Pni'iCe Kupcrt Uuily INtw'S Friday, April 4, 1952 , j - .7,. DAILY NEWS i 1 r 'iiwp "" i 't . s, IES ); h'; Ready for National'' EASTER, GOOD By BEN PHLEGAH i LONDON (AP) The Grand i National, the world's mot fam- itnnrfiHiM'lhlp steOle- " " " I J 4 UUQ (ll'u uiijjivuM. j Saturday at i Decorated Easter Eggs Easter Baskets Easter Egg Dyes Easter Plush Rabbits And Many Easter Novelties a ... .,,,1111 h.hii.jh.iiii I, . I ii. II. H.IIII.II.JI..III.I II , ; . I Aintree. I 1 I If you're looking for a winner ; I you'd better get the old hatpin j ! sharpened up. j ! For years, science and the i Boston Takes Lead In NHL Semi-Finals bookies have proved that the; hatpin method is by far the most j reliable for finding the winner! S ' Isf'V:' -r-- this free-for-all where tnei . " ' J r i . .! of favorit almost never wins and iii-i Jak Mclntyrc's Third-Period Counter. Leaves Canadiens liehind Eight-Hall MONTREAL (CP) Jack Mclntyre's goal, Thursday night gave the Boston Bruins VWWWW.WAVJV.VAV.VW.V.V.V.'.V.V where most of the field neve.-sees the finish line. Fifty-two horses, including two previous winners, are eligible to start the 4i2-mile chase over 0 of I lie toughest fences on any race course. Veteran observers agree that the odds against any particular horse ever finishing are at least 10 to 1. The shortest price at the moment, as far as possible winners a 1 to 0 decision and a three-two lead in games over : (-1. , HT. 1 Ciimdiens in the best of seven Stanley m lilt JIUUUtu iff? Cup semi-final. It wa the third victory in a row for the Bruins who played on The ALLEYS a sounay, steaay game an me ' -port NEWS PICTURE This photo, taken by David Bier, of the Montreal Herald, are concerned, Is a fraction more than that. J. H. Griffin's Irish-bred Royal Tat) heads the list at 100 to 9. Royal Tan, au eight-year-old Si ' rt ic ulanH na ill.'l' Inhnnu rii-oort hnm tin Vino way and protected their slender lead for the last 17 minutes of the bitterly fought game, with a brilliant defensive display. The Canadiens roared to a Pessy Thompson took the lead in all scoring in the Ladles' T : .. .i. rinVii to Hip iuw Bipr's lens caught and .biKhlighted the I: with a gelding, finished second to Nick concentrated i CP PHOTO l ,rv hi Orazlanc's face. It"' ' Lir 1 U h' il ii mil wiit iiiiii-.. t I j 'Bowling League Tuesday. Bowl-only el coin tart year. They were the Two horses of a starting I ing for Lyons, in A Division, she field of 36 to finish the course rolled a 302 antfe and trippled ...:.v,.. ii;.. ; CSS. t.lsie RosanE, of Co-op, roU- two-game lead, on home ice to i ij start the series but the Bruins, j J. who finished fourth in the 70- coal Hockey Sugar Ray s . . , A Division wit , -id hih single in B Dernnstown finished third , J - hH(f PMma lyfc,gar-, of game National HOCKey league schedule, tid it up at home, ' Boston's win before 14,519 fans Grudge Matches Are Featured in Final Curling aeKpi.- me wv iu w , to! ailed high with 633. nue 22nd fence. Jockey Albert Power i scrambled to his feet, remounted Lnanlp,ons!Ambition Press Results A Division Lyons 3, Savoys 0; ; and brought his horse home at puts the club in a commanding ; position to wind up the series at home' and move on to Detroit to meet the league champion ; I the Canadian nriris nf fiS tn 1 iRm l 3 WrathallS U; NpoIw Kinnr(.' rink hnlrls thf Derrinstown is in this year's Anderson 3. Cloverleafs 0; 'Lucky Harlem Negro Wants To Join ('mpany of l'rile Champs Prince Rupert Curling Club race, too, but so far the bet-! strikes 2, Stars 1; McMeekins 2. Red Wings in the final for the historic trophy. IIOKSI-: AMI fill r It By ARTHUR MELIN. High School Student NEW YORK (AP) His old lusti challenge trophy for the rest of i ting public must consider that i Annettes 1; Dibb pruning &, for fighting has faded away with) the year and the Dominate rink j last year's events were only luck, skeena Grocery 1. J time but Sugar Ray Robinson (Grand Challenge winners! j You can still get odds of 100 to 1 j b. Division 75 Taxi 3. Sunrise ! wants to rack up one more rec-! proved its superiority over Row-I against Derrinstown winning, jo; Co-op 2. Seventh Ave. l; . lord before h hangs up his ; botham 9-6 in the final curling I This tremendous 'uncertainty 'Shentons 2, Mansons 1; McKays l Mrts unci Crafts 3iSj(ci 'gloves. ' matches for the season held last i and long odds against success 1 2, Cooks i;-ug lel,a nui?-' j BASEBALL SCORES Pacific Coast Portland 4, San Francisco 3. Seattle 4, Hollywood 1. Oakland 0. San Diego 3. Los Angeles 12, Sacramento 2. The middleweight King want? night. make the National an ideal iix-:itaa" wu to loin Bob FiUsimmons and i another "gruage maicniture for the uisn wospuai 1. base i Standings . . . i -, 14 Henrv Armstrong among the ! Shier rink defeated Blank rink Sweepstakes. The sweeps .i ; '.tk II' f: v . i " 1 k s SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY April 5rh, 6th and 7th ura ..nio rf triniB rhnmninns : the challengers) 15-7 5. their main drawing each yearj a uivisiu "' Lyons 12, Dibb 10, McMeekins 10 on the results of this race. Annettes 10, Rosa U 10, o A On form alone the horses to i watch arc Royal Tan wtach Savoy s ' Unless present , plans go awry. ! MOOre rmK' sKipuea Dy neeiy ithe Harlem Negro wUl go after Moore, defeated Eyolfson 19-4, his third crown against . light supported by W. Cuthill, Joe Scolt and Art Nickerson. With 5 ' win carry iu pounus i r,ivi!irin r,nnks 12. Sunrise tuith id lact vMr- PYpphooter. forumo Arenas Montreal Canadiens kik Senators ,, la Senators lijronio Si. Patricks fr.uwa Senators l- ntreal Canadiens 4'ntreal Canadiens 4, Maroons irtana Senators York Ranncrs ,H,st(m Brains iUion Bruins .kmtifdl Canadiens' Yurit t;incis irontu MRiile Leafs ix'troit Red Wuc.s . ilvimn Maple Leais k Uut Ri d Whirs f.Mit i:cd Win.s Toronto Maple U'als 4,j-ton Bruins Ji-ton Bruins J it'jn Bruins, V-h Y iih Raiijters wtroii Red WinRs Mim;real Canadien-s inUmtfeal Canadiens -iMontreal Canadirnn 4li)nm:o Maplo Leafs fK lit Red Willis ilrtiuit Red Wum.s Swrort Red Wint Seventh Ave. 11, Co-op 10, SPECIAL FEATURES , 20 Original Paintings of Maclean's Magazine Covers. 56 Mexican Wood Cuts and Lithographs. Vanctwver School of Art Variety Exhibit. tne winner , Huru Commercials 9. Mc- down with top weight of lo o .,J,9 Rnoert Radio Maxim in the Yankee Stadium Barney Kyolfson iskip), playt-d ; lute this June i R"Kty Ford' Gordon Bateman !...' . , j ': and Harold Thorn. i Robinson has two more mid-, ... 'dfrwciBht Utle defences :hd-1 th first, grudge niatch Rowbotham rink had challenged hf.-- ihon -u ifl VH.-I1 Your Easter Parade Beat Hi pounds; Joy and Border Luck. Sis- Toiler a, a xaxi 6, q, Big both of them winners in two of ters 5. 'face Rocky Graziano In Chicago! bonspiel Grand Challenge 1 their last three races. In addition to Freebooter,; : - .v,, i nthr nrpvimis win- ure is never siuium, . i Stadium, and a month later he 11 1 ; l;' " " z C take on 'Paddy Young in Madi- j ..1,. PROGRAMME SATURDAY YOUNGSTERS' DAY ner in the field.. It s Russian ' pected to run somewhere near ' son Square Garden. Hero, a long-shot victor In 1949 the usual juu.uuu. :anci North Star bonspiel trophy. t SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 2 TO 5 PM . I K ' if l nr more of the eligibles Fitz-simmons was i 2 P.M. Art and Craft Demonstration by Junior t, ' which hasn't won a race since v,.,t r?..rtr,J. TJ.-itinnal irinmnh Oientng. i start the field .will be the third low Membt-rs Movie. 4:00 P.M. The Carlson Story. in addition to Its other claims largest in the 106-year history . . . i i 1 1, r.t ihs ran The record fiela is SATURDAY EVENING, 7 TO 10 PM boxer to win three titles al- ' ,, , ' ri , Z ; though he CJ&T ffi at one time as Ar mstrong did to.ispiel. Shier .later Fite P1" "fjf:1 opened P the match, counting five weight, heavyweight and light jn ' hnnvwrpicht chamDionshiPs in ' . to lame, me iauunai jo ulw - . in 1929 when Greglach won worlds richest steeplechase. 66 First nlace this year will be at 100 to 1. In 1947 there were IP worth $26,753. ! 57 starter, and again a that order. : J?" "i00?" S Twentv-eieht special trains shot, caugnoo, w. rv, JCtroil Red Willis UP culling atiivny ior uie si a at 10 to I m Freelwoter won j th.r, of the c-ith British isles, tsles The ine rreeiwuwri parts weiaht tiwe in ioi nu ,tn htl nnwH tn N 1. Art' and Craft Demonstration by Teen Members. J 2. Movie. 8:30 P.M. The Carlsf-n Story. ? SUNDAY, 2 TO 5 P.M. J 1. Symphony Concert and Toa. ' f ' 2. Movie. 4:00 P...-. The Carlstll Story. "C MONDAY AFTERNOON. 2 TO 5 P.M. I' 2:00 P.M. Art and Craft Demonstration by Adult Memberi. 4.00 P.M. Movie. The Carlsen Story. 'Z MONDAY EVENING, 7 TO 10 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Art and Craft Demonstration by Adult Members, J" 8:30 P.M. Movie. The Carlsen Story. 9:30 P.M. Drawing for ruffle prizes. t I' tt I crowd, on which an official fig- I9a. fceri of tanley Cup ' swept the lightweight and wel- skating or a possibie two-week U-rweight championships in 1938. . , perlod beginning Saturday. Because of Armstrong's mon- t opoly of three of boxing's most i ; active divisions, boxing commis- A man in an insane asylum Nioners ruled a fighter couldn t ; sat fishing over a flower bed, ! hold more than one title at a 1 when a visitor, wishing to be i tjme ; friendly, walked up and asked, 1 Robinson' was forced to give j 'low many have you caught to- Uie Canadian Pros v IMmtrMl AAA. nis at' icrwr. Ki t nuic iiv..t v UD "You're Replied the inmate: the ninth." i , Special ior One ..Week 1937 TerroplonV'Sedfan ..; H95.C0 he knocked the middieweigm crown off Jake LaMotta's ing brow. If he whips Maxim, Ray probably will retire from the ring. The Sugar Man has more than a half-dozen business enterprises going to keep . hlin wai ra. : . , .' ;. I Barney Ross and Tony Can-izoneri each held two genuine ; titles, the lightweight and wei- terweight diadems, and one syn-ithetic championship the Junior welterweight. Junior Utle are i no longer recognized. I , . ill i i t. I .Jiit'e.; AAA I 'oi'luli VK'tutias fi.mnipeg Victorias '!mtiP4l Viciorias -'in ttuU Vicioria.s Vi eal Victorias -Juntieal Saaini'oc,k.s Mnuipes Vii-toriius Mintnal A A A, 'I'Wd Silver Seven I' ta Silver stven ; f Wiia Silver Seven 'Jiitnai Wanderers t-'lontrcal Wanderers Montreal Wanderers aa Senators t'lJiitn-al Waiulerer.s "ttawa Senators fQjfbcc Buiklugs fi-tec I'oronto Bulldogs Vancouver Millionaires This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor the Government oi rrniMi by r trol Board or SMART FOOTWEAR Fashioned to --enhance your costume, ; : -,, . -;' We've a complete selection of new designs-in colors, leathers and heel heights you prefer. Widths AA-C FASHION FOOTWEAR FOOTWFAR 1 1950 Austin Sedan 2 1951 Austin Sedans 1134!) Austin Panel 11948 Ford Sedan 1 1941 Morris Sedan 11911 International Pantl 1 IMC lord Sedan 10-PIN BOWLERS ,: BIG RIVERS The combined delta of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers in Bengal covers an area nearly as big as England and Wales. If you must sell it, advertise! Superior Auto Service it NEWS CLASSIFIED. WEEK-END DOUBLES TOURNAMENT 350 Scratch 70 Handicap Time 1:00 Sharp 5 Games Untry fee S9.00 per doubles team Entry fee Includes bowling NEW PINS pomreaj Canadiens little Melroiwlltans r'M'onin A,..,,,.,,. '-No Winner' Ottawa Senator ( 1 Third Avenue West Phone Green 217 V OET ENTRIES IN EARLY PLEASE. i"""1 : ,,lia Senator.s St. Patrick ! Senators I -Montreal Canadiens ''!cll'ia Cougars wtreai Maroons 7taa Senators j hi ums mreal Canadiens -u.eai Cananiens 1 Leafs fr York Rangers K?,Bte Hawk.' mreal Maroons IS g0 Hawks N0 A ( For whisky With A . j Canada's greatest bargain k ; 'Xs v I striking quality... ; whom beauty! MJ v M( JjKTiOn'ySn A one gallon , . ,, yuty 'LL'Ll' - does F&&q m STEELHEAD DERBY OPENING SATURDAY April 5 - May 17 . Annual Sreelhead Derby open to members of Prince Rupert Rod & Gun Club only. Memberships available at Sporting Goods stores, Hardware stores, or phone Jim Bacon (948) or George Rorvik (770). fish weighed in Good prizes for heaviest STATION.. McBride and at DAN'S SERVICE Third Avenue, between above dates. Derby open to juniors, withspecial prizes. Get Your Fishinq In Now While the Big Ones ore Runninq and Win a Valuable Prize PRINCE RUPERT ROD & GUN CLUB t-N, B1'ulns v ;" Brums r-Tor MapleLeafs r. uu" Red Win,,. Itl'Pnl r u"to Manl. T r. Montrp; Selected wi -it Toron n) e Leafs Special fir9' l T.. 1V J1U I.anfn No Royal Reserve Jff finer V AlJ ! t 1 I . - ijue Leafs i whiskies whiskies ' Old u,a R' Rye I I enc hn M IL AWnFRON i anywhere ,r Control Board or by th 'eaip:l41.eries betwesn ... i i it. t This a.lvertweiiient is not published or displayed oy v"- halted KTns Seattle Ciovernraent of British Columbia. , 'nuuenza epid- 1 in. m i'juiiiiihihiww'iui jr.. .mumnwiinn J ll 1 I "- ' U - w - f t 1 I.