W -v . , Wenm-snn.y Jmi'itiry n IHS4 nvrsrwrnmi rzzvw GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER 'si BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE ; Phone Black 848 and Red 1. tngt tlvfriy Duicuu Looted of $160,000 WASHINGTON W) A darng thief Mole $160,000 in new $20 bills from the bureau of engraving and printing where tuey make the moneyand substituted two dummy packages of money-sized paper, officials covered Monday. It was bv far the hiirt. iyrt By EASLEY BLACKWOOD 1 w 7 Some See AH Cards: Still Guess Wrong I know you have a Mr. Heinsite in your circle in the bureau's history, and rip- j f players and I want to tell you some thing's about him. Here is the first. He is often wrong even after DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ho has seen all 52 cards. parently occurred during the holiday week-end when mas-wrapped packages were commonplace. East dealer East-West vulnerable Nftrlll (Mr. Ilrlimlte) 8 J 5 ' H-0 S D 10 7 6 5 2 w THE DAILY NEWS Classified Rates ,mi time 4 30 pm. flay pravtou; o tmbllratton. . U0- 654 C-fl 7 S 3 Sometimes his faulty analysis goes unchallenged because it Is apparently correct. But he seldom gets away with anything when old Mr. Dale Is in the game. In today's deal Mr. Dale led his singleton heart against the four spade contract. Looking the situation over, Mr. Abel saw that he could win seven sp'rls and two hearts. He had ho Milled 3 "l P" wnrn P rtlun: minimum charge 60 eenti , Notice. 5(1 inls Cards of i.mikii ixtth Notion. Punecal "CIRCULATION" TODAY 3455 YEAR AGO . 3135 (Mr Hale) S- 4 H 7 D-Q J 8 4 3 C- K 10 8 4 ( Mr. Kwn ) S S 3 H K J 10 0 8 3 D A 8 C A 8 f..tlcf, Marriage and Engagement 4 r.tirtiinrmeinji. .w. W lal DIplT double prink , , tricks in the minors but if he MAGAZINES, novel Cle. fcdd1-' New Stand. (c) OARR? Bob Parker's of course, j No Heiuna , wl" not accept responsibility classified ads IniwrtM Incorrectly under wrong ciaaslnoatlon unln Heal Mi of such errurs U t'wlnd iln 24 hour! of An I Insertion. rz'vs H- If couia run one ol nls small hearts in dummy he would have the game made. 34 WANT Fit MISCELLANEOUS CASH TOR Scrap, cooper, brass, batWI, I radiators. Ptione 543 Call 3u ! nth Ave. West. ... (e) I . (Mr. Ahrl) . B- A K Q HI 87 a il A C 4 2 O K (.' J l-i-'ti,' : - . 8i,nlli West 4.1 All f.s.4 At trick two he cashed the East uce of trumps In the hope that ! ' " even if Mr. Dale had started ;'. NEARLY everybody uses b9. " ' ' DRESSMAKING and u'iterii , tiohs.-Phone Red 224. 31i 14 BUSINESS TPERSONArs'" WANT AD USED wood heater. .416 6th Ave. East. . " i i8rM' 3tf rooms for Trent ' 95c pt dorar pid let cmpticf. PIcimt kavt then ffdy mKca th dVivtr eIU. wittj a lone rieart, he also had only one spade. At t'ick three he laid down the act of hearts. Mr. Dale ruffed, .put Mrs. Keen In with the ace of diamonds REPLIES Tktt mdrtrUtetntt ti not publiihrd or ditpLytd by the Ltnor Control Boud or by.ltii Gottnmt4 of Brdiiti Columbia LARGE furnlslied' housekeeping room, 1", blocks froilii newt of- j " If In Doubt Fabricators of all metals. Li-' censed high pressure air, sleara.. refrigerations. Slim s Welding Works : Box 572 Phone 91 Q Terrace, B.C. Mi 7e are holding replies lire, rnunc rime 727 alter 5 p m - ' 7p Luxury Steanr.sr Prince George , SAIL3 FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL the following News I boxes: 865 Replies must be colled for in person TWO single rooms, one double room with twin beds. Board If desired. 812 2nd West.- 181 FURNISHED" houselkeeprnf! rooms. Phone Muck 663 between 5:30 and 6 p.m. i8p) 18 LOST and she promptly led the lj.it trump off the board. Thus Mr. , Abel managed to go down two, losing two hearts, a ruff, a diamond and a club. Mr. Heinsite started in. "It's he -cold for ID tricks," he said authoritatively. "Just lead a small heart at trick two. Mrs. i Keen will win and she can re-j turn a spade if she wants to. But you can win that and then j lead your other small heart and i rulf with my jack of spades. WEDNESDAY Midnight LADY'S Bert mar wristwateh ii.h one diamond on each Comfort and Service i side, and expansion bracelet, 817 828 850 ' 307 HOUSEKEEPING room. Beach Place. Blue 433. 1141 (7tl between Bank of Montreal ana Pharmacy. Phone Green 865 880 882 ! B32. Depth's Rew'ard. 552 Por reservations write fit tail City or Depot Office, Prince Rupert, B O. 8t j LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 221 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connectioi.s Phone 632 SUSPENDED BY A GUARD RAIL, this new-model car owned by H. J. Buys of Toronto is shown after it came to rest over a bridge near Oakville, Ont., with its front wheels resting on the ice of a creek. Mr. Buys wasn't In the car hen the accident occurred but was discussjng a minor accident with another motorist when a oin Ave. tasi. (8i PUPPY 3U. mnnlh white with COMIM. LVEN1S ROOMS AND BOARD i light brown ears. Answers to i So you win seven spades and, "Bruiser." Phone Green 212.i z rr -7 r pftr s Km. it Mime I orrn j kuom and board for wnrklne party, : two hearts in your hand and a ruff in mine." clon Auxiliary card " nnd 20. man. 937 3rd West. Blue 507. at Columbia Cellulose Cafeteria. 10' t7pt Mr. Dale smiled. "I'll tell you another way he can make It." i -. Via r i ' 1 n., 1 ... U 1.1 9" nry V Sunday, Jan. 17, pm. Civic Centre Auditor-Members only. ' l!ROOM and board n private 20 HELP WANTED FEMALE i . home for working man. Red , third car came along and pushed Buys' car over the bridge. American Prisoner Describes Red Efforts to Halt Talks By SAM Sl'MMERLIN . names. TOKYO (CP) A-United States The army said Batohelor pro-soldier who returned to his bably will remain at the hospital 140. (7) Investors Syndicate of nnflia Ltd. and Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. 384 315 Third Avonue W. Hepresentitl Ive for Prhicp Ruwrl.. Terrace hih! KlUmnt FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper with construction experience. Typing und payroll knowledge es ROOM and board for working man. Phone Black 717. (5i unoes Magnes America's ling Violinist, Wednesday, 20. 8:30 An Alaska Music of diamonds and have Mrs. Keen duck." Mr. Heinsite frowned at him. "But that's absurd," he said. "No more than your analysis." Mr. Dale contended. "You ' SUITES FOR RENT sential. Shorthand very helpful, i 39 but not necessary. Apply to Box I 1 1 concert. -rr 1 countrymen after once rejecting i as a patient for about 15 days, E82, Dally News. ill i TWO-ROOMED furnished apart i ibytc-rian Burns Banquet ment. Apply 630 6th West, or Ja: ary 21. pnone 543. 5 but will be allowed to leave on ; want Abel to toad a smaH heart pass. at fick two. All right,' Mrs. While'in PoW camp 5 at Pyok- I pen w!n,s , 11 . and etu.!?l a tnrxr r,1pi,.w fn h trump. Abel wins and ruffs his tnem lor communism said today tht Red high command ordered him and 21 other Americans to break up Allied efforts to win (F YOU WANT A CIKDER L-RIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck end Equipment Ph. Blue 939. it. J. SAUNDERS a artid Guide and Brownie PART-TIME stenograpner and office clerk. Aoplv In p" handwriting giving age, marital status ano iuM ue'-ii o e-perlence. Box 885, Dally News. THREE-ROOM apartment and bathroom. 533 8th West. Ap T' B;ike Sale and Novelties. , other small heart. But now how them back. Coi ad Street School, Feb. 6, DINING PLEASURE vice-president of a "daily-life nV.0 hn nn ft . I 1 in 25 p.m. TWO-ROOM suite, 517 7th West. furnished.) Cpl. Claude J. Batchelor of . 17) Kermlt, Tex., said the Reds club set up to better our Ie Z J .. , , k a there." He said he got ' no I ?,mL"TaS nllCl"bs ,,and. ' ENGAGEMENTS SUITS. Phone Red 984. (29) " 1CM" uu lIle leaa 01 " snecial special Drivileees privileges. j eRher sua Mfs Kgen w(ns w.h in snppea instructions through a Communist-staffed hospital near JUNIOR clerk-typist with m without experience. Apply N BC Power Co. Ltd.. P.oom 15, Besner Block. (8) I had no power. I didn t ex- the ace and fires another heart. the neutral-zone camp where the ' '' " a" t I r 1 . . . iV'i '1 r A 1 ii ,"' '(A J If ' ' ' i -l v i f . t -f V s lilts' ' . ' 1 Xj ' I .v V ' 'mi - I il . "I"', V' a H t tf ji . " i ? 4 . I l II i' . i , , . 1 .1 i ej f 42 WANTED TO f.ENf ercise any leadership." I ruff it. 80 Abel doesn't win two SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS 22 pro-Red American PoWs were r. .1 and Mrs. Alec Newton .U announce the engage- (jof their eldest daughter, lua, to Oordon Stephen Kenzie, only son of Mr. and jfc.But- .the pro-Red Americans I heart tricks after all." i elected him as their leader and. ' - ; scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNT A.-fT James Block08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 ,', P.O. Box 374 24 SITUATIONS WTD MALE Commodore Cafe 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES held. " - ' " " FOR SALE First class cUfe In i He said the Reds ordered the Dawson Creek. B.C. Liberal Americans not to come out for terms. Box 878, Dally News. (U) Allied explanations. The Ameii- '. : '. ! cans never did show for the in- 42 WANTED TO RENT terviews. until the day he left, "I still ' Modern Jericho in Jordan Is held the job as chief represen- j the world's lowest town 840 feet tative." . below sea level. :Murray MacKenzie of e Rupert The wedding to place at First United MARRIED man with many years' office experience would like to buy a respectable business or partnership in business. CMiren. J.in 27. Htni BLONDIE A Wrinkle That Didn't Work By CHIC YOUNG m .j. . t Batchelor spoke at a crowded! I No restaurants. Pox 87H. Dairy News. ' (4) inu-omBWM nome required i Dress conference in Tokyo armv 10 FUNERAL NOTICES T'AOOl I AOJlaiwSSl .'J?l fl "- 1 Ifci I HERE VOJ ffE7tl'-'iFg.'l COULOVE PhoneP'eOrS nosP,ltal The 22-year-old cor-(4 nn poral, who h left the camp early ' 1 In Von.'. TV.., .olH -T 1'NES three children. 714. In the city Saturdav. SMALL two-bedroom house,! mistake" in once believing the i Box united States was the aggressor preferably unfurnished 880, Daily News. TELETYPE operator with experience In shorthand, typing, bookkeeping and general office routine desires employment. Please apply Box 881, Daily News. (H i FOR odd Jobs end complete Janitor service, phone Green 773. , . 9p) 29 SE WINcT MACfl INI ES P' j In Korea. i However, he denied he had ! 2. H)54. Margaret, age 45 II months, beloved wife Milium Arthur Jones and id mut her of Robert Ar- J'nii-s 1435 Plaza. Services be conducted at Orenvlllt I Chapel al 2 p.m. Thurs- Jan. 7, with Rev. W. H. mon officiating. Interment illow in Fairvicw Cemetery. Undertakers In charge of 'iKelllents. (D AUTOMOBILES 47 ever been an informer on fellow 1953 METEOR panel, good shape May be seen at Dan's Service Station. Cheap for quick sale. r 4p) I!M8 DELUXE Ford coupe. Upholstery like new. New seat covers. 622 3rd Ave. W., Suite 2. after 5 p.m. , , (8) prisoners, and said he hoped he had not Influenced anyone. "To prove myself," he said, "I'd like to get some of the other prisoners back." He said that several weeks before he left "I wanted to try to get some other men out" but would not say why he failed. 1ALE3 Repairs Kentai. Singer Sewing Centre. Phone 884. (c) PERhONilL it need a Sardls Nurseries lalogue as a Kulde to fitir FOR SALE MISC. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED .. J., . By ZANE GREY 1846 BU1CK sedan In good con- Meanwhile,his Japanese wife.L "s when buying plants. Free al'Vi"- l iir !i",Kyoko.vrorJ:Bd.:let.ters to three "UMist, Haidi,.Nurtiri.'K. AmeuriUMiuqtlU in-th stockade f buBiu: rue inn Lf .CE Friday. Jan. 8, Legloii iiear Panniunjom, ' - "Claude says my letters decided him to come back," Kyoko said,, "and maybe would help lOOKtCWH luirium. Music by the Rocky main Boys. Admission $1.00. 15) RADIO DIAt 1240 Kilocycles CFPR ! him to, apt. his fripnris tn come TACT Alcoholics Annnv- LOT at Oona River with 56-foot ., -(hrt, ,irlr?aiih ABtf-hutidAw litfrj f &fc6rirr' 8Ut ft.Vf-' power. Steambox, boiler, tools, half material for 30-Xixit boat. Warm home for small family with year's supply dry firewood. Ready to move into. Worth more than $1000, but any reasonable offer considered. Owner leaving coast. Apply boat Felsen, float east of Drydock, or address J H L.L., Box 311, Prince Rupert. . (4p) 2 ASTRAL refrigerators with stand, 2 hotplates, 1 single bed, 1 folding bed, 1 McClary electric rangette, 1 Zenith oil . P.O. Box 3. . (6) bacK, too." , 6ne said one of the three haa a wife In the U.S., one a mother and one has no family. Batchelor asked her not to reveal the BUSINESS PERSONALS "f the items (Subject to Change) WEDNESDAY ' P.M. :(ll Supper Serenade , . - ::U Nmllev Huriieiie Slum 8:45 Introduction to Wednesday NlKht 1:00 CBC News ; 7:16 CBC News Roundup 7:30 The Political Novel 8 :00 The BeKgar'a Opera 9:00 Adventure Btory 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Recital 11:00 Weather Report fY AND SONS, LTD. cat range. Phone Black 893 after 6 p.m. 4p) &j?rXM. 'i&S?k jiFJsmm LI'LABNER . By AL CAPP ' PAPIVSOf-P-E-AV-SHUkJ M I HIM-IO SAVES 1 CENT I I Him- P-iC X.! t r-J I W'Lt- HAVE TH' FULL 1 BUT " T .. WILL COST TEM "eXOUSAl.D fl A WEEK - AN' AH SAVE4 hNa)- -C J TEN THOUSAND THA5 i DOLLAHS-RlGHT? IOCENTSAWEEK-WGHT? J f ' - 1X3LLAHS IN -MORF'N Syw-Tc , 1 .iIST , , S 1 AW GOT ITAU. ) H UNDIRA J I A YEAR, -5? A T 1 FI6etRtD J ' MUNDt.B J A SON.'.' , rZfSsS RIGHT.'.' SsQLVf' GWU7 S. . THOOSANBTfJ supply New Home Construction Repair Work Kitchen Cabinets ' Sanding Floors Wholesale and Retail Class Foundation Work Second Hand Sash Picture Windows Shingled Roofs (7-C) Anvoite LlNteimig? I?:(I0 Nlen-nlT THURSDAY EUROPEAN folding camera converted to 3'4x4'4. Goerz iBerllnl Dagor 168 mm. f:68 lens. Mlco sprlngback, Graphic film-pack holder, Rada roll-film adapter, three cut-film holders. Double extension bellows. All for $80 cash. Write Box 883, Daily News. (tf-nc) A.M. BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe J ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. UNDERWOOD standard typewriter In good condition. $50.00 cash. Apply 241 2nd Ave. W., or phone 600. (7t) x wiring and elsctrical T'TS. 149 Oth Ao wi 7:00 BC. FUhermen'a Broadcast 7:1 niutlinl ( Irak 7:80 CBC News: Weather 5:3.1 Muslrul 'lnek 7:43 Morning levollnnn 8:00 CBC News: Weather 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Bre-.kfaat Club 8:45 Laura Limited B:00 BBC News and Comty. ' 8:15 Aunt Lucy , :; ( nine Vilmt Lijt 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 The Happy Clang 10:45 The Beulah Show 11:00 Your Good Neighbor 11:15 Kindergarten of the AU" "e Hed 165. (12) iMBiNG, autom'tic oil heat- WESTINGHOUSE consol radio, standard wave, $25.00. Phone Blue 924 or call 649 Hays Cove Circle. (4) . sneer, metol work. Phone ca 630 6th West. Letour- 4'i. (C) BEATTY washing machine, Monel tub. $50.00 cash. 1850 5th Ave. East. (6) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES i,Ri'P's PXNTEST CLEANER By STAN DRAKE ,1 1 :.1il MeNnaee Period Carnudoii Entertains. "ikolox. Phone Blue Parts Sales Service. EASY washer, gas operated, at a bargain price. Phone Green 932. (9pi err- gSlC PLSTV...AM...Sr IlLMAMPLEwy IT'LL FEEL S009 TO V j JJi fLya" VOUSLWE DUR W'VATE LIFE, PUTT... SHA THIS PUVP MUK WHAT? fWi HUSBiNC, THE fWC AIN'T J W LOOK AFTER n.ier mmJfi OH VES... TO WOERY ABUT THE BUSINESS ENP.'. ,rr J 1 MARVELOUS.' L VOL) 2 - I HOPE THE SNOW T fl:Tl. A WOHDfRFUL.' J'UC ACCOUNTANT. Income S2A FOR KENT MISC. miT. j- cuiiumu. Red 593. 2Cr 1 1 :4,i P.M. 12:00 ia :1ft IS:t 12:30 I :(I0 1:30 2:00 3:30 3:16 3:30 3:45 4:15 4:30 11th 2000 FURNISHED Cabins, Ave. E. 40A 191 r F FIL1NO-A11 tynes of saws, lesion Saw Filing, 215 1st I W"t. (10) 1 r 1 . a sat iAI ' r ..V EVERY day we have a number Hern X Years Too. Swin CBO Newa Interluile B C.'Farm Broadcast Itei'orilN for You Kei-ord Allium B.C. School Broadcast Trans-Canada Matinee Brave Voyage llnednnn Hit Parade Aa Tuitea Go By Camp Wilderness Talking to Teens Mmk quotations Vocalise luternatlofial Oomty. . CBC Newa; Weather Father Knows Best 'SfU Buy. of inquiries for houses to buy. For Immediate Inspection phone ,?D Elpctrlcal Works. Mo- mm H. ii. Helgerson Ltd. Sii.-j l"'6"1't sum, .ewouna anu 4:4b 8:00 6:15 5:20 6:30 Real Estate and Insurance 216 6th St. Phone 96 Or Eves. F. Wilson, Black 197 19) Wlirord Electrical Works for Ekolite Sounders. (121