15 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 4, 1952 Woman Tells Of Wounding Evidence Taken at Hospital In Stabbing Case (jcirtleiiL eiiina Terrace Enjoys Amateur Show TERRACE Amateur artists, under Kinsmen auspices, played to a full house Tuesday evening at the Civic Centre where thry pre.'rnted skits from some 12 organizations with Insertions of yolos by popular a;tists of town which rounded out a two and a "I begged and begged him to get a doctor but he wouldn't go. He said there was nothing wrong with me. I was only SOW SEED AND FEED LAWN AS FROST LEAVES SOIL .. "-.- "r-S-. ': e-. '. ' ' ,' , ' - x J' c '-r ' - v ' one-half hour show, supported A 26-ycar-old woman, sitting hv the Rvtham Ace Orchestra SOUTH for EASTER BY POPULAR SS PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAY 'APRIL 10th For Reservations Call or Write City or Depot Office PRINCE Rl PERT CANADIAN NATIONAL In a wheel chair In a hospital j 'winners were: Women's Aux-room, spoke a little above a j ijiury to the Canadian Legion, whisper as she told a preliml- j i?t prize the silver trophy. Rc-nary hearing court of an argu-!b,kah Lodge, Consolation prize, ment with her boy-friend and ! smaller silver trophy. Other organizations taking part were: Eoard of Trade, Girl Guides. Volunteer Fire Department.. Kinsmen Club. "Home for the Aged, Oddfellows Lodge, Canadian Le?ion, P.T.A., Masons, Y-Ett.es. In charge of production was Hugh Hart. Master of ceremonies was George McAdums. of a stab-wound in her back which has hospitalized her for more than five weeks. Mrs. Vera Bcynon took the "stand" as Magistrate W. D. Vance held court yesterday afternoon In Prince Rupert General Hospital because the witness was not well enough to be moved. Peter Byrne, 30-year-old fish - . 'is, ! "I didn't have the same bvd-I clothes all night. There was a lot of blood all over. Pete chang-1 ed them. I don't know what he erman, is charged with the February j 14 stabbing of the house- j wife. "I wasn't hurt until I got .stabbed In the back," said Mrs. , FOR EASTER PARADE Stylish Canadian shoe for the Easter Paradp ?.- did with them." every member of the family. At lower loft, for 'he smai t young matron . . . lnnthpr nnmn with ninrlinm I.nliU hpel nrirtpfi a nniiu 1j i. ti. u..:... ... ojr Witness said Byrne made her ; o ' "n; le uia:uen omwa k I .sit on a chair while he wasi tne vamp. upp.T ien, a Doys sturay, Dut cues 1 Beynon in answer to easy questioning by Crown Prosecutor T. W. Brown, QC. Kid grev si, y. brogue. Upper right, what the t leather shell pump with ilattij hi 'Sl:i for comfortable mor-r. I 'changing the bedclothes. Then ishe looked In the mirror of the young lady will wear for Spring, a shiny patent . s'rnn T.ouer ritrht n sininnt.h kid flat-soum time THE KNIFE . . ..... vamp j. i-uiiwu ;m p m.;. the she irtent.ifif.rf a huw' hnthr dresser and' 'I could see Lilt Sod in Low SpoU, Fill in to Level, and Replace Sod With no seed is early sowing of a balanced chemical plant more important than with lawn food for each 100 square feet feed. All conditions are usually should be basic treatment, favorable in the early spring, j In raking trash off your lawn but. become less so rapidly. After ; try to avoid disturbing the es-nights become warm correct 1 tabii.shed growth. While lawns f owing involves much more work, may quickly recover from injury and the chances of success are to plants, the Injury does no rut in half, as compared with good. The time to roll the lawn earlier sowing -is after seed and plant food When deep frost has left the have been applied, and the irmiinri ht it remain moist ground somewhat firm. Never knife Mr. Brown showed her a blood and stab in my back." i-nnn hp'.nncinir in hpr hnnsohnlrt i Mr. Brown nroducpd a liffht and said: . j green sweater which Mrs. Bey- j Applewhaite on House Committee Today & Saturday tve. 5nnws7:4 Motinec So. 2 "That is the knife my little jnon identified as her own and boy threw under the bed." (confirmed she had worn It on with cold nights, preferably i use a heavy roller. The object freezing a little, grass seed and ' rollinS is to Press 'hc furf int0 Mrs. Beynon said she and fellow workers of a fish plant went to a downtown hotel to drink some beer after leaving work at 8:30 p.m. The group left at about 11 p.m. and stayed several the night in question. The sweater had a slit about six Inches from the top of the shoulder. Around the slit and elsewhere were dark brown stains. Witness'said Byrne "finally contact with th? subsoil wi-.-re OTTAWA (Special to Daily Ncwsi-tE. T. Applewhaite, Liberal, Skeena, was among twenty-six members named yesterday to the special committee of the plant food will sink into the "honey comt" surface of the soil, VANCOfVKR - anil VICTORIA . , ' " SUNDAY ss.. Cnmosun 8 p.m. TUESDAY ss. Ccquithim 12 noon ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QIEKN CHARLOTTE INLANDS April 11 and 25 ss. Camopun mid':iiht FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun April 4 and 18 midnight ) FRANK J. SKINNErt Prince Rupvi t Afjeut ' fhird Aver.u Phone c58 hours at a friend s home, "drink- t went to get .the doctor -close to ; House of Commons on defence ' expenditure. Other members of ing a uwie Deer." Then sne drove : noon. 1 it has been lifted by fr-xst heading. Heavy rollers compact the soil too much, and make it difficult tor grass to grow. You ca inot 1 oil an uneven lawn enough to make it level. Depressions should be filled by lifting 'hj sod, filling in the low place, then re VNTH SCIHK C with no need for top dressing. Eoth soed aid fertilizer must somehow get below the surface; when the soil has dried out and become firm, this is not easy to manage without applying a top dressing of sifted soil '4 inch deep. "He told me to tell Dr. Greene, tlii committee are Ra'i.Jh O. that I had slipped and fallen on!Campney, Vancouver Cntre, a nail. Parliamentary au'-Uant to the to her Piggot Avenue home in a taxi, arriving abot t 1 a.m. Witness said two men were In the house with her baby sitter: St Minister of Natloial Defence; "I didn't fall down. It's im- incy were arunic. I3yrne was pwe to fall on a nail gnd ' c'- SUM BX An placing the sod. During the grow- Flant food is more important mcii; aiau, 1 iv wuauv uiuiik.. out went to her room and stayed w -V get a wound like I had." , loops; Owen L. Junes. CCF-Yale, She said she remembered sev- and Genera! G. R Pearkes, Con- AUDltNCt than lawn s cd as a first step. iint as foil m"sl bc loose . r f . I there. Byrne came In and there and the surface porous. Annual application of 4 pounds Ifm ft B KIT i . eral happenings throughout the ,servativc, Nanaimo early morning hours while lying, . was an argument. "He said I had been out with on the bed. She heard Byrne in! New Grass plants have a brief period, in which to grow before hot weather and seed bearing t'me arrive together. Late sown seed mav germinate well only to be killed by 'his ordoal before If vou want to sell it, advertise NEWS CLASSIFIED. Mrs. Bcynon said she "prob- one else come in, whose voice ably threw a lot of things she recognized as a neighbor's. I around.' She chased the other' W.no Cfl.rt 0f.n,rf hoH the plants are stron3 enough to 1 peopie 0ut of the house some vaseline on her wound "When they left we were still ; when Mrs. Willa Ray. defence arguing. I don't know how the counsel, asked her if Byrne had knife got there, but suddenly I not tried to comfort her. She was bleeding and had a pain In told Mrs. Ray, "I wasn't drunk." my chest. , when Mrs. Ray suggested that "I screamed and that Is when "someone else probably came in euuuie u. , "Before the dandelions iJoom the lawn should be sprayed a id grass seed sown at spraying time will be delayed in germination. Annual use of spray is necessary for anyone seriously desiring a good lawn. With one TO w.c tuiiurcn came. and did that to vou." w tness 0 q c oj lCK cAt j TOTEM A FAMOl'S I'l.AVHtS THUTItK (Witness had earlier testified said wearily: easy operation all worry about lawn weeds can be ended; but sne,n,ad two children, a boy and a girl, aged 6 and 4.) "We were both in the bedroom, when I got hurt." . Several times Mrs. Beynon ap peared to weaken and feel faint care is necessary in using this material. Directions given by the manufacturer must be rigidly observed, and the spray must be prevented from reaching perennial plants in the borders. LTD. Mr. Brown asked that It not be recorded kas evidence when witness said her son Hcrble told her a little later: "I threw the knife under the bed so he won't use it again." Accused, said witness, was not in hearing range of her son at that time. under steady questioning. She asked for a glass of water and a nurse was ordered in by Magistrate Vance to stand by. Witness' mother, Mrs. Joshua McKay, also sat. in the hospital SHE COl'LDN'T STAND WW "I couldn't get up. I staved on : courtrooin and rose to comfort The car stopped suddenly in a dark country lane. "Out of gas," our hero said. The girl friend pulled a flask out of her handbag. "Wow," said he. "What's that? Bourbon?" "No," she retorted, "gasoline." hf'w". 'A her daughter. I ADVENTURE BLAZES ACROSS THE BURNING J1U me oea because I couldn't stand," Mrs. Bcynon continued. Several times during Mrs. Bey- 1 1 non j testimony accused looked HERE TMEY ARE . . . The GOODIES Thn NOVELTIES hot" Dromise to give the happiest Easter ever momentarily distressed but mostly sat throughout proceed- : ins looking stolidly at the witness. Case was adiouriied U..U1 late morning today. 'I asked Pete to get a doctor. I begged and I begged him, but he wouldn't go. He said l' was only fooling, that there was nothing wrong with me. "Later he (accused) said 'it's a wonder I didn't finish you,' and mentioned something about being in the JOHN H. BULGER Ac Ltv CMtl 4 w tin Qw9nmm , If you want to sell it, aUvc.'Uce it. News classified. ( . OfU hist lomc ----zzr ! Easter Cards Plush Bunnies Baskets Novelties MAUREEN John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue i ; SAW TODAY ond r ' "A Plus CARTOON - MEWS Evenings Shows 7 - 9:00 WANT ADS ... Market Place of Millions CLASSIFIED ADS PAY - , Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form Hie &xfy Sofurdav Mo. 2 - 4:25 K a price I I t j j I 0 :::::::: ::::;:::!:; ! ,..: :i ::: ' Number of Times Enclosed Please Find - i V 5 4 4 ' Jf , nN. 'Hi t &i C t -bit. .Jtv. -M li-ll- Hiram Walkers j'll-l Special (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if boc number required Put Seagram V83" to W'H the water test. Water, Tft plain or sparkling, reveals -vW J and bouq true, natural flavour Seagram "83 r--T.-- . ,isli llllu. 1 ' 7 135 wi- CANADIAN WHISKY ! Name ; j Address . , Phone No l L rr" msm"s m MSfiMci's Canadian This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. This advertimant I, not "$ii th4 liquc Lonlrol Bocird or oy mm w-- 1 i ' on (