Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. April 5, 1954 Unfavorable SPEEDERS IN QUEBEUi SKIP BAIL, DON'T PAY tti MAGOG, Que. If you're a .sm(i,r , , bail than be fined on the traffic tL '"l Townships centre. e ln lh .. Motorists arrested for speeding are i while the fine, if convicted, Is usually $g ln H . Only two-time offenders are tracked down 4 f " " v ' 0m fit w 'fHn W Ivt f . J Catholics Laud Senator McCarthy In New York NEW YORK t.n Triii tor Joseiih R. McCarthy (Rcp.-Wis.) received an enthusiast tr reepp-tl' Sunday from a Roman Orthotic pudienrc thtit later nearly rnishrd him In efforts t(t express congratulations. Tte senator's h ilf-hour .spro-h 'V adtlresKod to si'inc 6 00(1 persons. Including Francis Car-d uai Sprllnvin, Arclih'.-.luip of Nov York at a communion bfckfast of the city police department's Holy Name Society. Some of the audience cried: "McCarthy for president!" fbe senator was introduced ty the Rt. Rev. Joseph A. Mc-Culfrey, retiring police chaplain, rs man who his fought untruth, with truth, disloyalty wich leylty. tieasc-. -vi patriotism vA jodltsariess odlinc." 1 Qk- Trade Balance I $467,000,000 OTTAWA (P Canada had an unfavorable net balance of $4"7 -DOO.OOO on international trans-! actions in 1953. ' I The budget white paper tabid ! today in the Commons said there i was a merchandise Import sur-' nle-- or ifWmio.OOO in 1953 com-1 pared with an export sur ' ilus $491,000,000 in VJ.Vi ! "This change in the merchan-. ' r tllP 111 lilir ! factor in the movement from a 1 uireiL-acuomu oil: plus oi 5io7.- ; (OO.nild i !92 to an estimitnl' deficit of some $Ki7,ono,0(lO in : in :'." i!ii the whita papir. j Imports we"e valued at $4,207,000,000 an increase of $361,000,000. j Merchandise exports were val- i tied at $4.152,00,000, down $135,- ; 000.000. i . rvr . - ;. f V ' ,'l h ll ' 7 ' ' " I-' ' ' - I. SLA ON Tut SAME I'ROMUM "UNDER THE RED SEA" Documentary LAST COMPLETE SHOWING 8:30 P.M JANE RUSSELL (right) has been signed as actress-producer by United Artists on the eve of its 35th anniversary, to be celebrated next month. Mary Plckford (left), one of the founders and still a co-owner of the company, was the first actress-producer on the roster. : tr3TYT)?fTo'o'oc7?::!: THI Clornui ..... JAMES SAVAGE, 31-ycar-old Montreal jewelry salesman, waits at home with his children Joy, 8, (left) Nancy, 7, and Donald. 9, for news of the condition of his wife Catharine, who gave birth to triplet girls two of them Siamese babies joined at the head by flesh and bone. The three infants, a month, premature, were placed in incubators, ihe triple birth was S" "complete" shock to the father and attending obstetrician said he believes the birth is without precedent in medical annals. Specialists, including a neuro-surgcon from the famed Montreal Neurological Institute, and leading Montreal pediatricians have seen the Siamese babies. THE KEYwS 0? THE KLMGDQM Czechoslovakia j And Red China Fail on Loans OTTAWA . Communist China and Czechoslovakia defaulted ln 1953-54 on the repayment of Canadian loans. . A total of $49,400,000 is outstanding on a loan of $51,000,000 o the Chinese republic follow-i Ing the Second World War.! 3LACKWOOD-OP BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD M Villi BEST OF FOOD -'INEST OF COOKING TOR TAKE OIT OltDKKS i Phone 200 Broadway Cafe NORTHERN CENTRE From only 4,000 in 1940. popu-; lation of Anchorage, Alaska, has ; increased to more than 50,000. TOTE Today to Wednesday Evenings 7: - 9:20 p.m. 1 I.HU..II- V Canadians;; Spent, Saved More in 1953 ' s Now Al Wallace's Of Course flood Bidding Puts Hand Into Slam When his partner opened the bidding with a heart, Mr. Dale correctly considered his hand too strong for a mere double raise of hearts and not quite strong enough for a jump shift. He therefore decided to try to send that information across trie table by describing his own hand and eventually showing his fine heart support. coenosiovaKia owes $a,o.o,uoo on a post-war loan of $16,400,000. Status of the loans was outlined in a budget white paper tabled today in the Commons. Repayments were received on schedule from other countries to which Canada extended credit. Britain has whittled to $1,142,-100.000 the $1,250,000,000 loan received in 1946. She also has reduced to $142,500,000 a $730,-300,000 loan ln 1942. OTTAWA f Canadians, other than farmers, earned more, saved more and spent more in 1953 than at any time ln history. mm His bid of two diamonds and CCC 300 CLUB ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, April 6, 1954, ot 8 p.m. Club Lounge - Civic Centre The Annual Grnrral M-'etin; (if u nivmbcrs ol : club Is being held to deal with the following:' (a) Election of Officers. (b) Report of present and proposed aniviiiu The budget wiute paper, tabled today in the Commons, set per-, VNMy Ladies" ! Easter Bonnet It you like the "flowers that bloom in 5 the Spring," you'll love our new Spring hats. , All the latest season's colors trimmed for a colorful Easter. The 5 uual Wallace's value in prices too. m sonal incomes for the year at $18,079,000,000 compared with $17,128,000,000 for 1952. Personal three clubs were both forcing as each was a bid in a new suit by a responder. When Mr. Masters raised the clubs, Mr. Dale now showed his heart South dealer 1 Both sulrt vulnerable 1 Surlh Mr. llte 1 8-K 4 : ! H K 6 4 j D A t 1 i ! 1 C K Q I savings totalled $1,500,000,000 compared with $1,381,000,000, and personal expenditures $15,147,-000.000 compared with $14,424,- Defence Spending Down Last Year, But Still Big Item With good fitting cards ln diamonds and clubs and a lne spade, Mr. Masters put the hand in a slam after checking on (Mr. AlM-l) (Mr. Kr!. 810 Ml 8-A 1)711 'I H J 6 H s i n a In t 1 n 1 a I M . tt r-v. m. m m - WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE 000.000. Farmers did not share In the general Increase. Net Income from farm production was down to $1,667,000,000 from $1,934,000,- bKK NG. Kouth (Mr. Mu.llt-) aces. NICE PLAY -ii OTTAWA H Canada's defence spending was reduced in ! 000 in 1952. More than half the It took a nice play to make 12 tricks. The opening leid was the deuce of spades, dummy the last year but It remained the i largest item of federal expendi- i ture. I reduction was traced to a decline in agricultural production. nlnvpri Inw onH Mrs Koetn xurn Means lots of Hard Wear-See our orcot M A ID I 1 -V C-A AN j The bldrtlnz: J A ' South West North CaM I " ' TsJ ' 1 H PaM 3 O PasJ ; V. " ,. k X ' a H Pu c PaM , , L,, X 4C Paa H Paw f".". (,,..' V Despite the drop in farm production, Canada's gross national production hit a record $24,300,- . t 0Vter!iment white paper wlth the queen Sne rcturnecl a tabled today in the Commons, I low c,ub and dumrny, queen showed budgetary spending on won GIANT RUMMAGE SALE uuu.uuu, up $1,100,000,000 over selection olcti aeience or 5i,oa,ouu,uuu lor r,ne T-U 1. 1 A 1 1 fiscal year ended March 31, rcn's shoes dtsj 1952. The national production figure represents the value at market down $81,600,000 from the year cd to fill t need. at IH All Paaa ' . C tT Y'' chopsuey... ' i ' . . . CHOW MEIN ? ?m ' j Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. !' OXFORD! 4 ; t 'r i '! -' j ,.' - , I '.:'. .,.f I ? . , ' . .. t. .. . , - T Vrt '' ' - 1 i,.y'k .. ' ) .t. '. I" 1 1 . 206 SIXTH STREET CREPE S3 4. lie imuk oi nuus wan chmicm t and Mr. Masters then took two ' rounds of trumps ending In his hand. He played the ace of clubs, discarding a diamond from the board, then ruffed his last club. There was still a losing diamond to contend with. A squeeze seemed the only hope and apparently that could be accomplished only if the defender with the high spade also had as many as four diamonds. From the opening lead of the deuce of spades it appeared that Mrs. Keen had started with five cards In that suit. And surely SANDAL! on before but still 43 per cent of i(euUiture. There was a cut of $127,500,000 in direct expenditures on Canada's armed services. The largest reduction was that of $108,900.-000 on the army, to $407,200,300. RCAF costs were the highest of the three services, though 'hev were reduced, by $22,800,-000 to $264,500,000. The navy showed the only increase in the services, up $4,200,-00 to $264,500,000. Defence production spending fell off to $49,900,000 from $88.-800,000. Mutual aid to NATO countries prices of all goods and services produced. r Labor income, representing the largest component of personal income, joined the record setters In 1953. Wages and salaries, Including military pay and allowances, were estimated at $11,962,000,000, an increase of $900,000,000. The civilian labor force. Including both employed and the unemployed, averaged 5,325,000 for 1953, an increase of 68,000 over 1952. Finance Minister Abbott noted a decline of 48.000 in the numbsr of agricultural workers and said this marks a continuation of the shift from rural to urban v 0 . Fashion Hollywood Cafe ' Footw For Outside Orders Phone 133 I she had the atfe, as Mr. Abel would hardly have underlcd that card against a slam bid. SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Solo Starts 9:30 a.m. Sponsored by HOSPITAL WOMEN'S AUXILIARY jumped $74,100,000 to $309,200,- Hut ehii tz-lri Viitin -t 000 Contributions toward ; diamonds because she had Vo l ,m'"ry,Stf almost. lowed suit to four leads of clubs unchanged at $12,000,000. The LxiDOiiyl ' whisky at a popular z and two lead: of hearts. Dilemma. But a clilemm" which Mr. Masters easily solved. He merely transferred the holding of the high spade from one opponent's hand to the other. He led the king of spades from the board and ruffed out Mrs. Plan Monument To Honor Lavalle MONTREAL A monument will be erected over the Mount Rovn) cemetery grave of Calixa Investments Set New High OTTAWA ! Canadians invested a record $l,4fe,000,000 in new ln 1953. The figure was contained in a Keen's ace. Lavalle who wrote the music fort Now the high spade (the 10 the Canadian national anthem was in Mr. Abel's hand and as budget white paper tabled today in the CommoT Vhe re vCan" 11 lcad Sun-: also held T four diamonds' no record was $801,000,000 in 1950. i was squeezed on tne run oi tne The project is sponsored by remaining trumps. On the last the St. Joan Baptistc Society, j heart he either had to unguard an organization devoted to the the diamond or drop the high preservation of French culture ' ; spade so that dummy's nine tradition ln Canada. would be good. The heusing record was set in a year when gross domestic investment reached $5,286,000,000, up from $4,506,000,000 In 195? but , lower than the 1951. tots. 1 of; $5,430,000,000. ... The while paper said the "most, significant" change in investment during the 'year was the volume of increase in business inventories. These Increased by about five per cfcrit during the first nine montlwof the year find then declined during the last three months. The sap's arising The buds are bursting, The birds are singing. By DERN it's . . . SPRING! I OR THAT Let's Ride in a PARKER'S A-1 Used Car f i 52 FORI) PANEL Heater. Low mileage. Compare this price $1495 52 FORI) SEDAN New tires and seat covers. 100. per cent right $2100 4 I MAnSEML-UELLS PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Have Your Tires Recapped for Summer Driving 51 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 51 FORD PICKUP Mechanically tops. Custom heater. A real buy $1495 . Tip-Top Shape $1195 YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE'' Kaien Consumers Co'Op DISTILLERS OF the Canadian UuiJj This rhla ailverlls(minl advertisement la Is nt not n,,i,ii.hj published n- At k.. the , Lluuor i.,,,ir Conli"! t'onllul Bord (HARDWARE) or displayed by 251 Third Avenue West Phone 179 Government o( Ki illsh Columbia lift