OTTAWA DiARY By Noi-inon M. M" (Look, Mama, No Hands!) Piirice Rupert Daily Mews As I See It Monday, May 4, 1953 The most important news to'mltment was to lead the Liberal that the response win w. come out of these last days of; party through the Impending , One of the main iX , the Parliamentary session is the general election. Even in high fears has been that n,. ? .... -,m...,. .i-niatMi via the ! oartv circles it has been assumed ness of ,. "n'!c Liberal party grape-vine of Rt. that his services would termin-I election leadership M'5,: by ore Hon. til. uiurems pi ujju-u , , , I 'a'KCI UI1-l the nrr time-schedule In the event of , even been fairly general specula-j that he would retire t being re-elected as Prime Min- jtion on the likelihood of a lead-1 as soon as the votes 1 Lster j ership convention in the autumn ' ed. The l'M's cta Liberal sources which secured , of '54- least until m ,s ' tneir lmunuuiiu" .n.i. .. -- ..... cimiinai" this i danger. have broadcast to Tne govern- uu u y- ment MP's that the Prime Min-; the news that Mr. St. Laurent ir' eleclion leadership is NOT ; had raised the subject informal- but frankly with some of his ! tn he lust a hit and run per- ly 'formance If he Is returned to; cabinet ministers.. He had indi- i office Rt. Hon. Mr. St. Laurent j rated his belief in the impro-j Little King No Worm YOU COUID explain world events now going on before our very eyes by going back to that fountain of wisdom, the Bible. will carry on for at least three j prieiy cu run secumiK me sup-; years and maybe longer. j port of the voters at the polls , .i r u,i. ,,m in 'and then deserting them once! responsible for tne mainly m..o.. nf fh .!,. I heightened state of jhV Ht." hHd. Mr. Laurent said Willi 11 IOC Jjim-ii! a definitely thut there would be no leadership convention for at least thr"" yeirs after the elec- '50 Monarch Vmmn,, ing the session. The- rank-and-file nf the eovernment supporters feel that so long as Rt. Hon. completely automat;, . Lmiient remains' with i Mr. Rt. ar'snws' which 'nvited the further interpret. ably secure. Any Dnniol the prophet wrote of Hip full of thp frreat Babylonian empire of his day with a vividness rarely equalled in all history. Hp pictured the drunken king at a big banquet and an invisible man's visible hand writing on thv wall: "Babylon's number 1.1 up you, king, are personally all through your rivals are com tion that it was by no means "very possible extra. A Miii M I'iMitiac Sedan or 24.000 miles, heater ", '50 Frd Nedan-Nei Kxtra gix) l(Hikni. ", TKKKS '51 Ford Pi,k-ui E lional ciuiililion ':'. ( lievmh t Puk nj new. Heater e(iiiin.. postpones his retirement raises their spirits In consequence. Up until this lutest InllinatUm, the Prime Minister's only com- LOOK, MAMA, NO HANDS!- By James Reldford In the Toronto Globe and Mall. certain that a convention would br held even then. The Prime Minister is said to have .speculated, albeit lightly, uxm the possibility that it might be his destiny to die in ortii t. The assumption amongst the LllK-ral MP's Is that the Prime u lii jrpeudeut aaliy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding at nine Kupen Md North, and Central Brltlab Columbia. Member ol Caii&dmii Prest Auuit Bureau ol ClrcuU'lone Canadian Dally Ne spaurr Association. Published by be frluce Kupeit Dally Newt LlmltoO " J. T. MAOOB. President H. O. PKRHY, Vlce-Prealdept Subscription Kates: f,te. Sj carrier f er weeR. 2fc; per month el.uO; per year. Iio.oo ity mall Pel moiiUi. 7Ae. ptr year. aoo, jthorusrt a wmt class mall b the Poet OtBw DepartmfPt, Ottawa. Support The Music Festival the commencement tomorrow of the sixth WITH animal Prince Uupert district music and drama festival, there lies ahead four days which, to participants and spectators alike, will he stimulating educational and entertaining. As tin's occasion becomes yearly more popular, evident that the arts are occupying an increas-tiiuJy important place in our community life. The, trend is an encouraging one. A populace which is entirely pre-occupied with the business of making a livingand which relies wholly on commercial entertainment for its recreation ,has little to commend it. It would, in fact, he intolerably dull. What the Festival means to us is well expressed in the foreward of its program, which says: "We must not think of our Festivals as competitions for a few people, but rather as a means of bringing to all our people the knowledge and understanding of music and the dramatic arts. ' . "Nevertheless, the spirit of competition is a natural element in many such human affairs and cannot be avoided. This love of competition is particularly keen in young folk and may be utilized as a stimulus to promote earnest work; it should be encouraged in a manner to develop the hest elements in character. Thus our Festivals are also an excellent means of teaching good sportsmanship." We look forward to the most successful Festival yet, and all those who have made it possible merit Mental Ill-Health Increasing JODAY is the beginning of Mental Health Week in Canada, a period in which the country is asked ing in to throw you out." i One of France's puppet col- ! oniul kings has Just made a brave warning which may be as POLITICAL ROUNDUP MLESTONES Bob Parker Li Minister will make his Intention I 40 Years Ago Today known to the public officially t'mp " rourse of tlw The Grand Trunk Pacific has announced it will be putting on election campaign. They believe "The Home of Frici, Service" . . . by J. K. Nesbitt I to be party boss, and he had to j be that, or he'd be finished. I Luing met the convention as j president. He knew Johnson was Unit to purge him. However, loy-i alty being one of his chief char IThlH 1 the first In wrl iA artlclea crmcernlilK tlw laaderfl nf the major political parties cim-tentlni; the June 0 provincial election. Editor) , VICTORIA The new BC. Liberal leader, Arthur Lalng, a dallv steamer service between NEW STOCK ... LOW - L ominous as Daniel s graphic word picture. That puppet king j surely is no worm. SPEAKINO IN New York on April 18 King of Cambodia told The Nev York Times: "If we h'uVP an Invasion of the sort that Laos has suffered I am not at all certain that I can call for a general mobilization as did Laos. If there is a menace the people will say the French are encircled and their end has come . . . There has been growing support among the thinking masses of the peo acteristics, he would get out, if Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and Prince Rupert and will propably establish a fleet of swift and powerful trans-Pacific liners b tween Rupert and the Orient. was once purgeu uom vi e , tnp Ws cni,,f MK.N'S i.f KK.TS, Piipulir Myles, from fil BOYS' JACKETS, new desisni, from 51; B.u. uoerai association pres.- ; d R u was ln(, on, dency by former Premier Byran .imV)lll1(.(.(, his resign-.i-Johnson. , jtion That was In 1949. Boss John- j HoU,, Vancouver.s , ball-son was firmly in the saddle ps . tQom wpnt lnU) an upfoar Liberal chief Premier and boss : had mQre supporters than Jolin. mm or tne coalition uovernmenv. ...nnMert so tnanv Lain;' The Prince Kipert Rowing and Yachting Club held its first annual dance at the Kalen Lslanrt Club. . 30 Yeors Ago Today It was reported 150,000,000 feet of timber will be lodged on this See the Hoys' Health J:ickrt by Pip- ple of Cambodia that the Com Johnson was pledged to Coal- himsf 1( wa9 aimost overcome, ition with the Conservatives. , Thp hnnm .... Ar.rll THE SPORTS SHOP Lalng hated Coalition, saw In , of m was u.rriflc. Lning it Uberal death throes John-1 ,d h d, lleve it coast this year givin-r employ- ririalnT w7 ! . must have been tempted ,- 15(;o mel. munist-led Vietminh Is fighting for the independence of the country. "They do not want to die for the French and help them stay here." So spoke the king not lor defeatism but to demand for his country "the same independence as India and Pakistan have within the British Commonwealth. He is France's frank to cnange nis ininn, to " '! the .. Hon eventually dropped : 'th Johnson but he didn t Liberals to the' bottom of the "n Resign he would. Delegates went WC"- uilH Thou Imnlnrmt Tnini7 to of T. J. Shenton, Iiisiector Mines, left today for Anyox. Now Lalng. who might well (jtay; Tncy wantefl lo know wriy hsay "I told you so," is in the Inhnn wnntj.M him nut John- difficult job of dragging them I Ri!pllt .through the storm. 20 Yean Ago Today Mr. Justice Denis Murphy will be the, prcukling Judge at , the spring se.snion of the Supreme friend. up again, There are those who Hp nadn.t gaid he want,.rt Laln vV ". : ' '''v; V said ne nas oeen iea to ine pUrged but everybody knew, SIHUgllier.' wriiainij, ilea gain- Dozens of men and women Court Assises and will be the A WISE MAN asked me not long ago "why do you always talk of a possible world war three as ' in the future it Is on now?" a,t the notary IUWIIU I'll uaiiit, lu ntj. Lining , lu'ii.iiun. ousted from Liberal leadership In 1041 heennse he wouldn't He went on to show that the said he would not. Johnson still would not speak. "Don't let us Andrew Hardy has returned to the city from Fsmilmatt where he has been taking courses In down, Art," screamed some, and big struggle that Is going on at coalesce with the Tories, has the commercial level, and for tnere been a B.C. Liberal leader ra-e and color equality and col- wltn no strings attached to any oruai ireeoum is in law a worm nther nartv. Laine is the su- more, than one woman was ai tears as she begged Lalng not to give up. But Laing went. l?ona:J Mc naval training fas a member of Ihe RC'NVR. t 10 Years Ago Today Manager D. Borland of thPi preme boss or Liberalism. John Hart and Bryon Johnson, while Liberal chieftains, were In the same political bed with the Conservatives. Hart and Johnson had to compromise nil down the line this constant compromise ending in the war. That bigger war wfll go on regardless of whether or not there is cease-fire in Korea, s I think that Interpretation Is " sound. World war threes now on, will be decided by what happens in the yellow, brown and black skinned parts of this earth. , : there will be free Sunday 5hows for all members of tp Xmed forces station-"! here. i Donald of Trail, reported to be Johnson's choice, ran for the presidency. But, at the last moment, Harry Perry ran, too, and won. It was victory -in reverse for Lain". Johnson wasn't much better off. He didn't get along with Perrv either. The Liberal party took another suicide shot of poison that day. "I'm not sore at anyone," said Liberal debacle of last June. Those of us who covered the P. N. Good, city engineer for? Liberal convention in 1941, when Pattullo's head was chop the past 13 years, has tendered i his resignation to City Council, j to give special thought to a problem that becomes steadily more grave as the pressures,' pace and tensions ' of life increase. , ... ... .. Its significance may be gauged from the fact that, of all hospitalized .patients in' Canada, those confined for mental ill-health comprise 46 per cent. At the same time .only three percent of all registered nurses are engaged in "attending those so afflicted. '. The only conclusion to he drawn is that the problem is outpacing the means'o-f coping with it. Although mental derangement is" probably as long as the history of humanity itself, its incidence has reached an unprecedented height And seems certain to "go still higher as our existence grows more competitive, impersonal and crowded. While the mystery of the mind has been explored as never before, and from this new cures developed, it is evident that the only effective method of controlling mental disease lies in prevention. Perhaps the day will come when protective measures against disorders of the mind can be undertaken as systematically as they are now against those of the bo-y- hilJ mm-:ui M?H uiirt ' In the meantime it will help if everyone becomes cognizant of this spreading danger, and for those young men and women contemplating a career in medicine or nursing there is surely no more intriguing or worthwhile opportunity than treatment pf the mentally ill. ped off, John Hart named to his FFOR YEARS back Nehru and other southern leaders have been warning us that Asia and Africa will not stand with the west against Soviet expansion unless the western powers "came place, and Coalition endorsed, well remember how reporter Peter Stursberg burst into the Lalng, when it was all over, and Johnson gripped his hand and The Privy Council In Britain I descends from a council instituted by King Alfred in 895 AD. How llicsc hclpin clean" on colonial freedom. said: "When Art runs for office I'm behind him." Such is poli India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Burma got real freedom, thanks hands do eel arouw press room with this remark: "The Liberal Party has Just committed suicide." It took more than 10 years for that suicide to be accomplished, almost. There's yet some life in the body. Now It's up to Art to the enlightened policy of the British government. So did the Gold Coast in Africa (much to I r -i tics! Day after Laing's ousting, a reporter wrote: "If Coalition can ever be broken, and the Liberal Party, alone and single-handed conies, back strong and dominant, it Is Arthur Laing, who mav Well be Its leader. (Can you guess whose they are?) Malan'n chagrin). The Netherlands was slower to mi Laing to bring the Liberal body politic back from the brink of the grave, while there's still a i ".S'f...Ao v. fcfioir may li"" '"V'1 like lliU in ' a new tti centre bit of warmth. U will take all "i'B. u-w numms iau.-r sec the point and It was only theuiiiterve.ntiim pf vthe U.S.A. that finally turned the balance to the side of frerdonv for Indonesia. It is noteworthy that only ,e am one wan nominatea-lor- tne nouse oi alllv VIM1- timh:i Commons in Vancouver South. Old "Duff" Pattullo bobbed up lift- insurant ? I :. in 'j f rvorv premium' ui'l l.ty I"'1"' he has which iff plenty, in-th way of drive, Initiative, fight, platform personality. Lalng was elected president of B.C. Liberal Association Dec. 10, 1947 That was the day Byron Johnson beat Gordon Wismer,-.l in uav tliat re-all " again to support the young man he felt was the only one who could pull his beloved Liberal Party out of the mire, if it was I... me,. Iiieliwu, apuilmci''. i'r f these countries which won real freedom from former Imperialist rule stand as bulwarks and free fortresses against the sweep ofc world Communism. ami eimilar (ecloiincnl by eight votes for Liberal leadership. But it was much more The imliryhoUlvr plays a part in n't too late. "You're going to hear more about Art Laing," prophesied Mr. Pattullo. In the Commons, Laing has been overshadowed by the gym ;... loo. Tin U a hy-i1""11" It is far from certain that India will be able to stand Indefinitely against Communism. India, too, may fall though my studied conclusion . Is. that she will not; but rather survive as Hients of liin life iniiraiiec l he won that day than Liberal leadership he won the province's premiership. Juhn Hart was retiring. REFLECTS and REMINISCES lnwnr- rni"; tmiiv v'-ilX W fiflW" lf,""": j 'r"r ","""""'"' ' ' eluding, iellniS liiiiwlf- nastics of George Cruickshank of Fraser Valley; the statesman 1 i v world freedom. ship of Robert W. Mayhew of The reception to Crown Prince . past three years, according to J. j Again, In thin nml'trid re-can W. McNaught, parliamentary THE POINT IS the new Red Featuring noM"1 Victoria; the flamboyancy of Jimmy Sinclair of Coast-Capil-ano; the bagpipe-playing of Senator Tom Reid. . 'ii il... l;r. iiixiiniiicc Mr. Pattullo. even then, saw j in Art Laing what he considered the Liberals' only hope. So it was Pattullo who proposed Laing for the presidency. Laing, accepting said: "I don't favor coalition I shall persist In talking Liberalism unqualified." A chill must have 'shaken Johnson that day. He knew imperialism is not taking over secretary to the Minister of Fisheries, Hon. Mr. Sinclair. We Laing's not the spectacular Akhito of Japan is due in Newcastle, England, May 12, but (here may be a riot instead. More than a thousand former Japanese -held prisoners of war are being heard from, and they may take part In the welcome. learned to like crab salad long ago. Great, this prosperity stuff. more and more chunks of ' the world because of its own essential strength but because of our own failures, weaknesses, injustices, and plain sloth. Wat- TtMIII IIUII ..... . 1 helping lian.l. at work. V..;. V ' l.'" mav live longer, I.e.. Ul.i. r live ci.M,cc M H) ril.i money ai.l- heart .lieiisfs. proce-e ol .i.-,1" Iienllli. type, but when he fights on the platform he's good. He puts his whole heart and soul Into what Chief Mathias Joe of Vancou- j I tr nMpr vol ran linhlil. he says. There's no doubling his For a limited lime THIS BEAUTIFUL Jnaik C I CMAIJ Regular $179.50 now $139.00 Terms Available If 1 ksinccrity. Laing as a foe of Coalition. As early as March of 1948 Laing had been knifing Coalition. He called It "the second worst government we have ever had a ver, with gift of totem pole and How long would Malan be abie basket, awaits permission of theito maintain his malign race die-Navy of Canada to Journey to i tatorshiD If the Communists ' Dawson has officially faded away. Whitehorse is the new capital of the Yukon. R. H. Win London aboard HMCS Ontario, Eren the financial vrurliy 'J '"' ' 1 suiunec owner provule '"r .,,,! wrviee lo fellow cit ien. ( ;, happen, to l,i.n,liiam''y"l,"""k dishonest compromise with ex He would help honor the coronation with gifts to the Queen. The history of British Royalty Is pediency." The worst government, in Laing'a opinion, wis that of the Tolmie Now, Art Lalng faces the greatest challenge of his life, a do-or-die political battle. Can he pull the Liberals up, and become B.C.'s next Premier? It seems an almost impossible task, but if anyone can do it Laing can, He's the only hope of the Liberal Party in B.C., in this, that pa-ty's darkest hour. a financial burden toothers. ters, Federal Minister of Resources has so advised parliament. Once twenty-five thousand toiled and moiled where today a few hundred cannot say it isn't so. were as close to South Africa as they are to Cambodia? I CNIB May Get Larger Grant PRINCE GEORGE Two members of the city council agreed n 1$ Bold -words, those were, and RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC In nil these ways, the lopk full of examples of how -well this has been received and recognized, In the relationship between the throne, and the world over. It is one of the reasons of they crackled in the face of tlw Liberal old-guard, which would WHEN MORTE WAS HERE Jack Scott sojourned in Lour- surance nrotminy int:w" I , lire I" rather coalesce with the Tories long harmony. . to make Canatla a holler than chance CCP Socialism. It was awkward for Johnson: 1- that past donations made by the Today, with the world flocking city to the Canadian National to share in It, Queen Elizabeth I Institute for the Blind have been used to have a saving It. Is worth too small. enco Marques (Portuguese East Africa) and wrote long stories about hunting elephants and the cost of their ivory. Jack could have had a chat with Morte Cialg when the latter was In AT YOUR SERVICE! here his chief adviser In the party was against Coalition and repr"lin A trained lif underwriter SB ZTo Canadian remembering. The queen of 400 First to remark on last year's (he more business near Third Avenue and years ago said: "In pompous 1 25 grant was Mayor Dezell. Ald- Stale, life in'onc,"mamil'',t. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. rhone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. erman Carrie Jane Gray concur he, the leader, was for it. Naturally enough, from then on, Johnson and Laing had little to do with each other, an impossible situation for both. When they did meet there was coldness. If not friction. ruiton bireet nere. no need to ceremonies a secret of govern gladly help you -. Re n.m ment doth much consist." In your own nw" j have taken the trouble to go all 1;he way to the Dark Continent. other words, a dictum which the ... ...uirc IN CANi red with the mayor when an application for assistance this year was read out. Council will await the return As the 1949 Liberal conven THE LIFE INSURANCE WMrw. ' ''''' "" ll is Co.hI Cilizrtiihip to m. of finance committee chairman tion drew near. Johnson decided modern world should not neglect. In other Words, we like state and show and pomp, and If we're going to be bossed, let's show It. American fishermen have caught more than three .million pounds of crabs in, B.C. Hecate Strait fishing grounds- In the Alderman William Ferry before he must have another president, deciding what grant to make, it was the only way, If he was