i From far over near the right j Calum Markay. Neither appear-; boards Reibel let go a 40-foot ; ed In the Boston series. He said rising shot that goalie Jacques I it was too early yet to consider Plante never saw. Using either of them, and present ! As far as Canadiens were -on- ' Indications are he will go Into ci-P(d the e.ui'.e wtis gone '.l.en , Tuesday's game wi'h the same, and there. i squad that took a i..king Sun-' Red Kelly, Detroit s tireless de- ' day night. KeU.heson's uppcrcut that lifted .Spittle I'l l. 5. I'ortlund PCL I i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm him up and dumped him' on his back, with a resounding than, that was all. OUT ON FEET end the bout. I - Two Terrace - boys put t n ! crowd-pleasing matches to win j split decisions. Young Ron l'OAiies won over J; North Star 3, Moose 1; CNR A. 3, Short Circuits I., 'B" Divisicn Nelson 4, Savoy Hotel 0: Don Juans , In.stinct and a superbly con-1 Bobby Dumas of Annunciation ditioned body brought Marshall, Club, and Ron Earl won from to his feet bin nis eyes were, Arthur Turcotte. also of Annun- 1. Kaien 3; Legion 4, Rupert t SPORTS BRIEFS Motors 0; LCB 3. Overwaitea 1 elation. The visiting lads, both trained IV.-ccs- 4 iby default). ' VANCOUVER f" Vancouver J Canucks downed New Westmin uiui lie vvao out uu ins feet. Trainer Joe Ward called off the fight right then and there and referee Bonny Windlo raised Ketchcson's hand in victory. Ketcheson appeared just as Tre-h at the end of the battle as 4fe m arc lie did when he stepped into the! ring. Both fighters received a big hand from the fans, although! ttUappointm.n,. ran throughout Persons read tl Daily News ev day in March Jhe jam - packed gynina.iiu.n M'hcn Marshall was unable tj tome out for the third round. r Ketcheson was -awarded a handsome trophy by Mayor George Hills and also received the prize for the "best fight of the evening." Marshall weighed 167 pound.;, .Ketfhfcson, 166. In ,txst crowd-pleasing fight if the t-i:ht schcdiwed, Maurirs ster Koyais t-i oaiuit;ay niT,i:i to take a rTi.mandina 1-2 lead in the bet cf. nine semi-final scries of Ihe Western HtK-kcy lea'iue. 4 LONDON (Reutersi The Iri-h Soccer Cup final between t;l"n-toran and LVrry C.ty v.ill Ik-played Saturday, April 21. BERKEI.ET. Calif. The British Columbia Reps walloped California xu-a. 4 NELSON. B.C.' O Nelson Maple Leafs stormed from behind with three stmls in Ire tlitd period here Saturday ni'M lif tie Penticton V's 4-4 in tiie second game of the be t-ol-seven British Columbia Senior Amateur Hockey final. Nelson leads the series 1-0 with one game tied. MOOSE JAW. P Winniper Maroons f::0rcd a 7-6 overtime victory over Moose Jaw Millers 195 ed at winnipe? tonight. KAMI.OOPS. B. C. O .A hustl-iu'i nai.j ot honp.st,r-r.s from Sooke on Vancouver island won the B.C. Senior "C Men's Basketball Championship here Saturday niiiht by riowninn Kinn-lonps Ramblers 4ff-4o to take the two-jame tut:;l-p lint final series 101-91. QUEBEC The Cana'l'a:; Boxing Federation has sanctioned a Canadian welterweight championship bout between titleholder Claude Fortin and Rocky BrUeboLs in Montreal, April 19, national CBF commissioner CXne Lc'ourncau announced today. Brl:;ebol.', will try to rcjain t.ie cr:wn he lost to Fnrtin by decision Feb. 8. Both are Mon-trealcrs. YOKOHAMA (Reuters)- Ken-ora Thistles ho::key team .sailed fur Canada today alter wlndin;; up its successful tour of Japan. The Canadian team swept a 10-game schedule against top Japanese competition. The players ure homeward bound on th Japanese ship Hikawa. Bishop. 3'J-yi-ai-d'id former Imperial Army middleweight title-holder, won a unanimous decision over Bill Watts of the Cant-ili:in Navv. Bishop weight 15'i, Watts, 100. , TOOK BIG LEAD The Rupert boxer took a big lead from the start -with a continuous barrage of left jab.i that kept the navy boy swinging wildly, al liough Watts got In a Persons read t! Daily News ev day in March . . .... Saturday night to take a 2-1 lead in their te t-o.-srven v,i t -. i Canada senior ha'-key scml-linal series. Fourth game be pi.iy- lew hits before Bishop took the j I ,1, . - TWISTING AT TIIE TEE, past and present winners of the i JEZrJ. rSZZZjTJtU,. WiiMll ton 193 Women's North & South golf crown display .tlau-l'hody English" that wins championships. At left is medalist Joyce Ziske of Waterford, Wis., winner of this year's title at F-inehurst, N.C.; at right, former champion Barbara Romack of Sacramento, Calif., gets off a long one. ' advantage. ! Watts, a heavy -chested boxer didn't have as long a reach as Bi.-hop and missed several chances. BL-hop, with his longer arms, was the aggressor and drew prolonged cheers from the crowd when he floored Watt for an eight-count 15 seconds before the bell ending the second round of their scheduled throc-rouncler. OPENED I P WITH LE.FT Both battlers got in some good IMI Sec Your IMPORTANT MEETING! To Organize Pony League Baseball Local ROOFING and SIDING Experts GREER & BRIDDEN More readers than ever before read the, contract ad you M on LIMITED Phone 909 215 First Ave. W. Monday, April 5, at 8 p,m. Council Room, Civic Centre PARENTS! IT'S IIP TO YOU! AT NO INCREASE IN COS! OVER 1953 ir Competitive Prices ' k Instalment Payment Plan if Guaranteed Workmanship large selection of osphnlt shingles, asphalt siding, asbestos siding ond shakes to choose from. 1 Calculated on daily overage circulation March i lf . . . with a grease job that's done rinrbt. SUPER SERVICE Corner Second and Second Service Second to None This sderhcmpiH mwirtesy of ART MURRAY'S MEN'S WEAR at 3.3 Persons per Household