riu'iCe nupefi UGily ie3 Friday. May 29, 19o3 Today's Stocks (.iirtey n, i. 4hnutn f.m. Ltd.) BLACKWOOD on DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS End 3 Classified Hates ure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- FOR SH E By EASLEY BLACKWOOD -Mr. Masters Uses Precise VANCOIVER American Standard .... .18 Bralorne 425 B R X , (,2 Cariboo Quartz l.oa Congress 07 Cronin Babine -. 10 Ciant Mascot J . 431,; Vidian , ly , Pioneer 105 Premier Border 06 Privateer '.03y2 Sheep Creek .65 Sllbak Premier 12 Taku River 07 Vananda 02 '-i Spud Valley 'wJ2 Silver Standard 88 Western Uranium 2 00 Sil-Van ". 42 Dorreen 28 Esteiia 50 USED CARS '49 Anglia Coach $495 '39 Austin Coach $260 '49 Austin A-40 Sedan . $750 '49 Studebakcr Overdrive $1395 '50 Austin A-40 Sedan $1000 '39 Hudson Sedan $350 '51 Austin A-40 Sedan $1100 '51 International Truck $1450 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. Strategy in Unusual Play Mr. Masters selected for his opening lead the one card which would give him the best chance to defeat the opposing contract. ) . Opporlurijt Olivtr II VP-f.f.th winning lid, M olwoy, odv,l,, f In the clauifiacil I i , I I , I I I I ELSIXESS ftRSOXAU LANDSCAPING "AND GARDEN- , , 1 KTA n 1 ivik:k wans. rocKeries rock flower boxes, lawns and fences. Free estimates. Phone Red 808. ,i30p, PLUMBING, automatic oil heat- r nnrri meiai work. Phone 543. Cull (J3U 6th West Le-tourneau. (c WORLD'S FI N EST CLEANER im.m-iko.lux. Pnouo Blue 67C, tor I'urts Sales Service. C HIE ELECTRICIAN D. Guyatt. House wiring and electrical repairs. Ma 0th Ave. West Phone Red 165. (138) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited, Distributors foi: Mining Bawmiil, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Inquiries Invited. Granville Island Vancouver 1, B.C. (tf) WILFORD Electrical Works Motors bought, sold, rewound and repaired. (tf PLACE your classified ad In' this paper at the economical six time rate, is words for M consecutive days cost $l.8 15 words for six consecutive days cost $1.10. And remember you ran phone your ads just call 748. Dally News tf-nc) BFFR bottles picked up. Phone Black B27. , I148p) HELP WANTED I EM.'.LE WANTED Clerk for retail shoe store. Apply In person to Fmily Shoe Store Ltd. 126) SALESGIRLS wanted by F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. (127) STENOORAPHER-CLERK, with or without cxnerlence. Apply ro Nortnern B.C. Power Co. Ltd.. Room 15, Besner Block. (128) Oils Anglo Canadian 6.30 A P Con .33 Calmont 1 45 C & E 11.00 Central Leduc 3 05 Home Oil 825 Mercury M5 Okalta 2.60 Pacific Pete 11.25 Royal Canadian 12 Royalite . 13.75 TORONTO Athona Hi2 Aumaque 15 Beveourt 50 Buffalo Canadian 20 C M & S 25 25 Conwest 4 55 Donalda 7ii'2 Fldona 34 4 East Sullivan 4 60 Giant Yellowknife ; 9.80 God's Lake ,85 Harricana 15 Heva Gold . 06 Duvex 3g Joliet Quebec 26 Little Long Lac 62 Lynx iiij Madsen Red Lake 1.55 Mi-Kenxie Red Lake 33'i Macleod Cockshutt .... 2.43 Moneta 42 Negus 16 Noranda 67.50 Louvicourt 15 Pickle Croy 1.31 Petrol Oil & Gas 54 New Senator 20 Sherritt Gordon 4 65 Steep Rock ... j... 6 85 Silver Miller 74 Sweet Grass 51 Golden Manitou 2.30 Man Jailed For Carrying Explosives NEW WESTMINSTER (CP) Steve Maxymiuky. 30-year-old Vancouver man, Wednesday w s sentenced to four years in oen- itcntiary for illegally pos3ss-! lng explosives. Judge H. J. Sullivan said ! Maxymuiky was en route to Castlegar, in the strife-torn ! Doukhobor country, when arrested. "I wonder if there was r?n connection between the explo sives and the destination of I Maxymuiky?" he asked. (ihOKGK DAWKS AUCTIONEER Phone Black 840 and Red 127 : e South dealer Both sides vulnerable Sort h (Mr. Clifmiploiti S 7 H K 7 8 4 D A Q 7 C K J 10 7- i ef (Mr. MiiHlers) l r. Meek) B Gl J 6 5 89 3 2 H A Q 2 H 6 D J 10 fl 3 I--8 6 5 4 2 c- n 4 C- 9 6 S 3 South Mr. Altel) S -A K III II 4 H ,1 10 9 8 3 D K C A Q The blddiiiK: South West North East 1 S Paas 2 C Pass 2 H Pass 4 H pllss 5 C Pass 8 D Pa. 6 H All pass 65-1 if to . ?-rLA l iJurtiuM, la ul BuU.,k. n. J..-I 1 L. 1 BriMpli llmtl r (Business .? DELUXE PRESS " "Gestetner" Duplicating . Circular Letters - Mont nly Bulletins any Kind of Business forms. Direct mail advertising, etc. 30 - 40 less than regular printing. Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. w. Prince Rupert, B.C. Giv us your mailing list We do the rest. Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the Last Dally, except Sunday.,.. 8 p.m. Fr.,m the 'East-- 1 Daily except M.nday :M p.m IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 030, M. J. SAUNDERS CI, 2), CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe j For Outside Orders Phoiu 133 The bidding of Mr. Abel and Mjr. Champion had sounded strong enough to indicate they held between them all the honor cards except those held by Mr. Masters himself. Fuithrrrr.crc, It wss beyoni the bounds of reason to think Mr, Abel had a loser in any side suit. In other words, his nnlv possible losers were in the trump :-un. nearts. The opening lead Mr. Masters made would go against the grain of many Dlavers and vet it. vim perfectly logical. He laid down the ace of hearts. He then promptly followed up' with th? deuce. How would you have figured this if you had been in Mr. flneis place? Of course, if a f-Ialn suit had been opened, most players would lead the Sack of hearts from the closed hand at trick two and duck in dummy if the hand on their left played low. Or, if second hand went in with the ace of hearts thev would win the return, lay dewn! me in oi ngarts and let it ride if not covered. That would be the best percentage play. But "normal" tactics went out the window when Mr, Masters led the ace. and then the deuce of trumps. Would anyone in his right mind lead from the ace-queen of trumps? Mr. Abel thought not. Believing he had got a lucky break and Mr. Meek had started with queen rioubleton in hearts, he went n with dummy's king at trick iwo. He was stunned when Mr. Meek showed out. He had rea.ioned exactly as Mr. Masters had hoped he would. And Mr. Masters had risked nothing, ii, after laying lovyn the a jo of hearts, the king had not shown up in dummy, he would have shifted to another uit. His queen of hearts would then have been certain to win the setting trick later. f BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 0 ri REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned ""up to noon on Thursday, June 11th. 1953. for the purchase of Lot 7, Block , Section 1, Map 923, Prince Rupert Townxite, together with Improvements, situated thereon. , Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G. F. Forbes, . Official Administrator. Administrator of the Estate of Edward John Marsh, deceased. Room 13, Court House, Princp Rupert, B C (128) FOR SALE Five-room dwelling on Seventh Avenue East, two blocks from McBride. Newly decorated, cabinet cupboard kitchen, Duroid roof, part basement, cement posts,' garden, kitchen range, chesterfield set. beds, e tc. Full price $4.200 00. Terms. ? R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Av. Phone R1 (128) TAXIS and TKAN'NI H CITY TRANSFER Lonq Distance CRATING and PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point in DC. Phone 950 First Ave. and McBride (e) legal notice LAND RF.fi ISTRY ACT Re: CertincBte of Title Nn. 82.11-1 to Lot Twonty-two (22i, ni.K-k Nlnotv-sevon IH7I. Swlifin To (2. Townsltfl of Now HawlUm. Mnp BBI1. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Ortiflrate of Title lFwucd In the mime of John Roderick Frawr has been Hied In this oftlec, notice Is hrreby civen that I shall, at the expiration of. one month from the Uate of the first posting hereof Issue a Provisional Oertlftcote of Title In lieu of sultl lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Lund Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 20th day of May, lS3. A I) ANIJHKW THOMPSON Dcpi'.'y lieflstrur of Titles , I143lt .U'CTION K AI.E Timber Mule X-Wr;-J7 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at 11:00 a.m.. on Friday. June 19. 1953. in the office of the District Forester. Prince Rupert. B(V. the Licence X-60227. to cut 6:10.000 cu. ft. of Spruce. Hemlock. Cedar, Balsam and Cypress on an area covering V.C.L. situated approximately 1 miles S.W. of Lot 3939 on Steamer Passage, R. 5, Coast Land District. Five 5 years will be allowed for removal of timber. '"Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria, B C or the District Forester, Prince RuKl. (M1S.22 29..J5C) AITTION S.!.F. Timber Sale -.1ftS.H There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 11:00 a.m., on Friday. July. 24th. 1953. Ill the office ot vno Dl&Ulct Forester, Piinre JU-crt. B.C.,- ttic- Licence -K-5B8.r4. .. to cut 3.365 .000 cubic feet of Fir, Cedar. Hemlock, Spruce and Balsam on an area comprising of part of T.L.'s H48GP and 1208UP. situated Norh River. South Bentinck Arm, Rani;c-3. Coast Lund District. 1 Three (31 years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minuter of Forests, Victoria. B.C.. or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. (M22.29.J6.ia.10.2a.J3.10e) Spring Flowers Decorate Tables At Annual Tea Beautiful spring flowers centred the tea table at the annual tea and home cooking sale of the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, held in the church hall on Thursday. Welcoming the guests were the president. Mrs. H. Calrtei-- wood, and the pastor's wife, Mrs. e. a. wrignt. Convener of the tearoom was Mrs. J. A. Teng, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. A. E. Wood end Mrs. Gamblin. Pourers were Mrs. J. W. Eastwood and Mrs. W. White, and Uniis to publication. I sificd, 3 cents per word per fc-.rrtlon; minimum charge 60 ills. i-i Notices, 50 cents; Cards Thanks, Death Notices, i iu'ral Notices, Marriage and iii!af;cmcrit Announcements, I IK). Display double price. No Refunds iial . w!!' not accept responsl-v lov classified ads inserted t rii tly or under wrong I nidation unless notification Jur.i errors is received within UI LI iir:4 uoerujn. ANNOlNtLMENTS iin i.i a Re sale, Anglican ..dial, May 30. iii! lii-ran Church tea May 30. i tea. June 4. (ATTENTION VOTERS LIBERAL VOTE is a vote for ! RTC ENTERPRISE. VOTE BROWN LIBERAL on June 9 iti d Church VV.A. Spring June 11. 'Jn.ilc Women's League nation tea, June 11, at the o( Mru. M. P. McCaffery, lib A v's. West. ibyterian Ladies' Aid tea Manse. June 18. KIKTH NOTICE XLS Born to Mr. and Mrs. lis Mills. 400 Fourth Ave-Ka.st. May 28. 1953, a daugh-Anmv (Hi ' PERSONAL I I DU CAN WIN I 1 fcood Highways, Best I cgislation, Business-c Administration of , nir affairs . . . and much more. VOTE LIBERAL June 9 VOTE BRUCE BROWN a r.'in on your govern-nt. Join Social Credit to- ' (125) VIN(IAL affairs' are 'your rs. Join social Credit to-v (125) SES that talk. MLAs who not talk. How about less "kery in Democracy? Vote dtp) '' the Prince Rupert group n"oiioiics Anonymous to-V Write Box 1511, Prince wn. ,126) "I'SINliSS 1EKJSONALS f 'tl.Y everybody uses . (c) Attention all liberals! order to avoid a last-W'lmte rush, all Liberals 'niinK to join Social wait are requested to lwd their names in to "ur cretary prior to 6 p m . Saturday, May 30. Campaign Committee SOCIAL CREDIT (ltc) fIo.L,S'. novelties. rfdie's ire? ."Mllan Liquid ne'an l , V,f0r,0!!yKen' acot- Make It A Real Holiday! with ' DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 12 Refill Pads with elastic pant Special $1.00 THE STORK SHOPPE Blue 810 1120c) FOR SALE 3 H.P. oatboard 407 7th West. U25p) FOR SALE One bed davenport. 9' x 101,4' rug, kitchen table and chairs, large cupboard. Green 926. No. 4 Mussallem Block. (128p) FOR SALE Oil stove, drum and tubing, $10000. Phone Black 448. (125 FOR SALE Baby carriage, gfood condition. Call eves. 010 10th East. (125p) FOR SALE 16 fteabln trailer. $050. May be seen at 200 11th St. (129) FOR SALE Phillip's 10-tube c o m b 1 n a tion radio-phonograph, like new, for almost half price. Phone Red 510 and ask for Wilbur. (128) FOR SALE Wick burner oil stove, good condition. Phone I Red 360. ' ( 125p I FOR KENT FOR RENT Bright single room close In. Phone Black 977. Call I at 101 7th East. tl25 ! FOR RENT Sleeping room. 1141 ( Beach Place or Blue 433. 125 SINGER BEWING CENTRE rent portable machines. Phone 864. c fOR RENT Board and room for quiet gentleman, respectable home. Non-drinker. Box 680, Dally News. H27p) FOOTHILLS (Bootless) coal. Phone 651. PhiipU, Evltt & Co. Ltd (c) WAN'TED TO flENT WANTED Urgently require thiee-).edroom house. Phono Blue 602. (tfnc) WANTED TO RENT Suite or 'cabin for coupler Phone Black 828. (129p) WANTED TO RENT Furnished suite or apartment. Urgently required. Phone 544. (126) WANTED WANfEDTO BUY Brownie uniform, size 8. Also chest of , drawers. Black 709. i tf-nc) CAbil FOR I Scrap: copper, hrn.'s, batteries, j radiators. Phone 543 Call 630 i 6th Ave. West c) WANTED Good home for year-end-half-old Labrador dog. Phone Black 912. P.O. Box 622. (125) REAL ESTATE FOR SALU Big 6, furnished or unfurnished. Newly decorated In and out. Cash or easy terms. Phone Black 731. (125) FOR SALE .six-room house, , 3. "bathrooms'.5 furnished. Hot air furnace. Phone Green 933. (12Cp)' FOR SALE Neat one-bedroom home near McBride. Immediate occupancy. Completely furnished with all kitchen and household furnishings, including range, new frig, washing machine, sewing machine, dining room set, bedroom and chesterfield suite, etc. Full price $4.000 00. Terms. R. E, MORTIMER 353 Third Ave. Phone 88 and Blue 326 (128) FOR SALE Modern four-room house, partlv furnished (new furniture l. Full cement basement with furnace. 792 Alfred St., or phone Red 129. (125) BE A HOME OWNER For only $1000 down you can have immediate possession or this well-kept two-bedroom home. Floors newly sanded. Duroid roof. Full price $3300. FOUR BEDROOMS I500 DOWN One block from shopping, on the bus line, we oner tnis sound family home, high and dry, basement, double garage, for only $4500 full price. For other enod buvs see Armstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Red p58 (eves ) (126) FOR SALE Two fine view, cleared building lots on Ora-ham Ave., Section Two. Price $750.00. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88 WANTED Girl or lady to look after children. Live In or week-ends only. Phone 453. (125) WANTED Someone to do light DINING PLEASURE ih SPARKLING NEW -SURROUNDINGS ;. Commodore Cafe Steamer Prince Rupert SAILS FOR VANCOUVER ' ind Intermediate Fort Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. t For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort aiid Service ' For rrsnrvations write 01 call t'Uy ih I-?; ot mre piofe'ltonaf JOHN H. BULGER Ojlimvlrisl i Ihird Avenue John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes. D.C. CHIROPRACTOit Hrs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 -: ,,21 2S Besner Block v: ;iwuii 44a H. G. HELGERSON . LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Black 889 scott McLaren ," CHARTERED ACCOUNT AN1!' James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. ; Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws ! ! Sharpened , '' 215 1st Ave. W. Pbone 909 By CHIC YOUNG DA6WOOD--IJU-3T READ YOUR v.fS KAPES? AND IT N I VTll ID I I l.-u-V SURE JlSf ,f. you i -. MAD ! - . ) ''i ' it. ... , ' . f 1i LINDSAY'S . CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. :,' Established 1!)10 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING" KIIIM'ING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . Mill' VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Lid. Phone CO or G8 cor. 2l,j am Park Av'C- nouseKeepina in new home on Atlln Ave. Phone Gren 2133 after 5 p.m. for further nnr-ticulars. (129) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specliHst. S ;. Furk Stone Pulldiosr. Red 593. (20m) BATTEKY &EKVICE RUPERT Bat tery Shop, 234 East 3rd A7e. I'lionn B'-.ie 126. Re-pin's, recriargirtr in:' rebuilding. Vii-k miimrtUto e) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE Sailboat. Would make seaworthy outboard - boot. Phone -Black . 148 or Box -- 909. - ,- v - - fl26p FOR SALE Large power boat, two cabins, boathouse. Within lhnlf-hour drive from town. Price very reasonable. Excellent for fishing and hunting. Phone Red 418 for particulars. (134) FORSALE32ft "gillnetter "Marie H." Phone Red 825. (128) CARS FOR SALE RE-CHROME bumpers, grille, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send SI. 98 or COD. Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (149) FOR SALE Ford 2-door sedan. Heater, radio, fog lights, seat covers, new rubber, nice condition. May-be seen at the Armories. Contact Sgt.-Ma.jor Hetherington. dtp) FOR SALE '42 "45" Harley-Davidson, new battery, tires, engine overhauled, in excel-1 e n t condition throughout. -Phone 794 before 6 p.m., Green 781 after. (125p) FOR SALE '41 Bulck, new motor job, new paint job. 613 3rd Ave. West or Bus Depot. (128) FOR Sai & FOR SALE Oil heater, portable radio, end tables, gramophone, lamps, dresser, bed and new mattress, table and chairs, dishes pots and pans, 4-horse motor, clothes cuu-boards, china cabinet, hotplate, other household arti GREER & BRJDDEN LTD. See us to discuss that new construction BLONDIE i 1 I i I . r I've ear three minuted ..A p.. JC?r ' ,A MKE K. 1 : 7i 4w! ! ' rsS 9i 7 7f i - YOU cu YvJ --...V 3 . -v. day ,j TC DAY'S RAPES 7 tnose serving were Mrs. W. Bremner, Mrs. W. Wilson Murray, Mrs. H. C. Halliday and Mrs. W. Bowes. At the home cooking were Mrs. J. Hadden, Sr., and Mrs. cles. 613 3rd Ave. West. (128) (129) w. spark nT?k ! rn nnn n n n Wak May Bai ilay yk)Ex St My UMldJlJJ) UUffiJUQIi Znie.UD5