v c f t The Prince Rupert Monday, April Daily News 5, 1954 L-.rcinn ANCIENT SFORT - The alhletic test luiown r tlirowing the hammer :s record ed in Irish games of 1829 BC. New Chemical Adds Life I r ,,u ' u i J! u J i ' ; .v ; v A. syr i ' t Photo by Vuii.Mber aiumo. "TRANSFORMATION OF SHIRLEY" or "what an actress has to do for her art might be the title of the two pictures above. Shirley Hill plays the part of a dumb blonde (made famous by Judie Holiday In the Rupert Little Theatre's forthcoming production of "Born Yesterday" Qualifications for the part were laid down bydlrcctor lan Dobble at the tryouts.- "You have to bleach your hair white, pitch your voice up at lc ast one octave and walk like an old streetcar taking a series of 8-bends at 60." The hair- do Is evident, above, but the voice and bends don't appear until the show opens April 12 at the Civic Centre. ' MR, AND MRS. A. PopularRupert Stewart Moose Women Mark 15th Anniversary Honeymooning in Interior To Oil Tanks A new chemical formula Ion ! that wi.l add to the life expect ancy ol home heating oil tanks is to be provided as an iiideu iervice to cu.stcmurs of Philnott. Evitt and Co. Ltd. A. D. Vance, manager, said today the chemical, cdlicd Sonitor, vorks by retardm' corrosion which causes tank leakages and laiiure. It was developed by Shell esearch seienti'ts and is bein upplied by Shell to Philpott, Evitt, Mr. Vance said rest, .rch pre ceding the armour. c.ncnt of Monitor showed that ecrrosion is not related to the heating oil H-jeif but is caused by small quantities of water that normally accumulate In the tank. "Any home owner who has uncapped his oil tank has prooably noticed the sAeatiiig insiae tne Ml pipe," Mr. Vance said. "Moisture condenses Inside every tank from the humid air which is breathed in through the vent pipe." "With the installation of 600,- 000 new oil burners in Canada ! since the Second World War, the I problem of protecting this equip ment has become o( major im- portance throughout the oil industry. "The use of Sonitor will result in substantial savings in tan replacement costs and the elim ination of considerable inconvenience to the home owner by protecting new tanks as well as old." The new corrosion inhibitor will not undo damage already j done in a tank, Mr. Vance ex plained, but it will prolong the life of any tank. Cards, j)ance I . II ti iioiied at rtall f v Ten tables were in piay at the Sons of Norway dance and whist party Friday night. Taking first prizes were Mrs. A. Mclver and Alf Jensen. Second prizes went to Mrs. R.-Cormier and H. Maclntyre while i Helgi Erickson took the door prize. The committee in charge included Mrs. E. Somes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Freidheim, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pedersen and Gunnar Selvlg. I THIS WEtK. I Job's Dauchters fashion show , and entertainment at the Civic 1 Centre, 8.15 tonight. Door ! prized Legion Ladies' Auxiliary meeting Thursday, 8 p.m., in the Legion Auditorium. Job's Daughters Easter Tea and Bazaar Thursday, April 8, 2.15 p.m., at the Armories, Sixth Avenue West. OPTOMETRIST Fred E. Dowdie 30J Third Ave. W. Phone Green 960 ($3.55) T)il dvrtistment is no published or displayed by the Liquor Control Botrd or by the Government ol British Columbi -f M WW IUUI1CI AVIV) Rob your Rest.. Man; people never leem ta f et fi nifht'l rest The; turn ami to feUim it n 'nerves' when it Buy be their kidneva. Health; kidney filter poiaona and eiceia Kida from the blood. If the; fail and imsuritiea sta; in the a;atem diaturbed teat often follow. If von don't rest veil t and use Dodd'l Kidne; Pdls. Dodd's help the kidneys as) that vou can rest better and feel better. IM DoddsKldner Pills COME IN AND TRY IT! the IP: ROYAL PORTABLE I I WITH SENSATIONAL NW SPEED SELECTOR! 1 - INCLUDING HANDSOME .l-jl FIBCRGl AS CARRYING CSf ONLY DOWN u MONTH ' Fully Guaranteed McRAE BROS. ' Phone 6 or 36 The Store that Service Built' 7 cm3B ) sjrr ELTA MILK FOR INFANTS FORMULA also protected with the Golden lined Vacuum Sealed Can. raw vp,.stiinsier i.. tfestmiiift" fan ..j nirk Jigures business tup, he but .... rif uui, 10 ;tuwJ' " ;t who won the V u III uw ;als n Wcilnes- ',!! he l.nrnea ton 4-.", in; fe" and in Out; Lnke, His ,il cany forest service de- 1 rtrnve prior spi it, where ,.jr home, uoruie ' cluiKiio there lt ueljis one rc- afti r a vac ition ..rnir VauKliaii. happy tu return alleys :1Md the P" in "B" l-dics' five-pin ,,eat 683-count. m;,y be all risht it , . . but Bill l,on are having I lime out they . and -since cut caw;lil a flown a says ;nng llio.se ni'ip- i welcome lor hlpr whin they s this summer. proceedings at last week was Ed Green. He's itT io reiuin iu remain here. in evidence torestry depart- here, especially who's look- moving Into new . he hopes, by so far the de- hasn't been ad- structlon. farm has gone hi o 1 1 x (or six has t-o quarter Melville. Sask.. harvest a good jwng to Rupert their younger : tame back to iltf fights at Saturday n!ht. itching, quietly V two Terrace ion, was Tommy of note several returned to the iterd-iv. hers rps pone who brought tdren h"re for 'Bit la.st week s brother, Bert S'hanned greet- ore of old ac- is are in order m. A livewire topped all theatre era- Imas in snles of ti"ltets. Hl 53.155 30. Nearest Mvrrt In Na- a $50 prize. ie arlded com- Uier of the past M the many t their craft in lush on th list frs are Crnrirr K0ala. Their miRht not look "f of the yachts but th(v Kay p"8ine in first "e lnokine for- summrr of fish- "'inks It wniilrl 1 " some of the it with him and . . Til i nwiii' I .olo by van Mper ttluuio. i A. PELLERIN Newlyweds A toast to the bride was pro- ! posed by Mr. Jimmy Nlcoll and j the bridesmaid by Mr. Archie ! Cambrin. For her Wedding trip, th:' bride donned a smart spring suit l grey flannel with fur coat i rii tunc iiuu b iiiiv uiu; j crocneiea ciocne. tier corsage was of yellow roses. Following their honeymoon. the pair will reside at 906 Sixth Avenue East, in Prince Rupert. I The well-known bride was ' born In Prince Rupert and employed at the Roypl Bank here before moving to Vancouver last August. The groom was born in Trail, B.C., and is now employed by the Aluminum Company e.f Canada at Kemano. Luxury breomer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday av 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight IVi Comfort and Service i ' J0L For reservations write or call City or Depot Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. For Queen Visits Cocos Islands COCOS ISLANDS, Indian Ocean (Reuters) The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh stepped from the royal yacht Gothic into another world today as they paid a 90-minute visit to this romantic coral group. All 350 inhabitants of Home Island, one of the three main islands, gathered along the "main street of the village as the royal couple drove 300 yards to the house of Mr. and Mrs. Clunies-Ross, the ruling family. The brightly claa natives who greeted the roval couple were members of one of the few feudal communities left In the civilized world. No islander who leaves for the muinland is ever allowed to return. There is no currency on the island. The only export Is copra. Payment is madc on bartPr system, ,,,,,. oc , . , island' nij house is a th7ee-Vo7r affair of glazed bricks brought from Scotland. It stands at the end of the main street. The CIumts-Roo family has developed the Island as a welfare state for the 1,000 inhabitants I during the last 130 years. The present ruler, John Clunies-Pnss. Is known as '.'the king of the Cocos." i ' He is the descendant of a Scottish trader who first reach-i ed here in 1825 and was granted a "perpetual lease" over the islands by Queen Victoria. He rules with his Manchester-i born wife over an Island para-i c'ise of model villages. It has Its own free health system. IV J,,l , " III J ! Honeymooning in interior B.C. T are Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armand I Pellegrin, whose wedding tok I to place here last Wednesday eve- ning at a ceremony In the First I United Chu'ch. ,, , , j The Rev. L. G. Sicber. con- of ducted the service uniting Lor-raine Catherine Youngman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Youngman, 417 Dunsmuir Street, and the son of Mr. John! Pellegrin of Tran; B.C. Given In marriage by her father, the bride was charming in a gown of traditional white, fashioned of Chantilly lace poised over nylon net and satin. The ballerina-length frock featured long-sleeved bodice etched with seed pearls and nylon net and a scalloped hem line on the lace oversklrt, re- veallng bouffant layers of net. A coronet of seed pearls secured her fingertip veil of silk illusion and she carried a colonial bouquet of baby red roses. Attending the bride was her j sister, Miss Nina Youngman, , wearing a pretty gown of sky i .blue nylon net over taffeta with (matching lace jacket. Compli-i menting the ensemble were her headdress of white carnation petals and colonial borqwt of spring flowers. Bestman was Mr. Archie Cambrin and ushers were Mr. Robert Roy and Mr. Leonard Youngman. Organist was Mrs. Yvonne Calderwood. For the reception in the Le-! gion auditorium, the . bride's parents assisted in receiving, ivlis. Youngman wearing a dress of navy blue crepe with matching accessories and corsage of, red roses. The brice s table held a beautifully decorated wedding cake flanked by all white tapers and sprays of spring flowers. Serving refreshments were Miss Madeline Youngman, Miss Diane i Kennedy. Miss Mildred Fumes., Miss Beth Astoria, Miss Nellie Bill and Miss Lorraine Dell. TRAVEL TOPICS SOME SAMPLE" AIR FARES FROM PKIMCK RUPERT TO: Que Way Return ar.couver ...41. WJ5 80.75 Edmonton 57.70 103.85 Ketchikan 15.00 27.00 Toronto ... 1G3.70 313.85 San Francisco ,85.80 161.85 New York' .,171.80 333.85 0i, Your Local Traycl Agent CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES 215 2nd Street. Phune 6!0 STEWART Members of the Portland Canal Chapter No. 18, Women of the Moose celebrated their 15th anniversary at a special session here Thursday nighti at which five charter members were present. They were Mrs. W. R. Tooth, Mrs. O. RUch, Mrs. K. Wake, field. Mrs..P. Svedoerg and Mrs. C. Lundstrom. Other charter members, unable to attend, were Mrs. N. Traversy, Mrs. V. Fisher and Mrs. C. E. Gibson. Total membership of the chapter Is 65. Members of Portland Canal Lodge No. 1218, Loyal Order of Moose were guests of the women at the session, joining in a whist and cribbage party. Prize winners included: Whist women's 1st, Mrs. A. Jacobson, consolation, Mrs. M. Bolovick; men's 1st, Nick Oilloff, consolation, Thorllef Retvedt;- crib-Women's 1st, Mrs." C. Mayse, consolation, Mrs. A. Lawrence, men's 1st, Stewart Walling, consolation, Clell Mayes. The group also honored Mrs. Sports Togs, i To Highlight i Fashion Show I ! ' Sports t07s. Including the lat- est bathing suit styles, will fea - P lure tonights fashion show snow by, oy Prince Rupert's Job's Daughters: In the Civic Centre auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Summer slacks outfiU ' and i other sport togs, along with the , h!thln-r suits, designed for teens! and adults, will take up a major pjition ol the show which will see girls of the lodge and somei mothers modelling the 1954 summer styles. Summer cottons, suits, coats t"d partv dresse aU-'O wlll.be displayed by the 30 models, and adding to the show will be musical entertainment, including a girls' chorus, piano duet and other Instrumental numbers. Plans for a dance to be staged at the end of April were discus- : scd when members of the Anglican Young People's Association ; of St. Peter's Seal Cove church met Inst week. ! Marilyn Farmer was welcomed i as a new member after which the group enjoyed games of chess, pheckcrs, Iwskctball and crokinole. 1 readers 7-TT" " 1 I A jrT " MM H. Wilkinson on her birthday. ' STEWART The Stewart Parent-Te acher Association staged a successful basket social and dance Friday, when enthusiasm reached a high peak despite small attendance. A feature of the event was fines as high as $5 against those dressed in good clothes. Auction of the box lunches highlighted the affair. Shuttle Play Draw Releasee I , i The Civic Centre Badminton i Club today released opening I?! three-da, tour, j nament, scheduled to get un J derway tomorrow night at the Centre. I ' Entries not listed' in the 7 ' p.m. and 7:30 p.m. draws were' asked to M at the centre by 8 i ' p.m. ' ,.!. 1 The draws are as follows; 1 P.M. Mixed Doujles F. OLscn. J. Cross vs II. iio'.Ue-stad. i E. Klersiead; i O. Viereck, , M. Viereck vs E. Dyer, D. Kii k-i patiirk; D. Radford, F. Cross vs ; A. Mill, B. Martin. j Men's Doubles C. Mills, W. Gardiner vs G. ! McNish. E. Dyer. ' Lad'es' V. B n , Home J.-Wrtght . N. , "7. , ley, M. hiiiz vs u. ivirKpamc, : K. Chlsholm. Men's Singles B Williamson vs S. Vickcr- man. 7:30 P.M. Mixed Douulrs B Mills. D. Mills Vs D. Brown. D. Kennedy, E. Abbey. H. Coad vs O. McNish, L. McKay. Men's Singles F. Olscn vs R. Tougn. Ladles' Singles B. Cooper vs B. Martin. , Ladies' Doubles J. Cross. M. Viereck vs E. Klcrstead, J. Armstrong. Men's Doubles D. Christenson, P. Charbon-ncau vs ; E. Abbey, Cadets to Join U.S. "Assault" ' OTTAWA P Twenty-five cadets of the Royal Canadian Navy's regular and reserve ioius will join U.o. miusmp-m n In June in a mork assault along the coast of Virginia. The amphibious exercise will be the wlndup of a training pro gram in which the Canadian cadets will work with 775 midshipmen from the U.S. naval academy at Annapolis, Md. The cadets and middies will make the landing, near Camp Pendleton, Va., with 2,000 U. S. marines, backed up by 35 ships, aircraft and paratroopers. CROWDED CONTINENT Europe, excepting Soviet Russia, has an average population of 207 per square mile, compared with 23 in North America. ' TMI FVOURITi CIOAI fOP. IVIP.V SH005STFO ?9Kt Pioleciion ' X- ; K i v.. ,( ' l , vJC:--"-. If ! A fi n1 7AyV vJ ,e to look m i . t. He h,o ... ! " R0 with him i ; " brine it hunk 1 e r,'al blazes In 1 npxt winter Wling around Ki'nr l,r tv,i. Valhalla Itinrc. Saturday.! April 3, 9 to 12. Refreshments.! : (79' l I he (tot up early look over th. A GALAXY of porgeous garments from the Mayfalr salons of London's "Big 12" await the debutantes stepping Into England's new social season. This pearl -colored nylon satin has. been chosen by Michnel Sherard for his classical ball dress, cut with' one broad shoulder panel crossing the tucked boo ire. Nylon satin' has a particularly rich, gleaming texture, flattering under ballroom lights. "en helnino . Saturdity, (70) Moo.se whist drive, 8 p.m. ,..ter. Pay r tossed a few sal'ors on th. "v'd 'o play Easter Cards by Coutts now on display at McRAE BROS. 1 (891 J. He con-on n-nln bnwl. vnian him- ten "pit ,1. ,neri- u' VUn". Jack nf ni Steve Don't forget Rod & Gun meeting tonight, 8 p.m. Moose i Hull. ' . (It) j Sonla Ladies meeting, Mrs. ' E. Wick, . 12.-5 Beach Place, j Tuesday, April 6. (81 1 In the. Interests of the Cana-1 dln Li:gion and Legion affairs. ih? film "In Which We Serve", will be shown at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Hr.n, dentine OCCASION ""lenean April 6. at the Legion Auditorium. Everybody welcome. No f rlmlU.nner chnt'tre. . ' (ill ' '