Prince Rupert Daiiy Nevs Ray Reflects and Reminisces As i See It Wednesday, January 6, 1954 A year ago Edmonton'.. i,. Senator Horner of says there is nothing seri ployed for the previous vear'i by Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prtu-je Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupm Dally New. Limited. J. P. MAQOR. President H. O. PERRY, Vine-President uiiut Jive muusancl Mf.i thanking all the kind folk who helped fetch her pet cat Figora home. It climbed a tan ixee und refused, for days on end, to descend. And Thomas or Tabby, least of all creatures wild t.v tame, simply won't explain. v. uni wrt-n, accorcliiiK advice from Krimnntm n.- (more emjiloyed for this year rami. t, Subscription Rates: if carrier Per week, 25c; per month, 100; per year, 10 00. ly mall Per month. 75c; rx-r Tear. 18 00 .ji.uAi.imi.t-iy eiglll thuuw,., 'i'he arrival of the P.O E u summer, in Edmonton had ,.' LM luthorlzea as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. eagerly looked forward to.ij V i, . . 7 " "''"ii'tv-J ous about the food surplus problem. Abolition of the machines that cut bacon, ham and oilier meants would turn tho trick. Slices are thinner than paper. And, by the way, eliminate the word '-.slice." kakmm; it i A large oak desk has been In constant use In an eastern Canadian bank for 137 years, and so has been given the place jpf honor in the premises, it is I officially announced. But speaking confidentially, nt in view of its outstanding business success, one would think the Bank Prophet's Bristles? Book on Sikhs AROUND our house they never have to worry about what to give me for -) .-inn naiiuig around. MKHKI.Y A DOZEN "I think it would come a surprise if I slated that totl-iy Canada, the only country ,,' world without a national n" we ate usiiii! twelve hir . j J . 11 " -j . .. i F-wmsffsmm HAVING A HISTORY The head of Hie Canadian Nathiiwl Railways declines to eo-operale with the Conadlnn Pacific Railway In the further expansion of that already spacious hotel in Vancouver. More than 40 years ngo, the builders nf the Orand Trunk Pacific solemnly told what there was of Prtiict Hiipert that they had plans for a hotel. They had, too, for what io you rail a mR-liiflcent blue-print, a roomy mnd costly rxcnvalton, and a nfl-feretnf rorn-eming holt-Is rvty 2(t years or ho. Anyhow, wf It-living Jongrr imwadays. kinds of. official or auttiori,,, nags or ensigns." Moveit of Montreal 1s deserving nf something new. , parliament (Oltawai by g. I 'Twas the higlil ftftv-f t'liHslimts niM-iiuini. n nonnveniiiro . , npixiHitmcnt of joint cotniiiit, '. to clioo'ie a .suitable (Icsim, And all through ttw house The only thine stirring Was a fat cellar mnusp. With fvevyone snoozing, " i From maid to the boss. The time seamed auspicious l To steal brandy sauce. , YE GODS! . n mm it - . What wnuW we do without the radio? Witen the broadcast Is havinv a tangle will, something or other, a rood, smart march strikes up, and first ft Ten-year-old Joyce Neil of i thing we're keeping time with Burnaby writes to the press, finger tip or toe, and feel al most nappy. Yugoslavia . . . Molotoff . . . what will happen In Berlin? . . . who is the new French president . . . ? Well, what if we have missed It all.' OTTAWA DIARY By NORMAN M. MiLEOD Christmas. "Give dad a book" is the old standby, and It works out fine. This year I got several books, nut onjy from the family, but from others too. Claire Wallace even sent me a copy of her new 50 cut buuk called "Mind Your Manners." I .see, that Claire ts even one jump ahead of us M.P.'s for Claire does on her own what no parliament has yet done pk-lis a standard version of O Canada. Nice going, Claire, you put the lawmakers to .shame. ONE new book which deeply interested me wa.s THE SIKHS, by Khuswant Singh. It ts published by Oeorge Allen and Unwin, London. In 215 pager it tells the whole story of the Sikhs how they originated in India as a product of the conflicts between Muslims and Hindus. The book even has some intriguing references to the Komd-gata Mam incident in 1914 when a whole shipload of would be-Sikh immigrants to Canada was turned back from Vancouver, in circumstances which were a sensation at the time. The timing of that episode tells part of the story for the author makes it clear that mischief-making German agents did have a mint, hand in whlppping up that crisis. There is one serious weakness in the book. It does not tell how the Sikhs have later fitted so j admirably into the Canadian SCIENTISTS AT McGlIX UNIVERSITY have completed success-' ful trst.-i with a new coal-burning gas-turbine ejiglne which may be used to power .railway locomotives and coal-operated electricity plants. Pulverized coal is burned in the large chamber at lower right. The resultant gas is led into the second tank and then passes upwards through pipes to the turbine. The turbine may be developed for commercial use In two years. Coal Burning Gas Turbine Engine May Bring New Life to Railways . . iv.-:m: M. MONTREAL (CP) McGill, Uni-" the federal ' government to rsk versity scientists have made the; McGill scientists to develop a first successful test runs with a coal-burnlng gas turbine en-coal-burning gas turbine engine glne. One of the most important as well as one of the most confident of the current crop of predictions from Parliament Hill economists is that 1954 will be a holding year, rather than one of substantial gains, on the labor front. The marathon strikes In the Northern Ontario and Quebec mines, now in process of settlement on terms which stamp both You Name It! We Ship It! Complete shipping service commercial or household for local or world-wide Uelivrrics. I.OCAI, OR I.ONO DISTANC'K MOVING LINDSAY'S FOR THAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY that may bring about a revolu A team set to work under Prof OFFERING his Beard of the Prophet once more, columnist Elmore T'hilpott has released his brain-teasers for 1 954. He believes they are easier questions than last year's. We disagree. In three cases he asks who will occupy fortain positions, and in a fourth he inquires about the affairs of a young woman's heart. Personalities are the most unpredictable of all subjects. It is easier to t ay whether there will he a war than whether Princess Margaret will U-.'ome engaged. E-it here ' goes : Will Princess Margaret become engaged to be married during the coming year? No. The Princess appears to recover quickly from what others like to think is a romance. It looks as if she prefers to reniain single for a while. .iWill there be a world war in 1054 involving 'Russia and the U.S.A.? No. -Will China's seat in the UN be allotted to the present Communist government in 1954? No. American resistance to this will not be overcome, particularly in a year when there are congressional elections. Who will be Prime Minister of Britain at year end. 1954? This is a tough one. Our guess is that Churchill is not well and that neither is Eden, despite the apparent recovery of each from recent illnesses. Also there are pressures within the Tory party. We are going to put the tab on the man occasionally mentioned Rab Butler. '.-.Who will be Prime Minister of Canada at year end 1954? This is not easy, either. St. Laurent is not "young and has dropped one or two hints about retirement. But yie pick; him to" finish the year. i Who' will be Premier of B.C. at year end 1954? WfA. 0i Bennett; ; Will Canada have an official national flag by year end 1954? No. The subject did not get enough encouragement during recent debate in the House. In the event another British general election in 1954, which party will win? Conservative. Will Canada's stock of wheat be greater or less on Dec. 31, 1954, than on Dec. 31, 1953? Less. This year's combination of shjppmg difficulties and good crop is not likely to' be-repeated. ., ". J 3 Will Canada'still ha(',e troops in Korea? No. A year from now Korea will be ancient history. That's it. Last year we had the right answers but' did not get the Beard because we failed to file them with Mr. Philpott. This year we are doing so but cannot truthfully say we feel any stubble around the chin. Donald Louis Mordell, a cautious sldes ln the stru8Ble as losers In almost equal degree, are declared young Englishman who spent the war venrs urinno- n h. to be the handwriting on the tlon In railway operations. Under design and construction for three years, the turbine may bring: Construction of a new type of locomotive, cheaper to operate and mpre efficient than anything now on the tracks. velopment of aircraft jet ' en-1 wal1 for a11 wage disPutes ln the ines months ahead. ti,J i,ii . , i The problem of the Northern "pen,mental Ontario and Quebec mines was 500-horsepower n coal-burning L pas slmnlp onp nlln, hv fivpH CARTAGE And STORAOM Phone 0 I Til turbine engine in McGill's eas ' Use of coal-burning gas , i,.v,... l.'lhnrntnrv . . at . . nnophw r... , price pi ice i lor wieir urotuiCL, wnicn "I.enve it to Mnd:avs" turbines to power electric gener- ' oil ' Jz"f, mainly . was gold, . . they just . didn't have the funds available with picture; how they later fought a wonderful fight which not only won the rights of full Canadian oil izerLshln for themselves, hut rCLJlPb ALb to meet the wage de- ating units and to serve a variety of other functions. A boom in the Canadian coal Industry, a casualty in the v,wHri l a:-1 "L mands of the miners. So mine nh0 Prides the J I manaRement had no alternative power i in the Air ' new. engine. , out str1 .,o,. until the phenomenal development of oil j thelto sitting a jntaiers pass the tne h'iat nat from from the'nn and for oil. n ,,nrk(,r(. rpaUlt,A innOnr by so doing wdn similar rights for persons of all other Asian ! origin. uses I furnace eases to a compressor I ,i ...V .'. GOVERNMENT CONCERN . which drives the turbine, taken l"...: " .J5" '"7:' 11 . Concefn over the future of ; from a Rolls-Royce Jet engine. ' " " V " ' , not prevail against economic law. vast Canadian coal reserves led , The engine is not a prototype THE AUTHOR is frankly skeptical about the survival of the Sikhs as a people separate from Hindus. He shows how, after one serious war, the Sikhs became supporters of the British regime in India. He shows too that the Now Federal economists proclaim that Canadian Industry senernlly is in basically the same position as were the gold mines. The nrlces which it can demand for its products are no less rigidly fixed not by any official mint price but by the prices of 1 for a locomotive or for other J uses but it is expected to provide V -all the answers scientists, need to j i know before, the engine can be 'developed commercially. "J Prof. Mordell believes it may : t take two years to compile the I i necessary information. Bf Thrifty '. )r . Spend Wisely . . . BUY THE BEST o INSIST ON U.S. Diplomat Secretly Trying To Resume Talks strict British army regulations, which decreed that Sikh recruits must obey the rules of their religion and leave the hair and competing goods , from countries "The fundamental aim of the I with low-wage economies. That PANMUNJOM (jn A United ! experiment is to find a new use mean mainly Western Germany States diplomat disclosed tod&v I for fal" Prof-Mardell said in an ' and Japan. If Canadian manu-that he has bpen fecline out t Interview. "It would be unwise facturers advance their prices the Reds secretly on resuming I to Concentrate all our attention j beyond those of their German the stalled nreliminirv Korean i upon the utilization Of oil and and Jananese competitors, they peace talks hut then- h is bcn.i i nn'-urnl pas reserves in view of automatically price themselves large Known reserves of out of their market - not only m coal." forc-icn countries but also in the It is estimated that Canada I domestic market where foreign has 55 carloads of coal per capi goods are becoming increasingly competitive. In brief, the day when labor no Indication that Ov Comnvi-rists and Allies will return to the conference table. Kenneth Young of the U.S. state department said the hush-Hish neeoti'itions have been handled by a go-between, whom he did not identify. It could be India, Switzerland or Sweden. ta of population compared with one-half tank-car of oil. beard uncut, had a tar teaching effect In perpetuating Sikh sep-arateness In India. Actually, In Canada the majority of Sikhs no longer follow the customs of their forefathers. Only a lew young Sikhs wear beards. Of course the real importance of the Sikh way of life was not in externals, like uncut beards, and long hair under turbans but what the Sikh religion put in the hearts of its followers. If you want to see the proof of the spiritual power of the Sikh way of life take a good look at the faces of the old men, sitting on iheffoor of the Item-ple, in Vancouver or oiif iil India as they listen U the reading of their holy book the Adi Granth. "By hearing the word, mortals Elderly Chairman of Commission Thp successful test runs were ' can llt'H',i8,e lts'lf wae ln-flcscribed in the House of Com- cre,l!iRS whith the manufacturer mons by Mines Minister Prud-tcan simply pass on to the con- is represented! ham, who said the McGill engine 'sumer !n llle (!U1'SC 01 8 h'B'icr POTATOES AND each of which here. . May Be Replaced by Younger Man is one of the best in the world i"" laK " "ls i11" 18 ue ."From whcre-I sit WASHINOTON Renewed . nears reality snvi'lr research. Kone. The trend now is I can't purposes. i ty.ssilPt4i0 I -i-V-V-; le other wav. That is to say. as it 1 argued, a wlhen It" migf.V 'tic-' specula! testime the conference," VoitnK titiiM4 Wnimiigh MttV$Wf b1i O. Stanley, chairman ''oft The Eisenhower admlilistra- old A. the U.S. section of tho Interna r ' ' '. - i , HI') n f i .Meiirn sources v iiitenslfies,' tire r FOlSv'' "OGGn K'iul!1(1'!ln manufacturer is rom- ! Ing under increasing pressure to JP I I lower his price tags. And while lion, it is known, has made some effort to replace Stanley. VEGETABLES HOUSTON CO-OP MARKET ASSOCIATION This attempt withered when it un risn ueai I are to godliness raised . . . appeared that the man the administration had in mind for for the time being he mav do so at the sacrifice of profit and overhead costs, he cannot continue indefinitely on such a tiaid in 'an interview after llt:: McleV "neeoliatTi.rfs" 'w'(:fo'"'ar, nounced. The talks broke down Dec. 12 when the Communists accused the U.S. of perfidy. U.S. envoy Arthur Dean demanded a retraction, and ended the six weeks of rgoUations after Hit Reds rcfii: ?d. Young said Russia'3 part in a peace conference remains the critical Issue. The Reds demand Those that hear, death do not fear Their sorrows end, sins tional Joint Commission, soon mav be relieved of his post. The commission, which regulates U.S.-Canadian boundary waters, will have an important say in how the St. Lawrence seaway will be constructed if nnd when. It also made tho . Initial affirmative decision in connection with tun river's power project. Critics of Stanley a Kentuck- MELBOURNE (Reuters) An Australian deal with Russia for the Import of canned fish, just Announced, Ls "likely to prompt course and maintain his com-V Canadian protests" the Mel the post might not be favorable to the seaway. "Highest" sources in New York, it is understood, blocked the intended appointment. The impression in Washington is that the block may have been thrown by none other than the governor of New York state, Thomas E. Dewey. bourne Herald says today In a Canberra dispatch. that Russia be seated as a neu "For 50 years Canada has sup- DON'T DRIVE a CAR THAT HAUNTS YOU! iari contend that a man of his HUGE DOCK A graving dock built at Sydney, Australia, during the Second World War can handle the largest battleships. neutive eniclency and attract the investment capital necessary; to carry on his operation. If the nressure towards lower prices ' becomes a definite trend, then wages will have to contribute their share of the sacrifice to cut costs. Federal economists are pro-, DheRVine that that point may be ! reached before 1954 is ended. ! tral. The U.S. has insisted that, plied Australia with canned sal- age -should not retain such an important post. As the seaway Russia either line up with the Communists or attend as a third party bound by conference decisions. MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE 3 mon, but in these days we have not the dollars to buy them so the Australian government has given a Melbourne firm licence to import $1,600,000 Australian about $3,600,000 worth of Soviet canned salmon and crab meat," the paper says. , Pulp 'and paper, fortsts are managed in the light of the best scientific knowledge available. Ghosts are all right at Hallowe'en, and ghost cars may be okay in Vancouver . . . but you don't want one parked in your garage. Before winter strikes hard, change to an A-l Used Car. These ond many others to choose from: Fred E, Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W Phone Oreen 960 Sneaking of chances that tlr? Reds will back down on their charge of perfidy, Young said: "I do not think it is an impossible hurdle." DATE UNSETTLED There was no indication when the peace conference, originally scheduled to begin last October, will get under way. One of its agenda Items was 780 770 ."760 .750 740 .730 720 39 Ford Tudor. Radio, heater, a whistle '51 Dodge Sedan. Low mileage. Radio and heater. A good buy at $1850 Clean as $975 T See and hear the NEW I PAPERS 710 kV V 780 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700 690 680 6T0 660 650 640 OB si to be the disposition of war prisoners, Red and Allied, who refused to go home, but the prisoner issue is almost certain to be settled before a conference begins. The Communists are expected to tell the neutral nations repatriation commission today how they want unrepatriated prisoners handled after Jan. 22. '51 Monarch Sedan. Radio, heater, fully winterized A buy at $1800 '51 Plymouth Tudor. Low mileage. Handles HW new.. Only $1635 x -V FOR 1954 700 690 680 670 660 6S0 '640 y-f ; 1 t - '47 Willys Station Wagon. Lots of room. All leather upholstery. Only $930 '51 Chev. Sedan Delivery. Radio, heatsr, new print A honey for your money at $1725 Feoturing The "EM-CEE" RADIO PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION Only $199.50 Poy Only $1 9.95 Now ond Name your own Terms 24 Months To Poy At RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 JAN fEB MAR APS MAV JUN Ml AUS SEP OCT ' NOV 0C ; "The Home of Friendly Service" BOB PARKER LTD. YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER PAPER STOCKS were the strongest performers in trading on the Montreal Stock Exchange in 1953. They suffered a sharp decline in March-April but then started a climb which continued with only relatively minor interruptions. lff'J4 tlAUTItUl I j ciuiNQt y Prince Rupert, c Terrace, B.C.