PROVINCIAL i pbotiscul lisrast, r ' i 118 V Lj 111 .""!"" 1 MORROW'S Vic R tICTOaiA, B. c. -TIDES- l,.,y. Apnl 23. 1053 3Ks . Daily . suiiird Time j lift 16 I feet 22:25 17 2 leet 3 48 9 3 feel 16:02 7 1 twt elii very NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Mosf Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII. No. 04 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1953 PRICE FIVE CENTS Phone 81 WOLHOUSE COLLAPSES 5 LAST CHILD RUNS OUT OHKNCS. Italy AP When teacher Cecilia Leonort t go during class In her one-room ichoolhouse (n nearby VZr .... i ' e -. -r. - - - r-Jkvw:;! jutu Saturday, she saw a big crack In the ceiling getting I and hustled her 20 pupil out. As the last child ran i, tin- door the building collapsed Into a heap of timber, I' and pUiU-r. m mm t -mf aram -Vd mm mm mmm m4 mm mm M u clian Village Still 3 1 Wounded Prisoners Without Freedom' 'ISijTell of Death March 1 I ' " By The Caiiadiau Prc ionccr Metlakatla Resident ; F'ANMUNJOM, Korea The UN command called for a meeting with Communist liaison jays Enfranchisement Halted officers Thursday touching off speculation that the allies might again ask the Reds to return more dis abled captives. ,i is Hie of a two-part nUiry concerning the status arhy Indian vll!Be a seen through the rye of one of .i.l re.ideuto". Br I.AKKV STANWOOI vc nif lilxTty, or give me death." well-known phrase was re-echoed in all ' i - .,. , Jl ' : i -H :, .'. xM V u::rf a) " Halibut UN prisoners already freed have told of many sick and in Jured American and other prisoners Btlll In Communist prison stockades. An official announcement said a i v. i r r. ! Convention y lit ftfif a crowd of poop!: here recently byiL only that the meeting was called "to discuss matters in connection with the current repatriation operations." The request for Thursday" special liaison session was unexpected. Full-scale negotiations on the overall prisoner exchange Adopted Special to The Duily New "OTTAWA. The bill to he ami's original pioneers who, with others, i a valued dream shattered. y h.iiird man who , .., I'.tcr IlKhion'ou(, procedure. ilia, and he n ferrcji Nov.-mb.-r. a date was set ,:ure after 10 year, ol a itfurt and mudi'hy the village council when the nt to p:n the rwht ; big ceremony would officially i. "' enfranchisement, make "cIUm-im" of the Metis. Confirm the convention armistice are scheduled to re- I New Friends mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm between Canada and the: STT- with j Sgt. SUT. Kll tKAMPStV Or TORONTO makes friends Japanese school children while sight-seeing in Tokyo. iiEtiltujn as Canadian r him If and hu fel-; , ' enfranchisement of I'tlkkutia formally be- ; .". the village unanl-'wri mi .Mich a move In katimiH. But today. because a deep-rooted argument between the province of British Columbia and tlie federal government ha been rcvtvi-d after many year of dormancy, the rnfranrhl-c- United States for preser-! indication that the Reds are . , ! not honoring their agreement to ,,i vl i i. vation of the halibut fish-:e!Cchange aU slck and wounded. ery of the North Pacific -more Americans Ocean was adonted in! Fourteen more Americans, pos- . , .,. . . si bly including recently-wounded Crampsey is in charge of maintenance at the RCAF detachment in Tokyo of RCAF North Star aircraft on the Korean airlift. Transport Controller Not 'A Negotiator .:e(!iaU-ly the federal merit of M- tlakatla has been t heels began turn- halted Indefinitely In Its snarl i historic and ponder- of red tape and political Issue. principle mis morning. , Marines, were promised by the NATURAL ENEMIES if you go by names have united against the Communists In Korea. Pictured in a lifebuoy Is Scrumpy, meowing mascot of HMS Sparrow, British frigate. A proven sailor and popular with his shipmates, Scrumpy came through patrols in winter's icy winds and rough seas like an old hand. A British fleet Joined the U.S. Navy in the very first days of the Korean conflict and British ships have been there ever since. 1 The House of Commons' Communists for delivery Thurs- ts Dream Will Come True unanimou.sIy gave it second .day. reading. j UN prisoners who were re The new treaty will enable turned to freedom Tuesdav ar- 'it Leuihlon, now 69 ; all the reserve lands, even the t h'ljM'-he never will property already surveyed for i in , Japan on their way t t'rif imii t ry a ii t j the lire commission tTUHuutifcSHm to w provide uiuviuc for lur rived riveu V- A NC Ob hll. Transport Controller II. U .UPnt seasons m the hahbut nsh- home hrM cri!trl iiidun.ii the pmpoM-d municipality Mr U'lghton. one of the Milner .caid Tuesday that he is not here to negotiate ;ery fn.d al? ?rovides 'nf. th Amount" pyramided of brutal to arc-pi civilization ') b '.h- fiixt Indian Stevens, Gordon Returned To UFA VVU for 15th Time ffovern- v.. i,v,,v uvuaj namvub ui loiiLvutci j uiniiu.-viiv( jui cam i-uujiti j. iorea wnicn Kiiira ac lease OOI (H!liK'.t t n lipmniK irharoi.1 thnl fh BC Hi: fffkvprn Introduced by Hon. James j its. and South Korean Drison- n- m a troup ment - ha dug up an old qunr-1 and New Westminster grain handlers. Sinclair. minister of fisheries, i er. the bill was accepted on behalf j The return of 14 Americans to rel for an excuse to deprive us m He was referring to a state-! of our right to citizenship ment in the House of Commons! of the official opposition VANCOUVER 0 Re-election n i umorcd that the tUkiitlu no longer iirranchwement: that ijetti-r off as ward of by; morrow 'will bring to 79 the ! number of U.S. soldiers freed in why would the governmen Shipping Act by Labor Minister Orecg that i General Pearkes. the transport controller had t E. T. Aoolewhaite. take this action? lie ask. "It of Homer Stevens as secretary of the United Fishermen and Allied Liberal , the historic break in the lnnff giving the two men a 2-to-l majority. Mr. Foort's report charged that "anti-unionists" had spent hundred of dollars in an"a"cTTvt 'i. that there'll never Joined labor department officers j member for Skeena. welcomed I impasse with Asian Reds. here In an attempt to bring In addition' to, the 14 Ameri Workers Union (TLC) was reported here Tuesday night. publicity campaign to win votes away from the standing Amendments Approved Ted.' Foort, secretary of the can't be because of a few acics of land only. "Whv did they send people to the vlllace to try and ta!k us out of our wish to become enfranchised' "I complained earnestly that thin was not fair," said Mr. U tghton In an interview. p bout a settlement. VI am not a labor negotiator, and I have nothing to do with the Department of La- , bor," he told a reporter. the bill as the "successful outcome of several years' work by and for the halibut fishermen of the coast." . ; . : A-The measure has been referred to the fisheries committee for study in detail. r attempt for enfran-bv an Indian villuge ''Villc iinti allered that Che 'ivi rntnent ha -hlvmrnt o that the MetlaknUan i told they may lose UFAWTT'd central election com mittee, said in making' the report that Alec Gordon has been returned as business agent. cans, the Reds said they would return five Australian and six Colombians, plus 75 South Koreans. The United Nations will return 500 North Korean to the Communists Thursday. Today's exchange involved 100 Republic of Korea soldiers for 500 Communists, including 150 Chinese. H brought to 700 the number of Chinese returned to Red rule. : OTTAWA (CP)-The commons; Mr. Milner said he hud talked Tuesday nave third and final , with operators of the five strike-reading of amendments to the bound elevators and representa-Canada Shipping Act. tightening tive of the CIO Grain Workers , up requirement for ship-to-; Union to find out for himself e Started 10 Years Ago is u !r!t mr,c IV.-1M fll ... Iha lltmun ITmmrM that the move for Duncan had attended a public "rc "u""'i"' u" facilities j their differences arc. I "There are S.fiOO box cans Mr. Foorst said the fight for the presidency between Reg Payne and Bert Larsen has not yet been decided. Name of the winning candidate is expected to be announced May 1. Announcement that Mr. Stevens and Mr. Gordon had been nt of .Metlakatla mecllna In London of the Socl N.JC1- v the' standing Idle in B.C. because of Tli .series of changes In wy the desire to be ety which w as addressed by Capt. h. ,liwl lanrtpd Act will give the cabinet power, this dispute, and naturally I've ' 3 indenendent" has Henrv Prevost CCF Leader Nominated In Vancouver East " VANCOUVER (CP) Arnold Webster, new provincial leader of the CCF, was nominated Tuesday night along' with Arthur Turner to contest Vancouver East riding in the June 9 election. Former leader Harold Winch spoke briefly at the convention, predicting that the people of n in the villager; at Port Slmuson In the early V order radio-Uiephone laclil Prince Ends 11-Day Tour Of Canada MONTREAL O Crown Prince Aklhito of Japan entered the United States today," his 11-day official tour of Canada from Victoria to Montreal ended. The UN command will return 5.800 Reds for 605 Allied sick and wounded. got to make some decision on whether to leave them wh"re they are or move them east," he ties for ships over auu tons gen -ry is a malor link InilSMi to take on supplies after P"ii: of Prince Ru- fighting the Russians In lhe,r'""- Howard Green IPC Vancouver, added. re-elected to office for the 15th time was made at a meeting of the Trades and Labor Council. The election committee chairman said he was able to announce their re-election on the j northern Pacific during the ""Wii the eyes of Mr. I Ci iineun War. ai.K.U. ... . .....j , 1 g t r,.. t iu Quadra) commended the govern-) Mr. Milner controls the movement measure, but he said he; ment of railway cars in Canada. ......... m.iu tiuu mil Ii VllUI.. IH la.ri mnn- j.,.n,nnl ho-s the ... transport Prtnent '-"fd parents. -this loned admiral of the British unl- b,'tr hc my fatlHTwa Fled. re,x,rted that the natives " P1" basis of returns from 16 of 27 ami .saw the first nits- of Port Simpson were highly in liif; t-A' uti,m,it. w ...t ; carrying of wireless operators. Survey Ship Refloated From Rock VICTORIA (CP) The eighty locals. To date approximately 2,400 ballots had been counted, P ashore In the midst; tellluent and would, he thought . ! Hi. riui not think vessels oper '"'i ' I resimntl remarkably to Christian Oil Found On Farm Near Langley B.C. will turn to the CCF for efficient government. Mr. Webster said he will continue his job as high school principal while campaigning. . -lii 1 ar7. the vear! teachlmr. The 19-year-old Prince sails late today from New York aboard the liner Queen Elizabeth for England where he will attend the Coronation. He will make an official tour of the United States on his way home. ating in the Inside Passage be-1 tween Vancouver Lsland and the IBritLsh Columbia mainland the arrival in Port! Duncan volunteered to go to be exempted. . some op- should I Wdham Duncan, a I Port Simmon at the time was B.C Places Reserve On Watershed foot government survey ship Parry was reHoated from a rock "" "rker l Britain; the northern roast head.,uarter.v "iiKrs haa sui;ge.siia VANCOUVER CP Oil fever -WEATHER- ' redasamLvslonarylof the Hudson's Bay Trading i'lvrs telegraphy, nhr., hestated e stated f-Monsry Society of the Company. For that reason, thci11 160 mles north of here late Tuesday night after being grounded I h;is struck Langley in Hie Fra.ser i Valley. I Driller Emery Hansen says he Last official function in Montreal Tuesday was a reception for 800 members of Japanese-Canadian organizations In the city. Synopsis The westerly flow of moist most of the day. F tusiland. j nine tribes of the T.slmpsean na- 'lie beginning of a his-! Hon had gathered there to live None of the crew of 13 was In- eiition of the rise and! See I.NOIAN VILLAGE rage 5 lured when the vessel went Prior to this. Prince Akihito T aground in OkisoUo Channel. Logger's Body Lashed to Wheel Of Battered Boat has struck pay sand at 750 feet on the farm of 9-ycar old John Goer!., five miles east of Lang-ley. Ho produced a jar Tuesday showing traces of green, light held a small private reception and among guests was Paul VICTORIA (CPX The piovin- Pacific air which is bringln; cial government has placed a; cloudy skies to most sections ol reserve on waters of the sprawl-! the - province shows signs o: ing Atlln watershed in north-! weakening and slow improve-western British Columbia. jment in weather conditions i; The move apparently is de-1 looked for tomorrow. , signed to prevent alienation of. Forecast the area because of the possibili- North Coast Region: Cloud: Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal who founded and The Parry pulled herself off the ledge under her own power at high tide. Damage was not serious and the vessel is con irrsiviiv erniliv directed a seminary In Japan tinuing Its survey work. for some years. 1 i- 's Aji-w ' "" m ' if -A , MASSET Body of a New; Some 20 members of the Apos-Brunswick-boru logger was found t(jUc cllllrchi of whlch Hansen Is hushed to the wheel of a storm-;1)irmbrr ananced the well, called Siloam No. 1. battered power boat off here Monday, and .search is continu Word of the Parry's plight was relayed by Cape Lazo radio and picked up by the tug Hecate Straits which went to the scene immediately, t The Parry, a 90-ton dlesel ves 'It is the -work of the Lord." ty of establishment of a hugelana mild. Rain Thursday after mining, hydro and smelting de- noon and evening. Winds light velopment. i increasing Thursday af ternooi Frobisher Ltd. of Eastern Can-1 to southeast 80. ada is carrying out surveys in the ! Lows tonight and highs Thurs area. (day At Port Hardy, 38 and 54 Major lakes affected are Teslin j Sandspit and Prince Rupert, J and Atlin Lakes. I and 52. Bonner Gets Nomination ing for his companion. Hansen told newspaper report Body of Eidon w. kusscu, jo, . . . 1 ers. The Lord guided me to was found wncre ne niauc a ut- this spot. The well will produce sel, grounded In relatively shel 150 barrels a day." tered waters. perate fight for life in a gale thut swept across the Queen Charlotte Lslands. RCMP said search is continuing for Orvllle Gray, 4tt, employer of Russell. Queen Becomes Owner of Fine Vegetable Garden at Castle Charles Hopper Succeeds Melrose In Pt. Grey VANCOUVER (CP) Cabinet ministers Robert Bonner and Mrs. Tilly Rolston and Insurance salesman Tom Bate were nominated Tuesday night to carry the Social Credit banner In Vancouver-Point Grey in the coming provincial election. Unanimous support was given the nominations of the attor-new-general and the education minister, 'and Mr Bat also won nomination wittiout a fight. Some 400 delegates attended the convention and were told by Mr. Bonner: "We're not atrald U.S. Ballots in Two Languages The stute of New Mexico prints its voting ballots in two languages, Spanish and English. But Rupertitcs vote "Yes" for Classified ads in every language, and thousands that use them get just the results they're after! If you'd like to sell or rent something, let a Want Ad be your sure-win candidate. Phone 74H for au ad -writer. VICTORIA B Charles Edward Hopper, assistant deputy lands minister, will take over the nost of deputy minister July 1, years and the post-war peril k when there was an acute manpower shortage. The six waiiec gardens near the castle wen bristling with weeds whet Stevenson took over. In addition to the vegetables Stevenson is raising all tht flowers which wul be umi U decorate the Royal premisei during the Coronation in June Stevenson has a staff of 21 gardeners. David Stevenson, appointed head gardener at the" castle only 20 months ago, said his yield was so great that the Royal Family and its servants could eat only 40 per cent. The rst Is sold through Covent Garden, big vegetable and flower market In the heart of London. Much of the Royal acreage went to pot during the war LONDON (API The Queen is the proprietor of a truck garden which peddles carrots and tomatoes to the London public, It was disclosed today. The vegetables are grown at WiniUor Cattle, where a 40-year-old Scottish gardener has transformed 30 weed-choked awes into one of the finest truck gardens in that part of England. A Lands Minister RuUut Summers announced Tuesday t E CAR goes the trunk in which the body of six-Audrey Ann Nleld of Hamilton was found strangled, 'irelimg the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ""d the boriv In the trunk nn n shelf In the basement Mr. Hopper succeeds George Melrose, who is retiring to go into private practice. Mr. Hopper F rj'by had been reported kidnapped. The baby's mother, has been a civil servant for 50 to ask the voters for a decision. again." j ja, has been charged with murder. , years. J