Sea Cadets ' ' - n . v. , . !6 The Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday. January , 1954 ENDS TODAY JOSEPH COTTON in 7:-9: p.m. "A BLUEPRINT FOR MURDER" Take Over Loop Lead Sea Cadets took over sole M-G-M presents JO AN Crawford you've never seen before in color by TECHNICOLOR! w- it possession of first place in the Junior Boys' Basketball league after they defeated Sports Shop' in the second fixture of a three- game card" at the Civic Cemrej last night. . ' In the opening game Annun- ciation School downed Bulgers 29-21 and In the final encounter. Ormes trimmed tail-end NBC j Power 30-20. i It 5 ' V Of all her great rolet here's the most exciting at the tough torch singing star who fell for a strange guy who got under her skin! GOALlt HARRY L I'M LEY of Toronto Maple Le fs winces as he stops a hard shot from close in : by Eddie Mazura (23) of Montreal Canadiens as the teams tied 2-2 in a National Hockey League game at Toronto. The Leafs' Ron Stewart (12) m ives in to check Canadiens' Jean Beliwau 4 almost hidden by Mazura. Dick Gamble of the Ctnadiens (behind Lumley) waits for a rebound n m up THIS AERIAL VIEW shows construction progress on Canada's largest stadium, to be used for the British Empire Games at Vancouver next summer. To cost $1,895,000 and scheduled for completion April 30. three months before the games start, It w'll! hold 35.000 with 10,000 seats under cover. 1 MTV-TtVl SporM S jop is now ii second spot -. lih 4 wins and one loss; Ormes are . third with 3 wins, two losses; . Annunciation is fourth with 2 wins and 3 losses; Bulgers are fifth with 1 win and 4 losses and NBC has five losses. Duncan with 11 points led the druggists as they downed the powerhouse gang. Landie with 6 wa? top scorer for the losers. Orrr. i took the game 6-4, 7-5, 4-7, t-nd 13-4.,, .. , For Annurirtatlon, Burv with Eliminations For Brier Play OUTDOORS Will WUj- Local curlers will be casting 10 POiJts wa- the outstanding Valuable Player Award Slated For Cage Series Two extra trophies will be up for competition in the Parker Round-Robin basketball tournament slated for this Friday and Saturday nights, the Prince Rupert Basketball Commission announced The harbor is now being visited perhaps for the first time, by several part-grown fur seals, one has already met its fate by being rrnshpri in n lnrrhrVMYi whilp nrn- marks' .lan . a-' the schoolboys rallied in the third and final quarters to take the . jewellers 5-2, 2-8, 10-5,-and 12-6. Rowe Th inlimof (laninf tor ifory bthird lh sultry flofd of c torrid iorch lingvl ttr their eyes eastward 'later this month as time for the Macdon-ald Brier eliminations at Prince George draws near. Deadline for entries to the sectional eliminations is January 10 and Prince Rupert Curling club is allowed to send two rinks to Prince George. Time for the TOfAORROW C!liif MCHAH counts of Identical fish were not subjected to the water turbulence of propellor wash as were the work pnds, dailv checks were made but no dead fish were ever discovered In any of the ponds. There was no measure-able effect on plant life or animal fish food and the spillage of the oil-gas mixture used as fuel was not deleterious to insects or aquatic vegetation. WILDING with 11 points paced the losers, j vldlng amusement to the onlook- Fof the sailors, nearly every- ers with jts friendly antics, one got into the scoring with Another Js temporarily in a Howell topping the. list with 7 makeshift tank at the Grain points, as they edged the Sports j Elevator where it refuses to par-Shop. Th dipg-dong battle saw take of anv of the fish presented TOTEAA EveninKs 1: . 9: p.m. last night. eliminations nas not been set A Famous Plavers Theatre Malince Saturday .... 2: p.m. but it is believed that they will Quarters scores of 8-3 for Sports; by Its rescuers, doubtless because fssjWW makers, a combination of both the bottlers and the drygoods crew. Rainmakers, piloted by Jack Evans are fresh tak ..The first is a most valuable player trophy to be awarded the player who proves of most value to his team during the 10-game follow the annual honsDiel of t hp'Shon, 10-a for Se Cadets. 8-6 The acceptable consensus Is it is 111 at ease with the heavy coating of marine oil it picked that outboard motors are not Prince George Curling club a for Sports Shop and 8-6 for the the end of the month or earl sailors. Bowes' with 40 points ing the Duke of Connaught harmful to the sport of angling. THURSDAY TO SATURDAY up when near shore. It should be mentioned that these creatures was tops for-the, tailors. in February. said consensus being backed by ; High School rep . team three games straight. j. the Michigan University Depart- ! Should more than two rinks from Prince Rupert wish to start Lineups: . ;fj t :',;;' P.ulers Johnsrtn 1,-J. 3, Twattes 1, Rowe 11, Lam- are protected under International Treaty, and there Is a penalty of $500.00 for illegally having in possession. Actuallv the common local on the Macdonald Brier trail tourney and the second is a j trophy for the player scoring; the most points in the two- j night series. The commission said alD that : the series between the three j 8cnior B teams and two Inter A entries will be decided by points. I A victory will bring the winners! 3 points and should the game ! then an elimination contest will Dle Halverson l, Thorns.. Total bp heM at the local rink tn nirk 1- ''.".... ment of Zoology. Disregarding size, the ; way to tell a redhead duck lrom a canvasback is by the straight line that may be drawn along 1 the top of the latter's bill from tip to top of head, the redhead j shows a definite depression on I this line. ! the entrants for the Prince ! George Ccmpetition. I Top two rinks to emerge from ! the Prince George eliminations will travel to Trail to take part Annunciation Dumas 5, Toth hairseal is a ,triie seal, while the 2. Letourneau 2, Bury 16, Smith i furred kind are sealions, the dif-4, Comadlna. Joe Arseneau, Jim ', ference is readily apparent in Arseneati, Lyons. "Total 29. i that the furseal has conspicuous Sports Shop S. Wong 9, Rens- i ears which are set far baek of void 2, Fleming, Bowes . 10, Laird i the eyes and stand out to the 2, B. Wong -2, Mitchell, Currie, .side before turning downwards. Mah, Olson 2. -Total 27.- ' Its fur is very dark brown to Sea CadetsHowell 7. Flood 3. 1 blaclc nd tne rear flippers r'v. wan in the provincial finals. The Draw for the tournament which starts at 7:30 on both Friday and Saturday nights was released last night. Games will be played in the following order: FRIDAY Manson's versus Watts & Nirkersons; Columbia Cellulose vs. Bo-Me-Hi; Gordon & , Andersons vs. Mansons; Watts & Nickersons vs. CCC; Bo-Me-Hi vs. Gordon & Andersons. SATURDAY Gordon & Andersons vs. CCC; Bo-Me-Hl vs. Watts & Nickersons; Manson's vs. CCC; Walts & Nickersons vs. Gordon & Ai.dersons; 2o-Me-Hi vs. Mansim's. Brier finals, when rinks from every province will play off, takes place in Edmonton this year. Iveson 2 Newfield 4, Chri&toff 5. be tied at the end of twi 10-minute halves each tr ui will be allotted 1" point. Besides the two trop'iies. individual cups will be presented to members of the winning tern. The tourney which is expected to produce some of the most exciting basket bill seen in Prince R'i-fi-t for years will oil the best players in both Senior B and Inter A league against each other. ' Results in last nihts play in HusVlek : ' 5, . McLcqd, . Lugrin 6. Rockets Take Rupert 65-47 8x-clu to The Dully Now KETCHIKAN Ketchikan Rockets took a one-game lead in the first of a two-game series with the Geor'c- C ok Competitions Total 32. ' are much longer and narrower than in the hairseal, also an observer could not fail to notice that from chin to upper chest the fur is decidedly gray. The eyes are large, soft and appeal are as follow..: .,OrmesiHodgkinson 6.- Chow Laurie 7, McKemie 4: Turner 4. Leeman 2. Duncan 10, Kelly! 9, Petersen 0; Miller 12. Ostertag Mcintosh 5, Reid 2, Hewitt. Total K; Aston 13. Bcr 4; Wakley 8, 30. ' ., McKiece 7; Thorn 15, Meighen 11. j NBC Power Desautels 5, Way, i Kelsey 2, Landie 8. Furnlotls 4, ' Stewart 3, Wong, Hargrove. Total !20. ' HOCKEY SCORES Prince Rupert Challengers night when they downed 'the visitors 65-47. A final quarter rally by Coach via 4 m 1 . , , STOW ing, and the lachrymatory ; glands function ceaselessly to I maintain a flow which possibly J takes the place of the fi'.m-likt covering which certain other animals of the beaver type possess. These visitors are away off their normal path, and your columnist offers no explanation as yet. but it Is knwn tlvit 'h cows and four-month-old pups leave the Prlbilof f Islands in the Bering Sea about November, to head for Callfornian waters' perhaps they followed a school of smelt or found the squid Western Ltasue Vqtoon 7 Calnary 1. Victoria 3, Vancouver 1. O'cinasan Senior Pen tic ton 7, Vernon 4. Kamloops 9. Kclowna i. Western Internationa! Nelson 4, Spokane 1. I Referees for the night were j Morris Dean, 'Bob McFarlane, j Doug Sankey and Bob Smith. RICE-CROWERS ( I Almost 911 American rice Is raised In' Louisiana, Texas, Ar-! kansas and California. THE RICHARD' v Aussies Win ADELAIDE, Australia W The United States' winning Davis Cup doubles team of Tony Tra-bert and Vic Seixas was beaten today by Australia's 19-year-old youngsters. Ken Rosewall arid Lewis Hoad, in the semi-final of the South Australian champiqn-ships, 6-3, 6-3. 63. 1 MICHTT Manson's Omegas, coached by Bill MK.'hesnev arp rur- i ' rently leading the senior loon 1 with 6 wins and 2 Inssps. Npxt In line are Pop Pav's CC'C 300 Club and Minor Simundsen's Ordon & Anderson tied three wins and five losses. Watts & N i c k e r s o n, also coached by McChesney. have yet to win a ?ame in the Inter A league and instead of facing North Star, present -iicuit pace setters or second place Fraser ft Payne they face ih" prospect of meeting the L j-M. Hi Rain AfltlKA t rV7 lm ROBERT I mmmm Bill McChesneys squad failed to pay off as the Rockets outscored the Challengers 16-8 in the first quarter, 1(1-10 in the second, 17-14 in the third and 16-15 in the final frame. Martinsen was top man for the Rockets with 14 points while Don Scherk netted 11 for Prince Rupert. The Challengers pla the Vets at Metlakatla, Alaska tonight, and meet the RockeU In a sec-end game tomorrow night. Lineups: Challengers Glen Carlson 5, Ray Spring 10. Danny Bill 5, Sid Seherk 3, Don Scherk 11, Harold Marshall 4, Mickey Webster 9. . Total 47. hunting good in our deep har HilKE S IKK KKY bor. The females of the furseals NONSENSE NEWSRHIf HUGE COLLECTION The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has, a collection oi4.000 musical instruments. JAMES MASON ROMMEL sometimes carry lighter colored fur than the bulls, whose weight reaches over 400 lbs. compared to only 80 for fully grown cjws. These highly intelligent crea tures are quick Unmake friends with mankind, and are easily trained for circus and stage shows with no ill feelings to LAST PAY "HALF A HERO" RED SKELTON - JEAN I1AGEN "AIR CADET" STEPHEN McNALLY - OA1L RUSSELL (f J vf"5 h-Jrl YOU'LL VPPRECIATE THESE Last Night's Fights By The A4oclutud Presa Milwaukee Dan Bucceronl, 188. -. Philadelphia, outpointed Hein Ten Hoff, 'Zlf, Germany, wards the trainer. A few of the brethren ask about some comoetitive long-range rifle shootiiia, per.-.aps the Rod and Gun will do the honors? The natural inventiveness of 1 iri. "' $2P X the angler has the rest of the winter evenings In which to assert itself, and something new for trolling is already in the hands of Een Nix. He has Urea good-looking spiral shaped spin MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCE-FRIDAY LEGION AUDITORIUM Admission SI. 00 Dancing 10 - Music by THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN DOYS EVERYONE WELCOME 10. Chicago Paul Andrews, 176, Buffalo, N.Y,, stopped Larry Watson, 183, Omaha, Neb., 7. ( Columbus, O. Marty Marshall, 174l2, Detroit, outpointed Herble Moore .168, Cincinnati, O., 10. ( Los Angeles Oscar Reyes, IdO'j, Los Angeles, outpointed Frank Skidmore, 150, San Francisco, 10. I Sacramento, Calif. Bob Dun- lan, 186"2. Oakland. Cal., knock-, ed out George Parmentier, 230, Eureka, Cal., 8. 1917 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan .... $975 1950 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan. All new tires .... $1450 1949 Ford Tudor. Very good shape $J 1 95 LARGE SELECTION OF . OLDER CARS TO PICK FROM SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE ners each about five inches long, plus swivel at either end and 70 salmcn hook; they come in bronze, brass and stainless steel and should prove of value against coho and springs. Do you have ideas and no mechanical ability? Let's get together and see what can be done! Unusually painstaking tests have been made to determine whether or not outboard motors disturb fish in ponds and small lakes, control ponds with similar PRINCE RUPERT TO Some 35 machines are engaged In making fine paper In Canada tn 18 different mills. WOMEN'S KEEP-FIT CLASSES SPRING SESSION Thursday Evening 8 p.m. Tuesday Afternoon 2:30 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE c?c Comfortable m I. ':. KETCHIKAN B E Goodrich 1 B r- J GERRY KESSIXKING, who won every major Ontario title as an amateur golfer, leaves his Kitchener, Ont., home with his wife Helga for the Los Angeles Open at the Riviera club. He will work eastwards across the middle states to Florida, then back north in the spring on his first attempt at following golf's money trail. His tour is sponsored by Toronto sportsmen Bud Knight and .Don Ross. Kesselring is under contract to represent their Toronto Downsview club as playing professional for two years. $15.00 I , WIUNGEI.L $27-00 s FOOTWEAR. I'ETKKSIU K(i $29-70 From I ALL OF US 1 To I ALL OF YOU i KEEP YOUR FEET WARM IN '54 WITH I LEECE-I.INEU OVERBOOTS Zippered or Lacud WHEN YOU FLY JUNEAU $41-40 IVIHTEIIttllSI I Men's Rubber or Leather Tops ' Ladles' Fur-Trimmed Children's, Ladies' or Men's Pullover Fleece-Lined liools ... Very Dressy CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 ('HATING PACKING STORAOE First Avenue and McBrlde Street $56.oo F I I K air KEATTL' oc I ... A'vTrr 565 FASHION FOOTWEAR I WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE j ask about our CiROUP Fares j Phone 266 (Office opposite Post Office 3rd A 1