Print e Rupert Duily Me Thursday, t'ebruary IK. Record Number of Canadians Expected Tn Attpnrl fnrnn ation Ceremonv in June .- W A. -" " t, j sew .. .. . 'v . ' s ! TITi - .... fAmv( home; citizens seem evenly divided. r-nrresDoniience indicates that liv A If 1 21 MacKtNZlE thwe homes-away - front LONDON t A record number I when they visit London. nf Piinnrlinns Is pxnorted amnno! Tlie Coronation aCComilKKla- New Zealand follows and South Africa trails slightly. The L' rated States, of course. -t V jRpckount I the BOO.OOO overseas visitors Brit- Uon committee, which handles , i;;h travel authorities hope to see 1 300 requests a day from all over this Coronation year. jthe world and has handled more than 20.000 so tor. say s that In Estimates o rank-and-file Canada ft"d Au"tra"1' I visitors from C.iaaa range f rom M'1 will contribute the heaviest influx More than half the queries are from the U.S. (orthosewhowishto ; 20.0110 to 25 000 based on figures i availaDle for recent years and ! ; the heavy passenger bookings to date. i A lot of siKns indicate Canada wlll lag behind Australia, even I though her population of 14,-1 j 500i)00 exceeds Australia's by j i about G.000.0OO. ',.7 - : A X th. is removed 8 THE CROWMNG of Englnd' younf Jun ni Jun K i in. titration fnr mn an older buinMi Bin. now - .. . I" much, the British mnufcturer. n t rr it ! mr'i Bri'tih Industrie Fair, April 27th to My 8lh in London nd Birminghm, Enind. Hero re to ."mp,, "f what he will show. Left: tot-of-rm brooch with in initial "E" for Elirabeth, heart-ahaped glove clip ourmounted by crown, and floral earring. Above: manufacturing J' " puzilet of a well-known picture of the Queen on horneoach. 4 7cMSl 1 .... il th f Kl I b.i buy . ik. f JJilhy j market M ''TyVC'Sy M ,''''-'.-1- , v Australia House, ihe wealth nation s I.iuon centre ' expects 30.000 "isitu s f -n. Down j Under. Ouc travel a.-nty, how-iever, places the nu.nber at ir.ore i than 50.000. I New Zealand and South Africa -r(. pvcrpri to ri'"i about Avert, i Travel booking agents and other j sources indicate an Influx between 8.000 and 9.000 from each country. 1 A rough comparative basis can ! be read from the visitor signa o I I I I Use of Atomic Weapons in Korean War To be Discussed With Gen. Van Fleet tures at Canada. Australia. New Zealand and South Africa houses last year Australia House led with about 12.000. . Whittle away a little i da. Ak dw f.w a .if. icnxble diet. He II ll you that powdered akioa mclk I u ideal for reducing dieu. . uii fr.h imi and nuifurired with that he sees nothing :o be gained now by using the atomic bomb tactically. liv ELTON C. FAY tactical use on a battlefield Is WASHINGTON iAPi-Wheth- growing: er atomic weapons should be The army has a new big-used to win the Korean war Is calibre gun it claims can shoot only the water and fi removed. MIL-KO- Unmtmt all (.akmm, Thiamin aod a ; conium iw pnHeio. KiboHiTin yi only half the calonei of whole miik. But MIL-KO id- I' MIL-KO rraularlr lot Canada House guest book re--ords about. 9.000 signatures "a h"avy year" while New Zealand House signatures totalled about 6.000 and South Africa signatures about 5 000 The figures are far from com-Drehensive since many Commonwealth visitors never go near certain to be among the questions atomic shells; asked of Gen James A. Van Fleet i Intensified pressure I I at home Atomic explosives can kill everyone above ground within the great radius of the blast, pulverize equipment and burn what is left. But the 155-mile line of ALSO DIM II I im or HOCR MOUNT LOVIXJN Iirv CIS AMI aiw.t A(.IS1 rot drmkina. coukinc. hakina W wWg, i c n CATTO'S tiold l abel anil lura Speilal Flnett Imported Scotch Uhltkin the Chinese and Korean Reds Is dotted with bunkers ranging L I M.MHTA DiSTllltS liMIID L?JDD,-CI vi-toM noeucTf umiim nimhiow co U) from 20 to 50 feet in depth, cap when the former nth army com-; for ending the war. mander goes before congres-j Sofar. the answers of most iional committees next month, .military leaders have been There was some speculation against using nuclear weapons, the some' question was up r f0r both military and political discussion at a top-level White : reasons. House meeting this week. If it . was. presumably several new1" " ,' factors would be taken into ac-! Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman Modern Touch PALMERSTON. Ont. (CP) As I "-.j a ped with earth and sometimes concrete. Except for a virtually direct hit, they would withstand atomic attack. oldest citizen of this Western Ontario town. 92-year-old John Ward threw the switch at the change-over from 25-cycle to j 60-cycle electric power to start ! the new hydro era. i Thil edv(rtitc"cnt it not V A w'nfi hi 4,t i 3.y r., Bo'4 or by th Government ol &itoh for quick results trv o Doily News Closjilia Rutttw ft .,,. ol me joint cnieis oi sum, ic- Bombs or shells set to burst 1 X recently The stockpile of A-bombs for peated in an interview- upon impact with the ground however, could "produce highly- effective craterlng and earth- ihock results. Universities Get Details Of Former PM Scholarship Since the army announced last fall that It has new 280-millimeter guns capable of shoot- : ,ng atomic shells, there has beer, growing talk about the possibility of using such' weapons in , Korea. While a few such guns are in existence and have been demonstrated in firings of conventional VANCOUVER CP)-- Details of j ' Provision for the scholarship the Mackenzie King travelling ; was made in the will of the late scholarships for 1953-54 have i prime minister to afford Cana- been forwarded to all Canadian WE PUT ON THESE SPECIALS EVERY WEEK TO HELP OUR CUSTOMERS SAVE . ..MONEY, . diaa students opportunities for post-graduate studies ih the fields of international or Indus universities., it was announced here by Dean Walter H. Gage of the University of British ammunition, there is nothing trial relations. They may ro to universities in the United States indicate that the first experi mental atonuo shell has been lired. i or the United Kingdom. It is expected that tor the next few years from six to eight Today's Stocks i scholarshiDs of - not less than Aside from the tactical I actors, military men do not discount the jossible bad effect through the whole Asiatic world enemy, neutral or friendlyof using the j..tii,.in ' i. I.lil.) (( mtrtrvt $1,500 each will be available an nually. . , Aoolications are to be for IWDEIgEMDE WT. F0 STQli . ... VANCOI'VLR.. American Standard .... Bralorne .07'. 450 .03 mass destruction weapon on Asians. ' : ' : ; Nor can the possibility be ig-jinred that Soviet Russia, with 'its own A-bombs,' might take I this as a signal for joining in ' ,j A v. warded to Dean Gage and final belertion will be made by a .board , of scholarship trustees. Trustees are Dr. L, W. Blocking-, ten, Ottawa; Dr. F. Cyril James, ' Montreal, and Dr. Norman A. B R X FRUIT JUICES Cariboo Quartz 1 43 J5 Specials and making it a woria war luugm Congress Cronin Babine 14 ! I -. . , J Household Needs t; -j m. MarKenzle. Vancouver. wnn nuciear el"- ' 1 , - - f Giant Mascot 03 2 i 1 JZJesX !?" 2.00 Cr J,v' ' Pcrfex Bleach Indian Mines Pioneer Premier Border ... Privateer Reeves MacDonald Bheep Creek Silbak Premier ... Taku River M .IUill's Itcsl, White laiMl, 1 lb 32- mALKIM's TEA V BEST lyg APPLE JUICE 9 M: v 1 !' Sunrjpe. 20 -o ORANGE JUICE O JO-oa 'f VVj TOMATO JUICE 0 $ v Ubby'a. 20-o PINEAPPLE JUICE l.ibby n 20 cn. ,M BLENDED JUICE O fll' zo., 'f VJ S.O.S. Vananda . V" rr rv w " v I FJ ' 35c 25c PINS Malkin's Itril. Hlue Label. I lb :::::::: 5S: v 1A 1 I fs- 'Ki Salmon Gold Suud Vall"V for Silver Standard , Western UraniliiliV llrrculcs, CLOTHES 3 dot. S in iik 5 fur Sil-Van Dorecn 59c 83c 74c 99c 64c 84c Estella Oils ; Anglo.Canadian 21c A P Con ' I g I starch 10.25 .-sr!eba XX V C I CANNED VEGETAi Calmont .... Central Lcduc Home Oil Mr-miry Oka. la J AftA M,kin'$ Bc&r' rurc 5,rwberfy J AAA Mo,kin Beit' pur Rcd p,um' J AAA M,kin' Bcsf pu,c pcch' 4 ,bs' 3 ,.. 39c TOILET TISSUE Purex . wBBr v I 12 50 H Ujaik I Pacific. Pet 29 TOMATOES Aylmrr, C holer 28 -in. Royal Canadian 15'i Royalite 14.50 TORONTO GARBAGE BAGS 29c 22 " t"l ""SJ ' .1 I , A'.hona CUT WAX BEANS rancy, (irren Ciiant O 41 5 ft-Al3lt?c; .S-i f.r i, sif id Aumaque Hevrourt Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters j-o. CANNED FRUIT Donalda W 3! PORK & BEANS Malkin'a Itrsl, J.-- Kklona for I 11 sos 'A I Kast Sullivan 0.20 4! .81 m -. ,7 1 i nn'rnn nnnnn n I Cod's Lake llarricana Uuvex ASPARAGUS SPEARS Itel-Monle. Choler. 20-o- Joliet Quelle 33 Little Long Lac 80 89 I I 1 I 1 ! I I I 1 1 1 1 I M Leod Cockshutt 2 DELNOR FROZEN VEGETABLES CUT GREEN BEANS 29C BROCCOLI 37c BRUSELL SPROUTS 38C PEAS AND CARROTS 28C PEACHES Royal City. Choice, S QQp Halves. 15-oi hi for OwV' PEARS Royal City, 6) ; tZ( Choice, 15-oz hm for TJ FRUIT COCKTAIL Libby's i AlZf 15-o! A tor ttJV' Moneta 55 Lnuvicourt 20 Petrol Oil & Gas 5 New Senator 30 Hherrit Gordon 5.05 Bleep Rock 9.00 Silver Miller 75 Swcetl Grass Oils 68 Greei Creek 07 V' ''Hcovy Going SPECIAL Sunkist ORAKGf 4doz.for95( SPINACH 30C CANTALOUPE 33c CALGARY (O-i Brian Dawson nnd Merlin Dobry decided to ski FRUIT COCKTAIL Doles 28-oz 48c front Calgary to Banff and j made the 80-mile run to the i mountain resort in remarkably j rood time of 29 hours. They 1 THE CRISF, CRISP FLAKES I WITH THE DEEP, DEEP FLAVOR I Slow baked to a rich, golden toast in our I I If You Want Top Quality Merchadise At Lower Prices See Independent Food SW FOODS LYONS FINE RUPERT BUTCHERS said feet were .blistered and lens bruised in the gruelling trip and they won't try it again. Men! Old at 40, 50, 60!WantPep,Vim? AND GROCERS LTD. I 5 SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 Phoncs: 9;o Red 465 MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 radiant overu . . . Kellogg. Lorn flakes come j r to you to freah you can almost catch the I i vr--1 y piping hot aroma drifting from the oven doort. I 1 They're the number one flakes all over I UV C CDC II 1 j ljLn Canada and in the whole, wide world. I j f ROM-v jT They're the origmml corn flakes developed by 8 LONDON IneV w. K. Kellogg and flavored to his still-secret I I Ht wid nm Mteu'i rr recipe a flavor that has never been dupli- B f,r.'.r"CtM cated. As Mr. Kellogg said, " Thmy won their I Kr,,:"."-css: .or w rw." . ; I Phone 21 THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE ,1'tl. WUfliPtl. 'Jl'l JUS' tMW'iitlHt! irnll ;tt-aMHUH)IHl HIM Trtfitt- Tftticin id am iK-ii. Itxit ici jyairi, Uii ar Ad ait- OJUtKiiti i