Fr'nce Rupert Dclly Txcvvs Friday, April 4, 1062 usiness GENERAL MKKTING of ROD AND GUN CLUB scheduled for April 4th has bven cancelled. Executive and committee meeting, Tuesday, April 8th 7:30 p.m. Moose Hall. (CLOSCRE TIME 10 a.m. on day o'f publicatlsn) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, Sc per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. FOR SALE Keep Slim, No Cancer Abundant Diet Makes It Easier to Start CHICAGO i AP' Keeping slim apparently is some insurance against getting cancer. Overweight people are more prone to cancer and other diseases than normal weights, life insurance figures show. The picture was described today to newspaper men on an American Cancer Society tour by Dr. Albert Tannenbaum of the department of Cancer Re t S I MPSON'S PECIALS Reg. Reduced Price Price -pc Chrome Set 13.30 85 30 '5-pc. Chrome Set m50 99.50 iKrcehler Reciiner Rocker 85.00 6500 i Ottoman to match 19.50 14.95 Budoir CliatfS 21 95 16 95 IKtsteSs Chairs 19.95 1495 Arm i na:rs 45.00 Mr and Mrs Chests 08 50 65 00 THE ROBERT SIMPSON PACIFIC LTD. 312 3rd Ave. W. Phone 460 CARS FOR t ALE FOR SALE 1948 Dodge 4 door sedan, new motor, seat covers. $1050.00. 742 7th West. Blue 617. Chris. 82d FOR SALE '51 Austin sedan. I ........ p' I'd! t (fnHi! ir,n v)., ITiui .uuuioii viiiy 1 IUU,., i : . 1U1H.-.1. uwnn iruVUlg iown. Call 212, 9 to 6 p.m. (tfl FOR SALE 1950 Austin A-4D sedan, excellent condition having travelled mainly on first class roads. Priced at Vancouver. Price $1250.00 cash. Phone Mr. Fraser, 477. tfl FOR SALE 1941 Fnrri Tmlnr I RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles i j I (Subject to Change) ! FRIDAY P.M. 5:20 International Commentary I 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Clipper Seremuie j 6:15 Personal Album 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 .Smiey Burnette Show 7:00 CBC News 7:15 C'BC News Roundup 7:30 Musical Prop-am 8:00 Whatcha Know. Joe? ! 8:30 Vancouver Theatre ; 9:00 Chuckwaon i) HQ C:t!i:it:inn Short Storlcj 9:45 Poets and Critics 10:00 CMC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Nesbitt Reporting 10:30 Canadian Piano Music 1 1 :00 Weather Hepcrt and iiign-ctl SATURDAY A M ; 7 :lii) Musical Clock 8:00 CHC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores 8 :30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert ; 9:00 BBC News aid Commentary 9:15 Saddle Serenade i 9:30 CBC Stamp Club j 9:45 Songs of the West 9 :53 Time signal 10:00 Trans-Canacl Children's Theatre j , 10:30 World Church News 10:45 C BC News j 10:55 Weather Report i 11 in) Satun;..y Date 11 :30 Weather Report . 11.31 Message Period 11.33 iiecorued Inttrlude 1 1 :45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. uuo Mid-day Melodies 12 lb Program Resume 12.30 Musical Program 1 :00 Platter Parade ! 2:00 Ballet Club 3:00 This WeelE 3:15 CBC News , 3:25 Recorded Interlude I 3:30 NBC Symphony Orch. : REAL ESTATE ! EXCHANGE house New wesumnsiei ior no use or! PRECISION SAW FILING Blue 594 hx UK Agent: Bus Terminal Island City Builders John F. L. Hughes, D C CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21-23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 .0. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTAN 13 ti AUDITOR3 Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4! h Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUHO 2164ih Street Box 643 Fhone Green 3ts9 Prinze Ruoert 1949 motor, five good tires, newj brakes, needs paint job. $775.00 i or best offer. Phone Black K.iwiLL M f I apartment Prince Rupert for a development officer, he sensed 3 or 4 months. J. Kenny Box only a passive acceptance by 1000, Prince Rupert. (82p) Canadians of their country SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES-' T Mfe" reeallecl that s llZriT- ; early as 1939 an appeal had been LaSalle Extension University made for a continuing study of 3743 West 10th Avenue ithe natural wealth of Canada as l .Vancouver, B.C.j(102cr a broad national program in At'COL'NIANTS which all classes of society and rr rzz a11 grades of education would .COUNTANT .income, find some role or could take ' V "The Greatest Name in Rubber" Hose Belting Matting Tires Tubes Batteries Airfoam Products Wholesale Only NORTHERN TIRE & RUBBER CO. 71? 2nd Ave. P.O. Box"l48l Phone Green 9!2 CrOKGK DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 WHY WALK? It's Cheaper to Ride! CLEAVING I P THE LOT These are not new but arc in good running order , 1948 Monarch Sedan New marroon paint job. Only $1365 1917 Willys Station Wagon-Nice utility and family car $1375.00 1940 Ford Sedan Doesn't look so good but runs like a clock $575.00 1937 Ford Sedan Economical transportation $299.00 TRICK BARGAIN 1948 C'liev Pick-up Al motor, gixid rubber. Very useful truck .. 1195.00 BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" Phone 03 Easter Cards For a wide selection of first quality EASTER CARDS order early from Dibb Printing Co. 1 DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe PLUMBING and V EATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins Lid. P.O. Box 274 Urges Wider Canada View People Should Know More Of Great Developments. QUEBEC Canadians last night were urged to get a closer and wider acauaintanoi. with the physical features of their country as a means of learning more about the opportunities being offered to them ancj their chil-: dren. M. W. Maxwell of Montreal, chief of development f or the 'Canadian National Railways, in an address before a dinner meet-j ing of the Quebec Board of Trade jand La Chambre De Commerce de Quebec here last night, warn-jed that a large proportion of Canada's 14.000,000 inhabitants do not know where they sta id in the country's current wave of economic development because iney know too little about the economic facts of the country they live In and draw trwir living from too little Hjf the. opportunities it offers them." Mr. Maxwell recalled the pho-Iphecy of the late Sir Wilfred jLaurier that the 20th century belongs to Canada. But, he point -i ed out, since those words were spoken 50 years ago, Canada has suffered two world wars and a major depression and it is only since tne last war that the coun- try entered a period of a rapid development. With production figures now , reaching 21 billions, he said, the development has been so rapid i that it has evoked almost star- j tied comment among Canada's ' neighbors. The development of new sources of natural wealth nicKei, asbestos, zinc, copper, jiron, titanium, uranium, oil.' aluminum and hydro-electric power has marched apace with other development. ' The speaker pointed out and noted that once again thj railways are pushing back the frontiers. But despite this, he stressed in his work across uu the uic nation nauu.i as as I.AM) KKfilSTRV ACT' RE: Certificate of Title No mam t to Lots Eighteen 1 18i and Nineteen (19i. Block Ten jlO). Village of Stewart. Map 818 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Titie ' issued in the name of Oliver Smltn : n '"ed ln tllls office, notice i ls hereby given that I shall, at the : expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof issue a Provisional Certificate of Title ln lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless ln the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing ; DATED at the Land Registry Office ' Prince Rupert. B.C., this 5th day of March. 1952. A D. . . Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles. I AUCTION SALE Timber Mile X .-;I8.-,is There tt-ill h. , t ,,- pert. B.C.. the Licence X 53858, to . cut 9 165.000 f b.m. of Hemlock unci j Spruce on an area comprising of part i of Lots 1310 . 4800 and 478. situated i 3 miles south of Stewart. Casslar Land I District. i Three 3 years Ml be allowed for' rfmovai of timber.. ' , "Provided anyone unable to attend ! the auction in person may submit ' tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid" Further particulars mav i be ob- . . tainpfl rnm ha rD... c 7 c i'ui.y minister oi : Forests. Victoria. B.C., or the District 1 Forester Prlm f7.,n. n 1 (M29 A4.U.1825. M2,9,16) j v s ear Plate For the MEAL that W (8oc) BOATS FOR SALE ) FOR SALE Tenders will be re-j ceived by the undersigned up j tn nnnn nf Fririnv Anril oeuvi 1952, for the purchase of the hereunder described gas boat, together with gear and equip- ' ment situated therein, on an as is where is basis: Name,' "Oceanic 223"; lentrth, 28 feet; , beam. 1 feet: depth. 3 feet 3j inches: powered by 6 H.P. Easthope engine. The boat is in the custody of Mr. Daniel McLeod. Humpback Bay Por-' cher Island. Terms: Strictly cash. Highest nr nnv fpnricr not necessarily accepted. G. F. Forbes. Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Opnre-p Mnahio Kenzie. deceased. Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (84c) FOR SALE Troller, complete with poles and gurdies. Palmer engine 45 HP. Phone B.C. '""c,s 1UI "uu,mauu"- 'eP' FOR RENT ; ! FOR RENT Large light hotisp- 1 ELECT: SALES M; Cleaners, PhnnA m HANC HOME I GENERAL ft Building ac k ROOFS -0HB! P-0 Bux Ids MATT fPHOi Phone Blue a 234-lr, Prince P, H. G. HE; UK' HEAL ES7AH Phone 96 Ira, Train Sc! Fnr the tat-Daily except?: From the EisW Daily cxrfpIH: cltinin'n? id Mnvint, f Comp'erf, He'. Canadian lor up'""-welding su'pl LINDSAY'S C & STORAut Cor. 2nd andP; Est. 1910 FWI Ladies and LIN the 220 Sixth St. BEST OF FOOD search, Medical Research Institute, Michael Reese Hospital. ! The abundant diet, especially! ' in calories, seems "o make lc easier for cancer to start, he i said. Food doesn't cause cancer, but It may modify or Influence the caryer process. Careers take longer to appear when animals eat diets below the accepted health mlnimums in calories, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. But if humans don't get enough energy foods, vitamins or other things, they become prey to other diseases, especially infections. So the best bet seems to be a ; good balanced diet designed to keep normal weight for your own height, build, and age. Once cancer has started, diets to lose weight aie bad. Cancers tend t3 rob the rest of the body of foods, and insufficient diet hurts general health all the more. some part. It would include a program of investigation, research and enquiry, centrally organized for correlation, but carried out in detail under the direction of regional, provincial or district councils with the objective that industrial, civic, ed-1 ucational, social and other organizations might obtain a clearer knowledge of what we have in this country. Quiz Answe ANSWERS: 5. Sask. 3. 12. 1. In his 16th year. 4 1951 earnings bought almost twice 1929 earnings. 2. Quebec a id Nova Scotia. Distillation of fuel oil from bituminous coal at low temperatures helped Britain to meet oil shortages in the First World War. LAND ACT voTif i: or ivrKNTiov to ai-i-i.vI TO I KW: I.AMI I In Land Recording District of Prince I Rupert and situate in and around I the mouth of Klolya River anil Kloiya Bay. " ' Take -notice that W'ood A- MeCiav Limited, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. cx-"-cupatlon Contractors. Intends to apply for a lease of the followiiii; ' described lands: Commencing at a post planted 35 feet north of the north east comer of Parcel "C" of District Lot 645. Range 5. Coast District (registered map 20591. being the northerly production of the east boundary of said District Lot 645 Thence north east following the south shore line of the Klolya River for a distance of 1200 feet. Thence north to the north shore line of the Klolya Riven. Thence a!ont the north shore line of the Klolya River to a point where the north shore line intersects with the west Boundary of District Lot 632. Range 5. Coast District. Thence south west across Klolya Bay to a point where the westerly production of the southerly boundary af District Lot 632 meets the west shore' ilinev of Klolya Bay. Thence along the shore line of Klolya Bay to point of commence, ment and containing 30 acres, more or less, for the purpose of gravel removal WOOD & McCLAY LIMITED. CHAUNCEY HOWARD Agent. Dated March 31st, 1952. (A4.12 1825) ML'SKRATS I P TO S3.00 . . . GO AFTER 'EM! "SHUBERT" needs unlimited quantities and will pay, UP TO $3.00. for Extra. Extra Larse. Heavy (Seal quality) MUSKRATS, other grades proportionately. ALL other Furs still wanted, TOP Market Prices assured. New Spring Price List now ready, offering Outstanding BARGAINS in TRAPS, RIFLES, AMMUNITION, etc.- write immediately for FREE copy. Ship Furs IMMEDIATELY, espec lally MUSKRATS. Prices "SHUBERT" offers we believe HIGHEST available. Hurry WRITE or SHIP, TODAY! Dept. 190, A. B. SHIUERT CO. Winnipeg Address shipments to 123 Hamilton St. VANCOUVER ltc BLONDIF CAN T CATCH THF Tfras plips to give them THEIR SPRING TONC ANNOUNCEMENTS Rotary Rummage and Auction : Sale, April 5. j Conrad Street School Par- ent-Teaclier Wliite Elephant ' Sale, Conrad School, April 5. uanaaian Legion cam irtv, ' APrit 9- ! r Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, Apnl 9- ik. v,..- April '.0. Queen Mary Chapter daffodil tf.1. Anril 14 Cainrfiin I.nii.r. i Women of tlie Spring Bazaar and Tea, April 17. ., , , ,. ; Cathedral Spring Bazuar, Ap.-sl , 17 St. Peter'd Spring bazaar, April 24. Girl Guide tea anri sale, Anglican Cathedral Hall, Saturdav, April 26. United Church W. A. Spring Bazaar Mav 1. L.O.B.A. .Spring sale, Lame- cooking, e tc.. May 3. Sonja's Tea, May 10. Presbyterian Mi.s.sicr.'iry Tea ' May 14. Eastern Star U a, M a s o n i ! Temple, May 15. Cathedral tea and rummage sale, May 31. BIRTH NOTICES BOND Bnrn tn Rnnnv nnrt Johnny Bond in the Prince Ru-1 pert General Hospital, April 4. 1952. a son, 8 lbs. 1 oz. A brother , for Shirley and Dannv. (ltpi CHURSKY Born to Mr. and ' Mrs. A. Chursky in the Prince j Rupert General Hospital on Sat- 1 urday. March 29. 1952. a son, i William John. 8 lbs. 14 oz. 82p TENG Born to Faith and Maurice Teng in the Prince Ru- pert General Hosnital. April 3. 1 a son, Darrell Albert, 8 lbs. 12 1 oz. (ltd! PF.USON.iL MRS. IVY HALLIWELlI Pa Box 562. has been appointed worinern Kepresentative of International Correspondence Schools. (Itc j i AVOID the rush, get your Eastor Perm now. Laree stock to ' from. Phone 855. Jerry's Beauty Salon, under new management, (tf) 'tVE PAY cash for burnt out; motors, any size or make. Wil-i ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) HELP WANTED MALE WANTPFt .. U'olrlof Q,oi - ' - - 'IllULl UltLliaiUt, I also heavy duty mechanic, top i wages, good workine ennrii-'' tions. Reply in writing giving, ape. experience, qualifications and where last worked. Box 343, Daily News. ( 85c) WANTED Young married man to work in sawmill. Write Group Miils, Oona River, BC : 1 (82p) HELP WANTED Truck" driver" ..Apply Burns & Co. Ltd. ,itf) AC5ENTS WANTED AMAZING guarantee, un to 1 yar. gives free replacement on men's sox and rl 1-41. ladies' ny lons, enabling you to sell i everyone. Opportunity to de- i velop sure income. No invest- j ment required. Group managers invited. Write for free sales kit. Suner-Sox Canada 18 York St., Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE GUARANTEED reconditioned' sewing machines. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Phone 864. (81c) FOR SALE Combination wood and gas range, apartment size floor model radio. Phone Black (81p) FOR SALE w"h"erTrocker, chairs, record player, records $120. Phone 648. 82c) FOR SALE Post, war Singer treadle. Black 403, 308"-, 5th West. (82c) WANTED Small 2"be"droorn house, centrally located. Phone Green 825. (85p FOR SALE Chesterfield and two chairs. 400 8th West. 81p) NATIONAL Machinery CoLim-itcd. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Con tractors' Equioment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Oil heater, small coal and wood stove, hotnlate, pictures, dishes, kitchen table, bedding, radio, etc. Thone Red 738 after six. (82p) FOR SALE 30 ft. giilnetter "Neechrmus" as Is. Can be seen at Dry Dock. Phone Gropn 489. (82p) BUSINESS for sale, 3rd Avenue. Apply Rupert Tobacco Store. L (86p) Stone Bui'dinc, Red 593. (20m) I CARTAGE AND CONTRACTING KAIEN TRANSFER General contracting, lots cleared, stumos Dulled, rock, enrdpn dirt, general hauling. Phone niacK ouj. . (84d) ! ZL "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT' (Vi'ction 27.) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER I irifN-rp Notir is hereby, given that on the 22nd dav of Aor'll next. th. .r signed Intends t.n nnnlv tn tha i in,m. Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence No 1074 leeneri i TCSS? .f "" beine van of a FOR TAKE OUT OKDF.RS P00M BROADWAY CAF RE-ROOF NO : .u"am8 Known as Commercial Hotel, keeoin" room to sharp uith Wlthisnuate m.iot nn?fi"ILn2 . at 901 First Avenue West, in .v. t,ltlllau. uiiim city or Prince Rupert, in the town: 2 Single . beds. 2 tahles Province if British rv,i,,mhi,, r tne land,i described as Lots 13 wii ?""c Auction, at 11:00 a m., on I4' Block son l. Map w:???-'. mJ- 19M- the omce . .. OI oi tne me District ForeKter Princti r?nrert Tq.iH - District Forester Prinze Pr-itia D.. VOI R ROOF may not last through anoiliff Wc will give free estimates on RK-ROOff ASPHALT or Ci DAR SIHNGLB GREER & BRIDDEN 215 First Avenue V. Phone !M)9 District, in the Province of British Coll,mb". from Harold wniard Hei- !s .w" Harvey Murray, of ZTS' .?Ji- feree. Dated iira at Bc -fjince -pince ' -Rupert. Rupert. Srtttsh BrMlsh Columbia, this a4th day of March WILLIAM HARVEY MURRAY. Applicant and Transferee (lode) Classified advertising in the 'DAILY NEWS" bring results. WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPING, PRINTING ' ENLARGING . EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES I'hone Green 136 Box 478 KINESE DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 2 hotnlates, 2 Clothes closets j etc. Write Box 345, Daily J News ' : t ,0- ; FOR RENT General Electric ! Poor oolisher.r $, nPr H M mone Blue 992. Pacific trie. tf - , ttriTciru-toriT HOLSEKlPING room for tjuiet I """"'"B man P.O. Box 627. 83p) ELECTRIC nrirtnhlB zwir,,, . . . . r .t., hine? hV t.ho Wpplr Or mrtntVt Free delivery. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Sew and Sve Phone 864. (81c) WANTED r0 RENT iWAVTrn ... to pvvt o ,Y7 - .im, uiuau x ui nisnea suite, bachelor apartment or housekeeping room by clean, quiet office worker. Contact Mrs. Donovan, Prince Rupert Hotel, evenings. (82p) WANTED Small apartment or house by well-known local couple, non-drinkers, no children. Quiet, close-in surroundings desired. Green 84. (tf-nc) WANTED WANTED Tug, 25 to 35 feet, preferably steel construction and diesel motor. Wire, write or phone Canim Lake Sawmills Ltd., Canim Lake, B.C. (86c) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, cooper, lead, etc. Honest srading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, B. C. Phone PAcific 6357. tf CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, battel ics and radiators Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) WANTED 6 or 7 H.P. Easthope engine. Write Box 344, Daily News. (81p) WANTED Used piano. Oreen 923. (85p) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 bedroom house close in. Furnished or unfur nished. Harbor view. Prince Rupert Realty Co., over Broadway Cafe. (tfc) ! a frr 1 ' s; :sk: w nm$ j fa - y tztm Seagrams The Old Sulphur and Molasses Routine Kings DAI by I VvAMT VOl l TO SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THt PUPS AND TAKE THIS iUimii Like YOuxfc -y' ENJOYING IT OJ i. SIR, bMiLEA v J I rfT-'h' " vf r?, a-. W 'l' i, c?; -tw'-.'-r j Si---- 0 Seagrams Sure This odvprt ... pwuiuiica w aispiayea Dy lh. lifluor Conlrol Board or by the Gov.rnmeni of British Columbia 4.4