Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 6, 1&54 PERSONALS r-1" 1 , ! I 1 Czechoslovakia Facing All-Red Regime by 1956 By IVILIiELM KKASSKR Union la shown by foreign trade VIENNA Reu'.ers) Czecho- figures. Slovakia is being groomed, politi-j Wnlle Czechoslovakia imports cally and economic. for;from the Soviet ,Jllion were 6g eventual incorporation in thelner ont. nf he, ,! i,, . I I , i 1 x - r n )ht, in-a f Union of Soviet Socialist Repub- 1,947, they had reacned 6 4 .t lies, observers here believe. cent l.v 1952. Rimilariv r.L. 4 , 3 Th, constitution is being Slovakia's exports to the Soviet jf remodelled on Russian lme iuu union Increased from 4 9 per " 1 n every phase of Czech li and , ,. In 1047 11 . Prince Rupert Little Theatre officers were Interest! to learn of the arrival here yesterday of i Mr. Ian Dobble, one-time dlrec- tor of the Totem Theatre In ! Vancouver and widely-experlen- I ced in the theatrical field. j The Engllsh-boiii actor, who' has come to Prince Rupert for "a change of environment," started his drama career In England and then travelled to New , York where he played In "off- ' Broadway" experimental groups. He moved to Vancouver In 1948 to become professional director of the Vancouver Little Theatre. Two years ago he took over direction of Totem Theatre, leaving in June to direct the Canadian Players In Montreal, He plans to visit Europe on holiday next August before returning to England to work in . j industry Russian methods and 1992. : A advisers are being brought in to! n,r.,., . . . " I tell the Czechs how to do thinTa1 g Be,ore the wir. Czechoslovak ' the PoissSn way I tra,e wa" with the Wert. t The Czech brewers, famous for 1 "oviet orders, a great part certuries for Uwlr beer, were0' Czechoslovakia's industry was - j it H V. v- v - ' 1 . ' v. - a sent to Russia to learn brewing I . " -avj menu gooas ! a o 1-- , , . for Russian ns 1 n xiuft:mu aiso nas oeeri pp-j ' pointed technical adviser to the' Tne concentration on the Czech beet sugar industry even j heavy industries has left the though it was Czechs who start- ' production of consumer goods, ed the beet sugar Industry In j formerly Czechoslovakia's chief Russia early in this century. j articles of trade, inadequate even Meanwhile the process of as-1 'or ''fne consumption. - i ."1 1 L'ii UsJt. ttt. ft ihJ. . , j his own theatre. - . - He expects to remain in Prince Rupert for several wr.ths. ,I,A IS WELL REriiESEXTED on a United Slates television network program originating w York. Three internationally-known Canadian entertainers and announcer Warren Hull nadian decent, appeared together on the pragram. "Strike It Rich." Left to right- Dorothy s of Windsor. Out; Giscle MacKenzie, St. Boniface. Man.; Barbara Ann Scott of Ottawa similation is continuing. Already! , " "" j the Czechaslovak constitution Tr'C Aj-tfL- 1 has been remodelled on Soviet I I'liO vYCCrV I llnes Xecion Auxiiiarv monthly I MOVIES AND BOOKS" I meeUn tomorrow night. In- j The army has senior Soviet '! stailation of officers.- j officers in charge of Its training j ' roronto, and Mr. Hull. Miss Collins and Miss MacKenzie are regular performers on the ,rk program, xour niv raraue, ana miss scott is the star of r touring Ice show. Canadian National Railways officials arriving here on business this morning were J. J. Bea-han of Vancouver, manager for the B C district his secretary. 1 and organization, and wears the Executive of the Prince Hu I Jack Fraser and J. A. Duff of fee Canadians Have Paintings A PATIEKT at Hamilton's Mountain Sanatorium, Emile Sutherland, a blind Indian girl from Port Aiuany, Ont., had her Christmas season brightened by a visit from a member of the famed RCMP. Constable David Crimp of the Hamilton detachment brought Emilie a doll and Erniiie "sees" him, in full uniform, with her sensitive hands. ! K.rr.s type of uniform, uses the j pert Film Club same weapons, diill and even 1 o'clock tonight mects- t I at the Civic Vancouver, Industrial agent for B.C. words of command as the Red Centre. Fashionable New York Galleries army. The schools are using more ard more translations of Soviet' text books Noted Furrier Says Buying More and more Soviet movies,' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parsons and small daughter, of Lethbrldge, Alta., have been visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parsons, 935 Ambrose Avenue. They plan to leave for home tomorrow night by train. YORK (CP) This is simultaneously. Art dealers are :ni of a Canadian week unable to recall that ever hap-fashionable art galleries pening before. York's 57th Street. Roloff Beny of Lethbrldge Canadian painters, u i has a big showing of oils, water or and two Montrealers, colors and drawings at the no-man shows running Knoedler Oalleries; ' Jean-Paul Mink like Buying House' in their original language with Czech or Slovak sub-titie are being shown. . ' The indications are that the date ?t for the completion of the process of incorporation Is 1958..' Riopelle's massive coloramas are at the Pierre Matisse Gallery, and Paul-Emile Borduas has the Passedoit Gallery to himself. All three paint in terms of symbolism or mysticism: their appeal is to the initiated, rather than to those who like pictorial form in their art. TAKES BIBLE THEME As a theme for 10 striklns By WALTER CRAY "Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) A bevy of n i Winulci Mi i 1 recede i oneijmoon dolls draped In mink sashayed For, although Czechoslovakia's ! current five-year plan ended 1 definitely, . she knew what he was talking about. With a flick of a shoulder she let $!O.OC0 worth of imperial pastel mink ripple as casually as housewife shrugs off her apron after doing the supper dishes. Courtot and his models were displaying some of his hish- 1 V 1 3, lo JSt, nluntrnman A corporal and two constables of the RCMP also arrived on the George today to' take 'up duties, here and at Smlthers. Cpl. R. Wildgoose and his wife, formerly stationed In the Hazelton district and later at Winnipeg Beach, Man.,- and Cst. Ken Tubman from Trail, Di;e. 31, thpre is to be no new five-year plan until 1650." the year the Soviet Union's own next 'canvases, Beny has gone to the ' r ' . "A" ' ii - v z. ; ''. . ''" J ' " i ; m" t r. t . . ' i v 4x 'i r X ,;i U'f" - , k' A -.1 ii r u 'f i 1 , ; - V' ' ' ?' k .3 5.1, five-year plan Is due to start. along t runway. They moved in time" to the words, almost musical In their intonation, of Jean Courtot internationally-known furrier. ' "You must .. never look as though the fur Is taking you for a walk. You must be taking a walk with your fur." Svelte Betty Warner showed, there was a trophy for. the Canadian soldier In Korea the .shortest honeymoon, Pte. Joe Fitzpatrick of Sydney,' lould probably walk off with top honors. ' experienced the two biggest moments of his life on or 15. 1953, within a single hour. First he led his childhood TRADE FIGURES CHANGE How closely Czechoslovakia Is' already linked with the Soviet will Join the city detchment here. Cst. Birkenthal of Van I heart, Mary Dowes, down the aisle of St. Andrew's Chapel couver will be stationed at Bible, the third chapter of Ec-clcslastes, beginning: "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Thus we have "A Time to Mourn," "A Time to Dance," "A Time to Keep Silence and a Time to Speak," "A Time of War," "A Time of Peace." Beny's paintings are priced as high as $1,200. This is his fourth one-man exhibit in New York. He has also had shows in Milan, Paris. Florence and Toronto. Smlthers. central urcinance uepot, Montreal, and, after a brief 60- 11 o Jrop Sc cen priced handiwork for the Ontario Fur Breeders' Association and the March of Dimes Foundation. Courtot gave his audience some tips in buying mink. "It's like buying a house," he said. "You must know what is in it." He said he bases his value of a mink coat at 50 per cent, for the skins and 50 per cent . for e honeymoon, left with his unit for Korea. lis. Fitzpatrick, also a native of Sydney, N.S., lived down J)n rjCumher JPi i reet from Joe when they were children. ( 'Xi VANCOUVER (CP) H. R. Mac-' Milipn, chairman of MacM'llan 1 t 1 Eight Named To Chamber Executive and Bloede' Ltd., said here Tues- fid Whips Flags From Hands 1 k-Twv-rvr. 1 t the workmanship that goes nto day no Improvement ln the price of lumber in the world market is ln sight. .; ' tne unisneo product. Just like buying a house. Youngsters Greeting Queen Executive of the Prince Ru RNE. N.Z. iReuleri Resort Wants Girl, Handy With Catapult .nds made Queen Eliza- ! Why. does a woman wish to Mr. MacMillan told the com-, I buy a mink, asked the man who pany's annual meeting. B.C.' has pulsh fur shops in Paris, producers can exercise little in-' London and Toronto? ! f luence on world markets be- Her reasons are "widelv var- 1 tausf thpv smmW Ipsnthan tr hour wind forced harassed royal rccretaries to tape down the paes of one of the two speeches she read outdoors. .The first speee flapped wildly in thp Cllffn' hnnri an ch r. pert Chamber of Commerce nnmed at the annual meeting this week is composed of J. T. Harvey, Dr. A..W. Large. J. 1). MrRae and A.- D. Vanee, and new members A. P. Crawley, Dr. led and Often intnneihlp" i r,r nt nf I ha ..rwlH'o Dnfi .rr I itch her hat today and blew two prepared V"' of her hand as the- tonaich resumed her of- ur. coa.' tal breezes menaced en's bonnet from the J.'.i in wi .1,1. nu.iuo vj v vuu economic and psychological and 1 requirements and less than three the pull of fashion. per cent 0f the world's pulp. plied to a welcome address from ' . MONTREAL (CP) Attention . ,,, , . , mrls' Tllpp m'lu Kt. an L. M. Oreenc, W. C. R. Jones ine mayor 01 oisoornc, wnase - ' - """ - 1 v u.nnr own note, fluttered Ilka sails. I in for Vou ln far-away Kenya ana J- Maor- t her plane landed here She laiiKhetl when wind lashed " you nave a Meny feeling skirts and flunsi hor hair,.w"rd '''Phants and if you aie lay. The 4U-niil;-an- handy with a sling-shot. Prayer Week wlMly over her forehead iThe qualiihat.ons were amoim Insurance FACES GAI.E She faced the fuil force cf the eale for six minutes on a spj- taose laid down In an adver- C r. . J c tisement placed in Kenya news- OSiVlCSS papers by the Treetoiis Hotel, cially-constructed lookout post FOR THOSE COLD DAYS ' AHEAD... Models From $89.50 UP Budget Plan. Available PAI L E. ROBERTS, Vice-President and General Manager of Alaska Pine & Cellulose Limited, has been elected chairman of the western division of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association. Members of the executive committee include Wentworth Rrown. vice-president. Columbia Cellulose Company Limited and Leander Manley, secretary-manager. ptments In over the ocean. The hill look- j us jungic resort where the I QnTinilinQ out and the road leading to lt!UMn and the Duke ' Edin-I ,WM had been built for her visit byj"rRh "topped while touring! . Week of pray(r 8ervices are the town at a cost of $3,000. Amca. . . i continulnn here with an lncreas- BE A CITIZEN SAILOR III THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY Ising Rise I think we'll walk around up ' The advertisement, sent here jng congregation meeting nlght- NTO An 18 per cent In- er 1962 In the amount of L' lne Wuwn ureioea as tne m.iw-aicr. sci oui v at St. Audrew s Cathedral for invested in housing u WU'Q lurl Bl ncr nalr n:lm' "; " iui ui iiusi,- j speclal ' services at which the """-y""0 coUon dress' slle dld-1 e4iS sousnt b the llotcl: by the life Insurance 1 Rev. Murdo Nicholson of Van- s operating in Canada ' luumnl u,e '"J"" 1 wuaiincaiions similar toicouver Is guest speaker, on the L. Holmes president of party back throu6h the streets i those required of an air hostess theme "Christian Dlsclpleship." ""dlan Life . Insurance , 1?' .kJ0"". i ,,nc,U?." taCiand f"liy-1 Pycr time, were .eti M ndav (RESERVE) r..T5u. ...:..V VI.; I ' ! 1 : " "".'re must ne a by Bishop II. U. Watt and last j night by the Rev. Fred Antrobus U..U... ...j "ff." ...... ....... ...itutj, icvilil luwoiua VIC' sticks. j puant, rhino, buffalo and other By the lime the Queen and the i game; ability to climb 55 a tree A.ssoelatt n. sald hous-'stments f'.r 1953 were in -hborhood of $350 mll- 'mount of money the es now have invested in 'S represents nearlv 25 tnese CHOP SU FY ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phone 134 Duke of Edinburgh reached Nap quickly lr necessary; sufficient .skill with a catapult tj hit at 10 yards monkeys trying to enter Treetops for tea; general knowledge of gam"; fluent Swahili." ier, tour officials had reckoned with the weather. The pase of the second speech were firmly lashed to a piece of cardboard with transparent tape. GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 ' of their assets ln Can- The RCN (Reserve) con-lists of citizen-sailors in training increasing thejf knowledge of the .skills and crafts of the sea. R serve training is important training and demandl whole-hearted interest and effort. of the First Baptist Church. At the first service the Vancouver pastor was Introduced by the Rev. .Leonard Thorpe, president of the Ministerial Association, who al.'o offered the prayer of Invocation. "Salvation precedes Service for Christ," said Mr. Nicholson. "Oihcrwlse. our good Intentions are cancelled by that which holds us back f;om unreserved aHe-eianec. The allegiance must be rterlnrcd by each In his own way." The opening devotions were led last fight by the Rev. L. O. Siebcr of the First United Church nnd the order of service directed by Canon Basil S. Prockter. readers ! . ,4 f ' ' V,' j . i 1 'If x 1 1 V f "-'ft lit -T- J 'Bobo' Denies She Rejected Settlement ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS To celebrate our first anniversary, we ore offering j number of soecials to clear all of our winter stock and make room for our spring outfits I Ski films from ' Sun Valley at the Civic Centre tonight at j 8 o'clock ln the Club Loun3, I Everyone welcome. Silver collec- said Mr. Holmes con-represents a more nor- i'ern crmpared with the ''s' Investment practices 're-war years. In the fu-Inerease In funds to be r(l Into mortgages will to a ((reater extent on of the companies' nd renaymcnt on their loans." "'"lug on the new hou-jlatlon now before the ' Conunons, Mr. Holmes too early to forsec the tlie government's new ""rUwire legislation. The "s desire to co-operate " federal government as Vf rtime In past years to a'lditi(inal hoiislna but NEW YORK iff Barbara Scars H 1 Bobo) Rockefeller was quoted i T.e"lon turd party tonight, 1 today as saying it Is "real non- o'clock. 1U1 EARN UP TO Sense" to assert she wants a $10,000,000 settlement from her estrunged oil millionaire hus COATS . 25 off SUITS IT'S A DAM GOOS PCS Good Selection. Pure Wool. Mnhair, Llama English Tweed Winter Coats. All Printzess lines. 32 DAYS TRAINING PAY PER YEAR - Serving your country in your spare-time is also ' a profitable duty. Yqu will be paid regular Navy rates of pay for the time "ou spend in training. ;- ' "'" K' '.. v" " Broken Sizes. AAILK v. V "me of funds avallnhle band. Edwin Dunawdy. a lawyer lor Wlnl hrop Rockefeller, said ln Little Rock. Ark., Tuesday that Mrs. Rockefeller had repudiated a financial agreement signed last Oct. 1 and Is now asking $10 000,000. Dunaway said the- agreement of last year called for Rockefeller to provide for his wife and their son. Winthrop Paul. 4. trusts totalling $5,500,000, $70,000 ennusUv or an alternative trust of $500,000. Purpose will SKIRTS 1 ,0'it on whether the In- lurn right! Anil li all produced by your " e I g h b o r s on the farms up in the Bulkley Valley. RIGHT HERE IN By Macintosh ",,lr'i on the Insured ''' having regard to administration cosls, ''tive with other avenues '"lent for their REDUCED TO COST PRICE BLOUSES Yr REDUCED TO COST PRICE DRESSES Bought fot the Christmas season . . . Lovely styles. Top quality . . . Broken sizes. Vr. 1 here-'isaNtval Division NOUNCEMENT CHANGE OF LOCATION ' near you. Find out how . you cab serve your country and prepare yoursQlf for txlvancement. ; ". t Nylon and Alluracel. Eroken Sizes. PARKERS JU fa.. 'f' , '' ., f , r J- " fS r i , hit ft ,11, Jttiher, Ojilvmelrhl (successor to L. Oonick) , is now located at 210 Fourth Street between Second and Third Avenues Directly Across From The Skecna Health Unit UlSlVC Write, telepivHt or tisltt H.M.C.S. Chatham' Prince Rupert ; J Phone 826 : ' 1 jLJ LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue West Northland Dairy 1 1 PI. 1 one 22 Phone 18 Limited ; , ' . ' Mi$ 1 ' !