PROVINCIAL ML m 36 PEOVIKCIAL LI3?.ft3f , a "K . a i a '113 April 6. 1M VICIO.IIA, 2. C. April 4. lMi v. 2:52 23.1 feet Daily ' Delivery Phone 81- ' 15: 9:25 '21:21 19 9 feet 1.3 feet 5.9 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published or Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLUI, No. 79 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1954 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS n nrx raw n ii- ' n si tl ii mm. j T, . 9 I A A , wgp I nurt ivian lOKen French Officials Beaten By Fishboat to Plane A Prince 'Rupert logger, 23-year-old Robert Byrd was rushed to hospital here yesterday after a mercy A ( . .. flight from Cannery Bay. An employee of Jetter it lo- 4 .. &nf hanson Logging Company, Ltd., X. I. PARIS (AP) Premier Joseph Laniel nursed sore shins today and Defejice he is reported to have been Injured while working on a mountainside at the company's Crow Lake camp, about 25 miles northwest of Prince Rupert. Queen Charlotte Airlines was notified ana pilot Roy Berry-man and Dr. Donald Oakley left here at 11:56 a.m. to pick up the injured man. Although the flight was "a little bumpy" they got back by 1:30 p.m. and a waiting ambu " '''r f J Mayor Asks Fishermen Be Included !E 0PKM'' ceremonies In Toronto or Canada's first subway, a group of officials VIP Special fr the first operational run from the northern terminus to Union a end of thr 4l'2-mile line. The subway train comes around a bend on an open-cut, illcl to Yodkc Street, while crowds watch from the overpass. . Minister Kene fleven a slapped face after a mob attacked them to protest ratification at the proposed European Defence Community. The 100 or so rioters, identified as supporters of Gen. Charles lance 'ance rushed rusnea Byrd tiyra to to nospn hospital. nir. George r u:n,. Hills has i Mayor of the accidet were get Surplus of $10107,000 asked Premier Bennett to include fishermen in any proposed changes in the Workmen's Compensation Act. not available. Byrd suffered a severely in jured right arm, chest injuries and shock. His condition Is reported "fair." Camp officials got the injured man down the mountain and a th Straight But Smallest d Oaulle, Monarchists and possibly some Communists, broke up a ceremony Sunday at the Arc de Triomphe honoring the GETTING OVER THAT LOG is no easy Job, but these two leopard cubs are scratching away at it. Six weeks old, the spotted cuties are getting a daily ration of sunshine at the Frankfurt (Germany) Zoo. defenders of Dien Bien Phu, the Communist-besieged fortress in Indo-China. -The federal fcov- securities in the hands of the was payment of $338,800,000 in ' iaisd May tt had public and the remainder went universal old age pensions at 70 us of $10,107,000 in ; into the government's cash bal- and over. This . Is raised mostly r ended March 31. , ance. ' by special income and sales In a telegram to the premier this morning, the mayor said !!!) straight sur-1 Another major Item not re-1 taxes, which produced an esti- smailcst in that ! fleeted in the budgetary accounts 1 mated $294,000,000 in 1953-54. fisherman in a gillnetter transported him from the shoreline of Cannery Bay to meet the QCA plane. Mrs. Byrd, who was staying at the camp, was brought to the city by boat later in the day. They formerly lived at 1228 Beach Place. "Prince Rupert is vitally dependent on the fishing industry. . "I feel that flshetmen in all phases of Industry should receive protection under the Workmen's Compensation Act and would urge you to include this sister Abbott Rave ; Sioux Sails For Ocean Fails Following Busy Weekend Here With only a few police and troops on hand, the demonstra-tors rushed the official party as it started to leave the ceremony. Laniel was kicked in the shins. A police flying wedge got him to a police car which the rioters then tried to overturn. Police held off the mob and the chauf feur finally rammed the car in a white paper j Commons prelim-'. uy nisht's prcseu- 954-55 buiiset fore- group in any proposed changes TVio fliuht. Tnfi tjrmpfl linn- npnarturn nf the HMCS Sioux ! came Sunday afternoon in of the act." I vfintf ui hv nllot Berrvman who at , 8 a.m. today, ended a busy Roosevelt Park, when Navy de- Copies oi the telegram were , has made many mercy futs weekend for her 231 men and 14 feated a pick-up local team 5 sent to A. Bruce Brown, Liberal throughout this northern area. nffWit u,hn pncrairpd in a round to 2. MLA for Prince Rupert, and Ar- Hp returned nnlv a weelt aon through the crowd. Pleven was stranded under the arch alongside France's national JAYCEES URGED TO PUSH VOTE ON LIQUOR ISSUES " VICTORIA CT George Wheaton, president of the Victoria Chamber of Commerce said here Saturday night that British Columbia's high liquor consumption could be reduced by a more intelligent approach to the liquor problem. He urged the Jaycees to encourage city residents to get out and vote oil the forthcoming; liquor plebiscite: - Mr. Wheaton said "some liquor reform laws are long overdue." Young people were going to continue drinking so they should be able to do so in "decent, respectable" surroundings, he said. of sports ana social events dur-l Frank Boltong organized the in their visit here. local team for the game, the noiu weosier, tvi oppuMiioiij Irora the east coaal where he leader. , xaoii a special course with the Fishermen and farmers have Royai Canadian Navy. shrine, the tomb of the unknown soldier. Men of the Sioux, which arriv- first this season. Playing with and tax policy 1 :.t fiscal year. 1 economic and fi- i showed the value ! .natio:.ul income! tame moving to : lu cajendar year ; r, net (arm Income ! 4 budget surplus, ! onflrmation whert - ire cleaned up! compares with an j ehre Friday at 2 p.m.. on a j htra were th Rutten brothers, training cruise, and are nowllnaron, Nuyten, Tambourni, act because of their type of work j which does not guarantee a set j income each year. f - Screaming "resign!" the cowd hurled stones which missed him. Two or three knocked off his hat and glasses. Someone slapped him twice. Another grabbed a handful of his hair. headed for Ocean Falls and Verne Hurley,-Maurice Bishop, other southern points, were en-1 Rod Tait, Kruetzy and Quinto Price Index Declines tertained by officers and men of bcatinL HMCS Chatham and private Thf game was close in the first half, ending with a score of 2 to I for Navy, but the locals showed Pale and seething. Pleven j citizens throughout their stay. OTTAWA 0,' The consumer a of S'23.547.000 in fiscal year and with Activities got underway Friday nieht with a smoker in the signs of weariness and their play an $11,000,000 sur- j men's canteen at Chatham. At I la? d durin? he ??cond hajf ;j Demand For Big Three Meeting hi in Mr. Abbott stood with the police in the centre of the crowd until reinforcements finally arrived almost a half-hour later. The rest of the crowd of about 1.000 watched the attacks with detachment and made no move 3 19, 1953. The top the same time, a cocktail party "lnfr Ior VJ ln; eluded a dance at Chatham s for the ship's officers was staged In Chatham's wardroom. Earlier drlU ha following the boxing 6",100,000 in 1947- lll-Timed Churchill Asserts Friday, Cmdr. A. M. Rankin, I "&" ounuay HR0P 1 to intervene. They dispersed commanding officer of the Sioux LONDON Prime Minister after Pleven departed. ues and expendi- called on Mayor George E. Hills at City Hall. nfromfci- tur. unurcniu loaay iom uie nuuj Mrs. W. Vance's Mother Dies Word) was received here, today of the death yesterday in Vancouver of Mrs. David Mcintosh, mother of Mrs. W. D. Vance of this city. She was 87 years old. Born In loronto, she had lived in Reglna,and Edmonton before moving to Vancouver. Mrs. Mcintosh visited in Rupert several times. Besides Mrs. Vance, she leaves two other daughters, Mrs. C. Thompson m Vancouver, Mrs. E. R. Borgen of San Jose. Calif., and two sons, Gordon of Winnipeg and Herbert in Sacramento, Calif. price index, measuring living costs, declined by one-fifth of a point in February to 115.5, the bureau of statistics reported today. Declining food prices were the deciding factors in trimming the index which had remained unchanged at 115.7 in the previous month. Coffee prices rose sharply and there were other rises but lower prices for all cuts of beef and most fresh vegetables trimmed the food sub-index by a full point. The clothing sub-index also declined but all other columns showed increases. j Saturday some of the men French Claim night movie, also at the drill hall. Many of the Sioux's men were taken for drives around the city and district and to dinner Saturday and Sunday by Rupert citizens. The ship, after visiting Ocean Falls and skirting the west coast jst year 01 commons mat a uiuw pm- 4 revenues reached ! posal tnat he taKe ' l Peak of $4,400,036,- j " 1.000 Rebel Dead! were laiten nsmng, in uie nar-bor and up the Skeena, and many enjoyed fresh trout for Initiative" in arranging a meeting with President Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Malenkov on the H-bomb was ill-timed In view of the forthcoming Geneva conference. Speaking In debate on the hydrogen bomb, Churchill accepted In principle a Labor proposal for a Big Three meeting to ease world tensions but said "we orapared with the ol $4,360,823,000 audi Princess Dies at 53 estimate of $4.473,-! HANOI, Iindo-China The i breakfast Sunday morning. One French high command an-! man landed a 30-pound cod, nounced today the defenders of j while fishing from the stern of Dien Bien Phu had killed "more ; the ship at the CNR wharf, than 1,000" Vletminh troops Major features of the Sioux's trying again to smash their ! visiting were the boxing card of Vancouver Island, was scheduled to arrive at Esquimalt April 9 ' " i WEATHER OSLOW (Reuters) National j must see wnat happens" at the B were S4.389.979,-1 with the previous CT.oriO and with a S4 4.01)0.000. The mourning hung over Norway to Geneva conference. The propo way into the heart of the be-) Saturday night in which 1,200 day marking the death early sieged fortress through its north- Rupert fans watched local and 'IV,, $3'322-000'-! today of Crown Princess Macr- Navy Navy boxers boxers meet, meet, and and a a football football west corner 1 -, -uiuv year OI Mother Has Second Child Three Weeks After First wt debt was cut nt sal was offered today by opposition leader Clement Attlee. Churchill again refused to intervene against American H-bamb tests in the Pacific, He said the tests "increased chances of world peace rather than chances of world war." He also declared that the So l-54 by the amount tha, 53. Her husband, Crown Prince Olav. and their three children. Princess Ragnhild, 24, Astrid, 22 and Prince Harald, 17, were at her bedside. King Haakon also was present. She had been 111 with a liver ls' to $11,101,000,000. North Coast Region: Southern section cloudy with scattered showers todiry ttnfl- cloudy with sunny periSds Tuesday. In the northern .section, variable cloudiness today and .Tuesday with a few showers of know or mixed rain and snow . in the Queen Charlottes. Not much change in temperature.; Winds northwest 15 today becoming light unmatured fun- CHELSEA, Mass. Ufl A mother The mother Is Mrs. Wilbur ':s "I $14.5(19,500.000 with two complete organs of Chapman, 31, of Foxboro, Mass., viet Union ' was "very much $6 824.200 nnn closer on the heels of the United complaint for three weeks, , En fin1 .V --'f " i 'tive assets on the s balance sheet, ! SUto- in delt of the in London the Queen Mother conception, who conceived separately in each womb, today gave birth to her second child a boy three weeks after the first. Doctors described the pregnancies as extremely rare in medical "-SpendillE ficrnrn. oraerea mcmocrs oi uie n.uyi Tuesday. )ow-f tonight and high Tuesday at Port Hardy 30 and the atomic bomb. V V . -v r v. a varietv i,f attractive blonde wife of an aviation electrician stationed at the Weymouth naval air station. Doctors at the U.S. naval hospital announced the child was born at 4:19 a.m. EST. They said he weighed 4 pounds 6V2 ounces, and mother and child were "doing fine." FIRST BORN MARCH 15 "liOHS such aslnnne 43, Sandspit and Prince Rupert 30 and 40, I history. Pns and the renav- Family to observe a week's mourning for Crown Princess Maertha of Norway who died early today. In Prince Rupert, the Norwegian 1 Consulate, under acting n advances made in 'ts. On these thorn ( (V ? i PORTSMOUTH. England ( A fire blazed briefly aboard the battleship Vanguard, flagship of Britain's home fleet, in Portsmouth dockyard today. Little damage was done and no one was injured. credit of $3B2,- Four Killed and 40 Homeless By Fire in Ontario Cities Wfflint, $273 nnn nnn i... t,. xr i Qt mire unmatured 1 half mast. The first child, Susan Joy, was born at the hospital March 15. I She weighed 3 pounds 14 ounces business at birth. part of a downtown By The CaJiiiritan Press FtrQ struck more than a ha?f- ress Putty in Hands of Cameramen dozen Ontario communities during the week-end, killing four Mitchum Plays it Debonair and Suavd ranee be the sexiest thing on two legs. Movie The star of the Impromptu t Mil.., Rn I took off the scarf. Si- , rin " . WW to- production was red-haired oe piwt0. ,' a buxom-nude mone Silva, a flashing-eyed, 25-year-old girl whose movie ex In the mad scramble that followed, Miss Silva said, three nhntoErahDers fell Into the Med perience thus far has been Jump into lhc W He didn't iterranean, a fourth broke his anicin and a fifth suffered a district. Two stores were gutted and loss was estimated at $250,-000. At Parry Sound, three buildings containing at least six businesses and six apartments were gutted and four families were left homeless in a blaze early Sunday. Damage was estimated at $1,000,000. In other fires, Mrs. Philip Slater saved her 63-year-old crippled husband from death at Hamilton after he fell against an electric heater. She tore his flaming clothing from him but he suffered severe burns. At Barrie, Mrs. Marion Ship-man and her 13-year-old son carried four small children to' safety when fire destroyed their frame home. At Hamilton, a house was destroyed after three children, played with matches in the attic. No one was hurt. The naval hospital announced the latest birth in this statement: 'IMrs. Thelma Chapman, who delivered a normal but small female Infant from the left of two uteri on March 15, 1954, went into labor spontaneously on April 5. 1954, and after approximately two hours of uneventful labor, delivered a normal, living male infant from the right uterus, weight four pounds, six and one-half ounces. "The mother and both Infants are doing well. It cannot be determined at this time whether both babies were conveived at the same time or not. The first baby is still at the hospital and has gained weight from S pounds, 14 ounces to 4 pounds, four ounces." Since the babies came from different uteri they are not considered twins. :ktthesea," fractured elbow. children, leaving 40 persons homeless and doing damage estimated at more than $1,250,-000. The children, three under five years old and the fourth a 12-year-old baby-sitter died, at Gait Saturday night when flames spread from a stove. - Dead are three children of Pte. and Mrs. Richard Dolson: Ricky, eight months, Mary, 3, and Bobby 4. The baby-sitter was Nancy Wylie, Mrs. Dolson's sister. The children's parents were at a Canadian Legion dance when the flames spread through their second-storey apartment. At Campbellford in the Peterborough district, 26 persons were left homeless early Sunday I when flames burned through mainly confined to supporting roles in British films. Miss Silva, wearing a grass skirt and a scarf top, was posing for pictures, on rocks ner the sea during the picnic. Mit-chum was called over to pose with her. "The photographers got down Miss Silva left Cannes a day or two after the picnic. There were rumors promptly denied by the actress when she arrived in London that the festival P Waved i, ... last ""V" u his officials had asked her to take kin their knees to plead with her 37-lnch bust eisewnere. ! Unties i . wltn 1W10 h"ve her me to take the top off, she toid Th actress told reporters she reporters in . London Sunday BRINGING VP THE REAR of this little procession, consisting of Mrs. Robert Fry, her grocery cart, groceries, and 11-month-old Joj'ce Lynn, Is Joyce's duck, named inevitably Donald. The trio has Just been doing the marketing In the balmy 58-degree weather of Day Ion, Ohio. wanted to go to Hollywood and : he am,. night. none "f m y af- "As long as sex Is box office had agreed to the pnotograpn ers' request for publicity. i and I keep my figure, I'm out to