6 I Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, May 4, 1953 J MTHUt UmpumT CLAUDETTE .1 A t i Phillie; Move Into First-Place Tie With Double Victories Over Chicago lULDtnhtiAti CCC Shooters Successfully Defend Trophy In spite of unfavorable weather, a large number of trap-shooters turned out to watch a team from Columbia Cellulose defend the Rupert Radio Chal ; W NEW YOKK (Ci'l Itobin . Roberts iiiid Curt Simmons; pitched Plnliidt'ipliiu Phillies ; urn dI a slip.ht slump and into j a tie for the National Lpacup i SUNDAY American League New York 6, Detroit 5. Washington 0-3, Cleveland 7-4. Phihiriolnhia 4-10. CMcaKO lead with twin victories over jg rv.WC) 'h? lenge Cup which they had won a week ago from Atlin Fisheries team. Scfrne good shooting was done, and the match was close. The CCC shooters, led off by Harold S.hacffcr, were Frank I Boston 14-5. St. Louis 5-3. j St. I.ou.s 2, Pittsburgh 8. I Cincinnati at New York 121 cnirago bunuay. Roberts' opcnini; six-hit t Z. rki.iv. plus Simmons' five-hit 2-0 shutout pulled Philadelphia even with Brooklyn Dodgers. ft II It ft V Alllnsham, Sandy Hamilton, Vic who won thfir sixth straight, : posiponea. 4-3. on Rillv Lots' three-hitter) Pacific Coast League against Milwaukee. Seattle 10-10 San Francisco 40 ' Williams and Butch Currie, and .1 ran up a score of 87. J Fashion Footwear team, led off The victories broke a three- 6-1 by Tommy Boulter, were Dom Dominate. Hans Husvlk, Earl game losing streak for Philadelphia. Other week-end baseball Portland 6-0, Hollywood 7-1. Oakland 1-1, San Diego 7-6. Los Angeles 3-1, Sacramento 0-3. TOTEM Western Intel national Lcacue Wen. lichee 0-10. Salem 1-8. Vancouver !)-6, Yakima 3-0. Victorja 7-10. Tri-City 5-6. Calgary 1-6. Spokane 3-7. Edmonton 1-4, Lewiston 3-25. SATl'RDAY American Leajrue Philadelphia -i, Detroit i. Washington 5. St.. Louis 4. New York 7, Chicago 8. Boston 5, Cleveland 1. National League Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 12. St. Louis at New York, Chicaso it Brooklyn and Milwauicee at Philadelphia, all postponed i rain). Pacific Coast League Portland 10. Hollywood 5. Seattle 8. San Francisco 7. Oakland 0, San Diego 4. Los Angeles 6, Sacremento 5. Western International League Victoria 5, Tri-City 16. Edmonton 3. Lewiston 10. Calgary 5-1. Spokane 6-2. Vancouver 1, Yakima 2. Wenatchce at Salem ppd. Remember When Sunday baseball was illegal ;ven in New York until the first year after the First World War. tn the first National League Sun- Today to Wednesday Fan"""' to. lilt niiiirsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111111 NEW CROWN is going to come into gradual use in Canada. For 52 years the crown on the right has been the one used on Canadian military badges and Insignia, on coins, stamps, on the Governor-General's standard and elsewhere. It is called the Tudor crown and is a heraldic representation of the St. Edward's Coronation crown. Queen Elizabeth has decided to use a representation (left) which more closely resembles the actual St. Edward 's crown. The main difference is in the pearl-studded arch which in the Tudor crown rises in a semi-circle but in the other dips at the centre. WALLACE'S MENS' SHOP Becker and R. Montgomery, with a score of 84. Frank Allingham i:d Tommy Boulter were hh abuts, with 22 each, and Frank had a run of 16 straight. After the match shoot, several Individual matches or 10 shots each were run off, with Frank Park-It and Tommy Boulter the winners. It is expected the winning team Monday and Tuesday Arsenal Wins 1st Division Title Downing Burnley 3-2 will be challenged by one of the ii. t ...... t.. . V. - ,.14. : 2 For 1 SALE Men's Work Shoes oilier ui gaiu.-awuiia in u-e i and are ready to defend the cup ! at any time. Plus MEN 5 AND EOYS' WEAR SPECIALS LONDON (Reuters) London's t-d In promotion to the first favored Arsenal defeated Burn- division next season. They ley 3-2 to win the English change places with Stoke City League Division I Roccer chain- and Derby County. I Wallace's Dept. Store Jay baseball game at New York pionship with a superior goal Bristol Rovers lost 1-0 to Crys-' tal Palace but finished at the WHL Attendance Figures Top Million Mark 34 years ago today Philadelphia average Arsenal finished the season, head of the couthern section of defeated New York Giants 4-J 0 Iwith 54 points, the same as nivisinm in with m noinc. Thp in j Preston North End. But Arsenal R0Vers will be competing in the i scored 97 goals to 64 against, &rcond division .with Oldham I j compared with Preston's 85 to Athletic, northern section lead-1 I 60. r nnvt fall I ' I STERLING HAYDEN RICHARD CARLSON SEATTLE i API Attendance at Western Hockey League games In the second division, Hud- ,. , . ,.,,. j..J ..... i Southampton and Barnslny i topped the million mark the ueit.iM.iu luw.i ueieaieu i-iy- - ... iBrt u. ,(!, ti. ihi m.t to make sure ' e relegated to tne tnira ,"vv , IU niaRC Sure .,-nr. rairhhl 1 1(1, Hdn Annuo mouth Argyle 4-0 . v. ...... . ,.-.,.--,.-- flivi.inn cf accompanying Sheffield Uni- A PDF.!) FEATl'RE Kirby Grant in 'YUKON GOLD' president Al Leader announced DSW . Famous Players Thtii; jit was an Increase of 11,481 over ! a year ago. The three Prairie cities Cal-: gary, Edmonton and Saskatoon I had the highest figures. Including playoff games, totalling i 190,538, 177.803 and 170,677 re-Uspectively. Tacoma's attendance. Yankee-Brown Fight Worst In 20 Years, Says Umpire LIGHTWEIGHT WITH The simple truth Is that most was 59,772 and Seattle's 57.426. By C.AYLE TALBOT PHONE (BS Tax In winning the President s ball players are poor with their NEW YORK (CP) Bill Sum- fii, p.rt,an, n hnnrired timp Cup, fourth-place Edmonton CYCO mers, veteran American League nave seen a couple of them eliminated the third, second and umpire, says that battle royal ,rlLSn towar(j each other, bellow- first-place clubs in that order, between trie Yankees and the 4n an(1 ticking up dust, but we lex K,alettt, Saskatoon centre. Browns at St. Louis the other cannot recall ever having seen a was tne individual scoring chain-day was the worst he has seen p!ayer an(j a gO0C), clean blow Pim of tne play-offs, tallying in his 20 years in the majors, before the wrestling began. ' ;nine Boab and assisting in 11 "More real hard punches were . . , others for a total of 23 points, i thrown and landed on both sides : he " y.'p e . 5 k n,,fii ' Thl? league annual meeting PROMPT SERVICE HEATED CAR! 9 CloJUyt ' STAND: IIKlCmSON HI.'X K, SIXTH STREET; ftcRAE Bros. Ltd. than I ever saw before," Bill said. "JUJ' " " VT'..', Cleveland "' will be held here May 12-13. scrapper Is Al Rosen, "There was one ui.e real .Ca good Bwu fight VsV. toiPf,h,SBm!.n. ,Ie ,.as a B00d 'The 5'iora Ti-.ct Service Built" ri.one 311 McRricIe St. Gnin? on that naraly anyDoay T : . ,. , ' nt co118 ow" ee I noticed in the confusion." , f South. He challenged a loud, ; mouthed fan in Tucson this' 'spring, but the fellow was smart. long Shot Dark Star Captures Derby MUSIC AND DRAMA FESTIVAL TUESDAY, MAY 5th MOIlNIM. !):15 a.m. Auditorium King Mward Siliwl PIANOWKTB mil" under 1 ttnii U1T 8 SOLO on VIOLIN Cirmlin one. two and Ihrre AFTERNOON 1 30 p.m. Capitol Theatre Costly Minnows QUEBEC CP) One upset pall could cost taxpayers a The RINGING HAME.1 Elfincntary schwils; PIA.NOFOItTt t j LOUISVILLE .' Dark Star, from the Cain Hoy stable, pulled one of racing's greatest upsets Saturday by winning the 79th Kentucky Derby In a slam-bang i lot of money, the Quebec biolo- steal bureau warned as the fish-i ing season opens. M.nndws let und.r.- 14 and under IS; JUNIOR CHORUS gmin in thror tlcmrntarv scliooln; PIANO AUOHWON ENSEMB loose by anglers grow up Into various .ypes ti ijoh that crowd ' finlsh that endMl the unbcutcn , Junior Acordlnn ind EVENING 7:30 p.m. Auditorium Civic (mlrc BAND Alvanull Silver Harmonic Ba..U; Prince Kulri i more valuable sport fish out of,'tl;olu Jockey Henry Moreno put Dark ,uk-... Resultant clearing many ; star , front mon afur tne tart and rest.icking of these waters Is ; 0f the milc-and-one-quarter rac- Most Bnrul: CHORUS: CHOIRS: CORNET BOt-C'otisult rroKramnic. No Honour rrrfiirmance ! ing classic for three-year-olds . expensive. Prince Rupert Music & Drama fest.val Assoc. I HERE'S DRIVING AT ITS BEST . . . ill STl DKBAKKK SLOAN Air conditioner, Spotlight. Radio, Sun Visor. A real nice 2-tone. ertu row He held It to the end as Native Dancer closed with a steady drive in the stretch, only to be beaten by "a margin of the winner's sleek brown head. Dark Star, brown son of Australian sire, Itoyal Gem II, was one of the long shots In the field of 11 three-year-olds. A roar went up when they posted a price of $51.80 for $2 In the upset victory. He paid $13.60 to place and $7 to show. m HOIK.K Fluid Drive, radio, heater, sun visor. A man's car. Gasoline 50 rKKl' TCT as is. A means of good reliable transporta tion. Bob Richards Top Relays VANCOUVER (CP) - Bob Klch-aids captured Individual aggregate at the fifth annual run '52 International I'iik-I'p with heater and oil filter. $150 Off List Your Car t '49 Flying Standard Saloon ning of Vancouver relays Saturday, but failed to pass the 15-.995 mark In his specialty polo vault. Richards, who has topped the . . . your SECOND car de SAIL SOUTH I 15-.995 mark 45 times and Is sec pendability. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. 3rd Ave, al Park Ave. Phone Green 217 Con Use! aboard the "Prititess Ioi ond only to Cornelius Warmer-dam, who holds the record of 15 feel, seven Inches, reached a height of 14 feet '63. Inches. r . ..i.l ..uiiodali"" I'" ' . ,, : ,.rr,.,,rc,n.y Social w i H(.,n"c Anpcli.ing mculs v-o... ELL IS ""Southbound Soilings from Prince Rupert Shell is not content u rely on refinery test alone. Shell Premium is given road tests in atlu.il production models duplicating your driving needs to make sure that it is the most powerfuf gasoline your car can use. Shell Premium is activated 3 ways for quick starts, for smooth knotkless power, and for full mileage. Get the most powerful gasoline your car can use ask your neighbourhood Shell dealer Phone 266 Office opposite Post Office A IIP Wedncsdoy, May 13 Saturday, May 23 Wednesday, June 3 - Hew Schedule starting May 1 for Activated Shell Premium! And approximately every If Leave Prince Rupert 12:00 Noon for IKES ulioif contact for information and resvrt vS,H EH' J. D. NOTMAN, AGENT PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Li PREMIUM ASdifE mm KETCHIKAN WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU and other Alaskan centres with connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE See Your Local Travel Agent